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U.S. Patent Mar 16, 1999 Sheet 1 of 3 5,883,564 FIG - 1 16 18 12 FIG - 2 16 18 2 14a U.S. Patent Mar 16, 1999 Sheet 2 of 3 5,883,564 20a 2OC FIG - 3A PRIOR ART 10a 1 OC 2Od U.S. Patent Mar 16, 1999 Sheet 3 of 3 5,883,564 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 LATTICE CONSTANT (A) FIG - 4 5,883,564 1 2 MAGNETIC FIELD SENSOR HAVING HIGH Voltage bias. Alternatively, it provides a larger output Volt MOBILITY THIN INDUMANTIMONIDE age (change in Voltage when the magnetic field changes) for ACTIVE LAYER ON THINALUMINUM a given current bias. This favors use of thin films of indium INDUMANTIMONDE BUFFER LAYER antimonide for magnetic field Sensors, to obtain Sensors of lower power consumption. RELATED PATENT APPLICATION In the past, thin layers of indium antimonide were made This patent application is a continuation-in-part to my by thinning down high quality bulk monocrystals. They previously filed U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/228,766, were thinned down to layers of approximately twenty now abandoned, entitled “Indium Antimonide Alloys for micrometers in thickness. Thinner layers were desired, for Magnetic Field Sensors”, which was filed Apr. 18, 1994. The reducing Series resistance of Sensors made from Such films. teachings of the above mentioned U.S. Ser. No. 08/228,766 However, thinner layers were difficult to produce by thin are hereby incorporated herein by reference. ning bulk crystals. This led to the more recent practice of growing a thin epitaxial film of indium antimonide on an FIELD OF THE INVENTION insulating or semi-insulating gallium arsenide (GaAs) or 15 indium phosphide (InP) substrate. The substrate is of high This invention relates to improvements in magnetic field electrical resistance to minimize its non-magnetically Sen Sensors that are of the indium antimonide type. It more Sitive conductivity, that is electrically in parallel with the particularly relates to very thin film alloys of indium anti magnetically Sensitive conductivity of the epitaxial film. monide for magnetic field Sensors. Such epitaxial films are typically grown to a thickness of only 2–5 micrometers. This increases film sheet resistance BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION (film resistivity divided by thickness) by an order of mag Indium Antimonide (InSb) is widely recognized as being nitude over the thinned-down bulk crystal films. However, useful in magnetic field Sensors, Such as magnetoresistors, even then, Such films still have had such a low sheet Hall Effect sensors (Hall sensors), and MAGFETS resistance that other techniques are used to increase total (magnetically sensitive field effect transistors). Indium anti 25 Sensor resistance. For example, extensive Serialization of monide magnetic field Sensors can be used in a variety of magnetoresistor units has been used to obtain high Sensor magnetic field Sensing applications, including position, impedances, and the attendant low power dissipation. Speed and acceleration sensing (linear or angular), compass In the case of magnetoresistors, a higher total resistance Sensors, magnetic memory readout and control of brushleSS is obtained by integrating many Series-connected rectangu motors. While an emphasis of this invention is on automo lar magnetoresistor units into one Sensor body. Typically, the tive applications, the applicability is general. body is an elongated mesa or line of indium antimonide. The Indium antimonide is particularly attractive for use in mesa is a line of rectangular Sensing units that are connected magnetic field Sensors because it is a material that has end-to-end, in Series fashion. The mesa or line, i.e., the exhibited high electron mobility in bulk form. High electron Series-connected magnetoresistor rectangle units, can be as mobility is important because it provides high magnetic 35 long as needed to obtain the desired total resistance.
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