as X.sIAZprS'S A Paperfor~ . People who Care about the West The Columbia River: An Age of Reform , Indians fishing at Celilo Falls before it was inundated behind The Dalles Dam ~ estern Water Made Simple The second of four special issues starts~on page 6 2.Higll ~ HIllIS -- oaoIMr 13 1986iii~.nl~=-=~I~~~----} . ---_2 Hodel, favorsBLM wilderness in Wyoming During a visit last month to ...,...-----------...., "I don't see our position changing," Wyoming, Interior Secretary Donald J1 he said. Hodel talked with reporters about wild ~ Recently, he added, an "extremely horse roundups and wilderness. '~" upset" Roland Robison, who is the Looking at remote Adobe Town, il" Utah BLM director, came to Denver to one of several BLM wilderness study ~ express dissatisfaction with EPA's areas in the state, Hodel said he favors opinion that Utah failed to approach wilderness designation in southwest- wilderness designation region. by ern Wyoming and does not agree with region. Vodehnal said Robison asked those who say deserts are not the EPA to clarify its authoriry to make appropriate as wilderness. HOdel comments and asked for more pointed out that wilderness described examples- to support criticism of its by Christ in the Scriptures was" more draft EIS. Vodehnal said his office will akin to this area than mountains and replace its original comments on the trees.' , BLM draft with more specific Hodel was not so sure about examples and an explanation of how deserts in Utah, however. Whenasked his agency's concerns relate to the whether he agreed with his advisory EIS. panel's recent recommendations Secretary of Interior Donald Hodel On the subject of wild horses, the against wilderness designation for Interior Secretary said he was BLMlands in Utah, Hodel said he was recommended for wilderness. Hodel convinced by his visit that the "not familiar with the Utah sirua- said, •'EPA may have been out of line roundups are humane and should cion." in its critical remarks" and added that continue. Hodel said he also supports i But he was familiar with the the agency is "rethinking some of the sale .. currently prohibited by i Environmental Protection Agency's their criticism." federal law » of horses not adopted criticism of Utah BLM's lO·year EPA's Dale Vodehnal, who heads after the annual-roundup. I wilderness study process that culmin- the impact statement branch at EPA's ated recently in 1.9 million acres regional .office in Denver, disagreed. --Kathanne Collins HIGH COUNTRY NEWS (ISSN/0191/)657) Mother Nature was kind to the With the clearing came the crisp fall ~olors. Ed Quillen, one of the very is published biweekly, except for ODe issue during July and one issue during January, by staff during the preparation of this weather of fall, although thus far we few ipeople we know who supports the High Country News Foundation, 124 Grand issue on the Columbia River. She sent have been spared a freeze. Not that it himself by freelance writing, came by Avenue, Paonia, Colorado 81428. Second-class day after day of unremitting rainfall, makes much difference. The shorter with' wife Martha and daughters postage paid at Paonia, Colorado. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to so we were able to get a feel for what days and coolerweather mean that the Abigail and Columbine. HIGH COUNTRY NEWS, Box 1090" Paonia, it must be like to live in the Columbia green tomatoes and strawberries just One of their survival tricks, the CO 81428. River Basin. sit there, defying even the surviving Quillens said, was to live in downtown f , Tom Bell Ofcourse, not all of that basin is in grasshoppers to chew on them. Salida, Colorado, where they can walk Editor Emeritus a rainbelt. Some-isas arid as anYI'part The wetness has been a nuisance to school, shops and' saloons. But Ed Marston of the intermountain Rockies. Ever here, but it has been a tragedy in parts Salida is being hit by the economics Publisher accommodating, the weather cleared of Montana. That state, in the news affecting most tural Rocky Mountain Betsy Marston during the last day or so of production, last year because of drought, is now towns, and they may soon- have to Editor reminding us of what the sun is like, waiting for floodwaters to drain away. drive ~eir 1965slant six Dodge Dart, ) udy Moffatt and revealing mountains that are The Paonia weather has not which has all of 60,000miles on it, out Deve/opmen' newly snowcapped. Nearby Grand deterred visitors. Lee Sayre, a to the highway to shop. Marjane Am bier Bruce Farling Mesa, we hear, has three feet of snow long-time reader from 'Colorado Glenn Oakley and ,excellentcross country skiing. Springs, came through for apples and --the staff Geoffrey 0' Gara C.L. Rawlins Pat Ford Yellowstone area. No groups have Contnouting Editors HOTLINE protested the memo yet, but Tony Jen Brunner Graphicsl Accounting available for logging and to assure Povilitis,, director of the Campaign for annual green sawtimber' harvesting Yellowstone's Bears, questioned the Mary Moran Bridger-Teton plan Research Associate levels at 35mmbf, the amount he said move.. "With all the development Steve Hinchman The long-awaited draft Bridger- is needed to sustain existing industry. going on in the intermountain West, it Intern Teton Forest Plan will call for a 38 Public comment on the Bridger-Teton might be unwise to think the popula- C. B. Elliott percent reduction in timber harvesting draft plan will be .. unusually tion is so secure that it no longer needs Circulation IProduction and the eventual closing to logging extensive, " Kingwill said, because of protection." The, memo is being reo Judy Heideman traffic of the Union Pass Road, unprecedented public interest in the viewed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Typeset/inK according to an ••advance overview" management of the 3-million-acre Service, the Forest Service and the Tom Bell, Lander WY of the 1,800-page document. .The forest. Kingwill said the public National Park Service. Michael Clark, Woshinglon D. C. Sally Gordon, Kaycee WY 16-pagedocument was provided to the comment period will last 120 days,30 Adam Mcl.ane, Helena MT press to brieflydescribe the draft plan days longer than required, and will Anschutz wins Kate Missett, Buffolo WY and its accompanying environmental conclude in February 1987. ) erold Panas, San Francisco CA at Mosquito Creek Garrett Ray, Fort Collins CO impact statement, which will be Patrick Sweeney, Bll/ings MT released this month. Bridger-Teton Recovering grizzly The Anschutz Corp. won the last Herman Warsh, EmigrQnl MT informationofficer Fred Kingwillsaid The Montana Department of Fish, round in an l l-year battle over its Robert Wigington, BouJJer CO Board of Directors he anticipates a "furious reaction" to Wildlife and Parks is circulating a Mosquito Creek oil well application the recommended closure of the draft memo calling for the delisting of when the Interior Board of Land Articles appearing in High Country News 4-mile section of the Union Pass Road the grizzly bear from endangered Appeals rejected a last ditch challenge are indexed in Environmental PerioriicQls BiblWgnJphy, Environmental Studies Institute, recently realigned by Louisiana- species status in Montana's Northern from Wilson, Wyoming, resident 2074 Alameda Padre Serra, Santa Barbara, Pacific. The realignment approved by Continental Divide ecosystem. The Mark Altman. The ruling gives California 93103. Forest Service Chief Max Peterson in memo states that the ecosystem's Anschutz the go-ahead to drill an All rights to publication of articles in this issue are reserved. Write for permission to June allowedL·P to begin hauling its estimated 549 to 813 grizzlies exceed exploratory well at its Mosquito Creek print any ankles or illustrations. Contributions 2.4 million board foot Little Sheep the goal of 560 bears listed in the site in Wyoming's Bridger-Teton (manuscripts, photos, artwork) will be. Mountain timber sale near Pinedale area's 1982 Grizzly Bear Recovery National Forest. Residents from welcomed with the understanding that the editors cannot be held responsible for loss or over Union Pass to its Dubois mill. Plan. The department also says the nearby Wilson and Jackson Hole damage. Enclose a self-addressed stamped. Kingwill said he also anticipated bear population meets' or exceeds the fought the well as part of their envelope with all unsolicited submissions to resistance to the proposed cutback in plan's population characteristic re- increasing resistance to oil and gas ensure return. Articles and letters will be published and edited at the discretion of the annual green sawtimber harvesting quirements _.reproductive rate, litter encroachment on the area's recrea- editors. from the current 26 mmbf to a new size, mortality rate, etc. ~~and other tion-based economy. Anschutz has Advenising information is available upon level of 16mmbf. L·P's chief forester criteria for changing the grizzly's begun upgrading the road to the well request. To have a sample copy sent to a friend, *nd us his or her address. Write to Box 1090, in Dubois, Bob Baker, said he will do t I-year status as a threatened species. site, but the company has not said Paonia, Colorado 81428. Call High Co*"tr'y everything in his power "to see that Delisring would only affect the when it plans to install the drill rig. News in Colorado at 303/527·4898. the Forest Service does not write off grizzlies in the Northern Continental Members of the environmental group Subscriptions are $20 per year for Individuals, '28 per year for institutions, Single this community." He said he would Divide region in northwestern Mon- Earth First! have promised a protest copies '1.00 plus '1.25 postage and handling.
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