' .0533, '- . ~ ~ , Name of the work:- DIVERSION OF Ha OF FOREST LAND IN COMPT.N0.443, CHERUKUR RESERVE FOREST, CHERUKUR BEAT, CHARAKONDA SECTION, NAGARKURNOOL RANGE OF ACHAMPET \VLM DIVISION FOR FORMATION OF FEEDER CHANNEL TO NAGULA TANK OF NAGILLA(V), MADGUL(M) IN RANGAREDDY (DISTRICT), TELANGANA. FOREST LAND DIVERTED FOR FORMATION OF FEEDER CHANNEL TO NAGULA TANK OF NAGILLA VILLAGE, MADGULA MANDAL, RANGAREDDY DISTRICT. (j) -p (') r OJ ::J ...., (j) :::y '< CD ...., .­ 0 CD ill ill ::J ICD .­ ;::0 CD Z (Q ill ill ill (J) (f) 5' 0 .­ Q. :5:S C CD - 0 :::y .­ ill (f) ...., ill :::y = :3 (Q ::J ill 0 z is' Q.(Q --., ill 0 .­ CD ...., ill CD r A 6 - ill (f) ::J -- ::J Q. 1 Formation of Feeder ;:A: w W N Cherukur 3 ~ -....J ~ Channel to Nagula Tank of w <D (J1 , Forest Land ~ 3 Madgul(M), rangareddy Dist. 0 3 - in 0 ~ j; The Canal runs for a length (J1 <1! CHERUKUR < IJo) of 5905km (Km.O.OO to ill (Q RANGE .­ ~ 0 ~ Km .59 .50) and off takes ""'1 from Jangareddypally of ;:A: :3 t Kalwakurthy and end at ~ 0 Nagilla(V). The feeder OJ w channel runs through the (J1 forest land at chainage , KmAO.456 - Date Place AS ~ D'y,--';'re~ Engineer, ) ~ JI' JLIP Sub Dv.No.2, MGLlSP DNo. l, MGKLIS DNo.I, Nagar kumooI. Kalwakurthy "--"I'~"~ \ c " CHIEF ENGINEER (projeCts) Mahabubnagar PJP Camp, GADWA.L - 50!": . 5 Nlah~Nagar D;," ~ **\\~ 15io,\1') UNDERTAKING CERTIFICATE to pay Net Present Value We hereby undertake to pay "NET PRESENT VALUE (NPV)" as per guidelines under Forest (Conservation) Act-1980 and Wildlife (Protection) Act­ 1972 in accordance with the orders of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India/State '·O!)?'?' I '-: :?" Govt., and MoEF in respect of - Ha of Forest land in compt.no.443,cherukur Reserve Forest, Cherukur beat, Charakonda section, Nagarkurnool Range of Achampet WLM Division for formation of Feeder Channel to Nagula Tank of Nagilla(v),Madgul(m) in Rangareddy (District), Telangana. We also hereby undertake to pay differential NPV amount, if any, due to escalation or revision of NPV, as and when demanded by the Forest Department. As ~l~r , Kal \vakurth y. NagarkurnooL CHIEF ENGINEER (Projects) Mahabubnagar P..lP Camp, GADWAL· 500 125. Mahabub Nagar Dist. ,,~ _ i @m ()~W3 13bhq ~\9 ~I UNDERTAKING CERTIFICATE to pay Add!. Cost of Net Present Value We hereby undertake to pay Add!. Cost of "NET PRESENT VALUE (NPV)" as per guidelines under Forest (Conservation) Act-1980 and Wildlife (Protection) Act-1972 in accordance with the orders of the ) Hon'ble Supreme Court of i. 0513 t. , J India/State Govt., and MoEF in respect of '." Ha of Forest land in compt.no.443,chemkur Reserve Forest, Chemkur beat, Charakonda section, Nagarku1l1ool Range of Achampet WLM Division for fonnation of Feeder Channel to Nagula Tank of Nagilla(v),Madgul(m) in Rangareddy (District), Telangana.. We also hereby undertake to pay differential NPV amount, if any, due to escalation or revision of NPV, as and when demanded by the Forest Department. A Sst.~~J~ , r _xeE~~!'nn!?J~L JUP Sub-DiY No.2, MGLIP Division No.1, 71 Kalwakurthy. Nagarkurnool. CHIEF ENmNEER (Projects) Mahabubnagar PJP Caamp. GAOWAL - 500 125. Mahabub Nagar Dist. ,~ __ ~ @." ~~~\\~ 1~131r~ {$\\4 UNDERTAKING CERTIFICATE to pay cost of raising and maintenance of Compensatory Afforestation We hereby undertake to pay the cost of raising and maintenance of plantation under compensatory afforestation or panel compensatory afforestation (including raising and ma intenance of plantations, aided natural regeneration, SMS works etc.,) over non-forest land offered to forest department, as and when demanded by the forest authorities and also undertake to pay the additional amount if any due to escalation or any other charges at a later date as per the ).o~33 . demand raised by the forest authorities in respect of j."•. ~ Ha of Forest land in compt.no.443,cherukur Reserve Forest, Cherukur beat, Charakonda section, Nagarkurnool Range of Achampet WLM Division for formation of Feeder Channel to Nagula Tank of Nagilla(v), Madgual(m) in Rangareddy (District), Telangana. A s~t}' Kalwakurth y. Nagarkumool. - '" \'\7 v \' " CHIEF ENGlNE5R (Projects) Mahabubnagar PJP Camp. GADWAL - 500 125. if.. Maha~agar Oist. ~I'j 1'~13"1 13\3\'9 Undertaking for unqualified commitment from project authority to pay cost of extraction of tree growth. We hereby undertake to pay the cost of exploitation of tree growth of the forest land proposed for diversion under the project as and when demanded by the forest authorities and also undertake to pay the additional amount if any due to escalation or any other charges at a later date as per the demand raised by the \.n~3 forest authorities in respect of proposed diversion of _ , ~ Ha of Forest land in compt no.443,cherukur Reserve Forest, Cherukur beat, Charakonda section, Nagarkurnool Range of Achampet WLM Division for formation of Feeder Channel to Nagula Tank of Nagilla(v),Madgual(m) in Rangareddy (District), Telangana. Ass~~~l1 ~~r JLlP Sub-DiY No.2, MGLIP Division No.1, rr Kalwakurthy. NagarkumooL AREA MINIMUM CERTIFICATE 1 · a~3l Certified that the proposed t ..:, Ha of forest land for diversion as minimum and essentially required for the purpose of FORMATION OF FEEDER CHANNEL TO NAGULA TANK OF NAGILLA (V) , MADGUAL (M) IN RANGAREDDY (DISTRICT), TELANGANA. Also certified that any other forest land has not taken for this project. We also hereby undertake that no taking of fresh forest land shall be carried out during execution of the project. ~~~ er, Dy' "fSxe. Engineer, )~e~r)\j JLIP Sub Dv .No .2, MGLlSP DNo .l , MGKLIS DNo.!, Nagarkurnool. Kalwakurthy . rr CHIEF ENGlNEIiR (Projects\ Mahabubnagar PJP Camp, GADW{;,L ~ fjCF. • ~5. {,,\c.l1 ~ Na~:u c ;!;., . ~c:J ~313\1~ ~\9 NON- VIOLATION CERTIFICATE; Certified that no work has been carried out in violation of FC Act, 1980 and IN (P) Act-1972 in the proposed forest area for diversion for the purpose of formation of F-ORMATION OF FEEDER CHANNEL TO NAGULA TANK OF NAGILLA (V) , MADGUAL (M) IN RANGAREDDY (DISTRICT), TELANGANA. JUSTIFICATION CERTIFICATE It is certified that, all the possibilities to avoid forest land for the project have been explored and it is found no alternative suitable non-forest land is technically feasible and viable to that part of the work for which diversion has been proposed for the purpose of FORMATION OF FEEDER CHANNEL TO NAGULA TANK OF NAGILLA (V), MADGUAL (M) IN RANGAREDDY (DISTRICT), TELANGANA. A~ M~~r _ ;ye o Engineer, )~ cude ~g lelr!) }\J JLIP Sub DV.No2. MGLISP DNo .l , MGKUS DNo .l, Nagarkumool. Ka1wakurlhy ) Model and Make of the ETS & DGPS / GNSS Instruments It is certified that the ETS & DGPS / GNSS SUNey was carried out through and outsourcing agency Make and Model of the ETS Instruments are Topcon and Lica. The make and model of the DGPS / GNSS instruments are Lica. The ETSIDGPS sUNeys are conducted from 26.11.2018 to 28.11 .2018. The team leaders were K. Narayana Reddy and Ramu. A~ ~~1 gJJb. JUP Sub D\'. NO.2 MGLISP DNo.l , MGKLTS DNo.l, Nagarkurnool Kalwakurthy. \'\ CHIEF ENGINEER (Projects) Mahabubnagar PJP Camp, G,L'.OWAL - 500 ~5. Mal1abub Nagar Dist. -if. ~ ~ \b3\ e 1~\3"q 18131'19 SPECIFICATION REPORT Specification report accompanying the detailed estimate of tail end distributary 0-82 of MGLlS Project as feeder channel to Minor Irrigation tanks. Amount of Administrative Sanction Rs . 178.09 crores . The Work Construction of Feeder channel to NAGULA TANK has been administratively sanctioned by the State Government of Telangana vide G.O.Rt. No . 764 I & CAD Projects Dated: 1.9.2017 for Rs, 178.09 Crores to irrigate an ayacut of 37742 Acres. As~4 .~." e. Engineer, JLIP Sub Dv. No. 2 MGKLIS DNoJ, Kalwakurthy. CHIEF ENG~NE'R (Projects) Mahabubnagar r jp Camp, GADWAL - 509 ~. 4F.: Ma i 1ab~~agar Dis!. '1,~~ . J3b It1 \B\3\\4 1111 Forest land Area Calculations from Km.40.456-km 40.835 Top Chainage G.l CBl FSD FB BW FSl TBl DOC HOB I P (R/S) Area (m2) In Guntas width 40.456 468.912 466.421 2.300 0.500 4.400 468.721 469.221 2.491 0.309 5.000 14.383 40.475 469.622 466.418 2.300 0.500 4.400 468.718 469.218 3.204 0.000 5.000 15.809 377.391 4 40.500 469.982 466.414 2.300 0 .500 4.400 468.714 469.214 3.568 0.000 5.000 16.535 404.297 4 40.525 470.362 466.411 2.300 0.500 4.400 468.711 469.211 3.951 0.000 5.000 17.301 422.953 4 40.550 470.882 466.408 2.300 0.500 4.400 468.708 469.208 4.474 0 .000 5.000 18.348 445.609 4 40.575 471.182 466.405 2.300 0.500 4 .400 468.705 469.205 4.777 0.000 5.000 18.954 466.266 5 40.600 471.377 466.402 2.300 0.500 4.400 468.702 469.202 4.975 0.000 5.000 19.350 478.797 5 40.625 471.657 466.399 2.300 0.500 4.400 468.699 469.199 5.258 0.000 5.000 19.916 490.828 5 40.650 471.877 466.396 2.300 0.500 4.400 468.696 469.196 5.481 0.000 5.000 20.363 503.484 5 40.675 472.152 466.393 2.300 0 .500 4.400 468.693 469.193 5.759 0.000 5.000 20.919 516.016 5 40.700 472.997 466.389 2.300 0 .500 4.400 468.689 469.189 6.608 0.000 5.000 29.223 626.766 6 40.725 473.637 466.386 2.300 0.500 4.400 468.686 469.186 7.251 0.000 5.000 31.152 754.680 7 40.750 474.107 466.383 2.300 0.500 4.400 468.683 469.183 7.724 0.000 5.000 32.571 796.539 8 40.775 475.397 466.380 2.300 0.500 4.400 468.680 469.180 9.017 0.000 5.000 36.451 862.773 9 40.800 476.407 466.377 2.300 0.500 4.400 468.677 469.177 10.030 0.000 5.000 39.490 949.258 9 40.825 476.437 466.374 2.300 0.500 4.400 468.674 469.174 10.063 0.000 5.000 39.589 988.492 10 40.835 475.737 466.371 2.300 0.500 4.400 468.671 469.171 9.366 0.000 5.000 28.133 846.523 8 l '0 ')"35 Total 98 I Total land Required As per loS = 2Ac-18 Gts or ~ .
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