Correction: Buy Your / Maverick C\Iii! T EIi ON Sop_homore Dinner D,ance Monday COLL£GE Is May 26! VOL. xvm GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO, MAY· 18,1951 NO. 28 Mesa ThumPS "ViSiting Badg~rs T\Vice; Play Finals For Conf eren.ce Title Weekend Sophomore Haggerty's No~Hitterl -. Schedule· Lamar or .. Pueblo Will Sophomores will wind up their junior college careers in a Features .Mesa's Double flurry of social activity, Belpw Be Mavericks' Opponent is a list of events scheduled for the last two weeks of the quar­ ter. Tack it up on t ,. wall to help keep your ap~mtments Win Over Snow Badgers straight. In Conf ere nee Ending Friday, May 25-10 a. m.­ Gene Haggerty blazed his fast ball games as the Mav­ Freshman-Sophomore Picnic at The 1951 Mavericks, one of the strongest nines ever to Ouray. rem:esent Mesa College on the diamond will make their bid _ ericks blasted out a 13-3 win over the Snow Badgers, in the Saturday, May 26- 7 p. m. - second half of a twilight-night double header at Lincoln Park. Sophomore dinner da:nc~ at the for the Colorado Junior College Championship this weekend M·esa also took the first game, as Les Miller pitch~d LaCourt· Hotel, __ ______ __ __ _ against. the winner of the eastern playoffs. Friday, June 1-4 to 6 p. m. - The Mavericks won the right to enter the finals when steady five hit ball in winning a 2-1 decision. The first, game Tea for sophomore women at the was a seven inning ~mG.ounter. residence of Dean Mary Rait, Fort Lewis Aggies conceded the Western Slope series to Haggerty's wildness . prevented triple, Ginn's single, _followed by ' 1275 Houston. the Mesans /after taking two humiliating beatings by the him from .having a shutout, as the Lou Tanko with a fielder's choice I Sunday, June 3-7 to 10 p. m. thundering Maverick nine two weeks ago. Mesa was· sched­ Badgers put together an error, two and Andy' May's·· sizzling single -Reception for sophomores at uled to travel to Durango for the remaining games last week­ walks and two hit batsmen for two gave the Maverick's the.ir margin of I the residence of President and runs in the second inning and ad- victory, their thirteenth in four­ Mrs. Horace Wubben, 1048 Rood. I en~, but automatically qualified when the Aggies conceded. dea one more in the sixth. · Mean- teen outings. Thursday, June 7-H). a. m. - At thls writing, the ·opponent· of while, the Mavericks rattled the 1st game R H E Commencement practice. Mesa the Mavericks is unknown. It will fences for 14 base knocks as they Snow 010 000 0 1 5 1 college auditorium. either be Lamar or Pueblo, with scored in every inning. Andy May's Mesa Friday, June 8-10 a. m. - the Pueblo nine traveling to Grand 200 00 x 2 6 2 Commencement exercises. Mesa two ·run single put the Mavericks 2nd game R H E college auditorium, ______ __ _ Junction if they win, and the Mav­ Post er Campaign ahead in t he first, and after the Snow 020 001 000 3 .o 6 ,ericks joumey.ing to Lamar if the Ba'dgers tied it up, Mesa went Mest 242 111 llx 13 14 3 Friday, June 8-2:30 p. m.­ Antelopes win. · A spedal playoff ahead to stay with four runs in the Reception for sophome>res, par­ Pueblo in the final ser.ies game, second on singles by Bi'll Robei:-ts ents and alumni in Mary Rait was needed when Lamar edged and Bobby Ginn plus some loose Lounge. throwing the race into a t·hree 1way Her aid Elections Snow fielding. College Speed-Up tie 'between Puehlo, Lamar, and The Badgers had six errors and Trinidad. Trinidad was then ·elimi­ It's el~tion time again at Mesa many passed balls that contribut­ Not Asked by ,U.S. Commander Dorian ·on nated 1by losing to Lamar 8-3 and clolege and party campaign man­ ed to their downfall. Meanwhile, Pueblo 12-8. The final game be­ agers have filled the halls with Haggerty kept the Snow batters at Ann Arbor,' 'M'ich,-(1.P.)- The tween Pueblo and Lamar was blaring posters broadcasting the bay all evening, and except for U. S. Department of Defense has Leave, Talks lo Class scheduled for last .Tuesd'ay. merits of the various parties and early wi'ldness, was in comman,d all not re.quested education-al institu­ Commander Dorian, on leave Mesa will be favored to take the candidates. · the way. tions to accelerate their academic from the U. S. Navy, talked to the series in view of their great hit­ Five all-school officials are elect4 ed each spring to manage college In the afternoon game, the Mesa programs, Robert L. Williams, as­ Political Sdence class last Wednes- tin-g power, strong pitching staff, nine scored their two runs in the - . and wonderful record of thirteen sutdents. af.fairs for the coming sistant to the provost of the Univer­ day. His subJect was tbie war in wins in fourteen starts year, Those nominated for presi­ first inning and watched Les Miller sity of Michigan, declared here. pitoh a beautiful ball game in Kore,a. Commander Dorian who was With good hitters like Andy May, dent are Bob Brown, Bob Thorpe Williams .is serving as the ,co--ordi­ and Ron Rohlfing. Dean Jensen, earning his fourth triumph of the nator t-o keep the University in a surgeon for the Sev-enth Fleet· Bob Ginn, Gene Haggerty, and Lou year without a loss. l!aggerty's Ron Allen and Cliff Craven are touch with developments at Wash­ 'participated in the invasion of In- Tanko in the line up, Coach· Paul making a bid for the vice presi4 ington /relating -to the national chon a~d the protection of For- Phillips h~ !had _plenty of batting dency. Betty Jo Gates, Mickie Buff­ emergency. · ·H' h • t' t •4-,h power, whlle Gene Haggerty and ?1-osa. ·. is ~ 1p saw. ac 1~n o wiv - Ben and Less Miller stand as three ham and Dixie Ray make up the He quoted. an assistant secretary mg 130 mlles of Vlad1s,vostok, .a of the best pitchers ever on a Mesa secretarial slate. Candidates for ,N. Y. U. Prof Finds o.f the Ar my as saying, ''The De­ Rusian Port. mound staff. Ben Miller has five treasu er are Stan Meyers, Arnold partment of the· Army has· no occa­ Mackley and Oh~rles Carr, and· Don sion to r,equest the ,colleges and uni­ · Since Commander Dorian has wins and no los,ses while 'Les has Cleveland, Jack Holzbehlein and Students Pref er versities to accelerate their aca­ been bestowed ·21 medals in cita- four wins with no defeats. Haggerty Joan Barnes are running for Na­ demic programs at this time." tion, he hopes to be discharged has lost once and won £.our-his soon. He is considering Grand last win being a no-hitter against tional Stud·ent Association Repre- Williams said similar views had Junction for permanent residence Snow, Utah. sentative. L-ecf ure Method been indicated to the University by as well as for his medical practice. -The series will be a best-out-o·f Ali school elections were held Chkago, Ill.-U.P.)- The cur­ representatives of the Navy, Ma­ The Commander served during three, with the games getting un­ Wednesday and Thursday. How­ rines and Air Force. He pointed out rently popular idea that better edu­ W,orld War II and ha.shad many in- der way a Grand Junction or La­ ever, final count of the polling was tha·t the armed forces are serious in teresting experiences w_orking wfth mar on Fri'day. not complet e at press time. Full cation results when the teacher this point ,of view since neither the generals, a d m i r a 1 s and down ---~ - -'----- election results will appear in the allows the students to take over the milit ary a0ademy at West Point nar tprough the ranks of enlisted men. El Toro Holds New Event next issue. class, was challenged by Professor the naval academy at Annapolis had been asked to speed up their edu­ The El. Toro Club· will h-0ld its Robert Hoppock of New York Uni­ cational programs. Class Visits City Cou~cif . annual dance Frid.ay night. This versity., in a report to the annual Williams also pointed out that ex­ Mr. Charles' political science year's event, Grass Hop, will be Contact Troupe. convention of the National Voca­ tensive special t raining programs class attended a meeting . of the held on t he lawn behind the dormi­ tional Guidance Association, held such as colleges and univ-ersities Grand Ju.nctton City Council at tory. The Collegians will play for taught for the armed forces during City· Hall at Wednesday at 7·30. dancing from 9 to 12 p . m. Bare Tours SchoQls recently in this city. the last war are not contemplated The class also plans to visit a feet and stockings will be the cor­ The Mesa college contact troupe While in his own classes Pro­ at this time by· t he armed forces. session of district court on May 21. rect costume for the evening: under the direction of Mrs. Marie fessor Hoppock found that students Treece, entertained high school preferred demonstrations by the school students at Paonia and f aculty, rather than having their Hotchkiss last Wednesday.
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