JOURNAL OF FOREST SCIENCE, 61, 2015 (7): 306–314 doi: 10.17221/72/2014-JFS Comparison of Myriapoda in beech and spruce forests E. Kula, M. Lazorík Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Mendel University in Brno, Brno, Czech Republic ABSTRACT: Pitfall traps were used to capture 3,550 individuals and 34 species of Myriapoda in five pairs of Norway spruce and beech stands in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts. (Czech Republic). Differences in the occurrence of Chilopoda, Diplopoda and Isopoda on sites with spruce and beech were determined by F-test. Diplopoda and Isopoda preferred beech stands and Chilopoda spruce stands. The species Protracheoniscus politus (Koch) (Isopoda) indicated a positive relation to beech stands. Among Diplopoda, a strong linkage to beech was seen in Glomeris hexasticha (Brandt), while Julus scandinavius (Latzel), Hassea flavescens (Latzel) and Brachyiulus bagnalli (Curtis) tended to prefer the spruce forest environment. The highest variability was found in Chilopoda, of which the species dominating in beech stands are Cryptops parisi (Brölemann), Strigamia acuminata (Leach) and Strigamia transsilvanica (Verhoeff), while Geophilus flavus (DeGeer) and Geophilus insculptus (Attems) prevail in spruce stands. A wide spectrum of captured species of the order Lithobiomorpha differentiate in their relation to spruce [Lithobius forficatus (L.), L. cyrtopus Latzel, L. erythrocephalus C.L. Koch, L. tenebrosus Meinert, L. austriacus (Verhoeff), L. biunguiculatus (Loksa)] and beech [Lithobius microps (Meinert), L. mutabilis L. Koch, L. burzenlandicus Verhoeff, L. micropodus (Matic) and L. nodulipes Latzel]. Based on the findings, we can confirm increased incidence in beech forests, although the result is not unambiguous. Therefore, it is necessary to admit that the factor of the main tree species within a stand cannot be used as the single criterion and needs to be supplemented with additional conditions of the natural environment. Keywords: Chilopoda; Diplopoda; Isopoda; Norway spruce; Beskydy Mts. Study of natural patterns is an ongoing process that dicators of forest environment and its changes over a becomes even more significant due to globalization relatively short monitoring period (Craston, True- and climate changes. Disturbance of tree layer or man 1997; Grgic, Kos 2003; Tuf, Tufova 2008). species composition of a forest stand affects micro- Grgic and Kos (2003) found marked differences in climate, soil conditions as well as fauna (Grgic, Kos the abundance of Myriapoda in beech stands (Slove- 2003; Scheu et. al. 2003; Bardgett, Wardle 2010). nia), with the highest abundance being observed in Forest management is linked to reactions of forest young beech stands. At the same time, active migra- ecosystems, when changing tree species composition tion between sites based on suitability of conditions and spatial heterogeneity of stands elicit spatio-tem- throughout the year was confirmed. Scheu et al. poral development of species diversity and abundance (2003) reported the increased presence of Chilopoda of free-living animals (Wigley, Roberts 1994). In in a 120-year-old beech stand in northern Germany connection with development of new zoocoenoses, and also determined a positive relation to thickness migration plays an important role (Hanski 1998). In- and quality of organic matter from litter, which pro- dividual species react differently to direct site chang- vides better feeding opportunities for decomposers as es, depending mainly on the occurring abiotic and bi- well as their associated predators. otic factors (Wigley, Roberts 1994). Some authors Representatives of the families Carabidae and presented the possibility to use Myriapoda as bioin- Cantharidae and family Chilopoda correlate with Supported by Mendel University in Brno, and by the Netex Ltd., Děčín, Nadace ČEZ Co. in Prague, Lafarge Cement Co. in Čížkovice. 306 J. FOR. SCI., 61, 2015 (7): 306–314 the occurrence of Lumbricidae and larvae of Dip- Natural characteristics. Soil characteristics and tera (Mycetophilidae and Cecidomyiidae). soil type were determined from soil pits of 70–120 cm Chilopoda are predatory organisms, indirectly depth excavated on each locality. Content of available influenced by vegetation as it affects the struc- nutrients (P, Ca, Mg and K) was assessed by Mehlich ture, quality and other properties of litter, humus III method of soil biochemical analysis and pH/KCl in and also undergrowth, where their potential food an accredited laboratory (Laboratoře Morava s.r.o.). sources develop (Albert 1982; Fründ 1983; Poser The phosphatase activity was determined according 1990; Schäfer 1990; Schäfer, Schauermann to the adapted methodology of Rejšek (1991). The 1990; Schatzmann 1990). Their abundance is p-nitrophenylphosphate (PNP) was used as a sub- reported in the range from 7 indd·m–2 (beech strate; resulting p-nitrophenol was determined after mull) to 273 indd·m–2 (beech humus) (Auerbach incubation by the means of a spectrophotometer. The 1951), but also between 1.8 and 648 indd·m–2 in phosphatase activity was expressed in following units: beech stands. µg mol PNP·kg–1 DM·h–1. Diplopoda and Oniscoidea primarily feed on Microclimatic data (T1 – air temperature at 2 m dead plant material and decomposing organic above the soil surface in a forest stand, T2 – soil matter mixed with bacteria, moulds and fungal temperature in A horizon, T3 – soil temperature in hyphae (Frankenberger 1959; Hopkin, Read B horizon, soil moisture of A and B horizons) were 1992). Their diversity is directly linked to quality obtained by direct field measurements with Meteo- and quantity of litter, structure of top soil horizons, UNI meteorological stations with VIRRIB sensors parent rock, soil chemistry and moisture (Funke (data recording interval: 60 min) between 2008 and 1971; Scheu, Sprengel 1989; Schaefer 1990; 2009 (Table 1). Scheu 1992; Scheu, Poser 1996; Blackburn A phytocoenological survey provided data on 2002). The aim of this contribution is to determine stand canopy, degree of herb layer coverage and the differences in the structure of Myriapoda popu- dominant plant species (Table 1). lation living in litter and top humus layers in Nor- Animal sampling. To collect the epigeic fauna, way spruce and beech stands in the mountain area five four-litre pitfall traps filled with 4% formal- of the Beskydy Mts. (Czech Republic). dehyde were used in each of the stands. The traps were set in lines with 10 m spacing, covered with roofs and checked in six-week intervals in the pe- MATERIALS AND METHODS riod from 1st April to 30th October in the years 2007 to 2012. During each collection, a mixed sample Methodology of research site selection. Locali- was prepared from all five pitfall traps at the local- ties of the monitoring grid (38 sites) were selected ity and preserved in 75% ethanol. Species were de- within the altitudinal range of 540–1,220 m a.s.l. termined by Dr. I. H. Tuf and Dr. J. Tufová (Palacký on the Smrk and Kněhyně Massif in the Moravs- University, Olomouc) and Ing. M. Lazorík (Mendel koslezské Beskydy Mts. The idea was to cover as University in Brno). wide spectrum of mezzo-climatic conditions as Statistical processing. The significance level of possible, with trophic conditions ranging from the equality of means in two independent samples oligobasic soils (Entic Podzols and Podzols) up to was tested by a two-sample T-test for independent eu-mesobasic soils (Cambisols, Leptosols), with samples, where two basic testing criteria exist for a hydric range from soils without hydromorphic equal and unequal variances. Results of the F-test characteristics up to soils permanently affected by were either rejection or acceptance of the hypoth- water (Organosols), with two microecologically esis on the equality of variance. In the T-test, a hy- markedly different stand types (beech – 11 stands pothesis H0 was set out that if the mean values of and spruce – 27 stands aged 49–160 years and 60 to the analysed samples are equal, it can be presumed 259 years, respectively). that the mean numbers of the individuals occurring From the monitoring grid of permanent research in spruce stands are equal to the numbers of in- plots, five pairs of spruce × beech stands located dividuals occurring in beech stands. Subsequently, very close to each other were chosen, every pair the T-test was performed separately for Diplopoda, with comparable altitude, similar exposition and Chilopoda and Isopoda. site conditions (Table 1). Selection of these locali- To assess environmental variables that do not ties was aimed at a comparison of the diversity of differ between structures, but are related to the Myriapoda coenoses in beech and spruce forest myriapod turnover, we performed a Canonical ecosystems. Correspondence Analysis (CCA) in CANOCO 4.5 J. FOR. SCI., 61, 2015 (7): 306–314 307 308 Table 1. Environmental characteristics of pair localities Lo- Geo- Alti- Skel- Dis- Tree Herbst Slope Soil Layer (cm) pH/KCl T (°C) Soil moisture (%) cal- Coordinates graphic Dominant species Age SoFT tude eton tance cover (°) type ity location species canopy (m) (%) L F H A B T1 T2 T3 A B (m) 49°29'02.5''N Calamagrostis arundinacea, 3 SW B 98 25 66 FA 880 10 CA 1 0_3 3_5 5_9 3.47 3.04 8.12 7.80 7.60 29.43 31.26 18°21'08.7''E Athyrium filix-femina 289 49°29'01.9''N Calamagrostis 4 E S 65 45 94 FA 890 5 HP 0 0_2 2_6 6_11 3.02 3.12 8.07 7.70 7.45 27.48 29.09 18°21'23.0''E arundinacea 49°30'57.1''N 12 N B 65 80 Athyrium filix-femina 124 FA 835 35 CA 1 0_4 4_5 5_9 x 3.31 8.88 8.21 8.12 32.02 32.98 18°22'54.4''E 653 49°30'55.0''N 13 N S 96 5 Dryopteris expansa 51 FA 850 30 RA 10_15 0_3 3_5 5_12 x 2.78 8.12 7.88 7.52 29.86 35.47 18°22'22.1''E 49°28'44.6''N 21 SW B 96 1 Polytrichum formosum 110 AF n.
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