22940 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 16 September 28, 2008 To this end, Madam Speaker, I am working bingo, car washes, cookouts and cyber cen- tage point, we observe an Earth without bor- with my good friend, Congressman BRIAN HIG- ters. All funds directly benefit veteran or first ders, full of peace, beauty and magnificence, GINS of Buffalo, to develop legislation that responder organizations. and we pray that humanity as a whole can would establish a new demonstration program National Commander Duncan states, ‘‘Our imagine a borderless world as we see it and within HUD, the Department of Housing and veterans deserve the best medical attention strive to live as one in peace.’’ These words Urban Development. The program would be possible, and we understand the challenges will inspire students at this school for many competitive. In order to successfully compete their health care system faces today. We are years to come. for assistance under it, a local government proud to be assisting the VA volunteers and On February 22, 2003, I introduced H.R. would need to partner with other jurisdictions medical professionals with funds that will help 672, a bill to rename the Guam South Ele- within its metropolitan area. For example, a them better serve our healing veterans.’’ mentary/Middle School, previously located in county government might be an ideal partner Allied Veterans has contributed to VA hos- Apra Heights, Guam, in honor of Commander for its central city. pitals in Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina McCool. The bill was signed into law by Presi- The partners would need to develop a plan and Georgia supplementing federal programs dent George W. Bush on April 11, 2003, and that takes into account their population losses, for veterans such as recreation therapy, thera- today, as we commemorate the rededication and sets forth strategies to make better use of peutic supplies and homeless veterans pro- of the new Commander William C. McCool El- land and other resources within their bound- grams. ementary/Middle School, there is no doubt that aries. Grants awarded under the program In my district in Northeast Florida, the Allied Willie McCool’s legacy continues to touch the could be used for, among other things, demoli- Veterans have purchased flags of all the serv- hearts and minds of us all. tion, removal of old, antiquated infrastructure, ices to be used in our local hospices so that I would like to congratulate former Com- the creation of parks and open space, code when a veteran is admitted into a program, his mander Naval Forces Marianas RADM Patrick enforcement improvements, the development or her service flag stands watch at the vet- W. Dunne, former Commander Naval Forces of real property information systems, and the eran’s door. This is a meaningful gesture very Marianas RADM Charles J. Leidig, former De- creation and expansion of urban and regional much appreciated by the veteran and his or partment of Defense Education Activity land banks, which are widely recognized to be her family members. The program allows the (DODEA) Superintendent Mr. Michael a key tool in efforts to promote investment and hospice staff a final chance to display honor Diekmann, and former school Principal Mr. revitalization efforts in areas with very weak and appreciation for the veteran’s service. Al- William Hall for their guidance, leadership, and real estate markets. lied Veterans of the World has donated over oversight in the design and construction of Applicants would also have to submit de- a million dollars to projects through VA med- Commander William C. McCool Elementary/ tailed implementation plans, and would have ical centers, Fraternal Order of Police chap- Middle School. I would also like to congratu- to meet stringent accountability standards in ters, and other organizations that support vet- late Commander Naval Forces Marianas carrying them out. erans and first responders. RADM William D. French, DODEA Super- I would also like to mention that Mr. Ste- It is my honor to commend the Allied Vet- intendent Dr. Gayle Vaughn-Wiles, and Prin- phen Cerny, who is currently serving in my of- erans of the World and its National Com- cipal Mr. Stanley Chop for their roles in the fice as a Brookings Institution Legislative Fel- mander Johnny Duncan and National Sec- completion of the new Commander William C. low, has provided me with tremendous help on retary Jerry Bass on a job well done. McCool Elementary/Middle School. this issue. Steve is an attorney at HUD and a Surely, this organization lives up to its motto I would like to commend the family of Com- former planner in Cleveland, and I am very Veterans helping Veterans. mander McCool for their strength and to honor grateful for the extensive professional experi- f them for their commitment to furthering his legacy. I want to first recognize his wife, Lani ence he provides on this issue. COMMEMORATING THE REDEDICA- Finally, Madam Speaker, I look forward to Vallejos McCool and his three sons Sean, TION OF COMMANDER WILLIAM working with you and the Committee to bring Christopher and Cameron. I also want to rec- C. MCCOOL ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE this program to fruition. ognize his parents Barry and Audrey McCool SCHOOL f and his parents-in-law Albert and Atilana Vallejos. Our community thanks all of you for ALLIED VETERANS OF THE HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO your graciousness in helping us to commemo- WORLD OF GUAM rate Commander McCool’s life through the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dedication of this school and for sharing his HON. ANDER CRENSHAW Friday, September 26, 2008 memory with the students and faculty. OF FLORIDA Ms. BORDALLO. Madam Speaker, I rise Through this tribute, we want you to know that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today to commemorate the rededication and you have a very large extended family and Friday, September 26, 2008 the opening of the new Commander William this school is your school; these students are Mr. CRENSHAW. Madam Speaker, I rise C. McCool Elementary/Middle School on your students; this tribute is your living memo- today to recognize an organization of military Naval Base Guam. The recent completion of rial. As our community gathers to rededicate this veterans that works hard to take care of its this modern, state-of-the-art educational facility school on September 30, 2008, let us renew own by supporting the Veterans Administra- houses separate wings for the elementary and our commitment to excellence exemplified by tion’s health care services. It is my privilege to middle schools, administrative areas, a gym- the hero whose name graces this structure. introduce the work of the Allied Veterans of nasium, multipurpose rooms, a media center, On the occasion of the rededication of Com- the World to my fellow Members of Congress. cafeteria, and capacity for 850 students. Com- Allied Veterans of the World was founded in mander McCool embodied the ideal of being a mander William C. McCool Elementary 1979 as the 451st Bomber Group by Com- lifetime learner, and his never-ending thirst for School, let us recall his inspiring words, of mander-in-Chief Harold Grossman. It became knowledge took him into space—an accom- ‘‘. an Earth without borders, full of peace, the first organized veteran group in Florida by plishment that continues to inspire students beauty and magnificence . .’’. incorporating under the name Bomber Group and educators alike today. f 451st. Commander William ‘‘Willie’’ McCool at- RECOGNITION OF DIRECT SUP- For the next 10 years, this small group of tended Dededo Middle School in Dededo, PORT PROFESSIONALS OF AR- veterans donated items to the VA domiciliary Guam and John F. Kennedy High School in KANSAS and aided senior citizens in its Florida area by Tamuning, Guam. After his graduation from providing transportation for veterans to the VA the United States Naval Academy, Com- HON. MIKE ROSS hospital. The members realized they could mander McCool was selected as a Navy test OF ARKANSAS make a bigger impact if they opened the orga- pilot and guided the space shuttle Columbia IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nization to all veterans. So in 1989, they on Mission STS–107 in 2003. A son of Guam, formed under the name Allied Veterans of the Commander McCool carried the flag of Guam Friday, September 26, 2008 World. on that mission. Mr. ROSS. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Today, led by National Commander Johnny From the flight deck of the Columbia, Com- recognize all the dedicated people at the Rain- Duncan, Allied Veterans raises funds through mander McCool stated, ‘‘From our orbital van- bow of Challenges in Hope, Arkansas and the VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:26 Apr 05, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR08\E28SE8.000 E28SE8 jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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