1 The University of Burdwan Controller of Examination Department Pro ramme of B.AIB.Sc Part - III Honours Practical Examination in Geo ra Set I ~ate: 19/04~~_017(Wednesday) Time: 10.30A.M. to 4.30 P.M. Total Students of Number of Sl Examination Centre Students (Venue of Examination) No Michael Madhusudan Memorial 28 College (From lSAH/123/0004 28 Asansol Girls' College 1 to lSAH/123/01S0) 28 Trivenidevi Bhalotia Banwarilal Bhalotia College 28 2 College Trivenidevi Bhalotia College 26 Michael Madhusudan (From lSAHl121/0006 to 26 3 Memorial College lSAH/121/02S6) 29 Dr. Gourmohan Roy College 29 4 M.U.C Women's College Kalna College (From 28 Vivekananda lSAHl11 110008to 28 S Mahavidyalaya, Burdwan lSAHl111/0402) .~-."- . M~U.CWomen's College (From 30 Dr. Bhupendranath Dutta lSAHl1l610011 to 30 6 Smriti Mahavidyalaya lSAH/lI010383) Chandemagore Govt. College 29 (From lSAH/404/000S to 29 Memari College 7 lSAH/404/0246) Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya, 29 Haripal (From ISAH/41610017 29 Hooghly Women's College 8 to lSAH/41610249) Rabindra Mahavidyalaya 23 Tarkeswar Degree College 27 Vivekananda [From 13AH/41S/0002 to 4 9 Mahavidyalaya, Haripal 13AH/41S/0249 (3), 14AH/41S/0200 (1)] Aghore Kamini Prakash Chandra 27 27 10 Tarkeswar Degree College M~havidyalaya .. --_" Bankura Zilla Saradamani 22 26 Bankura Christian College Mahila Mahavidypith 11 Saltora Netaji Centenary College 4 Patrasayer Mahavidalaya 12 2S Bankura Zilla Saradamani Swami Dhananjoy Das 13 12 Mahila Mahavidypith Kathiababa Mahavidyalaya 25 Chartdidas Mahavidyalaya 2S Guskara Mahavidyalaya 13 25 Purnidevi Chowdhury Rampurhat College 2S 14 College Kandra Radhakanta Kundu 29 29 Sambhunath College Mahavidyalaya IS 411 Total No. C/277/U/Apptt. dated, Burdwan 31.03.2017 ,copy forwarded to the principal fo..r infi.o..rmati..o.n .. ) with request wide circulation among the candidates concerned for proper guidance. A) C ' "..' r) iri, A... _ ContrJUer ofl~f~(~1tionpl.(.rl(.I-) 2 _ Set II Date: 20/04/2017 (Thursday) Time: 10.30 A.M. to 4.30 P.M. Total Students of Number . Sl Examination Centre of No (Venue of Students Examination) Michael Madhusudan Memorial College [From ISAH/123/01S2 to ISAH/123/0187 S 28 1 Asansol Girls' College (4), and 14AHl123/0047 (1)] 23 Deshbandhu Mahavidylaya 26 Trivenidevi Bhalotia Asansol Girls' College (From 26 ISAH/I01/0001 to ISAHIlOI/0296) 2 College Trivenidevi Bhalotia College [From ISAHl121/0261 to ISAH/12110330 10 26 Michael Madhusudan (7),From 14AH/121/020S to 3 Memorial College 14AHl12110247 (3)] Gobinda Prasad Mahavidyalaya 16 M.U.C Women's Dr. Bhupendranath Dutta Smriti 28 28 4 College Mahavidyalaya Kalna College [From ISAHIlI1/0S04 to Vivekananda ISAH/lll IOS14 (2), From 14AHIll110 173 6 28 S Mahavidyalaya, to 14AH/I11/0377 (4)] 22 Burdwan Katwa College M.U.C Women's College [From ISAHl116/0392 to ISAH/l1 0/0462 (8), 13 and From 14AHl1l6/0004 to Dr. Bhupendranath 30 14AH/116/0332 (3), ISAH/123/0040 (1), 6 Dutta Smriti Mahavidyalaya 13AH/116/0412 (1)] Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya (From 17 ISAHl122/0020 to ISAHl122/0234) Chandemagore College [From ,- ISAHl404/0264 to ISAH/404/0370 (IS), 20 and from ISSHl404/0004 to 28 7 Memari College ISSHl404/0137 ( 4), 14AH/404/0239 (1)] Khalisani Mahavidyalaya (From 8 ISAH/408/00S6 to ISAH/408/0136) Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya, Haripal [From ISAHl416/02S9 to ISAH/416/0298 7 29 Hooghly Women's (4), From 13AH/416/0001 to 8 College 13AH/416/0183 (3)] 22 Sarat Centenary Collage Vivekananda Tarkeswar Degree College (From 28 28 9 Mahavidyalaya, ISAH/41S/OOOI to ISAH/41S/0347) Haripal 28 28 Tarkeswar Degree Netaji Mahavidyalaya 10 College 24 24 Bankura Christian Barjora College 11 College Bankura Zilla 22 22 Sonamukhi College 12 Saradamani Mahila Mahavidypith 23 23 Guskara Sambhunath College 13 Mahavidyalaya 3 Total Students of Number Sl Examination Centre of No (Venue of Students Examination) 2S 2S Pumidevi Chowdhury Birhum Mahavidyalaya 14 College 21 Suri Vidyasagar College 29 Krishna Chandra College(From 8 IS Sambhunath College 15AHl307/0017 to 15AHl307/0173) 402 Total No. e/277lUI Apptt. dated, Burdwan 31.03.2017 , copy forwarded to the principal for information with request wide circulation among the candidates concerned for proper guidance. ,... • /', I.i J f,. '..J (l./J_kPc~l- '--I ;r.(.rl- /\k"; 71 ~ 0 " ( €'O'IttrWlet o:'f.Examinations Set III Date: 21104/2017 (Friday) Time: 10.30 A.M. to 4.30 P.M. Number Examination Centre of ' Total SI Students of (Venue of Students No Examination) Kulti College (From lSAH/llS/0004 to 26 26 1 Asansol Girls' College lSAHl11S/012S) Asansol Girls' College [From - ISAH/101/030S to lSAH/I0I/0377 13 Trivenidevi Bhalotia 2S 2 (12), and 14AH/I01/004S (1)] College 12 Bidhan Chandra College 29 29 Michael Madhusudan Mankar College 3 Memorial College Chandrapur College [From 15AH/10S/0007 to ISAHIlOS/0247 M.U.C Women's 28 28 (22), and from 14AH/I05/0009 to 4 College 14AH/I0S/0167 (6)] Vivekananda Memari College (From ISAH/liS/0020 29 29 S Mahavidyalaya, to 15AHl11S/0391) Burdwan Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya [From lSAH/122/0247 to ISAHI122/0347 (13), From 14AHl122/00S0 to 22 Dr. Bhupendranath 30 14AHIl22/0237 (S), ISAHIl2010001 6 Dutta Srnriti Mahavidyalaya (1)] Burdwan Raj College (From S 15AHI 104/0006 to 15Ahl 104/0047) Khalisani Mahavidyalaya [From 15AHl40S/0144 to 15AH/40S/0252 12 28 (11), 14AHl408/0043 (1)] 7 Memari College Hooghly Women's College (From 16 ISAH/406/0001 to ISAH/406/0160) Hooghly Women's Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya IS 15 S (15AH/407/0002 to lSAhl407/0075) College Vivekananda Arambagh Girls' College 27 27 9 Mahavidyalaya, Haripal 4 Total Students of Number SI Examination Centre of No (Venue of Students, Examination) Raja Rammohun Roy Mahavidyalaya 18 Tarkeswar Degree 18 (15AHl411/0002 to 15AHl411/0l98) 10 College 'Ramananda'CoUege 20 28 Bankura Christiall-' 8 11 College Jamini Roy College Chatra Ramai Pandit Mahavidyalaya Bankura Zilla 18 (From 15AHl213/0001 to 18 12 Saradamani Mahila 15AH/213/0096) Mahavidypith 22 22 Bolpur College 13 Guskara Mahavidyalaya 25 25 Purnidevi Chowdhury Hiralal Bhakat College 14 College Krishna Chandra College [From 15AH/307/0182 to 15AH/307/0254 (4), 14AH/307/0121 to 14AH/307/0171 (2), 9 13AHl307/0064 to 13AH/307/0236 (2), 29 Sambhunath College 15 12AHl307/0243 (1)] Turku Hansda Lapsa Hemram 20 Mahavidyalaya 377 . •... .......... .TotaL_ .------ No. C/277lUI Apptt. dated, Burdwan 31.03.2017 , copy forwarded to the principal for information with request wide circulation among the candidates concerned for proper guidance. },~() Ii~ .,_ 1 _", I / ,/')~, ,- ''''' • / ./" ;. \)':P-.>~',( l~04.01,. L{ ~6ntl'9r~rot'i.xaminations Set IV Date: 22/04/2017 (Saturday) Time: 10.30 A.M. to 4.30 P.M. Number Examination Total SI Students of of Centre (Venue of Students No Examination) Kulti College [From 15AH/115/0133 to 15AHll15/0145 (2), From 5 14AWl15to026.to 14AH/llSI0149 AsansglGirls' - --_ .._- 29 1 College (3)] Kazi Nazrul Islam Mahavidylaya 14 Raniganj Girls' College 10 Khadra College 18 25 Trivenidevi 7 2 Bhalotia College St. Xavier's College Michael 29 Bankura Christian College 29 3 Madhusudan Memorial College Chandrapur College [From 4 M.U.C Women's 14AHlI05/0192 to 14AH/l05/0223 29 4 College (3), 13AH/l05/0125 (1)] Shyamsundar College 25 Memari College [From 15AH/l18/0395 to 15AHl118/0468 Vivekananda 8 29 (6), From 14AHl111/0133 to .. 5 Mahavidyalaya; --- - Burdwan. ." 14AHli i170239 (2)] Guskara Mahavidyalaya 21 -_ .. __... ------_. __ ... _-, Number Examination Total Students of of Sl Centre (Venue of Students No Examination) Burdwan Raj College [From Dr. Bhupendranath 15AHlI04/0048 to 15Ah1104/0456 29 29 6 Dutta Smriti (24), from 14AH/I0410155 to Mahavidyalaya 14AHl104/0361 (5)] Hooghly Women's College [From 15AHl406/0 169to 15AHl406/0313 28 28 (17), and 15SHl406/00n to Memari College 7 15SH/406/0106 (8), 14AHl406/0093 to 14AH/406/0195 (3)) Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya 16 16 Hooghly Women's [15AH/407/0101 to 15Ah1407/0175 8 College (15), and 14AHl407/0059 (1)) -~-- RaJa-Rru:fuh6hunRoy Mahavidyalaya [15AH/41 110204to 15AH141110314 16 16 Tarkeswar Degree (13), From14AHl41110086to 10 College 14AH/411/0213 (2), 13AH/411/0243 (1)) Pandit Raghunath Murmu Smriti 23 Bankura Christian 23 11 Mahavidalaya College Chatra Ramai Pandit Mahavidyalaya [From 15AHl213/0107 to 15AH/213/0174 (lO),From Bankura Zilla 15 15 14AH/213/0052 to 14AH/213/0128 12 Saradamani Mahila Mahavidypith (3), 13AH/213/0071 to 13AH/213/0108 (2)) 16 16 Guskara Abhedanand~Mahavidyalaya 13 _ . -1·: - .. Mahayidyalaya _ ..'- 17 17 pumidevi Kabi Nazrul College 14 Chowdhury College Sailajananda Falguni Smriti 10 26 Sambhunath Mahavidyalaya . 15 16 College Purnidevi Chowdhury College 327 Total No. C1277/U/Apptt. dated, Burdwan 31.03.2017., copy forwarded to the principal for information with request wide circulation among the candidates concerned for proper guidance. )~ . ..---) "c .. /"'--1_----;1 .' \'. /_ ': _..-, [..c"_' .. J r -,-' C,(\ ~~.7( ~Ote.fJ'I.J; Controller of txammatlODs.
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