THE SPORTING••PTRIOHT, 18*1 »Y THt • PONTVNa Lirt MJ». CO. ENTIHCD AT FHILA. F. O. «• «IC«NB CLASS UATTCH. LIFE VOLUME 22, NO. 3. PHILADELPHIA, PA., OCTOBER 14, 1893. PRICE, TEN CENTS. a conference in Boston and harmonized pany, limited to ten (10) for the same all the differences which rendered it purpose. Mr. Cushman, who Is a popu­ problematical whether tha annual Yale- A VIRGINIA LEAGUE. THAT COAST LEAGUE. lar manager in Milwaukee, has met with LATE NEWS BY WIRE. Harvard game would be played at much success, and of course local capital ACASEOFHIND8IGHT. Springfield. The game is a fixture. would prove more successful in running A mass meeting of the students of the SUCH AN ORGANIZATION LIKELY TO THE HARRIS SCHEME AS VIEWED IN a club than foreign. Charley Cushmin'e DODBLE SEASON OFFICIAL BASE BALL INFORMATION Yale Law School was held Oct. 11, at crowd is sure to secure th» Milwaukee THE DISCARDED which it was voted to form a foot ball franchise. FROM LEAGUE HEADQUARTERS. eleven from the material in that depart­ BE FORMED. THE NORTHWEST. The projectors of the Western League PLAN FINDS A FRIEND. ment of the university. The following should not fail to adopt a salary limit officers were elected: Manager, Albert one that will stand with, an efficient SPORTING NEWS FROM ALL POINTS. A. Moore, Oakland, Cal.; captain, George The Veteran Organizer, Ted Sullivan, The Ex-Pacific League People Favor­ officer to enforce it. President Yon der Ahe Regrets Tbat F. Sanford, New Haven. Games will GOOD NOMINATIONS. bo arranged1 with most of the New Eng­ Has the Scheme in Hand and able, Bat Not Sure ol California's William Furlong, the ex-umpire, now It Was Ever Abolished and Favors land colleges and with other Yale teams. an attorney of this city, who knows the Manager Barnie to Take a Ball Team ______ game thoroughly, and one who does not ABSURD RUMORS Will Push It to a Successful Con­ Ability to Stand the Financial Pace hold the position for the revenue (as he It's Revival as a Boon to Unlncfcy to California Latest Engagements is well fixed financially), would make About Impossible Deals in Connec­ clusion. Involved. an exceptionally good president of the Clubs. and Releases ol Ball Players An­ tion With the Cincinnati Club. League, It is doubtful if he would ac­ Cincinnati, O., Oct. 11. Doubtless -his cept, and knowing him intimately, I Manager T. P. Sullivan, late of the Portland, Ore., Oct. G. Editor "Sport­ have not broached the subject to him St. Louis, Oct., 10. President Von der nounced More New Cycle Re­ winter win see the Cineinnatis mixed up Nashville Club, of the Southern League, ing Life" Considerable talk was cre­ Abe is in favor of the League returning in a few deals of moment, but the rumors and perhaps he would not like my bring­ is in Washington, where he said he sold ated here lately by an article ing his name forward. If so, it is the to the double championship scheme again that are now going around are the es­ a piece of property on which he cleared that appeared in the "Examiner,"' next season. "The present organization cords Billiard Movements. One story is being cir­ head and not the heart that is to blame, sence of folly. about $$000, and felt happy. The 12- which was to the effect that a Coast and I hope "Billy" will take it as such is a bulky one, and every club cannot culated that New York has offered club league in the South, he said, was League was being agitated by several when he reads this article. be leader in the race, which, of course, BARNIE'AT THE HELM. Davis for Arlic Latham. Even if they a failure, and next year the League will of the magnates of the late California "Tommy" Andrews, sporting editor of results m the interest of the sport dying had, and Cincinnati let "Lath" go, they reduce the circuit to eight clubs. League, and particularly by Henry Har­ the "Evening Wisconsin." is running a out in the cities represented by tail-end He is Going to Take a Team to Cali­ would give up their brainiest man. A Manager Sullivan informs us he is ris, late manager of tho San Francisco sporting column that delights the sports teams," said the Boss President to a team of Lathams at the bat, in the field going to put in the fall organizing a team, aud who at one time managed and all those athletically inclined. His "Post-Dispatch" man. "This injures fornia. and on the bases would win any pen­ AVhen he gets the Portlands, to the great sorrow of financially every club in the League, to "Sporting Life." league in Virginia. columns of news are clear and new.sy Special nant in any Leagua ever organized. through with that he will take a look the cranks of this section. and making quite a reputation for his and.it strikes md a remedy will be heart­ Kansas City, Oct. 13. Captain Nash, Another fishy story is being circu­ and if condi­ DKAWBACKS TO THE SCHEME. ily welcomed. Now, the fact that a that he over the Western field, paper in the Northwest. Just the gentle­ x>f the Bostons, said while here lated that Boston has offered "Link" tions are favorable, will invest some It is very doubtful if a Coast League man the new club wants for official club starts out playing losing ball is not had made up his team for the Cali­ Long and Jack Stivetts for Bid MeFhee. of his money in a Western League club. would be very welcome to the magnates scorer. Do not overlook this, officers always due to weakness in the ranks. fornia jaunt. It will be managed by If they did and Cincinnati did not grab In A combination of unfortunate circum­ Ted was one of the few managers in of this league the coming season. of the new club! a roll­ Manager Barnie, of the Louisville Club, it they would miss a good thing. These the Southern League who paid his play­ the first place, the very recent dis- Phil. Ledcrer, the popular Broadway stances frequently starts the ball and will be made up as follows: Nichols tales show that interest in the Reds has ers every penny due them up to the bandinont of the California League is ing, and by the time the team gets in and Carsey, pitchers; Kittredge aud cigar man, would make a good secretary good shape again the players become dis­ not ceased with the close of the cham­ day he turned his Nashville team and still fresh in their minds, and they look for the local club, as he is popular with the Ganxcll, catchers; Beckley, first base; pionship season. Captain Comiskey is franchise over to the Southern League. at it, no doubt, in this light, that if the all classes. gusted because the club is among Lowc, second base; Long, short stop; "elected" to remain here another year, people refused to support a league last tail-enders in the championship race. Nash, third base; Davis, left field; Tom and there wasn't a bit of truth in the St. season, to treat them with the national This knocks all the enthusiasm out of Brown, centre field; McCarty, right BASE BALL IN VIRGINIA. would be push­ them and the result is they continue to Louis advices that he would again be game the coming season NEW YORK CLUB'S FINANCES. put up a listless game. The patrons of field, and Kelly, extra man. The start found handling the Browns. The State League Contest Ended ing it on to them, so to speak; and, as will be made from Chicago Sunday league stopped opera­ The $35,OOO Bonds Will Not be Can­ the sport are unwilling to put up to see There is a suspicion that Frank Ban­ Pitcher QuarJes at Home, Etc. it was, when this this kind of ball, and the gate receipts night. The team will remain in Cali­ croft's hat has been chalked, and that tions and when it was stated that '.ho celled, But Renewed. all winter, returning East about Petersburg,Va.,Oet.ll. Editor "Sport­ in consequence suffer. fornia his old duties will be pressed upon Com­ people were going to have the game New York, Oct. 11. There have been DOUBLE SEASON ADVANTAOES. the middle of March. Genial Billy ing Life" Since the Bostons came to again the next season, the magnates, iskey. Wa hope that is not true, for if several statements lately about the "Now, in uiy mind, the double SOOSOM Barnie has finally consented to pilot there ever was a walking news mine Petersburg to practice, before starting by feeling the pulse of the people, decid­ financial status of the New York Base the venture, and when Nash received in the League contest, the city and State coming season championship does away with this to a Colonel Bancroft fills the bill. During ed that at least until the Ball Club, but nothing official has been curtain extent. With all the clubs start­ his telegram last night he treated his his years of service here his equal as have been "base ball crazy." The Peters­ the Pacific Northwest League should not known. The "Sun" now comes to the burg team haying played such phenom­ ball arena. ing out again in the middle of the sea­ men to cigars all around. a hustler has never been surpassed.
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