Distinguished Performance Awards Dinner Commitment to Business Statesmanship November 20, 2013 Reception 6:00 – 7:00 pm e Dinner 7:00 – 9:00 pm The Waldorf Astoria Hotel 301 Park Avenue, New York City, New York Distinguished Performance Awards Recipients Howard Schultz FKDLUPDQSUHVLGHQWDQGFKLHIH[HFXWLYHRIÀFHU Starbucks Peter G. Peterson Award for Business Statesmanship Special Introduction by: Peter G. Peterson Award presented by: The Honorable Bill Bradley Edward B. Rust, Jr. &KDLUPDQDQG&KLHI([HFXWLYH2IÀFHU State Farm Insurance Owen B. Butler Education Excellence Award Award presented by: Harold McGraw III, McGraw Hill Financial Kendall J. Powell &KDLUPDQDQG&KLHI([HFXWLYH2IÀFHU General Mills Corporate Citizenship Award Award presented by: Heidi Miller, JPMorgan Chase & Co. (Retired) Daniel F. Akerson &KDLUPDQDQG&KLHI([HFXWLYH2IÀFHU General Motors Company Leadership in Diversity Award Award presented by: Kathryn Marinello, Stream Global Services Kenneth C. Frazier &KDLUPDQ3UHVLGHQWDQG&KLHI([HFXWLYH2IÀFHU Merck Excellence in Public Policy Award Award presented by: Raymond V. Gilmartin, Merck (Retired) Joseph E. Kasputys Chairman, Economic Ventures, Inc. Founder, IHS Global Insight Trustee Leadership Award Award presented by: Daniel Rose, Rose Associates, Inc. Welcome Welcome to the Committee for Economic Development’s 2013 Distinguished Performance Awards Dinner. Tonight we are proud to honor six business leaders who have demonstrated exceptional leadership in their companies and across their communities. Howard Schultz of Starbucks is this year’s recipient of the Peter G. Peterson Business Statesmanship Award. Howard’s commitment to the well-being of his employees, and support for fixing both political dysfunction in Washington, and the federal budget deficit, make him incredibly deserving of this award. We are proud to recognize fellow Trustee, Edward Rust, with CED’s inaugural Owen B. Butler Education Excellence Award, established in honor of Brad Butler, former Chairman and CEO of Procter & Gamble, and former CED Chairman. The award recognizes an individual’s exceptional commitment to quality education, skills development, and workforce training programs. As former Chair of CED’s Education Policy Subcommittee, Ed is a true leader in the education world. Ken Powell is the recipient of this year’s Distinguished Performance Award for Corporate Citizenship. Among his many accolades, Ken and General Mills have made great strides in addressing the challenges facing its operating communities tied to nutrition, education, and the environment. Ken and General Mills are also strong supporters of advancing the careers of women, and workplace equality. As a champion of women in the workplace, we are pleased to honor Daniel Akerson with the 2013 Distinguished Performance Award for Leadership in Diversity. By advocating for and placing more women on corporate boards, Dan and General Motors have proactively addressed the challenges women face in corporate America. Dan and GM have also given millions in scholarship money for women and minorities to pursue degrees in STEM related fields. Kenneth Frazier is this year’s recipient of the Distinguished Performance Award for Excellence in Public Policy. Ken has made considerable impact across the policy areas of education, fiscal health, and political disclosure. And finally, we are delighted to present the Distinguished Performance Award for Trustee Leadership to Joseph Kasputys, a CED leader for nearly three decades. Among Joe’s numerous accomplishments, he founded IHS Global Insight and is currently Chairman of Economic Ventures. He has made considerable impact in the CED policy areas of Fiscal Health and Global Financial Imbalances, and served as Co-Chair of the Board from 2006-2008. On behalf of CED’s entire Board of Trustees, thank you for your continued support of both the Committee for Economic Development and these exceptional leaders. Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. Carl T. Camden President and CEO President and CEO TIAA-CREF Kelly Services, Inc. Committee For Economic Development Reasoned solutions from business in the nation’s interest The Committee for Economic Development (CED) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, business-led, public policy organization that delivers well-researched analysis and reasoned solutions to our nation’s most critical issues. We are proud to highlight CED’s strong legacy of engaging leaders in public policy and look forward to recognizing the many companies and individuals who have been part of that legacy. Since its inception in 1942, CED has addressed national priorities that promote sustained economic growth and development to benefit all Americans. These activities have helped shape the future on issues ranging from the Marshall Plan in the late 1940s, to education reform in the past three decades, and campaign finance reform since 2000. CED’s research findings are coupled with multi-pronged outreach efforts throughout the country and abroad, achieving tangible impact at the local, state, and national levels. Our nation needs renewed business leadership to reach the goals that we all share, including robust economic growth, increased educational and job opportunities, and rapid productivity. We need civil dialogue to address these challenges, and we need great statesmen to lead, influence, and support the discussions. Thank you for your support of our six honorees and CED’s Distinguished Performance Awards Dinner. Core Principles Sustainable capitalism Globally competitive workforce Long-term economic growth Equal economic opportunity (IÀFLHQWÀVFDO UHJXODWRU\SROLFLHV Non-partisanship in the nation’s Competitive & open markets interest Distinguished Performance Award Past Recipients Peter G. Peterson Award for Business Statesmanship David M. Cote, Honeywell Ian Davis, McKinsey & Co. Jeffrey R. Immelt, General Electric Company Andrea Jung, Avon Products, Inc. $*/DÁH\3URFWHU *DPEOH&RPSDQ\ W. James McNerney, Jr., The Boeing Company Alan Mulally, Ford Motor Company Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo, Inc. Corporate Citizenship Award Excellence in Public Policy Award +HUEHUW0$OOLVRQ-U7,$$&5() /pR$SRWKHNHU+HZOHWW3DFNDUG Donald G. Boudreau, Chase Manhattan Bank Carl T. Camden, Kelly Services, Inc. Beth A. Brooke, EY 7KH+RQRUDEOH)UDQN&&DUOXFFL 8UVXOD0%XUQV;HUR[&RUSRUDWLRQ Senator Russell Feingold Wes Bush, Northrop Grumman Corporation Dean Kamen, FIRST Raymond V. Gilmartin, Merck & Company, Inc. $PEDVVDGRU&DUOD$QGHUVRQ+LOOV (1HYLOOH,VGHOO7KH&RFD&ROD&RPSDQ\ 7KH+RQRUDEOH-DPHV%+XQW-U Verne G. Istock, First Chicago NBD Corp. %RE.HUUH\7KH&RQFRUG&RDOLWLRQ Ira A. Lipman, Guardsmark, LLC Andrew Liveris, Dow +HQU\$0F.LQQHOO3À]HU,QF Senator John McCain Samuel J. Palmisano, IBM Corporation Congressman Martin Meehan Donald J. Schuenke, Northern Telecom Peter G. Peterson, The Concord Coalition )UHGHULFN:6PLWK)HG([&RUSRUDWLRQ Hugh B. Price John F. “Jack” Smith, Jr., General Motors Warren B. Rudman, The Concord Coalition Corporation Congressman Christopher Shays William C. Weldon, Johnson & Johnson %REE\6KULYHU 352'8&7 5(' Josh S. Weston, Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Paul E. Tsongas, The Concord Coalition Global Leadership Award Trustee Leadership Award Dr. Isaiah Frank Roy J. Bostock <RWDUR´7RQ\µ.RED\DVKL)XML;HUR[ W. Bowman Cutter Jiang Jianqing, Industrial and Commercial Frank P. Doyle Bank of China (ICBC) 5REHUW+'XJJHU James E. Press, Toyota Motor North America Edmund B. Fitzgerald Paul Polman, Unilever Roderick M. Hills James A. Skinner, McDonald’s Corporation Jeffrey Joerres Edward A. Kangas William W. Lewis Bruce Maclaury Leadership in Diversity Award Lenny Mendonca Richard Edelman, Edelman -DPHV'5RELQVRQ,,, James E. Rohr Daniel Rose Landon H. Rowland Distinguished Performance Awards Dinner Committee 'RPLQLF%DUWRQ*OREDO0DQDJLQJ'LUHFWRU0F.LQVH\ &RPSDQ\ %HWK$%URRNH*OREDO9LFH&KDLU3XEOLF3ROLF\(< &DUO7&DPGHQ3UHVLGHQWDQG&(2.HOO\6HUYLFHV,QF 'DYLG0&RWH&KDLUPDQDQG&(2+RQH\ZHOO W. Bowman Cutter, Senior Fellow and Director, Economic Policy Initiative, The Roosevelt Institute 5LFKDUG(GHOPDQ3UHVLGHQWDQG&(2(GHOPDQ 5RJHU:)HUJXVRQ-U3UHVLGHQWDQG&(27,$$&5() -HIIUH\5,PPHOW&KDLUPDQDQG&(2*( -HIIUH\$-RHUUHV&KDLUPDQDQG&(20DQSRZHU*URXS Andrea Jung, Senior Advisor, Avon Products, Inc. $QGUHZ1/LYHULV3UHVLGHQW&KDLUPDQDQG&(2'RZ ,QGUD1RR\L&KDLUPDQDQG&(23HSVL&R,QF Peter G. Peterson, Founder and Chairman, Peter G. Peterson Foundation -DPHV'5RELQVRQ,,,&R)RXQGHUDQG*HQHUDO3DUWQHU55(9HQWXUHV -DPHV(5RKU([HFXWLYH&KDLUPDQ31&)LQDQFLDO6HUYLFHV*URXS Daniel Rose, Chairman, Rose Associates, Inc. )UHGHULFN:6PLWK&KDLUPDQDQG&(2)HG([&RUSRUDWLRQ Committee for Economic Development Executive Committee Co-Chairmen Carl T. Camden Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. 3UHVLGHQWDQG&KLHI([HFXWLYH2IÀFHU 3UHVLGHQWDQG&KLHI([HFXWLYH2IÀFHU Kelly Services, Inc. 7,$$&5() President & CEO 6WHYH2GODQG Committee for Economic Development Executive Committee Beth A. Brooke 5REHUW-.XHSSHUV *OREDO9LFH&KDLU3XEOLF3ROLF\ Senior Partner EY *OREDO5HJXODWRU\ 3XEOLF3ROLF\ Deloitte LLP Michael Chesser &KDLUPDQDQG&(2 5HWLUHG William W. Lewis Great Plains Energy, Inc. Director Emeritus, McKinsey Martin Cohen *OREDO,QVWLWXWH McKinsey & Company, Inc. Managing Director and Corporate Secretary Lenny Mendonca Morgan Stanley Director McKinsey & Company, Inc. 5REHUW+&ROVRQ Partner – Institutional Acceptance 'HERUDK+LFNV0LGDQHN (Retired) &KDLUPDQDQG&(2 Grant Thornton Solon Group, Inc. W. Bowman Cutter 'HEUD3HUU\ Senior Fellow and Director, 1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU Economic Policy Initiative Korn/Ferry International, Inc. The Roosevelt Institute Donald K. Peterson Joseph Gantz &KDLUPDQDQG&KLHI([HFXWLYH2IÀFHU
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