Clutha River / Mata-Au Monitoring Summary July 2008 - June 2009 Contents Water quality monitoring Water Quality Results • Nutrients Between July 2008 and the end of June 2009 the Otago Regional Council • Turbidity • Bacteria (ORC) monitored 26 river and stream sites in the Clutha catchment to assess the current state of water quality. Most sites were monitored Ecosystem Health bimonthly, but five further sites (Clutha River/Mata-Au at Luggate, Millers • Macroinvertebrate health Flat and Balclutha, the Kawarau River and the Shotover River) were • Algae • Fish monitored monthly by NIWA as part of the national river water quality network (NRWQN). Sites were classified using a water quality index, and River Flows the results are shown in the map below (NRWQN sites denoted by an N). Sites were classified using a water quality index, derived NIWA NRWQN sites from median values of six indicator variables: turbidity, N1 Clutha (Luggate) dissolved oxygen (% saturation), ammoniacal nitrogen, nitrite-nitrate nitrogen, dissolved reactive phosphorus, and N2 Shotover River Escherichia coli (E.coli) bacteria. Median values of these N3 Kawarau River variables were compared with ANZECC and MfE/MoH N4 Clutha (Millers Flat) guideline levels, enabling classification of water quality into N5 Clutha (Balclutha) one of the following groups: Very All seven values comply Good with guideline values Five or six median values comply (to Good include dissolved oxygen) Three or four median values comply (to Fair include dissolved oxygen) Two or fewer median Poor values comply with guideline values There are few significant point source discharges to freshwater in the Clutha catchment and land use has the greatest effect on water quality. The sites with poorer water quality are generally intensively farmed, such as in South West Otago, whereas sites with good water quality are in the upper catchment including the large lakes and upper tributaries. 1 Dart River 9 Hayes Creek 17 Manuherikia (Galloway) 25 Wairuna Stream 2 Lake Wakatipu 10 Lake Johnson 18 Fraser River 26 Pomahaka downstream 3 Matukituki River 11 Cardrona River 19 Lake Onslow 27 Waiwera River 4 Lake Wanaka 12 Luggate Creek 20 Benger Burn 28 Waitahuna Stream 5 Lake Hawea 13 Lindis River at Peak 21 Pomahaka (Upstream) 29 Kaihiku d/Stream 6 Hawea River 14 Lindis at Ardgour 22 Heriot Burn 30 Kaihiku u/Stream 7 Mill Creek 15 Lake Dunstan 23 Waikoikoi Stream 31 Lake Tuakitoto 8 Lake Hayes 16 Manuherikia (Ophir) 24 Waipahi (downstream) Clutha River Mata Au SummaryReport Clutha River Mata 2 • Thereisareasonablecorrelation MfE/MoH guidelinelevel. indicate theANZECCtriggervalueor Note: • The1992ANZECCguidelines waterquality standardsare • Otago’s • TheANZECC(2000)guidelinesoutline Guidelines andStandards • Themedianlevelof surfacewateris • SouthWestOtago’s Key Points health. between waterqualityandbiological within theregion. maintain andimprovewaterquality (Water Plan),whichsetstargetsto outlined intheRegionalPlan:Water lowland rivers(<150m). trigger valuesusedherearefor effect islow.Note:theANZECC which theriskofadversebiological health. Thisspecifiesalevelbelow that putstressonriverandstream trigger valuesforwaterqualityaspects for nitrogenandphosphorus. the ANZECCwaterqualityguidelines typically highinnutrients,exceeding River catchmentinSouthWestOtago. not exceed260 recommends thatasinglesampledoes The Mfe/MoH(2003)guideline than 126 recommend aseasonmedianofless Pomahaka the in except sites all at level guideline MfE/MoH the below generally The red lines E.col July 08 - June 09 08-June July i/100ml E.col onthesegraphs E. coli i/100ml was the Pomahakacatchment. Clutha River/Mata-Auisgenerallyverygood,butpoorerwaterqualityevidentin Overall thesegraphsshowthatwaterqualityinthelakesandmainstemof Selected waterqualityindicatorsaredisplayedinthegraphsanddiscussedbelow. qualityresults Water Luggate Creek, both sites in the Manuherikia River, all sites in the Pomahaka catchment catchment Tuakitoto. Pomahaka Lake the and in sites all River, Manuherikia the in sites Johnson, both Lake Creek, included Luggate sites DRP high These monitored. sites the of 14 at ANZECC value the trigger above were concentrations (DRP) phosphorus reactive dissolved Median catchment. the ANZECCtriggervalueatfivesites,fourofwhichareinPomahakaRiver harmful inhigherconcentrations.ThemedianconcentrationofN drainage. Itisanimportantnutrientforalgaeandotherplantgrowth,butcanbe Nitrite-nitrate nitrogen(NNN)isaformofprimarilyderivedfromland Nutrients 10 12 10 12 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 1 0 1 0 0 Dart River Dart River Dart River Dart River Dart River Dart River Lake Wakatipu Lake Wakatipu Lake Wakatipu Lake Wakatipu Nitrite/Nitrate Nitrogen g/m3 Lake Wakatipu Lake Wakatipu Nitrite/Nitrate Nitrogen g/m3 Matukituki River Matukituki River Matukituki River Matukituki River Matukituki River Matukituki River Dissolved Reactive Dissolved Phosphorus g/m3 Lake Wanaka Lake Wanaka Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus g/m3 Lake Wanaka Lake Wanaka Lake Wanaka Lake Wanaka TurbidityNTU Lake Hawea Lake Hawea TurbidityNTU Lake Hawea Lake Hawea Lake Hawea Lake Hawea Hawea River Hawea River Hawea River Hawea River Hawea River Hawea River Mill Creek Mill Creek Mill Creek Mill Creek Mill Creek Mill Creek Lake Hayes Lake Hayes Lake Hayes Lake Hayes Lake Hayes Lake Hayes Hayes Creek Hayes Creek Hayes Creek Hayes Creek Hayes Creek Hayes Creek Lake Johnson Lake Johnson Lake Johnson Lake Johnson Lake Johnson Lake Johnson Cardrona River Cardrona River Cardrona River Cardrona River Cardrona River Cardrona River Luggate Creek Luggate Creek Luggate Creek Luggate Creek Luggate Creek Luggate Creek Clutha (Luggate) Clutha (Luggate) - Clutha (Luggate) Clutha (Luggate) - N N ANZECC 2000 2000 ANZECC Guideline ANZECC 2000 2000 ANZECC Guideline Clutha (Luggate) Clutha (Luggate) Lindis at Peak Lindis at Peak Lindis at Peak Lindis at Peak Lindis at Peak Lindis at Peak Lindis at Ardgour Lindis at Ardgour Lindis at Ardgour Lindis at Ardgour Lindis at Ardgour Lindis at Ardgour Lake Dunstan Lake Dunstan Lake Dunstan Lake Dunstan ANZECC 2000 2000 ANZECC Guideline Lake Dunstan Lake Dunstan 2000 ANZECC Guideline - Shotover River Shotover River - Shotover River P Shotover River Shotover River Shotover River P Kawarau River Kawarau River Kawarau River Kawarau River Kawarau River Kawarau River Manu.kia Ophir Manu.kia Ophir Manu.kia Ophir Manu.kia Ophir Manu.kia Ophir Manu.kia Ophir Manu.kia Galloway Manu.kia Galloway Manu.kia Galloway Manu.kia Galloway Manu.kia Galloway Manu.kia Galloway ANZECC 2000 2000 ANZECC Guideline ANZECC 2000 2000 ANZECC Guideline Fraser River Fraser River Fraser River Fraser River Fraser River Fraser River Lake Onslow Lake Onslow Lake Onslow Lake Onslow Lake Onslow Lake Onslow Clutha Millers Flt Clutha Millers Flt Clutha Millers Flt Clutha Millers Flt Clutha Millers Flt Clutha Millers Flt Benger Burn Benger Burn Benger Burn Benger Burn Benger Burn Benger Burn Pomahaka u/s Pomahaka u/s Pomahaka u/s Pomahaka u/s Pomahaka u/s Pomahaka u/s Heriot Burn Heriot Burn Heriot Burn Heriot Burn Heriot Burn Heriot Burn Waikoikoi Waikoikoi Waikoikoi Waikoikoi Waikoikoi Waikoikoi Waipahi d/stream Waipahi d/stream Waipahi d/stream Waipahi d/stream Waipahi d/stream Waipahi d/stream NN wasabove Wairuna Stream Wairuna Stream Wairuna Stream Wairuna Stream Wairuna Stream Wairuna Stream Pomahaka d/s Pomahaka d/s Pomahaka d/s Pomahaka d/s Pomahaka d/s Pomahaka d/s Waiwera River Waiwera River Waiwera River Waiwera River Waiwera River Waiwera River Waitahuna Waitahuna Waitahuna Waitahuna Waitahuna Waitahuna Kaihiku Stream Kaihiku Stream Kaihiku Stream Kaihiku Stream Kaihiku Stream Kaihiku Stream Kaihiku Stream Kaihiku Stream Kaihiku Stream Kaihiku Stream Kaihiku Stream Kaihiku Stream Lake Tuakitoto Lake Tuakitoto Lake Tuakitoto Lake Tuakitoto Lake Tuakitoto Lake Tuakitoto Clutha (Balclutha) Clutha (Balclutha) Clutha (Balclutha) Clutha (Balclutha) Clutha (Balclutha) Clutha (Balclutha) 1.2 Nitrite/Nitrate Nitrogen g/m3-N ANZECC 2000 Guideline 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Mill Creek Mill Waikoikoi Waikoikoi Dart River River Dart Waitahuna Lake Hayes Lake Lake Hawea Lake Hayes Creek Hayes Fraser River River Fraser Benger Burn Benger Hawea River Hawea Lake Onslow Lake Heriot Burn Burn Heriot Lake Wanaka Lake Lake Johnson Lake Lake Dunstan Lake Lindis at Peak at Lindis Luggate Creek Luggate Pomahaka u/s Pomahaka d/s Pomahaka Kawarau River Kawarau Waiwera River Waiwera Shotover River Shotover Lake Tuakitoto Lake Lake Wakatipu Lake Cardrona River Cardrona Kaihiku Stream Kaihiku Stream Kaihiku Manu.kia Ophir Manu.kia Wairuna Stream Wairuna Clutha (Luggate) Clutha Matukituki River Matukituki Clutha Millers Flt Millers Clutha Lindis at Ardgour at Lindis Clutha (Balclutha) Clutha Waipahi d/stream Waipahi Manu.kia Galloway Manu.kia 0.06 Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus g/m3-P ANZECC 2000 Guideline 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 Turbidity0 Other analytes Turbidity was elevated above the ANZECC trigger value at five sites: the two Mill Creek Mill Waikoikoi Waikoikoi Dart River River Dart Waitahuna shallow lakes (Lake OnslowHayes Lake and Lake Tuakitoto) where sediment is likely to be • NH is the main toxic component Lake Hawea Lake Hayes Creek Hayes Fraser River River Fraser Benger Burn Benger Hawea River Hawea 3 Lake Onslow Lake Heriot Burn Burn Heriot Lake Wanaka Lake Lake Johnson Lake Lake Dunstan Lake Lindis at Peak at Lindis Luggate Creek Luggate Pomahaka u/s Pomahaka d/s Pomahaka Kawarau River Kawarau Waiwera River Waiwera
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