1 2 Mantle flow geometry from ridge to trench beneath the Gorda-Juan 3 de Fuca plate system 4 5 *Robert Martin-Short1, Richard M Allen1, Ian Bastow2, Eoghan Totten1,2, Mark 6 Richards1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 [1] Department of Earth and Planetary Science, UC Berkeley 15 [2] Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London 16 *Corresponding author email: [email protected] 17 18 19 Resubmission of NGS-2015-04-00698A 20 21 22 23 1 24 Tectonic plates are underlain by a low viscosity mantle layer, the asthenosphere. 25 Asthenospheric flow may be induced by the overriding plate or by deeper mantle 26 convection1. Shear strain due to this flow can be inferred using the directional 27 dependence of seismic wave speeds - seismic anisotropy. However, isolation of 28 asthenospheric signals is challenging; most seismometers are located on continents, 29 whose complex structure influences the seismic waves en-route to the surface. The 30 Cascadia Initiative, an offshore seismometer deployment in the US Pacific 31 Northwest, offers the opportunity to analyze seismic data recorded on simpler 32 oceanic lithosphere2. Here we use measurements of seismic anisotropy across the 33 Juan-de-Fuca and Gorda plates to reconstruct patterns of asthenospheric mantle 34 shear flow from the Juan-de-Fuca mid-ocean ridge to the Cascadia subduction zone 35 trench. We find that the direction of fastest seismic wave motion rotates with 36 increasing distance from the mid-ocean ridge to become aligned with the direction 37 of motion of the Juan-de-Fuca Plate, implying that this plate influences mantle flow. 38 In contrast, asthenospheric mantle flow beneath the Gorda Plate does not align with 39 Gorda Plate motion and instead aligns with the neighbouring Pacific Plate motion. 40 These results show that asthenospheric flow beneath the small, slow-moving Gorda 41 Plate is controlled largely by advection due to the much larger, faster-moving Pacific 42 Plate. 43 44 The Juan-de-Fuca plate system is the northernmost section of the Farallon slab, 45 which is approaching complete subduction beneath the North American continent3. 46 The system is subdivided into the Explorer, Juan-de-Fuca and Gorda segments, 2 47 which subduct at ~12mm/yr in a ~N60°E direction beneath the Cascadia arc4,5. The 48 assemblage is undergoing rollback at ~24mm/yr4 and rotating clockwise as the 49 Mendocino Triple Junction (MTJ) migrates northwards4. 50 51 Questions about the mantle flow geometry beneath Cascadia focus on interaction 52 between oceanic asthenosphere and the subducting slab6. Shear wave splitting, a 53 technique that quantifies the magnitude and direction of seismic anisotropy, can 54 address such questions6,7. Seismic anisotropy in the mantle develops due to the 55 lattice-preferred orientation (LPO) of various minerals8. Olivine, the main 56 component of the upper mantle, is highly anisotropic8,9. Simple shearing under 57 typical asthenosphere conditions yields olivine crystal alignment, with fast axes 58 corresponding to the shearing direction8. Shear waves traversing such a medium are 59 split into two orthogonal components, one of which is polarized in the fast direction. 60 A delay time (δt) proportional to the strength and layer-thickness of the anisotropy 61 is acquired as the components transit the layer. The fast axis direction (ϕ) is used to 62 determine the shearing direction and by inference the mantle flow geometry7. 63 64 Onshore studies in Cascadia reveal uniformly trench perpendicular anisotropy, 65 indicative of sub-slab mantle flow4,5. Cascadia is unusual; most subduction zones 66 demonstrate trench-parallel splitting6. This has been variously interpreted as 67 rollback-induced flow6, the influence of B-type olivine LPO in the mantle wedge9, or 68 the consequence of strong radial anisotropy in steeply dipping, entrained flow10. 69 3 70 We analyze data from Cascadia Initiative seismometer deployments2, including 27 71 onshore Transportable Array (TA) sites and 70 ocean bottom seismometers (OBS), 72 deployed in ten-month phases at 160 sites2. We analyze OBS data from years 1-3 of 73 the Cascadia Initiative and 4 years of records from the NEPTUNE cabled seafloor 74 observatory11. Public data from the X9 OBS array, deployed along the Blanco 75 Fracture Zone in 2012-20132 are also utilized (supplementary information, S2). 76 77 Splitting parameters ϕ and δt are determined for each station-event pair using two 78 open-source software packages, before results are stacked to produce a single 79 measurement at each site (see methods). Shear wave splitting with OBS data is 80 challenging due to high noise levels within the S frequency band12,13 and uncertainty 81 in instrument orientation14. We generally obtain 1-4 good quality measurements 82 per offshore station, compared to 8-15 results for the onshore sites (supplementary 83 information, S3-S6). 84 85 The TA stations produce a uniform splitting pattern along the length of the 86 subduction zone (figure 1). The mean fast direction and delay times are N72°E and 87 1.34s respectively, in agreement with previous studies and sub-parallel to the 88 subduction direction of N60°E4, 5. Offshore stations on the Juan-de-Fuca plate 89 display a more complicated pattern: except for a single, ridge-parallel result near 90 Cobb Hotspot, fast splitting directions (FSD) vary between the trench perpendicular 91 and absolute plate motion (APM) direction. Alignment with the Juan-de-Fuca APM 4 92 direction increases towards the trench (figure 2). The FSD then rotate into the 93 subduction direction as one moves onshore. 94 95 Sites on the Gorda plate produce a highly uniform pattern, but are neither aligned 96 with Gorda APM nor the subduction direction. Their mean FSD of N66°W aligns with 97 the motion of Pacific plate (~N57°W4) and with the ridge-perpendicular orientation 98 (~N67°W). A marked change in FSD is observed just east of the trench in this region, 99 where the fast directions rotate approximately 70° into a trench-perpendicular 100 orientation (Figure 2a). Results from stations situated on the Pacific plate align well 101 with APM, featuring a mean direction of N60°W. 102 103 This study compliments previous shear wave splitting results from ocean basins15,16 104 and enhances coverage of the region. A notable feature of the existing onshore 105 pattern is the arcuate splitting geometry observed south of the MTJ in northern 106 California, which follows the southern edge of the down-going Gorda slab4,17 (Figure 107 1). The subducting slab is imaged by body wave tomography as a segmented, high 108 velocity anomaly with a ‘gap’ beneath northern Oregon18. This ‘gap’ does not appear 109 to influence the splitting pattern, however. 110 111 Limited back-azimuthal coverage makes it difficult to model dipping or multi-layer 112 regional anisotropy in our study. We follow previous teleseismic splitting studies4,5 113 of this area in interpreting a single anisotropic layer. 114 5 115 On oceanic plates, the dominant splitting signal likely arises from a combination of 116 fossil anisotropy in the lithosphere and viscous shearing of the asthenosphere by 117 plate motion7. According to the model of Nishimura and Forsyth19, the lithospheric 118 component should lie in the fossil spreading direction, while the asthenospheric 119 component should align with the direction of present day mantle flow. Both are 120 parallel to the spreading direction close to mid-ocean ridges, but diverge beneath 121 older lithosphere as the asthenosphere is dragged in to the APM direction19. Shear 122 wave splitting studies of the East Pacific Rise15 and in French Polynesia16 generally 123 support this idea. 124 125 Given realistic estimates of 50km, 4% and 4.6km/s for the thickness, percentage 126 anisotropy, and shear wave velocity for the Juan-de-Fuca plate, respectively, a 127 lithospheric splitting time contribution of 0.43s is predicted4, 7. This is significantly 128 smaller than the OBS splitting times, implying that the asthenosphere is an 129 important source of anisotropy. 130 131 The rotation of FSDs into the APM orientation east of the Juan-de-Fuca ridge implies 132 the influence of competing flow components. A variety of anisotropic fabrics might 133 be expected in the vicinity of a mid-ocean ridge: upwelling asthenosphere in 134 response to passive spreading, oriented melt pocket anisotropy along the ridge itself 135 due to dyke intrusion20, lateral flow away from the ridge21 and basal drag fabrics as 136 the plate moves away from the ridge19. 137 6 138 Splitting directions close to the Juan-de-Fuca ridge generally lie between APM and 139 ridge-perpendicular direction, suggesting that lateral flow and basal drag are the 140 strongest influences. We do not see a concentration of null results at stations located 141 close to the ridge (see methods), suggesting that the influence of vertically oriented 142 LPO due to upwelling is minimal or confined to a narrow region. 143 144 One exception to the pattern occurs at site J39, just east of Axial Seamount. The 145 splitting parameters here are well constrained and suggest strong ridge-parallel 146 anisotropy (supplementary information, S7). This may be the result of aligned 147 pockets of melt present near the ridge axis as observed on land in Ethiopia, a 148 subaerial region of incipient oceanic spreading20. 149 150 On the Gorda section of the plate system there is no significant variation in FSD with 151 distance from the ridge. The FSD are instead well aligned with the direction of 152 Pacific plate motion and with results from the Pacific plate west of the Gorda ridge 153 and south of the Mendocino Fracture Zone.
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