SUMMONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A MEETING OF THE HART DISTRICT COUNCIL WILL BE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, CIVIC OFFICES, HARLINGTON WAY, FLEET ON THURSDAY 30 APRIL 2015 AT 7.00 PM Joint Chief Executive CIVIC OFFICES, HARLINGTON WAY FLEET, HAMPSHIRE GU51 4AE AGENDA COPIES OF THIS AGENDA ARE AVAILABLE IN LARGE PRINT AND BRAILLE ON REQUEST 1 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING To confirm the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 26 March 2015. Paper A 2 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 3 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To declare disclosable pecuniary, and any other, interests. 4 CHAIRMAN’S AWARDS PRESENTATION 5 COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULE 12 – QUESTIONS BY THE PUBLIC To receive any questions from members of the public submitted pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 12. Note: The text of any question under Council Procedure Rule 12 must be given to the Chief Executive not later than Noon on Friday, 24 April 2015. 6 COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULE 14 – QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS To receive any questions from Members submitted pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 14. - 1 - Note: The text of any question under Council Procedure Rule 14.3 must be given to the Chief Executive not later than 5.00 pm on Monday, 27 April 2015. The text of any question under Council Procedure Rule 14.4 must be submitted to the Chief Executive before 10.00 am on Thursday, 30 April 2015. 7 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS 8 CABINET MEMBERS’ ANNOUNCEMENTS 10 CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT 11 MINUTES OF COMMITTEES The Minutes of the following Committees, which met on the dates shown, are submitted. In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 14.1, Members are allowed to put questions at Council without Notice in respect of any matters in the Minutes to the Leader of the Council or any Chairman of the relevant meeting at the time those Minutes are received by Council. Meeting Date Page For Decision Numbers Overview and Scrutiny 17 March 27-29 Standards 18 March 1-2 Minute 6 - Constitution (see item 12 below) Audit 24 March 9-11 Cabinet 2 April 39-43 Planning 8 April 140-145 Minute 74 - Proposed Leisure Centre (see item 15 below) 12 ADJUSTMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION To recommend adjustments to the Council's Constitution to enable issues experienced during last year to be addressed. The issues relate to the election of a Leader and Cabinet; the authority delegated to officers to instigate legal proceedings; and an adjustment be made to Contract Standing Orders (CSOs) to reflect new Regulations. Paper B RECOMMENDATION 1 Paragraphs 7.4 and 7.5 of the Council's Constitution be amended in accordance with the wording recommended in Appendix 1 of this report 2 All reference to "In consultation with Chief Solicitor" be removed from the Officer Scheme of Delegation as identified in Appendix 2 - 2 - 3 The Joint Chief Executives be authorised to amend Contract Standing Orders (CSOs) to remove all reference to Pre-Qualification Questionnaires (PQQ's) for anything except OJEU (Official Journal of the European Community) procurements with an additional insertion about using the national portal 'Contracts Finder' for any contacts above £25k. NB Para 25.1 of the Constitution states that ‘Any motion to change the Constitution will, when proposed and seconded, be referred without discussion to the next ordinary meeting of the Council.’ This item was proposed and seconded at the Council meeting of 26 March 2015. 13 CHANGE TO STANDING ORDERS The purpose of this report is to agree to a statutory change to Standing Orders to reflect a new regime for the disciplining and dismissal of senior staff. Paper C RECOMMENDATION That Standing Orders be amended to give effect to the new arrangements for the disciplining and dismissal of senior staff as set out in the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/881) NB Para 25.1 of the the Constitution states that ‘Any motion to change the Constitution will, when proposed and seconded, be referred without discussion to the next ordinary meeting of the Council.’ This item will therefore be considered at the next ordinary meeting of the Council on 25 June 2015. 14 CLIMATE LOCAL To provide information on the Local Government Association’s Climate Local Commitment; a voluntary statement where the Council can demonstrate commitment to working on climate change issues locally. Paper D RECOMMENDATION 1 That Hart District Council agrees to support the Climate Local initiative and signs up to the declaration, set out in Appendix 1. 2 That Hart District Council agrees to support the Joint Hampshire Climate Local Commitment 2015/16 with specific projects, as outlined in Appendix 2. 3 That Council notes the further actions planned to engage the community and stakeholders in promoting climate change and developing the action plan. 15 PROPOSED LEISURE CENTRE To inform members of the recommendation of Planning Committee regarding the proposed leisure centre at Edenbrook, Hitches Lane, Fleet and to seek approval for the reserved matters application. Paper E - 3 - RECOMMENDATION The Head of Regulatory Services be authorised to grant permission, subject to the proposed planning conditions and a receipt of satisfactory noise impact assessment. Date of Despatch: 21 April 2015 - 4 - COUNCIL Date and Time: Thursday, 26 March 2015 at 7.00 pm Place: Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Fleet Present: COUNCILLORS – Billings - (Chairman) Ambler Forster S Parker Bailey Gorys Radley JE Bennison Kennett Radley JR Blewett Leeson Southern Butler Makepeace-Browne Woods Clarke Morris Collett Neighbour Crookes Oliver Officers Present: Daryl Philips Joint Chief Executive Alison Cottrell Committee Services 90 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Minutes of the Meeting held on 26 February 2015 were confirmed and signed as a correct record. 91 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Axam, Burchfield, Cockarill, Crampton, Forster P, Harward, and Wheale. 92 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No declarations were made. 93 FLEET POND PRESENTATION A presentation was given by Mr. Colin Gray, Chairman of the Fleet Pond Society, to update Members on the latest restoration progress at Fleet Pond. A short question and answer session followed. Members heard about the problems with silting around the pond, planned progress for the future, together with the new species now visiting and nesting around the CL.115 pond. There was also a discussion about the condition of the access road and the need for it to be improved. Funding options could be explored. 94 COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULE 12 – QUESTIONS BY THE PUBLIC Details of questions received and responses given are set out in Appendix 1of these Minutes. 95 COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULE 14 – QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS No questions received. 96 CHAIRMANS ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chairman had attended the following events on behalf of the Council. 4 March Community Safety Awards, Princes Hall, Aldershot 21 March Ocean Stars 10th Birthday buffet supper at The Key centre, The Key, Elvetham Heath 24 March Hart Civic Day The Vice Chairman attended the following events on behalf of the Council: 4 March Community Safety Awards, Princes Hall, Aldershot 9 March Hampshire County Council - Commonwealth Affirmation & the Charter of the Commonwealth - The Great Hall, Winchester 11 March Mayor of Eastleigh Civic Day at Pavilion on the Park, Eastleigh 13 March New Forest Charity Dinner at Balmer Lawn Hotel in Brockenhurst 17 March Christ Church, Church Crookham - Inauguration of new Vicar. Gally Hill Road, Church Crookham GU52 6LH 21 March Ocean Stars 10th Birthday buffet supper at The Key centre, The Key, Elvetham Heath 24 March Hart Civic Day The Chairman announced that the Hart Civic Day was a really successful day that had been enjoyed by all. 97 CABINET MEMBERS ANNOUNCEMENTS The Leader of the Council, Councillor Parker, thanked the Chairman for inviting him to the Civic Day to assist with hosting. He stated that Mayors and Chairmen from other authorities had enjoyed seeing the rural nature of Hart and the quality of life that is enjoyed here. All had agreed that they understood why we are the nicest place to live. He further announced the following, on behalf of the Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing, Councillor Crampton. Last week we held an Ageing Well Forum here in the Council chamber. We heard from the Bobby Scheme about how they can help the elderly and vulnerable stay safe in their own homes. CL.116 The Bobby scheme provides practical help to elderly or vulnerable people including those who have been or are at risk of becoming, victims of crime or anti social behaviour in or near their homes. Help includes making minor repairs after a burglary, fitting security chains, window locks or spy holes, providing crime prevention advice, the installation of smoke alarms and providing fire prevention advice. All these services are at no cost to the individual. At a time when quite a few of us are knocking on doors, could we just pass on this information to any of our residents who could benefit from this scheme. They can be contacted by phone or e mail, telephone number 0300 777 0157 or e- mail [email protected] The Cabinet Member for Regulatory Services, Councillor Collett, announced: Building Control I am pleased to announce that after much negotiation good progress is now being made towards the merger of our Building Control function with Rushmoor Borough Council. The main purpose of this merger from our point of view is to give us greater resilience at a time when a lot of this work is being done by private sector Approved Inspectors. This is expected to be cost neutral for us, although Rushmoor may make a small saving as they move towards our ways of working and accounting. It will mean that we can not only maintain our reliability into the future, but also improve our service and make it more attractive for those who are currently opting for the private sector.
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