6-AF\ i L, 4oos 5° QfiF.IL Corrected to I Olh ./lugust, 1921. [Crown Copyright Reserved.] Si) Jhitljoriti). The MONTHLY AIR FORCE LIST September, 1921. LONDON: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY’S STATIONERY- OFFICE. To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses : Imperial House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2, and 28, Abingdon 37, Peter Street, ManchesterStreet, London, ; 1, St. Andrew’sS.W.l ; Crescent, Cardiff ; or from E. PONSONBY,23, Forth Ltd.,Street, 116, Edinburgh; Grafton Street, Dublin. 1921. [Price, One Shilling and Sixpence, Net.] THE MONTHLY AIR FORCE LIST SEPTEMBER, 1921. CONTENTS. X. Abbreviations 2 Area Commands, contd:— Advisory Board on Chaplaincy Services ... 1162 B..A.F.No. 11 (Irish)Headquarters, Wing Cranwell ... 5855 R.A.F. Headquarters, Halton ... 58o Air Council 11 Chaplains, Department of 1151-1152 Air Force Agents 3 Commands R.A.F. (Overseas):— ♦Air Force Decorations:— Independent Units Indian Group DistinguishedAir Force Cross Flying Cross I Statutes of Mediterranean Group ... Distinguished Flying Medal Middle East Area Air Force Medal | 3062-3064 Rhine ... Deaths, List of ... 3052 Air Ministry:— Dental Officers, List of ... 1101 Chief of the Air Staff, Department of 14 General list 101-900 Committees 31-50 Judge Advocate General ... Controller-General of Civil Aviation, Medical Service U.A.F. Department of 20 Meteorological Stations Director-Generalsearch, Department of Supply, of and Re- 21 Nursing Service, R.A.F. ... Directoratestracts of Accounts and Con- 13« Directorate of Equipment 15 •Pay:—Half, Declarations for ) Directorate of Lands 13a Retired, Declarations for j 3056-3068 Directorate of R..A.F. Medical Services 16 •Prizes, Testimonials, &c., list of ... 3059 t Relinquishments, Resignations, etc. ... 8053 Directorategence of Operations and Intelli- 14 t Retired List 2051-3060 Stores List 901-1000 Directorate of Personnel 15 Telegraphic Addresses, List of ... 4-10 Directoratesation of Training and Organi- 14 Units, List of, with Officers serving ... 1451 Directorate of Works and Buildings ... 19 Units,and Stores,Self-Accounting List of for Equipment 159( Liaison Officers, Dominion, List of... 14 Victoria Cross:— Secretary’s Department 13 •StatutesfRecipients of of 3060-3061 3051 Area Commands:— Wireless Telegraphy Stations ... 1481-1432 Coastal Area i 56 Works and Buildings Officers Inland Area 51 IrishElectrical Works Services Company Works Company U114243 Issued Quarterly. t Alphabetical lists—not shewn in Index. 2 EXPLANATIONS OF ABBREVIATIONS. A Aeroplane. [L] Qualified as 1st Class Interpreter in ft.D.eA. & 8 PrincipalAeroplane Air and Aide-de-Camp Seaplane. to the [1] Qualifieda Modern as Foreign2nd Class Language. Interpreter A.D.C AirKing. Aide-de-Camp to the King. in a Modern Foreign Language. A’shp Airship. 0M.B Observer.Motor Boat. A'shp (E) Technicalfied as OfficersFlying (Engines)(A’shp) whilstclassi- P On Probation. holdingterms of anA.M.W.O. appointment 1294/18. under p.s.c Staffor Quetta). College Graduate (Oamberlty 6.S. I Gordon1st Prize Shephard Winner. Memorial Prize 8P.T Seaplane.Physical Training. 0.8. II Gordon Shephard Memorial Prize. St8.0 StaffStores. Officer. K.B Kite2nd Balloon. Prize Winner. T Technical. lAr Officers whose names are marked thus (★) (a) hold permanent or short service com- Navymissions, or Army,or (6) are secondedretained inor order re-seconded, to qualify or for (c) retirement having previous on retired pensionable pay. service in the Branch Theto which abbreviation he Is attached. inserted after an Offloer’s name in the General List indicates the ...Victoria Cross.OEDERS AND HONORARYK.B.E DISTINCTIONS. Knight Commander C. of the B.B Commander ...Knight of the Garter. O.B.E Officer Empire.British ...Knight of the Thistle. M.B.B Member ...Knight of St. Patrick. D. S.O Companion of the Distinguished Q.C.B ...Knight Grand Cross) Service Order. K.C.B ...Knight Commander [-of the Bath. I.S.O CompanionOrder. of the Imperial Service C.B ...Companion I D.S.C RecipientCross. of Distinguished Service O.M ...Member of the Order of Merit. j M.C Recipient of Military Cross. G.C.S.I.... .. Knight Grand Commander) ^ ^ D.F.C Distinguished Flying Cross. K.C.S.I... ... Knight Commander /Star of j A.F.C Air Force Cross. C.S.I ...Companion„ , J India- R.R.C Member of the Royal Red Cross. Q.C.M.Q.. .. .Knight Grand Cross 1 A.R.R.C Associate of the Royal Red Cross. K.C.M.Q. ...Knight Commander lofand St. St. Michael George. A.M Albert Medal. C.M.Q ...Companion D.C.M RecipientMedal. of Distinguished Conduct o.c.i.b... ...KnightCommande: Grand C. G.M Recipient of Conspicuous Gallantry K.C.I.E.. ...Knight Commander fI of Em]the Medal. C.I.E ...Companion D. Medal. S.M Recipient of Distinguished Service G.C.V.O.. ...Knight Grand Cross M.M Recipient of Military Medal. JC.C.P.O.. ...Knight Commander I of the I D.F.M Distinguished Flying Medal. C.V.O ...Commander lf VictorianRoyal A.F.M Air Force Medal. u.y.o Or,lor P.C Privy Councillor. r.d RoyalDecoration. Naval Reserve Officers’ G.B.E ' /i KnightCross Grandof the CrossBritish or t.d Territorial Decoration. 3 NOTES . Officers whose names are marked thus + (a) hold Permanent or Short Service Commissions, or (6) have been seconded or re-seconded, or (c) having previous pensionable service in the Navy or Army, are retained in order to qualify for retirement on retired pay. All Commissions are temporary except where shown as above. No appointments gazetted after August roth are included in this List. Postings of Officers where the date of effect is prior to the xoth of the month are recorded in the Units List up to and including Posting List No. 734, dated August 9th. Appointments gazetted between August nth and September 10th, and postings promulgated between August 10th and September 9th, will appear in the October List. Officers on the Retired List must communicate annually, between January 1st and March srst, with the Secretary of the Air Ministry, otherwise they will be presumed to be deceased and their names will be removed from the Air Force List. Officers who succeed to peerages, baronetcies, or courtesy titles are responsible for immediately notifying the same to the Secretary of the Air Ministry in order that the necessary alterations may be made in the Air Force List and in the official records of the Air Ministry. All communications regarding entries in this publication should be addressed as follows:— Questions of Seniority, Rank, &c., through the usual Official Channels; other communications direct to :— The Secretary, (Air Force List), Air Ministry, Kingsway, W.C.a. AIR FORCE AGENTS. (ForMessrs. Officers Cox whose & Co.surnames (R.A.F. commence Branch), with 16, anyCharing of the Cross, letters London, “A” to S.W. “ R") 1. Messrs. Holt & Co., 3, Whitehall Place, London, S.W.l (For Officers whose surnames commence with any of the letters “S" to “Z.") 4 TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESSES. LONDON. Unit. Telegraphic Address. Postal Address. Air Ministry Airministry, London Kingsway, W.C.2. Air Ministry, Civil Avia- Aircivil, Airministry, London Kingsway, W.C.2. Airtion Ministry Department. Laboratory Scientist, London Royal College of Science, S.W.l. AirDepartment. Ministry Publications Prinpustor, Watloo, London 10, Leake Street, S.E. 1. Airlogical Ministry Department Meteoro- i Weather, London j Kingsway, W.C.2. Aviation(Forecasts) Candidates and I Aeronautics, Hampstead, London. j Holly Hill, Hampstead, N.W.3. CentralResearch Medical Laboratory Board; andSchool Medical ot Instruction. Officers CoastalCentral R.A.F.Area HospitalHead- Airgenarch,Cenrafhos Finch, Kincross, London London .. | 33-34,Avenue Tavistock House, East Place, End W.C.l. Rd., N.3. Generalquarters Services Pay j Paynavator, Westrand, London .. J Great Newport Street, W.C.2. ImperialOfficer. War Museum i Imwarmus, Crystal, London ! Crystal Palace, S.E.19. JudgeR.A.F. Advocate-General Section. Judvocate, London | 68, Victoria Street, S.W.l. LondonRecruitingDepflt,R.A.F. Ocredep, Rand, London 4, W.C.2.Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, Meteorological Office ... I Meteorology, Southkens, London : ExhibitionS.W.7. Road, South Kensington, PROVINCIAL. Station. Telegraphic Address. j Units stationed there. Andover Aeronautics, Andover AirNo. Pilotage7 G.H.Q., School. W/TMet. Station. WingAeronautics, Aeronautics, Ascot Clondalkin. ... No.The 11Packing Irish WingDepfit. Hdqrs. Aeronautics, Clondalkin No.Met. 100Station. Squadron. W/TIrish Station.Stores Centre. Barrow-in-FurnessBedford 1 Airships,Aeronautics, Bedford Barrow-in-Furness ... j Airship ConstrConstruct! Biggin Hill l Aeronautics, Biggin Hill I1 W/TInst. Station.Design Est. Blrcham Newton Aeronautics, King’s Lynn ... No.Met. 207 Station Squadron. (to form). Calshot (Fawley) Aeronautics, Fawley, Hants SchoolW/T Station. of Naval Co-op. * Aerial Nav. W/TMet. Station. Oattew&ter Aeronautics, Plymouth No.W/T 238 Station. Sqdn. (Cadre). Oranwell Alrcoll, Sleaford R.A.F.Met. Station. Hdqrs. Met.R.A.F. Station. (Cadet) CoUege. Oranwell Avion, Sleaford No.W/T 2 Station. School of Tech, Training Digby ... i Aeronautics, Lincoln No.(Boys). 3 F.T.S. (Cadre). Donibristle :I Aeronautics,Group Aeronautics, Dunfermline Dunfermline... Headquarters,Coastal Area Aircraft No. 29 DepOt.Group. Duxford... Aeronautics, Royston No.W/T 2Station. Flying Training School. EdinburghE art church ; Aeronautics,Barometer, Edinburgh Eastchurch ArmamentMeteorological Gunnery Office. School (Cadre). 5 Telegraphic Addresses—[continued). PROVINCIAL—continued. Telegraphic Address. Unit stationed there. Felixstowe Aeronanties, Felixstowe Met.No. 230 Station. Sqdn. Fermoy ... Aeronautics, Fermoy No.W/T 2 Station. Sqdn. Flowerdown Wireless, Winchester ElectricalW/T Station. and Wireless School. Frieston Aeronautics, Frieston AerialW/T Station. Gunnery and Bombing School Gosport, Fort Grange ... Aeronautics, Gosport No.(Guard). 210 Sqdn. Grain, Isle of Aeronautics, Isle of Grain MarineBarrack Store.and Armament Exptl. W/TStation. Station. Aeronautics, HaltonCamp... R.A.F.Met. Station. Hdqrs. Hawkings Aeronautics, Folkestone ... No. 125 School Sqdn. of (Cadre).
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