Distribution imttabut M. Ttix to Today toy, tomorrow and flator&r/, WO BAM Wtfi tobjr and tomorrow Hwrf 23,075 If. Low tonigbt 45 to M. IWMer S«urd»y. See weather, page S, DIAL 741-0016 VOL. 86 NO x"»uei1 «*•»•' Mon«w thttufh *rM»y. Bwooa O«M TtfUf pt|d M R,4 B»ik ud at Addition*! ItaUlog OttleM. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Valachi: Fact or Fiction? Opinions Vary Editor's Note: For three days investigating subcommittee hear- us," said a New York police of- ranging views on the merits of Valachi has made his name a Thing" or "Our Family" In Ital- an insider of such an organization. Rackets Investigating Committee. Joseph Valachi, convicted nar- ing Valachi's rasping tale of fioial, who added: the testimony of the little dope household word across the land ian. Old Charges But their assertions were with- cotics racketeer and killer, has vengeance. "His testimony serves to make peddler and convicted killer who with his widely publicized testi- Outsiders know it as the Mafia, The old Senate Crime Inves- out benefit of any insider's tes- has grabbed, headlines from in- held the center of the stage with "He's a dirty liar," says John some things clear. But this does mony that "this is my doom" for the Syndicate, or the Black Hand. tigating Committee headed by the timony. Some infamous hoodlums, his testimony about dark plots C. Montana, a delegate to the not mean that it is of such a ternational news and drawn Never before in their investiga- late Sen. Estes Kefauver, D- informing on the inner workings including New York racketeer and darker deeds in a crime syn- notorious gangland convention at nature that we can go to court housewives to their television sets tions or organized crime has any Tenn., charged in 1951 that crime Frank Costello, have been brought dicate he calls La Cosa Nostra. Apalachin, N. Y. and prosecute a case." from the ironing. of a secret criminal society he congressional group presented a was nationally syndicated big bus-before congressional committees. In the following story, G. Milton Besides its shock value, has These are some of the wide In three days of testimony, calls La Cosa Nostra — "Our witness who claimed to speak as iness. So did the old Senate But they owned up to little more Kelly, Associated Press writer Valachi's testimony turned up than their names. who has been reporting on the anything new? Is it helping the Valachi, on the other hand, has Senate hearings, tells what sen- fight against organized crime? talked and talked and talked. ators and others think of the "I think there are more im- A reporter checked separately credibility and merit of Valachi's portant things to claim the at- with the two Democrats and two testimony. ' tention of Congress," says Rep. Republicans on the subcommittee Jin- Wright, D-Tex., who has who have been most active in By G. MILTON KELLY criticized the sub-committee be- Resume Query Tuesday the hearings. All said they be- WASHINGTON (AP> — Like a fore lieved Valachi, and that at least tourist guide, Joseph Valachi has A justice Department spokes- WASHINGTON (AP) - Joseph McClellan, the Arkansas Demo- ably was somewhere else when says, and marked for death. He for the most part he knew the led the nation on a dark tour of man doesn't'feel that way. grounds that it involved too much Valachi is billed for another day crat who heads the Senate in- the shooting started. then turned his back on the mob. facts. the underworld for an insider's risk of stirring up the law. Much of the 60-year-old mob- vestigations subcommittee, put Expediting McClellan disclosed that in The four are McClellan and peek at its secrets and murders. and a half in the limelight—long- But even fierce-eyed Vito Gen- ster'- testimony "could be used off until Tuesday the questioning McClellan told reporters he is questioning the 60-y^ar-old mob- Sens. Thomas S. Mclntyre, D- But can he be believed? in court if strongly corroborated," er if he can sing well enough ovese, named by Valachi as the about the narcotics racket. of Valachi about the big money trying to expedite the hearings. ster about narcotics the subcom- dominant power in La Cosa Nos- N. H., Karl E. Mundt, R-S. D., . Yes, says Sen. John L. Mc- he said. narcotics rackets in which Present prospects, he said, are mittee will have to play things and Carl T. Curtis, R-N.H. Clellan, who is chairman of the "There is very little new to In a switch of plans, Sen. John tra, is in prison now, appealing members of the secret criminal that Valachi can wind up "in a by ear. Its staff has had no op- a 15-year sentence as narcotics No Phony society known as La Cosa Nos- day or a day and a half" as the portunity to question Valachi in racketeer. "My reaction is< Valachi is not Master Planners Seek Improvements tra were involved. investigation's star witness. advance about the illegal traffic McClellan recessed the hear- a phony," said Curtis. The convicted killer and dope But this estimate, McClellan in drugs. ings yesterday until Tuesday, McClellan said .he regarded peddler's testimony ran longer emphasized, depends on how "We would, of course, pursue when Valachi will pick up where Valachi's testimony as essentially than expected yesterday as he much evidence Valachi can give the narcotics matter extensive- he left off telling of the bloody, "not especially new," but never- told of murder 30 years ago in about narcotics rackets. ly, if he knows, McClellan said. art of the murderous double theless important. Business District 'Flunks' which the reigning Cosa Nostra It was his conviction as a nar- Shunned Narcotics cross as practiced in La Cosa Said McClellan: "Coming from "boss of bosses" was cut down in cotics racketeer that started the The subcommittee has been Nostra. someone who was present and KEYPORT — Candeub, Fleis- provides the community employ- 6—To adopt a feasible method a double cross by rivals. chain of events that led him to told that La Cosa Nostra, which McClellan is accompanying who knows, it gives great cred- sig and Associates, the borough's ment and a substantial source of financing proposed plans, This was one mutder, Valachi become an informer against his often sentenced disobedient President Kennedy on a speak- ence to the proposition that such : master plan consultant firm, last of tax revenue. • The survey found that approx- aid, in which he was not a par- old associates. members to death, had laid down ing trip to Arkansas, planning an organization (as La Cosa night issued its first report card "If Keyport is to retain imately one-third of the buildings ticipant. He has described some In prison he was wrongly ac- a ban against its men getting in- to remain there for the weekend. Nostra) exists, and that it con--'' on the downtown business section regional shopping leadership, he helped to stage—but Invan- cused of being a stool pigeon, he to the narcotics traffic, on (See TESTIMONY, Page 3) (See VALACHI, Page 3) —and for the most part the shop- steps must be taken to strengthen ping district flunked. the downtown area to meet com- The preliminary report sub- petition of surrounding highway mitted to the Planning Board shopping centers," the report provided statistics showing a emphasized. heavy degree of structural de- The firm's findings list the fol- Big Military Pay Hike terioration and obsolescence of lowing needs for improvement of buildings, insufficient off-street the business district: parking, mixed land uses, and 1—To improve the downtown narrow streets. street system. On the plus side, however, it 2—To consolidate the retail News Is Well Received was noted that many still pa- center into a more compact and tronize the "old established com- functional unit. WASHINGTON-President John :he bill, he said, would make "most of our people who get an mercial center's merchants and 3—To supply more off-street F. Kennedy yesterday signed into the complex pay raise difficult increase will be happy about it." professional men to whom con- parking conveniently accessible law the biggest military pay boost to compute into rates of pay for He agreed that the long awaited fidence has been expressed to shopping areas. in history. certain ranks. He noted that the pay hike could have some influ- through years of experience." 4—To repair or rebuild areas The compromise measure, hike is the first military people ence on strategic personnel, Listed as strengths were the containing physically deteriorated which is a hybrid of House- have received since 1958. trained at high costs to the gov- town's three banks, the Jersey and functionally obsolete struc- Senate bills, provides $1.2 billion "Naturally," the sergeant said,' (See PAY HIKE, Page 2) Central Power and Light Co., tures. for salary hikes going to mili- end the "presently under- 5—To improve the waterfront tary personnel. utilized waterfront." area to provide a new focal point Although it has been said the Employment and Revenue and co-ordinate such develop- increase averages 14 per cent, Further noted was the fact that ment with other downtown ac- individual salaries will be af- Just a Mild Snafu fee downtown business district tivities. fected according to individual sit- uation. A recruit, for example, Keeps Newsman Off Reservation may receive only $5 added wages, while middle grade non-commis- By AL HORAY from the post.
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