June 2016 Knowledge Character Leadership REPS LEADERSHIP REPS LEADERSHIP REPS LEADERSHIP Contact : 038-030801-3 [email protected] June 2016 Enrollment Open Contact : 038-030801-3 [email protected] June 2016 ONET Congratulations Congratulations to our great students and their fantastic teachers! We have just received great news from Rayong Ministry of Education that we are yet again the number one private school in Rayong Province. We finished first in the ONET examinations in P6 and M3, with the M6 results still to be analysed. ขอแสดงความยินดีกบั นักเรียนที่ยอดเยี่ยมของพวก เราและสุดยอดคณุ ครขู องพวกเขาด้วยคะ่ เราได้รบั ขา่ วดีจาก สา นักงานเขตการศึกษาพืน้ ที่ระยอง วา่ เรา เป็นโรงเรียนเอกชนยอดเยี่ยมอันดับหนึ่ง ในจังหวัด ระยอง อีกครั้ง จากผลการสอบทางการศึกษา ระดบั ชาติขนั้ พืน้ ฐาน ONET เรามีคะแนนสูงสุดเป็น อันดับที่หนึ่งในระดับ ป. 6 และ ม. 3 สาหรับผลคะแนน การสอบของระดบั ม. 6 ขณะนี้ยงั อยูใ่ นระหวา่ ง ขนั้ ตอนการพิจารณา Primary 6/2015 Secondary 3/2015 Contact : 038-030801-3 [email protected] June 2016 World Environment Day World Environment Day at REPS In 1976, the United Nations General Assembly organization established a special day called ‘The World Environment Day’. Its primary purpose is to make people aware of the problems that many countries worldwide are facing about nature and the environment. Every 6th of June, we celebrate this day by making a commitment to protect our beautiful world. On the 6th of June, 2016, our school, REPS, also participated in International Environmental Day along with many people throughout the world to help save the nature of this beautiful planet. The lower secondary students helped to clean up our local community by picking up trash lying around the village. With their great effort, the streets now look much cleaner and the air is definitely fresher. In addition, a selected few visited Big C Supermarket in Rayong and handed out recyclable shopping bags to shoppers. Their goal was to encourage the community to start using recyclables and stop using plastics. REPS Secondary also held hands with Big C to offer each shopper a free REPS Recycle Bag in exchange for their plastic bags and discuss the consequences of plastic pollution. The students swapped more than 200 plastic bags for recyclable bags! Contact : 038-030801-3 [email protected] June 2016 World Environment Day Activities on World Environment Day The upper secondary students contributed in creating a garden near the new sports hard court. Students donated plants along with some tools and the garden-renovation process began. There were students digging holes, some students were cleaning the area and some were planting trees. Teachers were involved in this as well. It was great to see both students and teachers sweating after their hard work. The garden looked wonderful and everyone is definitely proud of it. Last but not least, REPS primary celebrated this day by making plant pots our of recyclable and biodegradable materials. Thee students want to continue planting trees and plants so that their future world would also be green. One teacher commented, “I think that it was a perfect day where students had the opportunity to beautify the school and become closer to our planet Earth.” “It was fun and good because I made some new friends. Even though there weren’t enough equipment, everybody was willing to help out. I’m glad that I can help make the environment better,” were the remarks of a student. What we have done may only be a small change but if everyone in this world could be aware of this day and help contribute to the environment everyday, the world would be a greener place. “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is today” - Chinese Proverb Contact : 038-030801-3 [email protected] June 2016 World Environment Day KINDERGARTEN PLAYGROUND CLEAN-UP ON WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY June 6 was World Environment Day and the Kindergarten at Rayong English Programme School in Ban Chang planned two events to beautify their environment and many classroom activities to learn more about taking care of our Planet Earth. The students also wore something We pulled out lots of weeds and dead green to help celebrate the day. plants to clean-up the playground The first project was to care for the plants around their central playground. The students and teachers began by trimming some overgrown plants and then pulling weeds and dead plants from the area. Next the students dug around the plants before feeding them yummy plant food. The children learned that it is important that plants get some food to stay green and healthy too. Then new fresh dirt was spread around the plants and finally the watering began to make sure all the plants had a nice refreshing drink of water. The students also enjoyed an energizing milk break after all their hard work. Digging around the plants before feeding This bag of dirt is heavy! We love feeding the playground plants! Our hands got dirty, but we did a great job! Contact : 038-030801-3 [email protected] June 2016 World Environment Day We started with chalk drawing REPS Kindergarten Celebrates World Environment Day The second project of the day was painting “Footprints and Flowers” on plain cement walkway at another play area. First the students used chalk to draw the foot- prints and all different sizes of flowers. The students learned about mixing paint and how by putting colors together they can make different colors. It was exciting to see two colors change into another color, like yellow and red together made orange and red and white made pink. The fun began when the children dipped the paintbrush into small paint containers and started to fill in the chalk outlines. Their real brand of individual imagination was being explored as the children added their own style of creativity by using many different colors and making some flowers bigger and some smaller. Standing back to admire their work, one child exclaimed in Thai, “swy mak-mak” and another one said, “ I can’t believe we did it!” Oh, I can’t believe we did this! It’s amazing job from us I love painting! Before and After painting Project We used bright colors to paint the footprints and flowers Contact : 038-030801-3 [email protected] June 2016 Fun Fridays Fun Fridays in Secondary This year REPS secondary decided to try something new, organized, and fun during Friday activity periods. Students and teachers are divided into groups according to their sport house colour and their grade level, each group consisting of members from all four house colours – red, green, yellow, purple - and grade 7 to grade 12. Groups rotate to a different activity each week depending on the number of weeks in each quarter. In quarter one the activities include a gaming area, where coloured teams will be competing by playing online games such as mathematics, etc. The next activity is play-off 1, where teams compete in a PE challenge. There is also Food & Cooking Competition, in which teams compete by making some food/snacks then there is a taste test by some amazing teachers at REPS. In Science & Environment Showdown teams participate in science and environmental challenges. PE play-off 2 is where teams compete in a PE challenges at the school hard court. Languages Battle requires teams to compete in language based competitions, including English, Chinese, and Thai. Last, but not least is another PE play-off in which teams compete in yet another PE challenge. Contact : 038-030801-3 [email protected] June 2016 Fun Fridays Fun Fridays in Secondary So far the secondary students are enjoying the variety of activities available to them. They are not bored or left out because there are activities or everyone to enjoy. Moreover, the teams compete for house points, which will be added to their Sport Day activities later this year. Finally, house points are displayed in the secondary building so that students can know which house colour is in the lead and which ones need to work harder. Contact : 038-030801-3 [email protected] June 2016 Wai Kru Day We love teachers Wai Kru Day 2016 – A Day to Respect Teachers This year secondary was separated from the rest of the school in order to celebrate this special day. Kindergarten and primary celebrated Wai Kru in the morning of June 2nd 2016, primary at the hard court and kindergarten in REPS meeting room. The secondary students had their opportunity to show respect to their teachers in the after- noon. In Thailand Wai Kru ceremony is very important because the profession of teaching is given great respect in Thai culture. Students or representatives of classes bowed before teachers and offered flower displays to show appreciation and respect. The ceremonies always end with teachers feeling proud and students knowing they are loved. Teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart Contact : 038-030801-3 [email protected] June 2016 Wai Kru Day Wai Kru Day 2016 – A Day to Respect Teachers Wish for REPS Teachers Contact : 038-030801-3 [email protected] June 2016 Wai Kru Day HAPPY TEACHERS! We Love You KG! ในทุกๆ ปีการศึกษา นกั เรียนจะไดท้ า พิธีไหวค้ รู ท้งั น้ีเพื่อการแสดงความเคารพ และกตญั ญูกตเวทีต่อครูบา อาจารย์ นักเรียนอนุบาลได้นาดอกไม้ที่เป็นสัญลักษณ์ของการไหว้ครูมาด้วย คือ ดอกมะเขือ ซึ่งเป็น สญั ลกั ษณ์ของความเคารพ ความออ่ นนอ้ มถอ่ มตน โดยธรรมชาติของตน้ มะเขือ เมื่อมีดอกและจะออกผลจะโคง้ ลงเหมือนผูอ้ ยใู่ นอาการแสดงความเคารพหรือคารวะ หญ้าแพรก เป็นสัญลกั ษณ์ของความอดทน จะไมต่ าย ง่าย เจริญงอกงามไดร้ วดเร็วในทุกที่ หากนกั เรียนมีความอดทนที่จะเรียนรู้วิชาการต่างๆ กจ็ ะเก่งย่ิงข้ึน สติปัญญากจ็ ะแตกฉาน ข้าวตอก เป็นสัญลักษณ์ของความมีระเบียบวินัย หากใครสามารถทาตามกฎระเบียบ เอาชนะความซุกซนและความเกียจคร้านของตวั เองได ้ กจ็ ะเหมือนขา้ วตอกสีขาวที่ถูกคว่ั ออกจากขา้ วเปลือก และ ดอกเข็ม หมายถึงความฉลาดหลักแหลม อันเปรียบเสมือนเข็มที่มีความแหลมคม Contact : 038-030801-3 [email protected] June 2016 Wai Kru Day Every year a Wai Kru ceremony is held where the students pay respect to their teachers. They are doing this partly to thank their teachers for teaching them well in the past, but also in order to gain merit and good fortune for the future.
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