REPORT REPORT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL 16 June 1978-15 June 1979 GENERAL ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL RECORDS: THIRTY-FOURTH SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 2 (A/34/2) UNITED NATIONS New York, 1980 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. Documents of the Security Council (symbol S/...) are normally published in quarterly Supplements of the Official Records of the Security Council. The date of the document indicates the supplement in which it appears or in which information about it is given. The resolutions of the Security Council, numbered in accordance with a system adopted in 1964, are published in yearly volumes of Resolutions and D5ecisions of the Security Council. The new system, which has been applied retroactively to resolutions adopted before 1 January 1965, became fully operative on that date. [Original: Chinese/English/FrenchlRussian/Spanish ] 7 December 1979] CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 1 Part I Questions considered by the Security Council under its responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security Chapter I. THE SITUATION IN THE MIDDLE EAST .......................................... 2 A. United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon and developments in the IsraelLebanon sector ...................................................... 2 B. United Nations Emergency Force ..................................... 11 C. United Nations Disengagement Observer Force ......................... II D. The situation in the occupied Arab territories ........................... 13 E. Question of the exercise by the Palestinian people of its inalienable rights.. 17 F. Communications and reports concerning other aspects of the situation in the M iddle East ......................................................... 18 2. THE SITUATION IN CYPRUS .................................................... 19 A. Communications to the Security Council and request for a meeting ........ 19 B. Consideration at the 2099th and 2100th meetings (15 and 27 November 1978) 20 C. Further communications to the Security Council during 1978 and reports of the Secretary-G eneral ................................................ 21 D. Consideration at the 2107th meeting (14 December 1978) ................. 21 E. Communications to the Security Council received between 1 January and 15 June 1979 ........................................................... 22 F. Communications and reports from the Secretary-General ................. 22 G. Consideration at the 2150th meeting (15 June 1979) ...................... 23 3. THE SITUATION IN NAMIBIA ................................................... 24 A. Communications to the Security Council received between 16 June and 27 July 1978 and request for a meeting .................................... 24 B. Consideration at the 2082nd meeting (27 July 1978) ...................... 24 C. Communications and reports to the Security Council received between 31 July and 29 September 1978 ..................................... 25 D. Consideration at the 2087th and 2088th meetings (29 and 30 September 1978) 25 E. Communications and reports to the Security Council received between 2 and 24 October 1978 and request for a meeting .............................. 26 F. Consideration at the 2092nd and 2094th to 2098th meetings (31 October to 13 N ovem ber 1978) ..................................................... 27 CONTENTS (continued) Chapter Page G. Communications and reports to the Security Council received between 1 November and 4 December 1978 and request for a meeting ................28 H. Consideration at the 2103rd and 2104th meetings (4 and 5 December 1978) 28 I. Communications and reports to the Security Council received between 8 December 1978 and 15 June 1979 ...................................... 28 4. QUESTION CONCERNING THE SITUATION IN SOUTHERN RHODESIA .............. 30 A. Communications to the Security Council received between 16 June and 6 O ctober 1978 ........................................................ 30 B. Consideration at the 2090th meeting (10 October 1978) ................... 31 C. Communications and report to the Security Council received between 13 October 1978 and 28 February 1979 .................................... 31 D. Consideration at the 2119th and 2122nd meetings (2-8 March 1979) ....... 32 E. Communications and report to the Security Council received between 15 M arch and 27 A pril 1979 .............................................. 34 F. Consideration at the 2142nd and 2143rd meetings (27 and 30 April 1979) ... 34 G. Subsequent communications and report to the Security Council ........... 35 5. THF QL FS fION OF SOUTH AFRICA .............................................. 36 'k Communications to the Security Council received between 16 June 1978 and 5 April 1979 and request for a meeting ................................. 36 B. Consideration at the 2140th meeting (5 April 1979) ....................... 37 C . Subsequent com munications ........................................... 37 6 COMPI -%IN I BI .N",OI A ..G.5AIN5I SOUTH AFRICA ............................... 37 \. Communications to the Security Council and request for a meeting ........ 37 B. Consideration at the 2130th, 2132nd, 2133rd and 2135th to 2139th meetings (19-28 M arch 1979) .................................................. 38 C . Subsequent comm unications ........................................... 39 7. TELEGRAM DATED 3 JANUARY 1979 FROM THE DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER IN ( ifSRGE of- FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DEMOCRATIC KAMPUCHEA TO THE PRESIDENT Of THE SECURIIY COUNCIL ................................................ 40 A. Communications to the Security Council during November and December 1978 ............ ........ ........................................ 40 B. Communications to the Security Council between I and 15 January 1979 and request for a meeting .............................................. 40 C. Consideration at the 2108th to 2112th meetings (11-15 January 1979) ...... 42 D. Subsequent communications received between 15 January and 15 June 1979 43 8. THE SiIUATION IN SOUTH-EAST ASIA AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR INTERNATIONAL PLACE AND SECURITY. fLETTER DATED 22 FEBRUARY 1979 FROM THE REPRESENIATIVES OF NORWAY, PORTUGAL, THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL (S/131 11)J ................................ 45 A. Communications to the Security Council and requests for a meeting ....... 45 B. Consideration at the 2114th to 2118th meetings (23-28 February 1979) ..... 46 iv CONTENTS (continued) Chapter Page C. Communications received between I and 15 March 1979 ................. 48 D. Consideration at the 2129th meeting (16 March 1979) .................... 48 E. Subsequent communications received between 16 March and 15 June 1979 49 Part 11 Other matters considered by the Security Council 9. ADMISSION OF NEW M EMBERS ............................................. 50 A. Application of Solomon Islands ........................................ 50 B. Application of Dominica .............................................. 50 10. ELECTION OF FIVE MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE ...... 50 Part III The Military Staff Committee 11. WORK OF THE MILITARY STAFF COMMITTEE ................................ 52 Part IV Matters brought to the attention of the Security Council but not discussed in the Council during the period covered 12. COMMUNICATIONS CONCERNING THE COMPLAINT BY BENIN ...................... 53 13. COMMUNICATIONS CONCERNING THE COMPLAINT BY CHAD ........................ 53 14. COMMUNICATIONS CONCERNING THE SITUATION IN WESTERN SAHARA AND THE COMPLAINT BY M OROCCO .................................................. 54 15. COMMUNICATION CONCERNING RELATIONS BETWEEN ETHIOPIA AND SOMALIA .. 54 16. COMMUNICATIONS CONCERNING RELATIONS BETWEEN UGANDA AND THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA ................................................... 55 17. COMMUNICATIONS CONCERNING COMPLAINTS BY ZAMBIA ......................... 55 18. COMMUNICATIONS CONCERNING IHE COMPLAINT BY MOZAMBIQUE ............... 55 19. COMMUNICATION CONCERNING ANGOLA .................................... 56 V CONTENTS (continued) Chapter Page 20. COMMUNICATION CONCERNING THE QUESTION OF KOREA .........................56 21. REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONCERNING THE TRUST TERRITORY OF THE PACIFIC ISLAN DS ......................................................... 56 22. COMMUNICATIONS CONCERNING RELATIONS BETWEEN ARGENTINA AND CHILE.. 56 23. COMMUNICATIONS CONCERNING THE SITUATION IN NICARAGUA .................. 57 24, COMMUNICATIONS CONCERNING THE STRENGTHENING OF INTERNATIONAL SECURIT Y .................... ................................................. 57 25. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE CO- ORDINATING BUREAU OF NON-ALIGNED COUNTRIES ................................................ 58 26. COMMUNICATIONS TRANSMITTING RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL AsSEMBLY AT ITS THIRTY-THIRD SESSION ...................................... 58 APPENDICES 1. Membership of the Security Council during the years 1978 and 1979 ......... 59 I. Representatives and deputy, alternate and acting representatives accredited to the Security C ouncil ................................................... 59 Ill. Presidents of the Security Council ....................................... 60 IV. Meetings of the Security
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