ISTANBUL 2012 ★ NOTES ON CONTENTS 7 NOTES ON CONTENTS GENERAL ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS A mark made at altitude higher than 1000m qf quarter final a automatically timed r race c Separate competitions in same meeting R relay cm centimetre s/sf semi final Dec Decathlon SP shot put DNF/dnf did not finish St Steeplechase DNS/dns did not start TJ triple jump DQ/dq disqualified w wind assisted DR Democratic Republic x failure in vertical jumps DT discus throw y yards or mark made at yard distance gm gramme + en route to a longer distance or H/Hep heptathlon or menʼs heptathlon during an octathlon h/ht heat number = tie HJ high jump § mixed nationality HT hammer throw i indoor mark Area Groups J mark made in jump-off ASI Asia JT javelin throw AFR Africa kg kilograms EUR Europe km kilometres NAM North America lb pound (2.203kg) CAC Central America & Caribbean LJ long jump OCE Oceania M multi-event competition (or One Mile) SAM South America m metres (or manual timing) mx mixed competition Venues Nat nationality Berlin (DH) Dynamohalle NH no height Berlin (DL) Deutschlandhalle NM no mark Berlin (RH) Rudolf-Harbig-Halle o clearance in vertical jumps Berlin (SF) Sportforum OT oversized track (> 200m in circumference) Berlin (TSC) Turn und Sportclub PDR Peopleʼs Democratic Republic Budapest (OH) Olympia Halle P/Pen pentathlon Budapest (SC) Sportcsárnok Pos position Budapest (SA) Sport Arena PR Peopleʼs Republic New York (MSG) Madison Square Garden PV pole vault Toronto (SD) Skydome Q qualifying competition Turin (OL) Oval Lingotto South Africa Performances by South African athletes in the period between the Republic’s suspension from the IAAF (July 1976) and admission as a provisional member (May 1992) are marked with the symbol “†” Athlete’s Names In this book, we have attempted to use the most understandable, recognisable and pronounceable versions of athlete’s names, in accordance with the policy of the ATFS. In general, we strive to use the names the ath- letes actually want, which may well not agree with those given on entry forms and/or passports. So I am now showing Yelena Isinbaeva as that is what she has told us, and is as shown on her website. With Belorussian and Ukrainian names we have used generally Russian transliterations. Therefore we show Andrey Kravchenko, not Andrei Krauchanka, and Sergey Bubka rather than Serhiy Bubka etc. City Names In keeping with ATFS policy, native spelling is used for the names of cities given in lists in this book. In text, the English (or French) version of the name is used. 8 ISTANBUL 2012 ★ NOTES ON CONTENTS/TECHNICAL Technical Data (from IAAF Competition Rules 2012-2013) Event Men Women Straight Lane width 1.22m (±1cm)* 1.22m (±1cm)* Oval Lane width 1m (±1cm) 1m (±1cm) 60m Hurdles Number of Hurdles 5 5 Height 106.7cm 84cm Start to First Hurdle 13.72m 13m Between Hurdles 9.14m 8.5m Last Hurdle to Finish 9.72m 13m High Jump Crossbar Length 4.00m (±2cm) 4.00m (±2cm) Crossbar Weight Up to 2kg Up to 2kg Landing Area (minimum) 6m x 4m x 70cm 6m x 4m x 70cm Pole Vault Crossbar Length 4.50m (±2cm) 4.50m (±2cm) Crossbar Weight Up to 2.25kg Up to 2.25kg Landing Area (minimum) 6m x 6m x 80cm 6m x 6m x 80cm Plus a minimum of 2m front pieces Long/Triple Jump Take-off Board Length 1.22m (±1cm) 1.22m (±1cm) Take-off Board Width 20cm (±2mm) 20cm (±2mm) Plasticine Board Width 10cm (±2mm) 10cm (±2mm) Pit Width 2.75-3m 2.75-3m Shot Put Weight 7.26kg 4kg Diameter 110-130mm 95-110mm Sector Angle 34.92° 34.92° (bordered by parallel lines of not less than 9m apart where it is not a full sector) Circle Diameter 2.135m (±5mm) 2.135m (±5mm) Relays Baton Length 28-30cm 28-30cm Baton Weight Not less than 50g Not less than 50g Length of Take-Over Zone 20m 20m Baton Diameter 4cm (±2mm) 4cm (±2mm) Weight Throw Weight 15.88kg (35 lb) 9.08kg (20 lb) (USA Track & Field Diameter 145-165mm 120-140mm Specifications) Length Not exceeding 40.64cm, measured from the bottom surface of the head to the inside sur- face of the handle (The handle is a round metal rod the diameter of which shall not exceed 12.7mm) Sector Angle 34.92° 34.92° Circle Diameter 2.135m 2.135m * For all tracks constructed before January 1, 2004 the lanes and take-off board may have a maximum width of 1.25m ISTANBUL 2012 ★ NOTES ON CONTENTS/COUNTRIES 9 Countries IAAF Members (212) GEQ Equatorial Guinea NZL New Zealand Former names and former members: AFG Afghanistan GER Germany OMA Oman AHO Netherlands Antilles AIA Anguilla GHA Ghana PAK Pakistan AMS American Samoa (now ASA) ALB Albania GIB Gibraltar PAN Panama ANO Angola (now ANG) ALG Algeria GRE Greece PAR Paraguay ANG Anguilla (now AIA) AND Andorra GRN Grenada PER Peru AUA Australasia BGU British Guiana (now GUY) ANG Angola GUA Guatemala PHI Philippines BHR Bahrain (now BRN) ANT Antigua & Barbuda GUI Guinea PLE Palestine BHO British Honduras ARG Argentina GUM Guam PLW Palau BIR Burma (now MYA/Myanmar) ARM Armenia GUY Guyana PNG Papua New Guinea BKF Burkina Faso (now BUR) ARU Aruba HAI Haiti POL Poland BOH Bohemia ASA American Samoa HKG Hong Kong, China POR Portugal BOS Bosnia & Herzegovina (now BIH) AUS Australia HON Honduras PRK DPR Korea BSH Bosnia & Herzegovina (now BIH) AUT Austria HUN Hungary PUR Puerto Rico BUR Burundi (now BDI, BUR is now AZE Azerbaijan INA Indonesia PYF French Polynesia Burkina Faso) BAH Bahamas IND India QAT Qatar BVI British Virgin Islands (now IVB) BWI British West Indies BAN Bangladesh IRI Iran ROU Romania CEY Ceylon (now SRI) BAR Barbados IRL Ireland RSA Republic of South Africa CKI Cook Islands (now COK) BDI Burundi IRQ Iraq RUS Russia CVD Cape Verde Islands (now CPV) BEL Belgium ISL Iceland RWA Rwanda DAH Dahomey (Now BEN/Benin) BEN Benin ISR Israel SAM Western Samoa DMN Dominica (now DMA) BER Bermuda ISV Virgin Islands (US) SEN Senegal ENG England BHU Bhutan IVB British Virgin Islands SEY Seychelles EUN Unified Team (Formerly USSR) BIH Bosnia & Herzegovina ITA Italy SIN Singapore FRG Federal Republic of Germany BIZ Belize JAM Jamaica SKN Saint Kitts & Nevis (now GER) BLR Belarus JOR Jordan SLE Sierra Leone GBI Great Britain & Ireland (pre- 1922) BOL Bolivia JPN Japan SLO Slovenia GDR German Democratic Republic SMR San Marino BOT Botswana KAZ Kazakhstan (now GER) BRA Brazil KEN Kenya SOL Solomon Islands GOL Gold Coast (now GHA/Ghana) BRN Bahrain KGZ Kyrghizstan SOM Somalia GUD Guadeloupe BRU Brunei KIR Kiribati SRB Serbia HOL Netherlands (now NED) BUL Bulgaria KOR Korea SRI Sri Lanka IRN Iran (now IRI) BUR Burkina Faso KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia STP DR of São Tomé & Principé IOA Independent Olympic Athletes CAF Central African Republic KUW Kuwait SUD Sudan IOP Independent Olympic CAM Cambodia LAO Laos SUI Switzerland Participants CAN Canada LAT Latvia SUR Surinam KHM Kampuchea (now CAM/Cambodia) CAY Cayman Islands LBA Libya SVK Slovak Republic KZK Kazakhstan (now KAZ) SWE Sweden CGO Congo LBR Liberia LAN Lesser Antilles CHA Chad LCA Saint Lucia SWZ Swaziland LIT Lithuania (now LTU) CHI Chile LES Lesotho SYR Syria MAL Malaya CHN PR of China LIB Lebanon TAN Tanzania MLD Maldives (now MDV) CIV Ivory Coast LIE Liechtenstein TGA Tonga MOL Moldova (now MDA) CMR Cameroon LTU Lithuania THA Thailand MRT Martinique COD DR of Congo LUX Luxembourg TJK Tadjikistan MSH Marshall Islands (now MHL) COK Cook Islands MAC Macao TKM Turkmenistan NAU Nauru (now NRU) COL Colombia MAD Madagascar TKS Turks & Caicos Islands NIR Northern Ireland COM Comoros MAR Morocco TLS East Timor NBO North Borneo NRH Northern Rhodesia (now ZAM) CPV Cape Verde Islands MAS Malaysia TOG Togo NMA Northern Mariana Islands (now CRC Costa Rica MAW Malawi TPE Chinese Taipei NMI) CRO Croatia MDA Moldova TRI Trinidad & Tobago OMN Oman (now OMA) TUN Tunisia CUB Cuba MDV Maldives PAL Palestine (now PLE) CYP Cyprus MEX Mexico TUR Turkey PRY Democratic Peopleʼs Republic of CZE Czech Republic MGL Mongolia TUV Tuvalu Yemen (now YEM) DEN Denmark MHL Marshall Islands UAE United Arab Emirates RHO Rhodesia (now ZIM/Zimbabwe) DJI Djibouti MKD Former Yugoslav Republic of UGA Uganda ROC Republic of China DMA Dominica Macedonia UKR Ukraine ROM Romania (now ROU) DOM Dominican Republic MLI Mali URU Uruguay SAA Saar ECU Ecuador MLT Malta USA United States SAF South Africa (now RSA) EGY Egypt MNE Montenegro UZB Uzbekistan SCG Serbia & Montenegro (fomerly Yugoslavia, now SRB & MNE) ERI Eritrea MNT Montserrat VAN Vanuatu VEN Venezuela SCO Scotland ESA El Salvador MON Monaco SER Serbia (now SRB) VIE Vietnam ESP Spain MOZ Mozambique STK St Kitts & Nevis (now SKN) EST Estonia MRI Mauritius VIN Saint Vincent & the STL St Lucia (now LCA) ETH Ethiopia MTN Mauritania Grenadines STV St Vincent (now VIN) FIJ Fiji MYA Myanmar YEM Yemen UAR United Arab Republic FIN Finland NAM Namibia ZAM Zambia URS USSR FRA France NCA Nicaragua ZIM Zimbabwe TAH Tahiti (now PYF) FSM Federated States of NED Netherlands TCH (Up to 1992) Czechoslovakia Micronesia NEP Nepal TON Tonga (now TGA) VOL Upper Volta (now BUR/Burkina GAB Gabon NFI Norfolk Island Faso) GAM The Gambia NGR Nigeria WAL Wales GBR Great Britain & Northern NIG Niger YAR Yemen Arab Republic (now Ireland NMI Northern Mariana Islands YEM) GBS Guinea Bissau NOR Norway YUG Yugoslavia GEO Georgia NRU Nauru ZAI Zaire (now COD) 10 ISTANBUL 2012 ★ WORLD RECORDS IAAF WORLD INDOOR RECORDS (As at January 31, 2012) MEN 50 Metres 5.56A Donovan Bailey CAN Reno 9 Feb 96 60 Metres 6.39 Maurice Greene USA Madrid 3 Feb 98 6.39 Maurice Greene USA Atlanta 3 Mar 01 200 Metres 19.92 Frankie Fredericks NAM Liévin 18 Feb 96 400 Metres 44.57 Kerron Clement USA Fayetteville 12 Mar 05 800 Metres 1:42.67 Wilson Kipketer DEN Paris
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