WAAT970 WINS 1010 WNBC 660WOV. 1280 NEWS BULLETINS - WBNX 1380 WJZ 770 WNEW 1130WPAT 930 WCBS 880 WLIB 1190 PROGRAMS ON THE AIR WIWR .1430WQXR 1560every hour on the hour 7 A.. U. WEVD 1330 WAICA570 WNYC 830WI/NJ 620 to midnight "CrUCT WHOM 1480 WMGM 1050 WOR .710WWFtL 1600 SATURDAY, FEB. 25, 1950 WQXR MORNING OHO on rota dial) MORNING RADIO WOXRThe New York Times News WQKRFM 5:00-WORJoe Bier Program 10:1541 A. M.New York Times Youth Forum: "Can Youth Solve the 8:05-WQXRBreakfast Symphony 96.3 ma (Channel 14Z) WNEWRecorded Music Problem of Discrimination?"Arthur Mayer, Guest; Senior High WNBCJohnny Andrews Show 5:30-WNBCTom Page, Rural News 845-WORBreakfast With the Hartmans WNEWNews; Recorded Music School Group; Dorothy Gordon, ModeratorWQXR. WJZEd and Pegeen Fitzgerald S:45-WJZRecorded Music . 2-2:30Voices and Events: Featuring Robert A. Vogeler's RecOrded WCBSPhil Cook- Show WQXRThe New York Times NeWs_. WCBSJack Sterling Show Court Room Pleas at Budapest TrialWNBC. WINSJoe Durso, News 10:05-WQXRThe Bandstand 6:00-WNBCTex Antoine Show 8:30-WNBCFrank Luther, Songs 10:15-17/0RGet More Out of Life WORRambling With Gambling 2-5:30Metropolitan Opera: "Khovanchina," With Rise Stevens, Law- WCBSMargaret. Arlen program: W(VCRNew York Times Youth Forum: WJZFarm NewsPhilip Alampi rence Tibbett, Polyna Stoska, OthersWJZ. Maurice Evans,: Guest Can. Youth -Solve .The Problem of- WMCANews; Fisherman's Guide 2World Theatre: "Hamlet," With John Gielgud (Recorded)WNYC.. DiscriminationfArthur Mayer, Guest; WINSArt .Scanlon Show WNEWNews:WINSArt Scanlon A411111118- Show Goes Senior High School Group; Dorothy WMGMNewsreel Theatre 2:304:30Basketball: Manhattan vs. Fordham; 8:30-10:30ICnicker-8:45-WMCA-rFront Page Drama Gordon, Moderator 6:30-WNBCNeks; Tex Antoine Show bockers vs. Chicago, at 69th Regiment ArmoryWMGM. - 8:54-WMG1K=Weather: Carlton _Fredericka 10:30-WNBCMary Lee 'Taylor Show WJZPatt Barnes 4-4:30Living-1950: "Uncle Sam Counts Noses' WNBC. WNYCNewii ' ..:WCBSJoe DiMaggio Show: Gairge WCBSNews; Jack Sterling Show -4:30-5Atomic City, U. S. A.: Scientists 9:00-WNBCTom; Timmy and MaitzChildren's Mikan, Guest WNEWNews: Songs of Faith -Show .. WNYCMusic Maestro 6:45-WNEWChristian Science Program Orchestra: Arturo Toscanini,InterviewedWOES.6:30-7:30Symphony ConductorWNBC. WORNews; -Harry' Hennessy WNEWNews: Make-Believe -Ballroom 6:55-WNYCNews; -Sunrise Symphony 8:05-9Symphony .Hall Dvorak, Symphony No. 4WQXR.. WJZNo School TodayChildren's 10:45-WORLet's Go. Ruth and Philip Hunter 7:00-WNBCNews; Johnny Andrews Show 8:30-9Truth or Consequences: With Ralph EdwardsWNBC. Variety Show- Jon Arthur and WNYCJunior Journal WORMelvin ElliottNews :Others. wiss-wxyr.--.News - - - WJZNews, Julian "AnthollY 8:30-9Comedy: "The Goldbergs," With Gertrude BergWCBS:-. WCBSNews: Jack Sterling Show 9-9:30Hit Parade: Jeff Clark and Eileen WilsonWNBC. WCBSThis Is New York. Bill Leonard:11:00-WITSCLasseDrama , WORprescott Robinson, News WMCANews: Great Day 1041Theatre of the Air: "Cat and the Fiddle"WOR. Shirley Booth, Guest WINSToe Durso, News WMCALet's Listen to a Story, Jane WJZJoe Franklin's Record Shoo WMGMTed Brown Show 10-11Sing It Again: Dan Seymour and Others-7WCBS. 'Evans, Narrator WCBSAllan Jackson, News WNEWAnything Goes; Variety WNYCMasterwork Hour WMCANews: Recorded Music WQXRThe New York Times Newt ,WINSArt Scanlon Show WNYCChildren's CornerSongs and 7:05-WQXRBrealtrast Symphony " TELEVISION WQ)CieThe New York Times News . Stories 7:10-WJZWeather Report 2:25Basketball: Navy vs. Notre DameWCBS-TV;.. 2:45Manhattan'9:05-WQXRMorning Melodies WQXRThe New York Times News 7:15-WORGambling's Musical Clock 9:15-WNSCPAL Theatr 11:05-WCBSLet's Pretend WJZPeople and Things, Patt Barnes vs.. PordharnWPIX ; 8:30Rutgers vs. WOEBill Lang; Comthanta WQXRGlibert. and Sullivan Concert WINSArt Scanlon' Mow 7-7:09:American Forum: "Should Atomic - SeoradY Be Relaxed" or9:30-WNBCPeople Are FunnyArt Linkletter11:15-WN13CStamp ClubHarry L. Lindquist: 7: 26-WQXRWeather Report . ' Tightefied?'.!Senator Karl Mundt, Dr; J. A. CampbellWNBT, WORThe McCarms'id Home Major Robert J. Barrett, Major. George 7:30-WNBCNews,. Chatles F. McCarthy , WMCAGuest Star, J. Nally, James H. Bower, Guests WCBSNews; Jack Sterling Show 7a5-7:30Mayor O'Dwyer, Guest of John CrossonWPIX. ' WINSThree Corner Club WORTele-Kid Test WMCASports Round-UP 7:30-8Hollywood Screen Test: Philip Reed, GuestWJZ-TV. WMGM-L-Fun At Breakfast, - With Ward WNYCPolice Safety Program - WNEWNews; Anything Goes 8-9-54th Street Revue: Joey Faye, Marilyn Day, OthersWCBS-TV. Wilson - 11:304VNBCSmIlin' Ed McConnell WQXRBreakfast Symphony WNEWNews; Recorded Musid WORQuiz Club # - 7:36-WMCAGreat Day 840:30Saturday Night Revue: Variety From Chicago: Jack Carter, 9:45-WCEsMissus Goes A-Shopping; With WJZAt 116rae. With MusicSigmund 7:45-WCBSIlarry Clark, News Cass Daley, Others; From New York: sid Caesar, Burgess Meredith, John Reed King Spaeth WMCAUnity ViewpointTalk Gertrude Lawrence, Imogene Coca, OthersWNBT (Premiere). WMCAHere's to Veterans WCBSJunior MissComedy WNYCWeather Report: News 10: 00-WNBCFred Waring Show , WMCAYoung Book Reviewers: 7:55-WJZNews Reports 8-9Paul Whiteman TV Teen ClubWJZ-TV. WOENews; Henry Gladstone Margaret G Scoggin 6:00-WNBCNews; Clyde Kitten 8-8:30Twenty Question Quiz: Faye EmersonWOR-TV (Also WOR). WCBSHousewives. Protective League WNYCP.A.L. Show: Children's Talent WORPrestott Robinson, News 8:45Wrestling: Broadway. ArenaWOR-TV; 10ChicagoWABD. Galen Drake Time WJZNews, Martin Agronsky WNEWNews; Bing Crosby Records 9-9:30Ed Wynn Show: Mitzi Green, William FarnumWCBS-TV. WNICANews: The Little Show - WCBSNews Round-Up WINSCharlie Starke's Music Shop Personalities WMCANews; Recorded Music 9-10Cavalcade of Stars: Jackie Miles and OthersWABD. 11:45-WORGoing Places: Lorraine Sherwood WNYCChildren's Story Fair 9Boxing, From Ridgewood Grove ArenaWPIX. WMGMTed Busing Band Stand WQXRLuncheon Concert WNEWMake-Believe Ballroom : 11:55..WHYO-News 12:00AVNBCNews, Charles F. McCarthy 12:45-WORFhe Answer Man WMGMNews Conductor WMGMRecorded MUSIC WORMan on the.Farm WMCAMusic Box 2:00-WNBCVoices and Events, Featuring WORCalifornie CaravanSketch WNEWNews; Music WJZHome Gardener, With Phil 12:55-WNYCNews Robert A. Vogeler's Court Room Pleas WCBSReport From Overseas WQXRMusic of Our Time Alampi; Paul Frese, Guest MO-WM:ICFarm and Home Hour at Budapest Trial (Recorded) WMCANews: Recorded Music 4:45-WMGMWeather Report; Recorded WCBS:--Theatre of Today: Doctor's Wife, WOKLuncheon at Sardrs: Bill Slater WJZMetropolitan Opera: Khovanchlna, WQXRThe New York Times News Music With Agnes Moorehead . WIZNavy Hour With Rise Stevens, Lawrence Tibbett, 3: 03-WQXRSymphonic Matinee. WMCANews; Recorded Music WCBSStars Over Hollywood: Baroness -polyna Stoska, Others: 2:45Edward 5:00-WNBCSlim Bryant and Wildcats WNYCMidday symphony 'Munchausen, With Veronica Lake Johnson; 3:22Opera News: Boris 3:M-W.CESAdventures in Science WDRTrue or False Goldov'sky: 4:23Opera Quiz: Deems 3:30-WCBSFarm News . WCBSJimmy Dorsey Show WINSJoe Durso, News WMCANews: Recorded Music WORProudly We HallSketch WMCANews; Recorded Music WMGMChildren's Variety Show' WNYCChamber Music Taylor, Sigmund Spaeth, Robert Bagel, 3:45-WCBSCross Section. U. S. A.. With ' WMGMTed Husing Bandstand WNEWLet Yourself Go: Peggy Anne WMGMRecorded Music James Melton . WCBSCounty Fair Dwight Cooke . WQXRThe New York Times News Ellis. Teddy Wilson WINSListen to Lacy . 4:00:WNBCLiving-1950Documentary 5:05-WQXRMusic for the Cello WQXRThe New York Times News WNEWFollow he Leader WMCANews: Recorded, Music Drama: Uncle Sam Counts Noses 12:05-WNECThe Critics' Corner WQXRThe New York Times News WNYCWorld Theatre: Hamlet. 'With 5:15-WNBCGuest Star John Gielgud (iecorded) WORCount of Monte Cristo . WQXRRecord Review WQXRLuncheon Concert 1:05-WQXRMidday Symphony . ' WCl3STommy Ryan Orchestra 12:15-WNBCPublic Affairs: Wade Adams and1:30-WNBCUniversity or Chicago Round WMGM.Ken Roberts Show 5:30-WNBCDrama: The Seedling, With Rob. WNEWMusic Hall WNEWSpin the Wheel - ert Montgomery, Narrator His Income Tax Table: Human Nature and the Atom WINSBattling Baritones WINSPat Terry. Songs WORRadie Harris Interviews Jack WINSLuncheon Date BombWilliam F. Ogburn, Kenneth WQXRThe New York Times 'News -- Benny (Premiere) 12:30-WNBCVincent Lopez Orchestra Burke and Others WQXRThe New York Times News 4:05-WQXRRecord Album WORHenry Gladstone, News WOKTune Time 2:05-WQXRRecord Review 4:15-WINSFred. Waring Orchestra WJZRecorded Music, with Jacques Fray WJZNews WJZRoger Dann Show 2:30-WNBCRoy Stevens Orchestra WCBSMusical Notebook WCBSGrand Central Station: Promise WCBSGive and TakeJohn Reed King . WORMr. Dynamic Show 4:30-WN110,-World :AssignmentRotary Inter- -WMCABing Crosby Records . national Drama of Life of Vagh Korse- To Cathy, With Cameron Mitchell, WMGMV. D. Series - WCBSGet More Out of Life WNYCHands Across the Sea Leora Dana WNEWNews: Recorded Music WMGMBasketball:Manhattan vs.' baek. DisCussion on Rotary Scholar- WNEWMake-Believe Ballroom WMCAGuarnieri's Quintet 1:35-WORThe 'B and D Club Fordham at 69th Regiment Armory ships WQXRCocktail Hour WINSListen to Lacy 1:45-WNYCWeather Report WHEWNews; Music Hall WORMr. Dynamic Show. 5:4S-WNBCHollywood Close-UpsInterviews WMGMHour of ChampionsSam Taub WMGMKeyboard Variations WQXRMovie Music - WCBS=Atornic Cie'. U. S: A.Recorded WORHollywood Quiz WNEWNews, Recorded Music 1:50-WNYCNews 3:00-WNBCPioneers of Music: Oklahoma Interviews. With Oak Ridge Scientists WJZTea and Crumpets, Music 12:35-WJZAmerican Farmer 1:55-wNYCWorld News Symphony Orchestra, Victor
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