INSIDE WEEK OF APRIL 14-20, 2016 www.FloridaWeekly.com Vol. VI, No. 26 • FREE Hatsume Fair Morikami celebrates arrival of SCIENCE IN spring. B1 Society Fun at polo and other events on GENEALOGY the scene. 10 pages inside “DNA allows you to match yours with other BY ROGERRO WILLIAMS people who have rwilliams@flrwirw lliia oridaweekly.com submitted theirs. HEY MAY NOT PROVE TO BE Now that millions what they first appear to be: the overland route to are doing that, Tracing your Nepal, the Scottish high- Behind the Wheel the matches have lands, the Kalahari Desert, Taking a spin in the Hyundai history just got the surface of the moon. Veloster. A12 become easier.” Or the DNA test. T In fact, say the grow- easier. But how —Jim Roach, Florida ing number of men and resident, right, whose accurate is it? wowomenmme exploring either their ancestors are pictured hehealthala tth or their genetic histories above SEE SCIENCE, A10 Hammerheads, hops highlight Baseball & Brews BY AMY WOODS “It’s basically a three-hour, craft-beer In the Kitchen awoods@fl oridaweekly.com tasting,” said Mike Bauer, the stadium’s general manager, who expects between Meet Jeff Nutter from The tap of the keg will meet the crack 1,000 and 1,500 to attend. “It’s turned out Okeechobee Steakhouse. B19 of the bat at Roger Dean Stadium’s Base- to be one of our better minor-league pro- ball & Brews, an annual event that pairs motions.” America’s favorite beverage with Ameri- The stadium, home of the Hammer- Download ca’s favorite pastime. heads and the Palm Beach Cardinals, puts More than 25 regional and national on a series of themed nights called “The our FREE beermakers will set up sipping stations in Great 8” during the Florida State League App today the concourse, offering unlimited samples season. The first, Star Wars Night, took Available on to thirsty fans as the Jupiter Hammerheads the iTunes and take on the Clearwater Threshers. SEE BREWS, A9 Android App Store. PRSRT STD OPINION A4 BUSINESS A20 COLLECTIBLES B2 U.S. POSTAGE PETS A6 REAL ESTATE A24 CALENDAR B4-6 PAID FORT MYERS, FL BEHIND THE WHEEL A12 KOVELS A27 PUZZLES B12 PERMIT NO. 715 HEALTHY LIVING A18 ARTS B1 CUISINE B19 A2 NEWS WEEK OF APRIL 14-20, 2016 www.FloridaWeekly.com GARDENS/JUPITER FLORIDA WEEKLY COMMENTARY Can you hear me now? Who was to blame? As it turned out, decades leading up to the storm, is more about Miami and the St. Petersburg/ there were legions of those who shared crucial for vulnerable coastal communi- Tampa Bay area. These metro areas are responsibility for what went wrong. ties seeking to avoid a similar fate. among the top five identified nationally leslieLILLY Of those culpable, the Army Corps of It is a litany of the terrible downsides as extremely vulnerable to hurricanes Engineers was first in line. The failure associated with turning a blind eye to and flooding from storm surges. [email protected] of the levees was the principal cause of known, future risks. Because in New Florida has 1,350 miles of coastline. the flooding in New Orleans, flooding Orleans, it was not a question of if a “Some 2.4 million people and 1.3 mil- exacerbated by the Corps’ neglect of the Katrina might one day take aim at the lion homes sit within 4 feet of the local It is more than a decade since Hur- agency’s Mississippi River — Gulf Out- city; it was question of when the city’s high tide line,” Climate Central reports. ricane Katrina, a Category 5 storm, let Canal (MR-GO). MR-GO resulted in luck would run out? “Sea level rise is more than doubling weakened and then made landfall on the channeling of Katrina’s storm surge Florida is in a pre-Katrina state of the risk of a storm surge at this level in the northern Gulf Coast. Though it was directly into the heart of the city. mind. It’s been more than 10 years South Florida by 2030.” downgraded to a Category 3 hurricane The Army Corps’ faulty administra- without a major storm. A complacent The state’s population has increased when it hit the mainland, its massive tion of the design, engineering, con- public expects and lawmakers in major- by more than 2 million people since size and earlier intensity delivered a struction and management of the ity presume Florida will go on escaping 2005. Overbuilding, sea-level rise, salt- gargantuan storm surge deep into the region’s flood protection failed miser- the destiny of its geography as a Ground water intrusion into freshwater aquifers coastlines of Mississippi, southeast Lou- ably to protect the city and surround- Zero for tropical storms and rising seas. and inland flooding are far more com- isiana and Alabama. ing parishes. Levee failure was a direct The state Legislature has abandoned its mon. A majority of coastal residents The great city of New Orleans took cause of an estimated 1,400 deaths. commitment to protecting the environ- have no clue about the potential of it on the chin. It was engulfed in flood- The trail of blame ran from the Corps ment just at the moment in time the storm surge risk in their areas, nor any waters of up to 20 feet, destroying its to the city’s mayor, on to the Louisiana’s state’s margin of overkill is all used up. appreciation that storm surge accounts schools and flooding four out of five governor’s office, all the way up to Pres- Sustainability is out the window. Over- for most hurricane-related deaths. of its homes. Katrina laid waste to the ident George W. Bush. It was President development is proceeding at full tilt Florida residents and the state’s lead- city’s businesses, financial institutions Bush who said to Michael Brown, head along our coastlines, the state’s most ership are in desperate need of a wake- and its entire infrastructure, including of the Federal Emergency Management environmentally sensitive areas are up call, but is anyone listening? ■ its transportation, water and sewer sys- Agency (FEMA), “Brownie, you’re doing under siege, and the state’s freshwater tems and power grid. a heck of a job.” supply is seriously threatened. The con- — Leslie Lilly is a native Florid- Few who saw the scenes will ever for- Anyone paying attention — and mil- sequences lie in wait of the inevitable ian. Her professional career spans more get the images of human misery and the lions were — knew differently. storm that will sweep our folly away. than 25 years leading major philan- breadth of the devastation and mayhem President Bush’s misspoken praise Andrew Freeman of Climate Central thropic institutions in the South and in the storm’s wake. The rescue of thou- epitomized a federal government out of writes, “New Orleans isn’t the only Appalachia. She writes frequently on sands of citizens was botched from the touch and ill-prepared to respond to the major U.S. city at risk … weaker hurri- issues of politics, public policy and beginning by the bureaucratic fumbling of disaster. The U.S. National Guard and canes can also do significant damage in philanthropy, earning national recogni- federal and state agencies. Those respon- people heroically helping people filled places. … Many American coastal cities tion for her leadership in the charitable sible were ill-prepared to muster a coher- the void, rescuing some 34,000 people are essentially sitting ducks to hurri- sector. She resides with her family and ent plan of coordinated disaster relief. in New Orleans alone. canes, with millions of Americans living pugs in Jupiter. Email her at llilly@flori- Days went by before basic supplies of New Orleans is a brutal lesson about at water’s edge, exposed to high winds daweekly.com and read past blog posts food, water and medical assistance were what can go wrong when a disaster and flooding.” on Tumblr at llilly15.Tumblr.com available to those desperate for help. strikes. But what came before, in the He could have easily been talking HIGHER A STROKE LEVEL OF AWARD CARE WINNING Members of Tenet Comprehensive Health’s Stroke Center Find out more information about our award-winning services. Register for a FREE Stroke Screening by calling 561-882-9100 901 45th St West Palm Beach, FL 33407 | StMarysMC.com APRIL COMMUNITY EVENTS & LECTURES Hands-Only Adult CPR Class Tuesday, April 19 @ 6:30-7pm Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue // Station 1 4425 Burns Road, Palm Beach Gardens Efective bystander CPR given immediately after sudden cardiac arrest can double or even triple the chance of survival. We have teamed up with PBG Fire Rescue to provide free monthly CPR classes. Local EMS will give a hands-only, adult CPR demonstration and go over Automated External Defibrillator use. Participants will practice using CPR manikins. Reservations are required. FREE COMMUNITY SCREENINGS Routine Health Screenings: A GYN Perspective Heart Attack Osteoporosis Dudley Brown, MD, MBA Risk Assessment Screenings Obstetrician/Gynecologist (blood pressure, BMI, Thursday, April 21 Thursday, April 21 @ 6-7pm glucose and cholesterol) @ 9am-1pm Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center // Classroom 4 Wednesday, April 13 Curious about what routine health screenings could be beneficial @ 8-11am to you? Join Dr. Dudley Brown, a gynecologist on the medical staf at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center for a lecture to learn about current screening recommendations from a GYN perspective. Light dinner and refreshments will be served. All screenings held at: Sneak Peak for May Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center 3360 Burns Road Stroke – Panel of Experts Presentation Arun Talkad, MD Chief Keith Bryer, Ali Malek, MD PBG Fire Rescue Scott McFarland, MD A local stroke survivor Tuesday, May 10 @ 6-8pm Palm Beach State College // SC127 // BioScience Building 2160 PGA Blvd.
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