IICSA Rochdale Hearing 9 October 2017 1 Monday, 9 October 2017 1 Mr Edward Brown QC. 2 (10.00 am) 2 Counsel for Rochdale Borough Council, 3 Welcome by THE CHAIR 3 Mr Steven Ford QC. Good morning, Mr Ford. 4 THE CHAIR: Good morning, everyone. I am Alexis Jay and I'm 4 Counsel for the Secretary of State for Education, 5 the chair of this inquiry. With me are the other panel 5 Ms Cathryn McGahey QC. Good morning, Ms McGahey. 6 members of the inquiry: Ivor Frank, Professor Sir 6 Before we hear from the leading counsel to the 7 Malcolm Evans and Drusilla Sharpling. 7 inquiry, Brian Altman QC, some points about the inquiry 8 On behalf of the inquiry, I welcome you all to the 8 arrangements. We will normally sit from 10.30 am. 9 first day of the substantive hearing on the 9 Ordinarily, we will take a 15-minute break at around 10 Cambridge House, Knowl View and Rochdale investigation. 10 11.45 am, but on days when we are sitting early, such as 11 This hearing will run for three weeks, as you know, with 11 today, we may take an earlier break during the morning. 12 one non-sitting day, finishing Friday, 27 October of 12 We will break for lunch at 1.00 pm, returning at 13 this year. 13 2.00 pm. We intend to sit until 4.00 pm to 4.30 pm each 14 The investigation into Cambridge House, Knowl View 14 day. 15 and Rochdale is a part of the inquiry's wider 15 By way of an agenda, we rely on the hearing 16 investigation into institutional failures in connection 16 timetable which sets out the order in which witnesses 17 with the sexual abuse of children in England and Wales. 17 will be called. The hearing transcript is recorded 18 This is an important day for the work of 18 simultaneously on screens throughout the room, and will 19 the inquiry, and of course for the core participants and 19 be published at the end of each day on the inquiry 20 witnesses taking part in this investigation. Today 20 website. Any directions arising from the day's hearings 21 marks not only the first day of this hearing in this 21 will also be published on the website. 22 investigation, but the opening of the second public 22 There are anonymity arrangements in place for the 23 hearing in which the inquiry will hear live or read 23 complainant core participants who will be giving 24 evidence from complainants about their experiences of 24 evidence in week 1 and week 2 of the hearing. Ciphering 25 sexual abuse. 25 and redactions have also been used in relation to the Page 1 Page 3 1 As you all know, the task of the chair and panel of 1 evidence, in accordance with the inquiry's redaction 2 the inquiry is to examine the extent to which public and 2 protocol and restriction order, both of which are 3 private institutions in England and Wales have failed to 3 available on the website. 4 protect children from sexual abuse in the past and to 4 If there is any inadvertent breach of a restriction 5 make recommendations to keep children safer today and in 5 order, I will ask that the simultaneous recording be 6 the future, and the definition of scope of this case 6 stopped momentarily so that the issues can be addressed 7 study is published on the inquiry website. 7 as appropriate. 8 To all the core participants and their legal teams, 8 I will now invite Mr Altman to address the panel. 9 we thank you very much for the hard work you have done 9 Please go ahead, Mr Altman. 10 in preparing for this hearing, and to those of you who 10 Opening submissions by MR ALTMAN 11 have given written testimony, we are grateful to you for 11 MR ALTMAN: Thank you, chair. Chair and panel members, the 12 coming forward, as well as those who are going to be 12 investigation into Cambridge House, Knowl View School 13 present as live witnesses. We are conscious of 13 and Rochdale, which I am going to call "Rochdale" for 14 the great challenges that many of you have encountered 14 short, is but one part of the statutory Independent 15 as a result of your experiences as children. 15 Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse as outlined by the then 16 I would like to introduce the core participants and, 16 Home Secretary in February 2015, offering an 17 where appropriate, their representatives as follows: 17 unprecedented opportunity to examine the extent to which 18 counsel for the complainant core participants 18 institutions and organisations in England and Wales have 19 represented by Slater & Gordon, Ms Laura Hoyano. Good 19 taken seriously their responsibility to protect 20 morning, Ms Hoyano. 20 children. 21 Counsel for Lancashire Police, Mr Alan Payne. 21 The Rochdale investigation focuses on 22 Mr Payne. 22 Cambridge House Boys' Hostel and Knowl View School -- 23 Counsel for Greater Manchester Police, 23 two institutions that provided residential accommodation 24 Ms Ann Studd QC. Good morning. 24 for boys in Rochdale. Neither institution exists any 25 Counsel for the Crown Prosecution Service, 25 longer. Cambridge House was a hostel which took in Page 2 Page 4 1 (Pages 1 to 4) DTI www.DTIGlobal.com 8th Floor, 165 Fleet Street (+44)207 4041400 London EC4A 2DY IICSA Rochdale Hearing 9 October 2017 1 lone, working young men and boys, the like of which will 1 1990s garnered attention. 2 almost certainly never exist again. Knowl View was 2 What the investigation was struck by, however, was 3 a residential school for boys with emotional and 3 the broader picture that emerged by shining a light on 4 behavioural difficulties. 4 Cyril Smith. In other words, it illuminated the 5 Some of the young men and boys who resided at both 5 day-to-day experiences of children that would have gone 6 have since passed away. The laws, regulations and 6 unexamined. It is this experience that in many ways 7 guidelines that applied to the institutions in which 7 tells us more about responses to child sexual abuse than 8 they lived have much changed in the years since they 8 focusing on the politician whose conduct drew the 9 closed. The people involved in running them or who made 9 inquiry's attention to Rochdale in the first instance. 10 decisions about them are mostly retired; some, too, have 10 An issue in this investigation is whether there is 11 died. 11 a connection between the power wielded by Cyril Smith 12 Some of those accused of abuse, like Cyril Smith, 12 locally, and the risk he may have posed, or did pose, to 13 are themselves long dead or in prison. There have been 13 children, and the wider picture about abuse which 14 inquiries and investigations about child sexual abuse in 14 emerges from the evidence. It allows the panel to 15 Rochdale in the years following, and there was even 15 consider whether deference to individuals in a position 16 a specific, albeit unfinished, review established by 16 of authority not so very long ago may have put children 17 Rochdale Council which began to examine some of the same 17 at risk of child sexual abuse. The wider issue is 18 issues that fall for consideration in this 18 whether authorities in Rochdale were generally too 19 investigation. 19 accepting; too slow to interrogate information that 20 Society and culture may have changed, but many 20 ought to have given rise to acute concern; and too 21 people whose lives were forever blighted by the abuse 21 willing to accept the status quo. Those are obvious 22 they suffered have understandably been unable to move on 22 points to consider as the evidence unfolds. 23 and they continue to seek justice. 23 Rochdale not only affords the panel a rare 24 So what then is the purpose of embarking upon this 24 opportunity to consider how local public authorities 25 investigation within this inquiry? 25 responded to a politician who may have posed a risk of Page 5 Page 7 1 First of all, these events didn't happen so long ago 1 sexual abuse to children, but also to consider other 2 as to consign them to history. You will hear evidence 2 issues emerging from this investigation which remain 3 from core participants who lived in Cambridge House in 3 relevant and will contribute to the panel's ability to 4 the 1960s. This investigation and the willingness of 4 put contemporary problems of child sexual abuse in 5 the inquiry to consider their experiences is extremely 5 context. 6 important to them, particularly because they have never 6 I emphasise that this is not an investigation into 7 been afforded an opportunity to give evidence in 7 Cyril Smith. It is an investigation into allegations of 8 a public setting about those experiences. Cyril Smith, 8 the sexual abuse and exploitation of children residing 9 whose activities at Cambridge House are one focus of 9 at or attending Cambridge House Boys' Hostel, Knowl View 10 attention, remained a Member of Parliament until 1992; 10 School and other institutions where their placement was 11 and there is evidence of his involvement in Knowl View 11 arranged or provided by Rochdale Borough Council.
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