Hens Head West -for 2nd 'Shootout' ... 16 Vol. 103 No. 25 University of Delaware, Newark, Del. Tuesday, December 4, 1979 1000 Watt Increase Recommended for WXDR By DAVE PALOMBI of the dial) upgrade to at least 100 watts by Jan. 1 or -"While the price tag for increasing WXDR's wat­ - rf 1 tage may appear high compared to the current The committee assigned to evaluate WXDR's risk increasing interference from more powe u status, the committee feels it is still a bargain con- stations. power increase request has recommended that the The committee's report, which was presented to sidering the station's potential as a trammg radio station be expanded from 10 to 1,000 watts Dean of Students Raymond Eddy on Friday, will . mechanism, as a university news and information stereo. now go t o un1vers1· ·t y p rest'd en t E ..A Trabant for outlet, and as a community relations tool," the The committee's recommendations include the report says. final approval. Eddy said that the committee made the recom- addition of a full-time station manager and a licens­ Eddy said that he will be meeting with Trabant to mendations in an effort to "upgrade WXDR into a ed engineer on retainer, a reorganization of the discuss the report "sometime before the middle of first class operation." However, if this proves board of directors to increase non-student represen­ the month." tation, a change in philosophy to provide broader The recommendations, costing approximately unfeasible, the committee recommends an alter- coverage of theuniversitycommunity, a formal tie­ native of reverting back to carrier current, a $20,000 for conversion as well as an annual budget system where the station's signal "is available only in with the communication department and screen­ of $20,000, would be funded in part through station ing for on-air personnel. fund raising and student government funds, ac- in previously wired university buildings.'' This alternative would allow the station to con­ WXDR's request for a power increase came in cording to the report. Approximately half of the sta- tinue to "fill its primary goal of training students response to Federal Communication Commission tion's funding could be raised in this way, with the for future broadcast employment," the report said. (FCC) mandate stating that all FM stations in the remainder coming from "other university "educational" category (stations at the lower end sources," the report said. (Continued to Poge 2) State and Local Efforts Combine on Creek Issue By CAROLYN PETER 896, northwest to Pennsylvania. A bill introduced three weeks ago Biden's bill, the "White Clay Creek by Senator Joseph Biden (D-Del.) has Study Act of 1979," would provide for just entered senate committee and a study of the entire watershed. Its could provide White Clay Creek, goal is comprehensive management Delaware's last big open river, with of the watershed, and improved the attention and conservation efforts overall environmental quality of the the community has been fighting for. creek. While the state is working toward On a smaller - but not less important federal legislation, community action scale, a research team at the groups are promoting preservation, and the university Water Resources Center is working on a plan that would serve as a model for communities analysis across the country. university will study the White Clay The creek runs through Walter S. Basin of northern New Castle County Carpenter Jr. State Park, off Route as a model study, which could be ap­ plied in other communities. The team will use the "Greenway Concept," which it feels will provide a recrea­ tion area in an urban setting. The concept invovles methods of protecting water resources by preser­ ving the vegetation, or greenway, along White Clay Creek. It's a cheaper method that uses less energy and can accomodate specific local needs. Among community groups, the con­ " dition of White Clay Creek has been a significant environmental issue for a decade. Dorothy Miller, of the Coalition for Natural Stream Valleys, Inc., ex­ plained the history of the controversy. She said that in the early sixties, the DuPont Co. purchased large tracts of land to build a dam on the creek. The dam would have created a public water supply reservoir and possibly flood control. In 1964, the state passed a bill which put the fund-raising efforts for the dam in the hands of New Castle Coun­ KNEE-DEEP in the White Clay ty. Following the bill, community organizations became involved, con­ Review Creek. ·Joachim Tourbier of the HEN QUARTERBACK SCOTT BRUNNER autographs a football after guiding the university Water Resources Center cerned about the creek's welfare creating opposition to the dam. The Hens to a 60-10 rout over the Mississippi College Choctaws. Brunner, who was consults with Dorothy Miller of the county backed off the project and the selected to the Kodak All-American football team last week, passed for 228 Coalition for Natural Stream dam was never built. yards. The Hens are now 12-1 on the season as they prepare for the finals Valleys, Inc. (Continued to Page 4) Saturday against Youngstown. Page 2 • THE REVIEW • December 4, 1979 University Theatre ... Committee Recommends Station Manager, Enginner presents (Continued from Poge I) New Castle county." Student Congress will under- other stations at the higher Eddy echoed the commit­ Now that the report is write. power). Waiting for Lefty tee's consideration of carrier released, Eddy expressed Wood agreed that the sta- "An informal search we've by current, saying that "if we confidence that WXDR will tion could make the deadline. (WXDR) done shows that are going to have a FM sta­ be able to file its application ' ' As much of the we're clear," he added. Clifford Odets tion it should be professional­ with the FCC before the Jan. 1 preliminary work as possible The committee's recom­ ly managed." deadline. has been done," he said, "and mendation's, including the Dec. 7 &8 However, Steve Wood, WX­ "According to their as long as we file by the lOth hiring of station manager, DR program director, said he engineering consultant' (Ed of December - maybe even came about in part because 8:15p.m. "did not consider it (carrier Perry of Massachusetts) if a the 15th- we can get it done the committee believed that General Admission $3.00 current) an acceptable op­ decision was made to file by in time." "the current status of WXDR Area Students $2.00 tion. the middle of December, the ' ' perry has- sever a 1 as a student-operated sta­ U.ofD. Students $1 .00 "It would compound our engineering study will still be technical questionaires to fill tion... with little, if any ... fund raising problems," completed·in time," he said. out," Wood said, "and he has restraints from the university Saturday Matinee 2:00 Wood said, "and we would Eddy estimated the cost of to decide what equipment we administration, is not a Daugherty Hall also be unable to reach a the study as between $1,300 need and make a frequency workable format." large segment of the universi­ and $1, 50 0, which the search to make sure WXDR The report defines a profes- I For more info call: 738-2204 ty community- Newark and Delaware Undergraduate wouldn't be interfering (with (ContlnuedtoPoge3l The Silver Works is,located inside· itaJnbow·Rettirds' Newark, DE. Next to Winstons .... - ......... -.... ·~·~{'"'' WE' :fA VE.-- yOil MONEY! .on Albums, Tapes, Greeting Cards, Posters, Accessories and, of course, Fine Sil.ver Jewelry from The Silver Works Dec. 4, 5, 6 Only DAN FOGELBERG - Phoenix AEROSMITH - Night·in the1Ruts - . ~--.......... Two Specially Priced Albums I ,.. '-- .. , / December 4, 1979 • THE REVIEW • Page 3 ... New Philosoph_y, Directors Possible NEW STORE ON MAIN STREET (Contlnueclfn>mPoge2) / _..-- Concluding that WXDR's amount of time it is actually sional station manager as a board of directors "is too stu­ on the air each week (now 140 person who would "provide dent oriented," the commit­ hours) and that it improve the continuing management ex- tee then recommends that the quality of programming, go­ pertise and would be respon- board of directors be ing beyond the usual record LIVING FOOD sible for the overall function- "selected from throughout playing and spot news to in­ clude in-depth news and _Opening Mon. Dec. 3 in Horseshoe Lane ing of the station.'' the campus community, in- - ~ . If the $12,000 to $1~,000 sug- eluding students, faculty, feature coverage of universi­ gested salary for a full-time staff, professionals, and ty community happenings, 'Quality fruits and vegetables, freshest possible. station manager is not feasi- Newark area residents... and broader sports coverage .and Fruit baskets for the holidays. Recipes and nutri­ ble, the report recommends a that the station manager and on-location coverage of cam­ tional information available. half-time person as an alter- the student program director pus activities and events." native. be non-voting members of A half-ti me station that board." "Generally we're pleased. manager "would logically be In addition, the report, with the overall recommen­ employed for the other half- although applauding WXDR's dation; however, certain time in the communication general philosophy of alter­ specifics we feel need to be department... or, the person native programming, states clarified," Wood said, citing conceivably might be that the station "has not (ully the role of the general employed in another reached its potential in serv­ manager and the relationship academic or service unit ing the university campus." between the radio station and within the university." It · suggests that WXDR the communication depart­ The report also recom- "cut back considerably on the ment.
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