OCTOBER 2009 VOLUME 34 NUMBER 5 OPINION Musings 2 Rik Farrow SYSADMin Hey! I Have to Install and Maintain This Crap Too, Ya Know! 6 Thomas a. Limoncelli THE USENIX MAGAZINE XFS: The Big Storage File System­ for Linux 10 chRisToph hellwig Fixing on a Standard Language for UNIX Manuals 19 KrisTaps Dz˘ onsons FILE SYSTEMS Perspective: Semantic Data Management for the Home 24 BR anDon saL mon, Steven w. schLosseR, Lorrie FaiTh CranoR, anD GregoRy R. gangeR PROGRAMMinG Migration to Multicore: Tools That Can Help 32 Tasneem g. BRuTch HARDWARE Chips and Static Electricity 42 RuDi van DRunen COLUMNS Practical Perl Tools: Scratch the ­Webapp Itch with CGI::Application, Part 2 49 DaviD n. BLank-EdeLman Pete’s All Things Sun: VMware vSphere 4 vs. Microsoft Hyper-V R2 58 peTeR BaeR gaLvin iVoyeur: Packet-Level, Per-User Network Access Control and Monitoring 68 Dave Josephsen /dev/random 73 RoBert g. FerreLL BooK REVIEWS Book Reviews 76 ElizaBeTh zwicky eT aL. USEniX NOTES Nominating Committee for 2010 USENIX Board of Directors 79 Summary of USENIX Board of Directors Actions 79 Ellie young ConFEREncES 2009 USENIX Annual Technical Conference Reports 81 Report on the Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud ’09) 100 Report on BSDCan 2009: The Technical BSD Conference 107 The Advanced Computing Systems Association oct09covers.indd 1 9.4.09 10:19:48 AM Upcoming Events 23r d La r g e In s t a ll a t I o n sy s t e m ad m I n I s t r a t I o n 2010 In t e r n e t ne t w o r k ma n a g e m e n t Co n f e r e n C e (LISA ’09) wo r k s H o p (INM ’10) Sponsored by USENIX and SAGE in cooperation with Co-located with NSDI ’10 LOPSA and SNIA April 27, 2010, San JoSe, cA November 1–6, 2009, bALTIMORE, mD http://www.usenix.org/inm10 http://www.usenix.org/lisa09 Paper registration due: November 30, 2009 sy m p o s I u m o n Co m p u t e r -Hu m a n In t e r a C t I o n 7t H USENIX sy m p o s I u m o n ne t w o r k e d sy s t e m s f o r ma n a g e m e n t o f In f o r m a t I o n te ch n o L o g y de s I g n a n d Im p L e m e n t a t I o n (NSDI ’10) (CHImIt ’09) Sponsored by USENIX in cooperation with ACM SIGCOMM and Sponsored by ACM in association with USENIX ACM SIGOPS November 7–8, 2009, bALTIMORE, mD April 28–30, 2010, San JoSe, cA http://www.chimit09.org/ http://www.usenix.org/nsdi10 aCm/IfIp/USENIX 10t H In t e r n a t I o n a L 2n d USENIX wo r k s H o p o n Ho t to p ic s In mI d d L e w a r e Co n f e r e n C e pa r a ll e li s m (Ho t pa r ’10) Nov. 30–Dec. 4, 2009, Urbana chAmpaigN, IL June 14–15, 2010, berkeLey, cA http://middleware2009.cs.uiuc.edu/ http://www.usenix.org/hotpar10 Submissions due: January 24, 2010 fI r s t USENIX wo r k s H o p o n su s t a I n a b L e 2010 USENIX an n u a L te ch n ic a L Co n f e r e n C e In f o r m a t I o n te ch n o L o g y (su s t a I n It ’10) (USENIX ’10) Co-located with FAST ’10 June 23–25, 2010, bostoN, mA february 22, 2010, San JoSe, cA http://www.usenix.org/usenix10 http://www.usenix.org/sustainit10 Submissions due: November 9, 2009 Submissions due: January 11, 2010 8t H USENIX Co n f e r e n C e o n fil e a n d st o r a g e USENIX Co n f e r e n C e o n we b ap p lic a t I o n te ch n o L o g I e s (FAST ’10) de v e L o p m e n t (we b ap p s ’10) Sponsored by USENIX in cooperation with ACM SIGOPS June 23–25, 2010, bostoN, mA http://www.usenix.org/webapps10 february 23–26, 2010, San JoSe, cA Submissions due: January 11, 2010 http://www.usenix.org/fast10 19t H USENIX se C u r I t y sy m p o s I u m 3r d USENIX wo r k s H o p o n La r g e -sC a L e (USENIX se C u r I t y ’10) eX p L o I t s a n d em e r g e n t tH r e a t s (LEET ’10) august 11–13, 2010, washingToN, Dc Co-located with NSDI ’10 April 27, 2010, San JoSe, cA http://www.usenix.org/leet10 9t H USENIX sy m p o s I u m o n op e r a t I n g sy s t e m s Submissions due: February 25, 2010 de s I g n a n d Im p L e m e n t a t I o n (OSDI ’10) ocTober 4–6, 2010, VancoUver, BC, Canada For a complete list of all USENIX & USENIX co-sponsored events, see http://www.usenix.org/events. oct09covers.indd 2 9.4.09 10:19:48 AM OPINION Musings 2 Rik FArrOw SYSADMin Hey! I Have to Install and Maintain This Crap Too, Ya Know! 6 thOmAs A. LImoncelli XFS: The Big Storage File System for Linux 10 chrIstOph hellwig Fixing on a Standard Language for UNIX Manuals 19 contents krIstAps Dz˘ onsons FILE SYSTEMS Perspective: Semantic Data Management for the Home 24 br andon Sal mon, steveN w. schlosser, LOrrIe Faith cranor, and Gregory r. Ganger PROGRAMMinG Migration to Multicore: Tools That Can Help 32 TasNeem G. brutch HARDWARE Chips and Static Electricity 42 ruDI Van DruNeN VOL. 34, #5, OctOber 2009 COLUMNS Practical Perl Tools: Scratch the Webapp Itch ;login: is the official Editor with CGI::Application, Part 2 49 Rik Farrow magazine of the [email protected] USENIX Association. DAvid N. Blank-EdeLman Managing Editor ;login: (ISSN 1044-6397) is Pete’s All Things Sun: Jane-Ellen Long published bi-monthly by the VMware vSphere 4 vs. Microsoft Hyper-V R2 58 [email protected] USENIX Association, 2560 peter Baer Galvin Ninth Street, Suite 215, Copy Editor Berkeley, CA 94710. iVoyeur: Packet-Level, Per-User Steve Gilmartin [email protected] $90 of each member’s annual Network Access Control and Monitoring 68 dues is for an annual sub- DAve JOsephseN produCtion scription to ;login:. Subscrip- Jane-Ellen Long tions for nonmembers are /dev/random 73 Casey Henderson $125 per year. Robert G. FerreLL Jennifer Peterson Periodicals postage paid at typEsEttEr Berkeley, CA, and additional BooK REVIEWS Star Type offices. Book Reviews 76 [email protected] ElizAbeth zwIcky et al. POSTMASTER: Send address USEniX assoCiation changes to ;login:, 2560 Ninth Street, USENIX Association, USEniX NOTES Suite 215, Berkeley, Nominating Committee for 2010 2560 Ninth Street, USENIX Board of Directors 79 California 94710 Suite 215, Berkeley, Phone: (510) 528-8649 CA 94710. Summary of USENIX Board of Directors FAX: (510) 548-5738 ©2009 USENIX Association Actions 79 http://www.usenix.org Ellie Young http://www.sage.org USENIX is a registered trade- mark of the USENIX Associa- tion. Many of the designations ConFEREncES used by manufacturers and 2009 USENIX Annual Technical sellers to distinguish their Conference Reports 81 products are claimed as trade- marks. USENIX acknowledges Report on the Workshop on Hot Topics in all trademarks herein. Where Cloud Computing (HotCloud ’09) 100 those designations appear in Report on BSDCan 2009: The Technical this publication and USENIX is aware of a trademark claim, BSD Conference 107 the designations have been printed in caps or initial caps. ;LOGIN: OctOber 2009 ARTIcLe tItLe 1 Login_articlesOCTOBER_09_final.indd 1 9.4.09 12:02:29 PM I can see dark, omInous clouds out my office window. It’s been unusu- Rik Farrow ally dry here, although not nearly as dry as Robert Ferrell’s home base, San Antonio. Perhaps the clouds I see will produce some much needed rain. But it’s not rain clouds, or the lack of them, that musings has sysadmins concerned these days. Instead, it’s cloud computing that worries many. Cloud com- Rik is the Editor of ;login:. puting appears to be storming over the IT world, [email protected] replacing local servers with ones somewhere “out there.” If cloud computing takes over, many fear another wave of sysadmin job losses. Appropriate use of cloud computing can save money as well as be more energy efficient. And, since it’s the latest buzzword, every boss is won- dering when his IT department will move “into the cloud,” if only so that he can tell his golfing bud- dies about it. I have my own worries about cloud computing, concerns over the security of data that will be stored and processed in the cloud.
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