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Vol. 2 William Barclay BAR The Daily Study Bible Matt Vol 2 Ch 11-28 William Barclay BAR The New Daily Study Bible The Gospel of John Vol 2 William Barclay BAR The New Daily Study Bible The Gospel of John Vol 1 William Barclay BAR Dry Bones Dancing Geoffrey Bingham BAR God's Glory Man's Sexuality Geoffrey Bingham BIN Great and Glorious Grace Geoffrey Bingham BIN Ephesians - a Commentary Geoffrey C. Bingham BIN 2nd copy St. John a Commentary Geoffrey C. Bingham BIN Acts a Commentary Geoffrey C. Bingham BIN Oh, Father! Our Father! Geoffrey C. Bingham BIN The Fulness of Christ Geoffrey C Bingham BIN Nature and God L. Charles Birch BIR Truth for Life John Blanchard BLA Meet the Real Jesus John Blanchard BLA God Speaking Martin Bleby BLE A Man Without Equal Bill Bright BRI The New Testament Documents F. F. Bruce BRU Jesus - All about Life Bible Society N.S.W. BSNSW Hands of Grace Geoff Bullock BUL What Happens Next - Revelation Alice M. Chambers CHA The Village Tragedy and other Sermons Clovis G Chappell CHA How to Read the New Testament Etienne Charpentier CHA Angels and Demons Ken Chant CHA A Fresh Start John Chapman CHA My Utmost for His Highest Oswald Chambers CHA BIBLE STUDY & WORSHIP Return to Index page The Life and Epistles of St. Paul Conybeare and Howson CON The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus John R. Cross CRO Life of Jesus John Dickson & Greg Clarke DIC Fully Accredited Rev.P.C.W.Eckersley Ed. ECK The Psalms H.L.Ellison Ell The Power of God's Names Tony Evans EVA How to Read the Bible Book by Book Gordon D Feeand Douglas Stuard FEE How to Read the Bible for All its Worth Gordon D Fee FEE to the Praise of His Glory Dave Fellingham FEL The Four Gospels J.M.Fuller FUL The Expositors Bible Commentary Matt. Mk. Luke Vol 8 Frank E. Gaebelein GAE Lord can we Talk this Over Joy Gage GAG The Church Ian Gillman GIL Created Woman Kevin Giles GIL To Corinth with Love Michael Green GRE 30 Days Joint board of C.E. Grundy Ed. GRU Christian Beliefs Wayne Gruden GRU Children and Holy Communion Nicky Gumble GUM Elders and Worship Duncan Harrison HAR Pursuing the Will of God (Life of Abraham ) Jack Hayford HAY The Old Testament C. Arnold Healing, M.A. HEA Bad Girls of the Bible Liz Curtis Higgs HIG The Second Coming of Babylon Mark Hitchcock HIT The Rage Against God Peter Hitchens HIT Kingdom Come Peter Hollingworth HOL Behold Your King! Richard Holloway HOL The Riddle of the New Testament Sir Edwyn Hoskyns HOS Cover to Cover.Read the Bible in One Year Selwyn Hughes/Trevor Partridge HUG Introducing the New Testament A.M.Hunter HUN What a Christian Believes and Why. C.F.Hunter HUN The God you're Looking For Bill Hybels HYB Easter Journey Kenneth Ingram ING Overcoming Life's Difficulties - Joshua Peter Jeffery JEF Unveiling Mysteries of the Bible Grant R. Jeffrey JEF The Woman at the Well Adrian Van Kaam KAA BIBLE STUDY & WORSHIP Return to Index page The Reason For God Timothy Keller KEL The Hidden Christmas Timothy Keller KEL Grace Changes Everything Timothy Keller KEL The Bible as History Revised Werner Keller KEL The Two Kinds of Faith E.W.Kenyon KEN A time to mourn, and a time to dance. Derek Kidner KID Proverbs-Tyndale Commentaries Derek Kidner KID The Message of Hosea Derek Kidner KID Jerusalem - the Covenant City Hugh Kitson KIT A Christian Theology of the Old Testament George A.F. Knight KNI Hymns of the Forefathers Christopher Lawrence LAW Complete Book of Bible Quotations N.T. Mark L. Levine(Ed) LEV Miracles C.S. Lewis LEW Mere Christianity C.S. Lewis LEW An Approach to Christian Doctrine Greville P. Lewis Ed. LEW Authority D.Martyn Lloyd-Jones LLO Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans Martin Luther LUT Great Interviews of Jesus C.E. Macartney MAC The Murder of Jesus John MacArthur Mac The Book That Made Your World. Vishal Mangalwadi MAN Let's Keep Christmas Peter Marshall MAR Mr Jones Meet the Master Peter Marshall MAR The Word and the way Donald M. Mathers MAT Born for Battle R. Arthur Mathews MAT Creative Life Together John Mavor MAV I Believe Alister McGrath McG More than a Carpenter Josh McDowell Sean McDowell McD James Burdick MOR Who Moved the Stone Frank Morison MOR The Expositor's Bible Commentary Hebrews Leon Morris and Donald W. MOR Worship and Preaching Thomas M. Morrow MOR The Authority and Relevance of the Bible in Mod World M.Muggeridge MUG The True Vine -John 15 Andrew Murray MUR Changed Into His Likenes Watchman Nee NEE Malachi Bible Probe Alan Nichols NIC BIBLE STUDY & WORSHIP Return to Index page For Today Aseries of Daily Bible Studies D.T. Niles NIL Living with the Bible D.T. Niles NIL Ephesians. Alive in Christ D.T. Niles NIL Reading the Bible Today Stuart Olyott OLY The Bible : The word in the world Eric Osborn OSB Knowing God J.I Packer PAC Fundamentalism and the Word of God J.I. Packer PAC Introduction to the Bible J.I.Packer and others. PAC 2nd copy A Guide to the Bible Alice Parmelee PAR Israel in the New Testament David Pawson PAW 1 & 11 Samuel David F. Payne PAY The Shadow and the Substance Ian Pennicock PEN In Pursuit of Bible Trivia Bob Phillips PHI New Testament Christianity J.B.Phillips PHI Plain Christianity J.B.Phillips PHI Ring of Truth J.B.Phillips PHI The Sovereignty of Good. A.W.Pink PIN Bible Treasures Ivor Powell POW. New Solutions to Difficult Sayings of Jesus Gorden Powell POW. The Return Winkie Pratney and Barry Chant PRA Power in the Name Revealing the God Who Provides and Heals Derek Prince PRI Worship is a Bowl of Noodles (two copies) Derek Prince PRI the Refiners Fire Leonard Ravenhill RAV Genesis 1-11 Alan Richardson RIC Every Woman in the Bible Sue and Larry Richards RIC Why the Universe is the way it is Phil Rogers ROG Learning to Worship Hugh Ross ROS People Just Like Us J.Oswald Sanders SAN They Met at Calvary W.E. Sangster SAN The Finished Work of Christ Romans 1 - 8 Francis A. Schaeffer SCH Whatever Happened to the Twelve Apostles Elva Schroeder SCH The Life Of Jesus Christ James Stalker M.A.,D.D. STA Daily Hand -Book John Frederick Starck STA Introducing God Dominic Steele STE God's Church Alan Stibbs STI BIBLE STUDY & WORSHIP Return to Index page Search the Scriptures Rev. Alan M. Stibbs, M.A. STI Basic Christianity John Stott STO The Message of Romans John R.W. Stott STO The Cross of Christ John R.W. Stott STO The Sermon on the Mount John Stott STO 2 copies The Message of Acts ( with study guide ) John R.W. Stott STO I Believe in Preaching John R.W. Stott STO What Christ Thinks of the Church John R.W. Stott STO The Case for Christmas Lee Strobel STR The Case for a Creator Lee Strobel STR The Case for Christ Lee Strobel STR The Case for the Resurrection Lee Strobel STR The Case for Easter Lee Strobel STR The Case for Miracles Lee Strobel STR Elijah Charles R Swindoll SWI The Darkness and the Dawn Charles Swindoll SWI Our Fathers' Faith and Ours Rev. C.T.Symons SYM Rewriting Bible History Charles Taylor TAY 21 days to enjoy your Bible Todd Temple TEM The Mystery of Godliness W.Ian Thomas THO Christianity Explored Rico Tice and Barry Cooper TIC Breakfast on the Beach Peter Trumper TRU Marriage Uniting Church Press UCA If God so Loved ((Studies in 1 John ) Noel Vose VOS Blazing the Way Acts 15 - 28 C. Peter Wagner WAG Spreading the Fire Acts 1 - 8 C. Peter Wagner WAG Lighting the World Acts 9-15 C. Peter Wagner WAG Standing Up to Preach Alan Walker WAL The Transforming Friendship Leslie D. Weatherhead Wea John Wesley's Forty Four Sermons John Wesly WES Who is to Blame Robert S. White WHI Be Confident - Hebrews Warren W. Wiersbe WIE Be Satisfied - Ecclesiastes Warren W. Wiersbe WIE Be Heroic ( Demonstrating Bravery by Your Walk ) Warren W. Wiersbe WIE God Actually Roy Williams WIL BIBLE STUDY & WORSHIP Return to Index page Bible Readings for Couples Margaret and Erling Wold WOL May I Hate God? Pierre Wolff WOL God's Promises for your Every Need. WORD. Publisher WOR User'Guide to the Bible Chris Wright WRI Asking them Questions R.S. Wright Ed. WRI Luke for Everyone Tom Wright WRI The Bible Jesus Read. Philip Yancey Yan Can Man Live Without God Ravi Zacharias ZAC Return to Index page BIBLES title author Author Abbr comment The Westminster Dictionary of the Bible John D.Davis DAV Halley's Bible Handbook Dr.
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