![LOK S ABHA DEBATES (English Version)](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
jsicritt, y«L W, Nfc 6 nm nin, Wwwrtg 29. im_ ■ ^ Agntaj«M7,m3(Sika) LOK S ABHA DEBATES (English Version) Second Session (Tena Lok SaUui) rico"tatu sos. 1 0 1 0 ^ J lw o u ^ Oftiom woammM msaasao nt W a rn ¥ n m •» 4»«iai4i»nv> Jim CONTENTS [Tenth Series. Vol. VI. Second Session. 1991/1913 (Sakan No. 6. Thursday. November 28,1991/Agiahayana 7,1913 (Saka) CouLJMie Oral Answers to Questions 1-32 *StamBd Question Nos. 102 to 105 Written Answers to Questions 32-325 Starred Question Nos. 101.10610120 32-70 Unstarred Question Nos. IllS to 1136,1138 to 1164 71-325 1166t01168.1170 to 1224 1226to 1259,1252 to 1294 1296to 1319,1321 to 1346 Announcement by Speaker Televising of Lok Sabha Proceedings 325-360 Election to Committee Joint Committee on Offtees of Profit 360 Business Advisory Committee 361-362 Eighth Report Matters Under Rule 377 363-368 (i) Need to provMe a double 363 track on Bangatore-Tumkur Railway line Shrl C.P. Mudala GIriyappa (li) Need to set up a full fledged 363-364 TV centre at Sambalpur and tow power transmitters at Deogarh and Paliahara In Orissa ShriSribaliavPanigrahi (ill) Need to set up sugar mills at 364 NawabganJ and Meerganj. Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh Shrl Santosh Kumar Gangwar * The Sign marked above the name Of a MenrtbortaKilcatM that the questton was actually asked on the ftoor of the Hosue by that Member. Cquumnb (iv) Need to f 09d STD cods No. 062731 3 6 4 ^ in the Coinpuler to provide proper STD factty bellmen DeM and Jhai^harpur Stwi Devendra Piasad Yadav (V) Need for early sotuHon to 365 Jharkhand problem ShriSun4Mandal (vQ Need to «dend local trains run Iqr 365-366 the Western Railway in Bombay upto Dabanu Road in Maharashtra Shri Momshwar Save (vii) Need to recognise Madabar Rebellion 366 of 1921 as Freedom struggle and to provide freedom ftghters* pension to those who participaied in that movement ShrlE.Ahamed (MO Need to take steps for overall davslopment 367 of Orissa State ShrfKP. Singh Deo (ix) Need to review the decision of aflowfcig 367-366 prlvaie sector ki Defence productton ShriJagalVir Singh Drona Waler (Pmvenlkin and control of Poiiitfon) 3 6 6 ^ Cess (Amendment) Bfll Motion 10 oonsldBr StalKamalNath 368-382 Clauses2toSand1 382-392 MotionioPaM Shrl Kama! Nath 385-386 ShrlMolwnslngh 392-393 ShrlRamNafc 386-387 m Oia uaew Tea Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of 395 Sid( Tea Units) Amendment Bifl 3 9 6 ^ Motion to consider 4Z7-432 Shrl Salman Khurshaed 396 Shri Kat)lndra PuitcayastlM 396-400 Sfiri Bgoy Kristina Handique 40(M03 Stiri Jltendra Natli Das 403-406 Stiri Mumtaz Ansari 40&406 Stiri SudhirSawant 406-413 Siiri Basu Deb Adiaria 413-417 StufFtajagoiMlNaidu 417-416 Shfi Amar Roypradhan 416-421 Shri Srtoaliav Panigrahi 421-423 Re. Nation wide t>andli on 29Hi Novennter, 1991 423-427 Shri Dwatfca Math Das 430-432 Shri Pius TWwy 432 LOKSABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA 1990-91 and 1991 •92; and (b) the amount actually released to each StateAJnionTenitory duringthe above Thursday, November28,1991/ period? Agrahaya va 7.1913 (Saka) THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI BALRAM JAKHAR): (a) The The Lok S M ta met at Government of India are implementing two Eleven of the Clock schemes for the development of fruit trees: IMR. SPEAKER in the Chaii] i) Establishment of nutritional gardens in rural areas; ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ii) Central Sector Scheme on lEnglish] integrated development of Tropical and Arid Zone fruits. Funds For Plantation of fniH B«aringTra«s The funds earmarked under these two schemes during 1990-91 and 1991-92 are *102 SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: Rs. 132.41 lakhs and Rs. 369.34 lakhs Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE t)e respectively. pleased to state: (b) Statement I and II showing statewise (a) the funds earmarked by the Union funds releasedduring 1990-91 andaltocatton Government for plantation of fruit bearing of funds during 1991 -92 is laid on the Tat>le trees in the rural areas of the country during of the Sabha. STATEMENT* I Statewise m l e ^ of funds during 1990-91 for Developmera of fniit Trees in various schemes of Centtaf Government S.No. Name of the StateAJT Amount released (Rs. in lakhs) 1. Andhra Pradesh 7.110 2. Bihar 4.030 3. Goa 0.298 4. Gujarat 4.030 3 OttiAnsmers NOVEM BER 28.1991 O n lA im m n 4 SLMdl NamoltheStaleAJT Amount nieased (R$. in U(hs) s Hsvyana 1.910 6. Karnataka 5.200 7. Keraia 0.298 B. Madhya Pradesh 4.030 9. Maharashtra 9.810 10. Orissa 5.110 11. Tamil Nadu 11.030 12. Ultar Pradesh 22.435 ia Wtat Bengal 1.920 14. Punjab 2.134 15. Jammu & Kashmif 1.125 16. Riqasthan 2.388 17. Arunachai Pradesh 0.513 1& Assam 0.513 19. Meghatava 0.513 20. Manipur 0.513 21. MizoramUK-mnmnmwm 0.513 22. Nagaland 1.026 23. SHdm 0.513 24. Tripura 1.026 2Sl Indian AgrL Research Institute New Delhi 2.201* 26. Indbn AgrL Reseaich Institute Kama!, Haryana 2.201* 27. Konkan KrisM Vidyapeeth, OapoN. Maharashtra 4.402* 96.792 ' for nwl|ilcatton at ^afls of f rull trees 5 OnriAnswBTS AGRAHAYANA 7,1913 (SAKA) Oh^Ansmrs 6 STATEMEKM State-wise Allocation of funds Ouring 1991-92forDevelopmafaoflhiH Tress In various schemes of Central Government &No. Nameof&ateAJT Amount sHocaied (Ps.Makhs) 1. Andhra Pradesh 32.361 2. Bihar 35.391 3. Goa 1.441 4. Gujarat 18.810 5. Haryana 8.460 6. Karnataka 20.310 7. Kerala 10.691 8. Madhya Pradesh 27.560 9. Maharashtra 30.111 10. Orissa 15.960 11. Tamil Nadu 26.810 12. Uttar Pradesh 52.111 13. West Bengal 26.426 14. Punjab 8.519 15. Jammu & Kashmir 2.000 16. Rajasthan 15.519 17. Arunachal Pradesh 2.301 18. Assam 10.551 19. Meghalaya 2.551 20. Mizoranv 2201 21- Nagaland 2.301 22. SMdm 2.151 23. Tripura 4.852 7 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 28.1991 OralAnswers 8 S.No. Name Of State/UT Anmunt allocated (RsJnlakhs) 24. Manipur 2.551 25. Himachal Pradesh 1.750 26. Andaman & NIcobar 0.100 27. Chandiggarh 0.100 28. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0.100 29. Delhi 0.100 30. Daman Diu 0.150 31. Lakshdweep 0.100 32. Pondicheny 0.100 33. Konkan Krishi Vkfyapeeth, Maharashtra 4.405* TOTAL 369.344 *for supply of grafts of fruit trees. **Release during 1991-92 wiii depend upon utilisatton by the State Governments. ITransk^oiH Mr. Speaker, Sir. I would like to relate the present position In Delhi. The total area SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: Mr. of Delhi is 1496-1500 Sq. kms. If 50-60 Speaiter, Sir. many other issues are related percent of the totaltrees recorded on papers to the question that has t>een raised. Even as planted during the last ten years are trees are of different types- some are fruit taken as dead, even then the entire area of bearing trees and others are ornamental Delhi should have been covered by trees. As trees. Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would I8(e to make perthe figure shown in the documents, there asubmisston in regard to irregularities being shoukl have been trees even underthls roof committed in respect of planting trees. Will where we are occupying these chairs. theGovemmenthoUenquiiy Into the matter? SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOUDHURY: And Mr. Speaker, Sir. I woukl like to know as instead of sitting in the Chairs, each one of to how much amount is earmarked in the us wouM have been sitting on the branches Budget for planting and maintaining these of those trees. trees separately. The Central Government shouU select a state as atest case and find SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: Where out the nunrtber of trees planted there during there is a will, there is a way. Mr. Speaker, the last 6-10 years. Supposing that 50-60 Sir, I woukJ like to know whether the percent is the rate of mortality of these Governmentpi^sestoexaminethe matter plants, even then the nuntber of surviving In a particular State taking it as a test case? trees shown in the records is a matter to be The most significant factor In it is to find out investigated. the number of surviving trees as also the 9 Oral Answers AGRAHAYANA 7.1913 {SAKA) OralAr)sweis 10 rea sons why the rate of survivalis low, and separate scheme. It contains the record of whether the staff is utlized property or not. the eaming and also expenditure. Only those Has any criterion been laid down to ascertain persons who have interest in horticulture the percentage of the surviving trees? What and grow fmit bearing trees will be able to are the reasons forthe low percentage? Will fumish such record. The Government want the hon. Minister furnish information in this to take measures for their benefit. The regard? Government are aware that this scheme would be more beneficial as compared to SHRIBALRAM JAKHAR; Mr. Speaker. growing conventional crops. Only if proper Sir, Shri Khurana is a close friend of mine. attention is paid to H. Hence, I would liw to That is why I did not consider it proper to pay special attention to horticulture. Interrupt him. When he raised the question, he should have specified the type of trees he SHRI ARVINO NETAM; Mr. Speaker, was referring to. He referred to fruit bearing Sir, earlier, fruit bearing trees were grown on trees and not to afforestation. He should asK both skies of roads, but that practk» seems a separate question forthat purpose.
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