Flicks Tonight Camp Counselors '"1 tic Long 110 Nianitaivr' a Ill Applica t ig ins for Fretellunen be screened tonight at 'I and Camp counselors may be picked 9:30 In TH35. The movie, star- up today in the College Union. ring Joanne. Woodward and Paul Intenieus will be held March Newman, is bawd on the Ten- 19 from 2 to 3 p.m. and March nessee Williams' play dealing 20 and 21 from 8 to 5 p.m. IPA with hiner-familly conflicts with- in MAN DAILY PER. 109. in a decadent Suesthern 1.0111111U- II SAN JOSE STATE 111t3 . COLLEGE Vol. 52 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1965 No.14- Council Discusses Massive March to S.F. Housing Problems Approved housing provided Stu- the College Housing Office. dent Council with plenty of action The first resolution urged the at Wednesday afternoon's meeting. housing committee to proceed with all possible speed in establishing Two resolutions introduced by Civil Rights Groups Expect 6,000 a one-semester contract for all John Bruckman, sophomore repre- approved housing. sentative, dealt with present "San Jose civil rights groups march if it did not interfere with SENIOR KEYS rules which approved housing plan to stage a massive march the normal flow of traffic. "We expect a number of faculty groups follow under guidance of After passing the one-semester to San Francisco beginning this resolution, council voted to have afternoon at 4 on Seventh Street," members and local clergymen to the Associated Women Students according to Bill Cole, president of address tomorrow's rally," Cole (AWS) investigate the possibility DR. TED W. BENEDICT SJS Friends of the Student Non- said. "Among those who have def- of "senior keys" and the abolish- . speech prof. speaks violent Coordinating Committee initely made a commitment are Legislature, ment of lock-out regulations. (SNCC). Dr. Richard Tansey of the Art AWS must report back to coun- Cole said all civil rights groups Department and Dr. David K cil within the next three weeks on in the cities and colleges along Newman of Psychology." the results of its investigation. Dr. Benedict the march route have been notified "In addition to SJS faculty U.C. View Council went on record to es- and are expected to join the main members we have invited several tablish a residual fund for the body of marchers as they move San Jose city councilmen," Shaw purpose of maintaining a sound added. Talks Today along. system for Seventh Street speak- Estimates of up to 6,000 persons "The persons we have contacted Pres. Kerr era. eventually taking part in the between here and San Francisco However, the speaker systen march have been voiced by SNCC who cannot actually march will In Cafeteria supply refreshments for the march- Hugh Burns, president pro-tern will not be available for use until officials. ers," Cole said. of the California State Senate, at the residual fund is included in "The march is scheduled to start "The Problem of Speaking and "The Federal Building in San his press conference yesterday, next year's budget. at 4 p.m.," Cole said, "but a pre- Being Understood" is the topic of Francisco will be the target of said that a former Communist march rally will be held on Sev- LETER a speech to be given this after- the march," Cole stated. "We will youth leader is teaching at the enth Street starting at 1:30 this Dan Auza, freshman repre- noon at 3:30 in cafeteria A and B. afternoon." hold a rally there on Sunday University of California and that Dr. Ted W. Benedict, professor morning after the completion of President Clark Kerr "must go." sentative, asked council to send a Cole indicated that the rally of speech, will discuss this at the the march." letter to Governor George Wallace and march was being sponsored The Fresno Democrat said, "It International Student Organization of Alabama protesting the treat- by a large number of Bay Area * * * Is inevitable that the president of meeting. ment of Martin Luther King and political and civil rights groups the university and the top brass Dr. Benedict has his B.A. from his civil rights marchers in Selma. Including the Council of Racial of his administration must go." Pacific Union College, his MA. The resolution was referred to Equality (CORE) and the SJS Demonstrators Burns declined to name the pro- from University of Southern Cali- the External Policy Committee Democratic Club. fessor but said the name would fornia and his Ph.D. from Uni- for one week. "The tentative route for the appear shortly in a report from versity of Southern California. Action will be taken next week march wil be along El Camino Rally Here the Committee on Un-American He was a teaching assistant at on the appropriation of $2,877 for Real," SNCC co-chairman Jim Activities. He is the chairman of University of Southern California national athletic championships Shaw reported. "Final plans have that committee. and taught at Pacific Union Col- requested by the men's athletic not been set for the route, how-1 S e I ma Rights Jesse Unruh, speaker of the as- lege and Andrews University. department. ever." sembly, warned that "unless the He specializes in public address, Belts A Spartan Daily spot-check late A Seventh Street rally, con- university faculty mends its dif- rhetoric and radio-television. His ceived as a "warm-up" for to- SEVENTH STREETStudent Ernest Gambrell led off a series of yesterday afternoon of police and ferences and supports disciplinary background includes work as gen- day's demonstration and march ASB Candidate speakers yesterday as a rally was staged, calling attention to fire departments of cities along attempts of the university admin- eral manager of campus radio sta- to San Francisco, turned into tonight's protest march to San Francisco. The rally attracted a the proposed route indicated there istration, there could be disastrous tions and a variety of other posi- what one coed described as "an Petitions Ready crowd of more than 150 students and faculty members. would be no opposition to the consequences." tions. all-Negro battle cry" yesterday A rally attended by 2,500 stu- The basic communication prob- At Union Now afternoon. dents was held on the steps of lems which international students Early speakers dealt with Sel- Sproul Hall, the U.C. administra- Candidates for ASH offices may often face will be the keynote of Will Try a Hunger Strike ma, Ala., brutality and then, Al- tion building, at noon yesterday. pick up petitions in the College Dr. Benedict's speech. fred XX (Turner), a 35-year-old All students and They heard Mario Savio and Union, 315 S. Ninth St., beginning faculty are in- non-student, and avowed Black other Free Speech Movement vited to attend Monday. Muslim, climbed up on the Seventh (FSM) leaders reiterate a state- Street bench to vent his indigna- ment made late Wednesday night. General elections for five exec- Panelists to Discuss tion at "whites." The statement charged that utive positions and 14 Student Demonstrators Tour Urging Negroes to withdraw Council representatives will be Kerr had "threatened and insulted Autonomy at Forum from support of Dr. Martin Luther held April 28-29. the entire Berkeley campus" in Open Enil Forum will discuss King, Jr., he said, "God is pro- the announcement saying why he Students running for executive "Student Autoiloiti)"the rights longing your (white men's) judg- resigned. offices must submit petitions with and limits of stoilents to speech, ment. When we integrate with The FSM said the obscenity is- 100 names and council representa- derision and artiontonight at White House To Sit-in white people, we integrate with sue is now in the courts where it tives must secure 50 signatures. 7:30 in the faculty cafeteria. snakes. I don't hate them, I feel Student Non-Violent Co- belongs, and that Kerr had seized All signatures must include ASH Dr. Henry Rournan. visiting The most recent civil rights sit- tervention in Alabama as well as The sorry for them." (SNCC) an- a "dead issue" to "slander our card numbers. Students may sign Texas University professor, will in occurred yesterday inside the the demonstrators' demands to see ordinating Committee Another Negro, student Melvin had hard-won political freedom." as many petitions for the same head the panel. other panelists White House, when a group of President Lyndon Johnson. nounced the demonstration Whitfield of San Jose City Col- the 11 demonstrators, been pre-arranged. "Any attempt to use the phony office as they wish. are Eduard A. Dionne, assoeiate demonstrators gained access by Two out of lege, changed the tone of the rally. about 3 p.m. At the same time in Los Angeles, issue of obscenity to take away Deadine for turning in petitions professor of engineering graph- joining a public tour. gave up the sit-in Insisting that we all should be to come out and say the a civil rights demonstration con- the freedoms necessary to engage is 4 p.m. on Thursday, April 8. lea; Robert S. Nlartin, associ a t Once inside the executive man- EST concerned with the problems in third day despite In this activity will only show On that same date a general dean of students, and Rob sion, the group sat down and remainder would attempt a hunger tinued Into the Selma, he said, "Now's the time of 97 persons by U.S. President Kerr has not learned meeting of all candidates will be SelS associated student started to sing "We Shall Over- strike and would try to stay over- the arrest to clean up the injustice in Amer- the lesson of last semester," the held to acquaint office seekers body president.
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