Banjarmasin City: a Disability-Inclusive City Profile 2019 Disclaimer The designations employed and the presentation of the material All rights reserved in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion UNESCO Jakarta Ofce whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Jl. Galuh 2 No. 5, Kebayoran Baru concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or Jakarta Selatan, 12110 of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. All images are credited to Kota Kita The views expressed and the information and data given in this except stated otherwise. publication do not necessarily refect those of the United Nations. Mention of frms’ names and commercial products does not imply the endorsement of UNESCO. UNESCO does not owe any The images and any personal responsibility for incorrect / inappropriate information collected information mentioned in this report from different sources, or in documents, maps, or quoted reports of (such as name, age, disability, and job Research, Consultancy, and the collaborating Organizations. title) is released upon consent from the subject. We use these materials Excerpts may be reproduced without authorization, on condition to illustrate the variety of information that the source is indicated. we achieve and should not be used for commercial purposes. CC-BY-NC-SA This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc- sa/4.0/ 2 Banjarmasin City: a Disability-Inclusive City Profle About UNESCO The United Nations Educational, Scientifc and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is responsible for coordinating international cooperation in education, science, culture and communication. UNESCO Ofce in Jakarta is a Regional Science Bureau for Asia and the Pacifc dedicated to fostering equitable and inclusive human development based on the universal ethical and human rights framework. UNESCO works closely with the governments and the civil society to promote participatory and inclusive processes and policies: making sure that all the relevant voices are heard and everyone benefts equitably from social and economic development. In Indonesia, UNESCO supports the Network of Mayors for Inclusive Cities and its Member Cities to design and implement innovative policies that promote social inclusion of persons with disabilities. About Kota Kita Yayasan Kota Kita or Our City Foundation (www.kotakita.org) is a non-proft organization based in Indonesia with expertise in urban planning and citizen participation in the design and development of cities. Kota Kita bridge the dialogues between government and their constituencies by facilitating citizen participation and collaboration, influencing urban policies, encouraging open access to information, and providing civic education to empower urban citizens. For almost a decade, Kota Kita has worked in more than 20 cities in Indonesia on a range of projects from small scale urban interventions, city-wide assessments to large-scale strategic planning and visioning. Acknowledgements This report was developed with the support and expertise of a number of people: Irakli Khodeli (UNESCO), Fatum Ade (SAPDA), Slamet Triadi and Ahmad Riyad Islami (PPDI Banjarmasin), Barniah (HWDI Banjarmasin), Rini Hayati (Gerkatin Banjarmasin), Ruly Alfansyah (Pertuni Banjarmasin), Shintia (NPC Banjarmasin), John Taylor (Kota Kita). Authors: Nina Asterina, Hasanatun Nisa Thamrin, Barry Beagen Contributors: Fuad Jamil, Muhammad Syahreza, Elsena Khurniadi, Mukhlis Akbar, Athuf Hazimah Editor: In Other Words Collective Photography: Nina Asterina, Yulia Umairoh, Kaki Kota Banjarmasin Graphics: Febrian Gerinosky Design and Layout: Fildzah Husna Amalina, Febrian Gerinosky Banjarmasin City: a Disability-Inclusive City Profle 3 Table of Contents Glossary | 5 Foreword | 6 Chapter 1 - Introduction | 8 Chapter 2 - Basic Concept | 11 Chapter 3 - Overview of Banjarmasin: Towards and Inclusive City | 14 Chapter 4 - Profle of Persons with Disability in Banjarmasin | 18 4.1. Basic Demographic and Spatial Distribution | 19 4.2. Type of Disabilities | 22 4.3. Education Attainment | 24 4.4. Economic Livelihood and Employment | 25 Chapter 5 - Rights of Persons with Disability in Banjarmasin | 28 5.1. Education and Vocational Training | 30 5.2. Housing and Environment | 37 5.3. Health and Rehabilitation | 38 5.4. Political Participation and Community Engagement | 41 5.5. Social Insurance Coverage | 45 5.6. Accessible Public Facilities | 45 5.7. Disaster Risk Reduction and Preparedness | 50 Chapter 6 - Key Takeaways | 52 Reference | 57 Annex | 58 4 Banjarmasin City: a Disability-Inclusive City Profle Glossary APBD Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah, Local Government Budget BPJS Kesehatan Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan, National Social Health Insurance BPS Badan Pusat Statistik, National Statistic Bureau DPOs Disabled Person’s Organizations FGD Focus Group Discussion Gerkatin Gerakan untuk Kesejahteraan Tunarungu Indonesia HWDI Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia, Indonesian Association of Women with Disabilities Kecamatan District, an administrative unit under City / Municipality Kelurahan Neighbourhood, an administrative unit under District / kecamatan Kota City, an administrative unit under Province KTP Kartu Tanda Penduduk, Indonesian citizen identity card NGO Non-Governmental Organization NPC National Paralympic Committee Pertuni Perkumpulan Tuna Netra Indonesia, Indonesian Blind Union PMKS Penyandang Masalah Kesejahteraan Sosial, People with Social Problems PPDI Perhimpunan Persatuan Disabilitas Indonesia, Indonesia Disabled People’s Association RT Rukun Tetangga, a lowest administrative unit of an Indonesian neighbourhood covering around 20-30 households RW Rukun Warga, a territorial and administrative ordering system above RT level UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientifc and Cultural Organization Banjarmasin City: a Disability-Inclusive City Profle 5 Foreword United Nations Educational Scientifc and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Dr. Shahbaz Khan | Director and Representative, UNESCO Regional Science Bureau for Asia and the Pacifc; UNESCO Representative to Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Timor-Leste Cities play a crucial role in promoting the rights of persons with disabilities. Today around half of humanity lives in urban environments and this fgure is set to increase to two thirds by 2050. Cities are centres of migration and diversity, offering signifcant opportunities for innovation, intercultural exchange and economic growth. In Indonesia, cities are often at the forefront of inclusive social policy innovation, especially in regards to marginalized and vulnerable populations. In order to use the potential for positive social transformation at a city level, UNESCO partnered with the municipal governments to establish the Network of Mayors for Inclusive Cities. Conceived within the United Nations project on Promoting the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Indonesia, the Network is hosted by APEKSI (Association of Indonesia Municipalities). Like in many other countries, the efforts of city governments and the civil society in Indonesia to enact effective policies are often frustrated by the lack of relevant up-to-date and accurate data. One way for city authorities to bridge the data gap and to strengthen the inclusive character of urban environments is by fostering closer links with persons with disabilities and facilitating their participation in knowledge production and policy processes. Banjarmasin City: A Disability-Inclusive City Profle is the result of UNESCO’s collaboration with Kota Kita Foundation, based on the shared understanding that the reliable, disaggregated and ft-for-purpose data is essential for the design, implementation and evaluation of any policy that aims to promote social inclusion of vulnerable groups, including persons with disabilities. The focus of the project is the city of Banjarmasin in South Kalimantan, due to the commitment of its Mayor to promote the rights of persons with disabilities through innovative and inclusive policy solutions. The Participatory Data Collection and Mapping Methodology used in this project has already been applied in Surakarta, in Central Java, and represents a scalable model that can be replicated in other cities of Indonesia. We hope that this inclusive and participatory exercise will strengthen the relationship between city authorities and the citizens living with disabilities in Banjarmasin. We also hope that similar collaborative approaches will be adopted by other city governments throughout Indonesia. UNESCO, together with its partner UN agencies will continue to build bridges between the key national stakeholders – the government, civil society, research community and media towards the fulfllment of fundamental rights, and the realization of inclusive social development goals in Indonesia. 6 Banjarmasin City: a Disability-Inclusive City Profle Foreword City Government of Banjarmasin H. Ibnu Sina | Mayor of Banjarmasin All praises and thanks be to God for the completion of the Banjarmasin Disability-Inclusivity Profle. The city welcomes the publication of the Profle with excitement as it highlights Banjarmasin’s move towards an inclusive city. The city had previously published an Inclusive City Roadmap and now this profle is a new addition to our references as we build a
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