3614 Vol. 43, No. 15 / 1 August 2018 / Optics Letters Letter Dual-comb interferometry via repetition rate switching of a single frequency comb 1, 1 1,2 1,2 DAVID R. CARLSON, *DANIEL D. HICKSTEIN, DANIEL C. COLE, SCOTT A. DIDDAMS, AND 1,2 SCOTT B. PAPP 1Time and Frequency Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado 80305, USA 2Department of Physics, University of Colorado, 2000 Colorado Ave., Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA *Corresponding author: [email protected] Received 14 June 2018; revised 27 June 2018; accepted 27 June 2018; posted 29 June 2018 (Doc. ID 335008); published 24 July 2018 We experimentally demonstrate a versatile technique for to an ultrafast laser to produce a pulse train whose repetition 0 performing dual-comb interferometry using a single fre- rate periodically alternates between f rep and f rep, resulting in quency comb. By rapid switching of the repetition rate, the creation of a time-multiplexed frequency comb. A fiber the output pulse train can be delayed and heterodyned with splitter then diverts half of the comb power to a delay line itself to produce interferograms. The full speed and resolu- of length Ldelay that is matched to half of the switching rate tion of standard dual-comb interferometry is preserved via L v ∕ 2f , where v is the group velocity of while simultaneously offering a significant experimental delay g mod g the fiber at the comb’s center wavelength. The other half of simplification and cost savings. We show that this approach the comb passes through an acousto-optic modulator is particularly suited for absolute distance metrology due to (AOM) to provide a frequency offset for the photodetected RF an extension of the nonambiguity range as a result of the spectrum, avoiding spectral aliasing at baseband frequencies. continuous repetition rate switching. https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.43.003614 The interference between two mutually coherent optical fre- quency combs with slightly different repetition rates can be used to extract temporal and spectral information from the combs with both high resolution and high speed [1,2]. This technique is known generally as dual-comb interferometry and has been suc- cessfully demonstrated for applications including spectroscopy [3], hyperspectral imaging [4], distance metrology [5], ellipsom- etry [6], and two-way time transfer [7]. The most common im- plementation uses two independent but optically phase-locked combs, though simplifications involving birefringent [8], bidirectional [9], or spatially multiplexed [10] resonators are possible, albeit with limited tunability in the repetition rates. Alternatively, at the cost of acquisition speed or spectral resolu- tion, a single comb can be used to obtain dual-comb interfero- grams through continuous repetition rate sweeping (OSCAT) [11–14], or by using an acousto-optic programmable dispersive Fig. 1. PHIRE concept. (a) An RF source providing the comb rep- filter to continuously shift the delay of a pulse train [15]. etition rate f is periodically modulated to produce two distinct Here we demonstrate a simple and versatile new approach to rep frequencies that alternate at a rate of f mod. The comb output is split dual-comb interferometry, using a single comb laser, that relies and recombined with itself after passing through a fixed length of on rapid switching of the pulse repetition rate to produce optical fiber to produce dual-comb interferograms. An acousto-optic interferograms at the full speed and resolution of standard modulator (AOM) provides a frequency offset for one arm to shift the dual-comb methods. We call this technique parallel heterodyne interferogram carrier frequency away from baseband. (b) An alternate interferometry via rep-rate exchange (PHIRE) and show how it RF configuration using electronic switching to toggle between two dif- can be used for applications including spectroscopy, vibrome- ferent sources for f rep. (c) The modulation f mod is matched to the try, and absolute distance metrology. length of the fiber delay such that the photodetected output produces The fundamental PHIRE concept is illustrated by the interferograms from the two overlapping pulse trains with repetition 0 schematic in Fig. 1(a). A binary modulation f mod is applied rates f rep and f rep. 0146-9592/18/153614-04 Journal © 2018 Optical Society of America Letter Vol. 43, No. 15 / 1 August 2018 / Optics Letters 3615 When these arms are recombined, a sequence of interferograms can be up to 4 orders of magnitude faster than the OSA, while Δ is produced at the difference in repetition rates f rep of the two additionallypffiffiffiffiffi providing an optical signal-to-noise ratio of pulse trains. In comparison, OSCAT, which shares a similar >25 dB∕ N across the comb bandwidth. self-delayed construction, acquires interferograms at the sweep- Increasing the comb bandwidth is possible by undergoing ing speed of f rep, but is practically limited to speeds a few nonlinear spectral broadening before passing through the delay Δ line. In fact, the time multiplexing inherent to PHIRE is ideal orders of magnitude less than the equivalent f rep [11]. If ab- solute calibration of the comb spacing or support for coherent for this type of process because the pulses do not walk across each in the nonlinear medium and thus do not introduce time domain averaging is desired, f mod can alternatively be used to select between two phase-coherent RF sources via a higher-order nonlinearities in the dual-comb interferograms. switch, as shown in Fig. 1(b). However, in both configurations, An example nonlinear PHIRE spectrum is shown in Fig. 2(b), obtained after the comb had been broadened in 4 m of highly the interferograms are reversed every half-cycle of f mod due to Δ the periodic swapping of pulse trains in each arm of the inter- nonlinear fiber. To maintain comb-tooth resolution, f rep was ferometer. Unlike standard dual comb, this means that acquis- reduced to 1 MHz while Ldelay was increased to 3 km. However, ∕ a practical limitation for nonlinear PHIRE using an electro- itions longer than 1 2f mod require extra processing in order to avoid spectral artifacts due to the out-of-phase interfero- optic source is that the two resulting combs have slightly differ- grams. Nevertheless, interferogram sequences shorter than ent spectral bandwidths, and thus a slightly different pulse ∕ chirp is required to optimally compress them [26]. However, 1 2f mod can be digitized and Fourier transformed directly to yield the comb’s full phase and amplitude spectrum. it should be possible to use electronically controlled RF phase The length of the fiber delay determines the optimum shifters to adjust the output pulse chirp synchronously with value of f and thus also limits what values of Δf are sup- f mod to mitigate this effect and allow stronger nonlinear inter- mod rep actions, possibly supporting direct self-referencing [18,27]. ported with full-frequency resolution. For example, when As in other forms of frequency comb spectroscopy, molecu- Δf < 2f , interferograms are acquired at the higher rate rep mod lar absorption measurements can be performed across the comb of 2f mod, though resolution is reduced due to the truncated delay bandwidth. For example, Fig. 2(c) shows several absorption range. This scenario can be useful when acquisition speed takes bands in H14C13N gas, obtained after passing through a 15 cm priority over resolution, but it may be necessary to control the pure gas cell at a pressure of 100 Torr and subtracting the back- relative phase of the RF sources to center the interferogram within ground [28]. To increase the effective resolution of the PHIRE Δ the scan window. On the other hand, when f rep > 2f mod, measurement, we leverage the tunability of the CW pump laser multiple interferograms will be acquired per half-period, with to sweep the entire comb across the absorption features in steps a maximum value limited only by aliasing at the Nyquist-zone of ∼0.01 nm. Absolute calibration of the wavelength in this edges for a given spectral bandwidth. This sequence of multiple case would require self-referencing; however, many applications interferograms can be Fourier transformed to yield a comb- for high-repetition-rate combs do not require such accuracy. resolved spectrum, or processed individually and averaged to improvethesignal-to-noiseratioofasingleinterferogram. While the PHIRE technique can be applied to any type of ultrafast pulse source capable of quickly changing repetition rate, 0 we demonstrate its implementation using an electro-optic modu- -50 lation (EOM) comb. EOM combs are simple and robust sources -100 of pulses that are carved directly from a continuous-wave (CW) Power (dB) laser through cascaded phase and intensity modulation [16–18]. 1546 1548 1550 1552 1554 The result is a highly flexible comb that can support various Wavelength (nm) electronic readout configurations including narrowband self- heterodyne interference spectroscopy [19,20]andOSCAT[21], -40 as well as standard dual-comb interferometry [22–25]. -60 Our EOM comb, implementing the RF configuration from -80 Fig. 1(b) with ∼10 ns switching speed, consists of three phase Power (dB) 1530 1535 1540 1545 1550 1555 1560 1565 1570 modulators followed by one intensity modulator and has a Wavelength (nm) nominal repetition rate of 10.1 GHz. A difference in repetition Δ rates of f rep 3.28 MHz is set by the two phase-coherent 1 RF synthesizers and is chosen to be an integer multiple of ∼ f mod 164 kHz, which is matched to the 600 m single- mode fiber delay. This configuration allows up to 10 interfero- 0.5 Transmittance grams to be acquired during each switching cycle and supports 1548.5 1549 1549.5 1550 1550.5 1551 1551.5 comb-tooth-resolved spectra.
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