Mother Earth: Female (Genitals/Genital) Symbolism 01/04/2018 23:44 Mother Earth Yoni "Vulva," the primary Tantric object of worship, symbolized variously by a triangle, fish, double-pointed oval, horseshoe, egg, fruits, etc. Personifying the yoni, the Goddess Kali bore the title of Cunti or Kunda, root of the ubiquitous Indo-European word "cunt" and all its relatives: cunnus, cunte, cunning, cunctipotent, ken, kin, country. The Yoni Yantra or triangle was known as the Primordial Image, representing the Great Mother as source of all life.1 As the genital focus of her divine energy, the Yantra was adored as a geometrical symbol, as the cross was adored by Christians. The ceremony of baptismal rebirth often involved being drawn bodily through a giant yoni. Those who underwent this ceremony were styled "twice-born." 2 http://hobbithills.blogspot.cz/2013/11/female-genitalsgenital-symbolism.html Page 1 of 61 Mother Earth: Female (Genitals/Genital) Symbolism 01/04/2018 23:44 Yoni Yantra Yoni Mudra http://hobbithills.blogspot.cz/2013/11/female-genitalsgenital-symbolism.html Page 2 of 61 Mother Earth: Female (Genitals/Genital) Symbolism 01/04/2018 23:44 Yoni Yogini Triangle Tantric tradition said the triangle was the Primordial Image, or the female Triangle of Life.1 It was known as the Kali Yantra, representing Kali as Cunti, or else as the Yoni Yantra, or sign of the vulva.2 In Egypt the triangle was a hieroglyphic sign for "woman," and it carried the same meaning among the gypsies, who brought it from their original home in Hindustan. 3 In the Greek sacred alphabet, the delta or triangle stood for the Holy Door, vulva of the All-Mother Demeter ("Mother Delta"). Most ancient symbol systems recognized the triangle as a sign of the Goddess's Virgin-Mother-Crone trinity and at the same time as her genital "holy place," source of all life. The triangle represented the Virgin Moon Goddess called Men-Nefer, archaic deity of the first Mother-city of Memphis. 4 The triangle itself was worshipped in much the same way that modern Christians worship the cross. Concerning this, Oriental sages said: "The object of the worship of the Yantra is to attain unity with the Mother of the Universe in Her forms as Mind, Life, and Matter ... preparatory to Yoga union with Her as She is in herself as Pure Consciousness." 5 The triangle was everywhere connected with the female trinity, and a frequent component of monograms of Goddesses. To the http://hobbithills.blogspot.cz/2013/11/female-genitalsgenital-symbolism.html Page 3 of 61 Mother Earth: Female (Genitals/Genital) Symbolism 01/04/2018 23:44 Gnostics, the triangle signified "creative intellect." 6 Kali Yantra Vesica Piscis "Vessel of the Fish," a common yonic symbol, the pointed oval, named from the ancients' claim that female genitals smelled like fish. Mother Kali herself appeared in a Hindu story as "a virgin named Fishy Smell, whose real name was Truth," like Egypt's Goddess Maat.1 Egyptians said Abtu, the Abyss, was "a fish who swallowed the penis of Osiris," but this abyss was also "The Fish of Isis," therefore a sexual http://hobbithills.blogspot.cz/2013/11/female-genitalsgenital-symbolism.html Page 4 of 61 Mother Earth: Female (Genitals/Genital) Symbolism 01/04/2018 23:44 metaphor. Aphrodite's principal rites at Paphos took place under the sign of Pisces, the Fish. Aphrodite, Isis, Freya, and other forms of the Goddess in sexual aspect appeared veiled in fish nets. 2 See Fish. The vesica piscis was an unequivocally genital sign of the sheilana- gig figures of old Irish churches. The squatting naked Goddess displayed her vulva as a vesica, as did the temple-door images of Kali in India. 3 One of the old pagan ideograms of sexual union was adopted by the church to represent the Feast of St. Nicholas on the runic calendar: a vesica piscis enveloping a male furka.4 The pointed-oval fish sign was even used by early Christians to represent the mystery of God's union with his mother-bride- which is why Jesus was called "the little Fish" in the Virgin's fountain. 5 This female enclosure was much used in Christian art, especially as a superimposition on Mary's belly, with her child within. Sometimes Christ at his ascension was shown rising into a heavenly vesica, as if returning to the Mother-symbol. The vesica was also shown as a frame for figures of Jesus, God, and saints. Another name for the same sign was mandorla, "almond," which also represented a yoni. In the cult of the Magna Mater, an almond was the feminine conception-charm for the virgin birth of Attis. Sheilanagig/Isis-Aphrodite http://hobbithills.blogspot.cz/2013/11/female-genitalsgenital-symbolism.html Page 5 of 61 Mother Earth: Female (Genitals/Genital) Symbolism 01/04/2018 23:44 Vesica Piscis on Notre Dame de Reims Cathedral in France http://hobbithills.blogspot.cz/2013/11/female-genitalsgenital-symbolism.html Page 6 of 61 Mother Earth: Female (Genitals/Genital) Symbolism 01/04/2018 23:44 17th Century Central Tibeten Thanka of Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra Rubin Museum of Art http://hobbithills.blogspot.cz/2013/11/female-genitalsgenital-symbolism.html Page 7 of 61 Mother Earth: Female (Genitals/Genital) Symbolism 01/04/2018 23:44 Mandorla "Almond," the pointed-oval sign of the yoni, used in Oriental art to signify the divine female genital; also called vesica piscis, the Vessel of the Fish. Almonds were holy symbols because of their female, yonic connotations. Almonds had the power of virgin motherhood, as shown by the myth of Nana, who conceived the god Attis with her own almond.1 The candlestick of the Jews' tabernacle of the Ark was decorated with almonds for their fertility magic (Exodus 25:3 3-34). Christian art similarly used the mandorla as a frame for figures of God, Jesus, and saints, because the artists forgot what it formerly meant. http://hobbithills.blogspot.cz/2013/11/female-genitalsgenital-symbolism.html Page 8 of 61 Mother Earth: Female (Genitals/Genital) Symbolism 01/04/2018 23:44 Fish A world-wide symbol of the Great Mother was the pointed-oval sign of the yoni, known as vesica piscis, Vessel of the Fish. It was associated with the "Fishy Smell" that Hindus made a title of the yonic Goddess herself, because they said women's genitals smelled like fish. 1 The Chinese Great Mother Kwan-yin ("Yoni of yonis") often appeared as a fish-goddess. 2 As the swallower of Shiva's penis, Kali became Minaksi the "fish-eyed" one, just as in Egypt, Isis the swallower of Osiris's penis became Abtu, the Great Fish of the Abyss. 3 Fish and womb were synonymous in Greek; delphos meant both.4 The original Delphic oracle first belonged to the abyssal fish-goddess under her pre-Hellenic name of Themis, often incarnate in a great fish, whale, or dolphin (delphinos). The cycles in which she devoured and resurrected the Father-Son entered all systems of symbolism from the Jews' legend of Jonah to the classic "Boy on the Dolphin." Apuleius said the Goddess playing the part of the Dolphin was Aphrodite Salacia, "with fish-teeming womb." 5 Her "boy" was Palaemon, the reincarnated young sun, made new after sinking into the same abyssal womb as the dying god Heracles.6 The fish-goddess Aphrodite Salacia was said to bring "salacity" through orgiastic fish-eating on her sacred day, Friday. The Catholic church inherited the pagan custom of Friday fish-eating and pretended it was a holy fast; but the disguise was thin. Friday was dies veneris in Latin, the Day of Venus, or of lovemaking: Freya's Day in Teutonic Europe. The notion that fish are "aphrodisiac" food is still widespread even today. The Celts thought fish-eating could place new life in a mother's womb. Their hero Tuan was eaten in fish form by the Queen of Ireland, who thus re-conceived him and gave him a new birth.7 In another myth, fish were associated with the clots of "wise blood" emanating from the Mother-tree with its sacred fountain, in Fairyland.8 http://hobbithills.blogspot.cz/2013/11/female-genitalsgenital-symbolism.html Page 9 of 61 Mother Earth: Female (Genitals/Genital) Symbolism 01/04/2018 23:44 They were called blood-red nuts of the Goddess Boann, eaten by "salmon of knowledge" who swam in her sacred fountain. "Poets and story-tellers, speaking of any subject difficult to deal with, often say, 'Unless I had eaten the salmon of knowledge I could not describe it."' 9 The fish symbol of the yonic Goddess was so revered throughout the Roman empire that Christian authorities insisted on taking it over, with extensive revision of myths to deny its earlier female-genital meanings. Some claimed the fish represented Christ because Greek ichthys, "fish," was an acronym for "Jesus Christ, Son of God." But the Christian fish-sign was the same as that of the Goddess's yoni or Pearly Gate: two crescent moons forming a vesica piscis. Sometimes the Christ child was portrayed inside the vesica, which was superimposed on Mary's belly and obviously represented her womb, just as in the ancient symbolism of the Goddess. A medieval hymn called Jesus "the Little Fish which the Virgin caught in the Fountain." 10 Mary was equated with the virgin Aphrodite-Mari, or Marina, who brought forth all the fish in the sea. On the Cyprian site of Aphrodite's greatest temple, Mary is still worshipped as Panaghia Aphroditessa.11 In biblical terms, "Jesus son of Maria" meant the same as Yeshua son of Marah, or Joshua son of Nun (Exodus 33:11), which also means son of the Fish-mother.
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