Holy Trinity/Santisima Trinidad Then Jesus approached and said to them, “ All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Mt 28:18-19 Entonces Jesús se acercó y les dijo: “Se me ha dado todo el poder en el cielo y en la tierra. Ir, pues, y hacer discípulos de todas las naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo ”. Mt 28: 18-19 Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity May 30, 2021 PARROQUIA SAN ADALBERTO Sacred Heart/Sagrado Corazon MASS INTENTIONS/ Intenciones de la Misa SaintOFFICE Adalbert HOURS Parish Call us at: 760-550-9830 or 760-679-3505. Sunday, May 30, 2021 9:00AM All Souls of Purgatory Email: [email protected] Virginia Gomms Belmira Machado & Family SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION/ Jose C. Machado SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACION Estela Berumen Montaño Friday/Viernes 7PM-8PM Jim Stiff Sunday/Domingo 9AM-11AM & 6PM-7:15PM 11:00AM Jose Maria Castillo Juan Castillo For all liturgy Sacraments such as Baptisms, Quinceañeras, Weddings please call our Monday, May 31, 2021(Virtual Only) parish offices. Thank you 6:00PM Para todas nuestras liturgias de Wednesday, June 2, 2021 (In Person) Sacramentos como Bautizos, Quinceañeras, Bodas porfavor de llamar a nuestras oficinas. Gracias 9:00PM Thursday, June 3, 2021 (Virtual Only) 6:00PM OFFICE MINISTRY St. Margaret Mary/ Sta. Margarita Maria FAITH FORMATION MINISTRY MASS INTENTIONS/ Intenciones de la Misa Teresa Moya-Director of Catechetical Ministry Email: [email protected] Sunday, May 30, 2021 Office (760)587-4018 10:00AM Nuestro Señor Jesus San Judas Tadeo RCIA– RITES OF CHRISTIAN 12:00PM INITIATION FOR ADULTS Tuesday, June 1, 2021 (In Person) Stephen A. & Irma Rangel (760) 352-0083 6:00PM All Souls of Purgatory Those interested in the Catholic faith or being received into the Catholic Church from another faith Virginia Gomms tradition. Belmira Machado & Family MINISTRY FOR THE SICK Jose C. Machado If anyone in the community need the Anointing of the Friday, June 4, 2021 (In Person) Sick, please contact the Parish offices. 6:00PM MARRIAGE St. Joseph/ San Jose Please contact the parish office to set up an MASS INTENTIONS/ Intenciones de la Misa appointment to speak with the priest nine months prior to event. Saturday, May 29, 2021 6:00PM Antonio Rodriguez BAPTISMS & QUINCEAÑERAS Antonio Rodriguez Jr. Please contact parish offices for available dates. Jaime Rodriguez Catholic Communities of Brawley & Westmorland May 30, 2021 Stewardship Corner Corresponsabilidad Católica Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad Fin Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity de Semana del 29/30 de Mayo de 2021 Weekend of May 29/30, 2021 En el Evangelio de hoy y en la lectura de In today’s Gospel and in the reading la carta de San Pablo escuchamos acerca del don de Dios from the letter of St. Paul we hear of the gift of the Trino, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. En nuestra vida Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In our de- devocional hacemos el signo de la cruz y recitamos el votional life we make the sign of the cross and recite “Gloria” como expresión de nuestra fe como un pueblo the “Glory Be” as an expression of our faith as a Trinitario. Pero, ¿qué significa para los corresponsables Trinitarian people. But what does it mean for cristianos aceptar de una manera práctica la experiencia Christian stewards to accept in a practical way the de Dios en este triple don? ¿No es un llamado a compar- experience of God in this three-fold gift? Is it not a tir nuestra propia vida en comunidad, con compasión y call to share our own life in community, with amor, y a trabajar por la sanación, la justicia, la paz y la compassion and love, and to work for healing, unidad? ¿No es una invitación a invitar a otros a unirse justice, peace and unity? Is it not an invitation to en camaradería con nosotros en la unidad del Padre, el invite others into fellowship with us in the unity of Hijo y el Espíritu Santo? the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Financial Corner month of May Sacred Heart ……5/9/21 7AM:$4,167.00 9AM:$595.00 6PM:$509.00….5/16/21….7AM:$508.00 9AM:$692.00 6PM:$275.00….5/23/21 7AM:$1,776.00 9AM:$1,267.00 6PM:$787.00 Mission Appeal $2,177.00 St. Margaret Mary…5/9/21 7AM:$1,364.00 9AM:$860.21 6PM:$1,515.00 5/16/21...7AM:$445.00 9AM:$755.00 6PM:$465.00….5/23/21 7AM:$2,334.00 9AM:$736.16 6PM:$448.00 Mission Appeal $2,271.87 St. Joseph………………………………………………………………………5/9/21 6PM $461.00 5/22/21 6PM $543.15 Please, pray for the sick in our communities: Por Favor Oren por los enfermos en nuestras comunidades: Sebastian Acevedo, Isabella Aceves, Arturo Agramont, Anna Aguilar, Gloria Aguilar, Alejandro Aguilera, Mary L. Alvarado, Juan Alvarado, Alan Alvarez, Steven Ambriz, Anthony Alan Ambriz, Carole Antuñano, Helena Maria Antuñano, Raul Arellanes, Laura Barros, Cornel Bayon, Ed Baran, Eugene (Geno) Bumbera, Rachel Cabanilla, Debbie Cameron, Marisabel Cardenas,Steven Cardenas, Alex & Sylvia Carrillo, Barbara Carrillo, Maria Carrillo, Mary Carrington, Juan Castaneda, Jr., Eloise Castillon, Ericka Chavez, Rita Cortez, Sylvester Chacon, David Coffman, Joe Cortez, Ernest Dean, George Dern, Don Devyah, Robert Diaz, Cheryl Dove, Robert Durate, John Erwin, Eric Estrada, Joe Estrada, Manuel Estrada Jr., Sandoval Family, Lupe Fausto, Jessica Fernandez, Senorina Flores Cota, Theresa Ford, Steve Funez, Stevie Gallagher, Hector Gallardo, Brandon Garcia, Christopher Garnica, Francisco Gastelum, Emma Gauna, Yisel Marie Gómez, Fernan- da Gomezllanos, Caleb Angel Gonzales, Consuelo Gonzalez. Guillermo Guerra, Laura Guerrero, Kathleen Haars, Camilo Hernandez, Eva Hernandez, Greg Hernandez, Randa Hoskins, Mauricio Huerta, Gloria Juaregui, Leilani Jimenez, Jacob Lancaster, Mauricio Macias, Rebeca Magdaleno, Joe Magdaleno, Mar- tin Marquez, Candende Martinez, Esther Martinez, Martja Martinez, Ayden Mascareñas, Mary Ann Maxwell Evelyn Ayala McDowell, Serena Melvin, The- resa Mendoza, Lydia Miller, Bob Miller, Sally Mohamed, Matthias Elias Molina, Dorothea Montague, Veronica Montenegro, Joe Morales, Geno Moreno, Irma Navarro, Kathy Nettles, Michael Oliveros y familia, Antonia Padilla, Jesse Padilla, Mary Penzon, Consuelo Peralta, Jennie Pérez, Jesse Perez, Silvia Perez, Frank Peroutka, Rosa Plancarte, Gwen Plano, Irma Preciado, Maria de la Luz Quiroz, Alexia Ramirez, Jan K. Ramirez, Silvia Ramirez, Trinidad Ramirez, Sara Reyes, Manuela Reyna, Richard Reynoso, Marylou Robles, Manuel Rodriguez, Petra Rodriguez, Emilia Rosales, Tony Rouhotas, Dolores Rubio, Jolby Ruiz, Mary Ruiz ,Maria Salazar, Johnny Sample, Manuel Sánchez, Patty Sanchez, Tillie Sanchez, Vicky Sánchez, Mariana Sandoval, Jessie Sandoval, Jorge Sandoval, Rubén Santillán, Victor Santos, Juanita Sarabia, Arce Selk, Andrew Shank, Catelyn Shehan, Camila Silva, Karla Smith, Marcus Tapia, Nina Tapia, Norberto Tenorio, Brianna Terrones, Carmen Torres, Josefa Torres, Domingo Torres, Antonio Valadez, Francisco Valdez, Jay Valdez, Richard Val- dez, Familia Vallejo, Eddie Valles, Felicitas Valtierra, Anthony Vasquez, Matilde Vasquez, Celia Vásquez, Jesse Y Estela Vega, Sasha Velasco Ana Julia Villanueva, Perla Villegas & Baby, John Wellcome, Carol Wilson, Carmen Woolf, Raul Zamudio, Victoria Zarate, Sharon Yepiz Rex Zinn, Solemnidad de la Santisima Trinidad 30 de Mayo, 2021 Christ Centered - Student Focused - Forward Thinking Office Hours: Monday through Friday 7:00AM-3:00PM (760) 344-2662 Become part of the Crusader Family!! We are open for 2021-2022 registration! Preschool – Eighth Grade !Limited spaces available! [email protected] Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Shsbrawley sacredheartschool1914 sacredheart1914 www.sacredheartschoolbrawley.org Comunidades Catolicas de Brawley y Westmroland 30 de Mayo, 2021 Baptisms/Bautizos St. Margaret Mary and Sacred Heart parishes will be open during office business hours for the general To schedule a Baptism please call the parish public to stop by and visit the Lord. Face covering offices or download an application through and social distance will be enforced. our website www.brawley.org Las parroquias de Sta. Margarita Maria y Sagrado Para agendar un Bautizo porfavor Corazon estarán abiertas durante el horario de oficina de llamar a las oficinas parroquial- para que el público en general pase y es o descargue la aplicacion desde visite al Señor. Se impondrá la cobertura nuestra pagina web www.brawleycatholic.org facial y la distancia social. Our parish offices will be closed Monday May 31st in observance of Memorial Holiday. We will reopen to normal business hours Tuesday June 1st. Thank you. Nuestras oficinas parroquiales estaran cerradas Lunes 31 de Mayo, en observacion del dia conmemorativo de los caidos. Abriremos a horario regular, Martes 1ro de Junio. Gracias. Beginning this week in person masses have been moved to St. Margaret Mary. Tuesday and Friday Mass will continue to be at 6PM. Sacred heart will hold Wednesday (school) mass outdoor at 9am until June 9th. A partir de esta semana, las misas en persona se han trasladado a Sta. Margarita Maria. La misa de martes y viernes seguirá siendo a las 6pm. Sagrado corazon celebrará la misa del miércoles (escolar) al aire libre a las 9am hasta el 9 de junio. Support our Advertisers! Local businesses and sponsors that Then Jesus approached and said to them, “ All power in advertise on bulletins need you now heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore and more than ever before. Please make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of encourage and remind others to show the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Mt 28:18-19 their support during this time. ¡Apoye a nuestros anunciantes! Entonces Jesús se acercó y les dijo: “Se me ha dado todo el Los negocios y patrocinadores locales poder en el cielo y en la tierra.
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