7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PFR COPY VOLUME LXXI, NO. 25. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1948 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16 Barker Installed Christmas Seal Display At Dean's Keyport Mayor By Masonic Lodge Hospitals Urge Survey Results Delay Rail Case Lionel J. Barker was installed as Appoints 7-Man worshipful master of Red Bank More County Aid Are Reviewed Summary Talks Masonic lodge No. 377, F. * A. M., Friday night at Masonic hall, Planning Board Broad street. Installation was con- For Coming Year At Middletown Until Jan. 6 ducted by Past Masters Edward W. Police And School N.V. & L.B. Fare Plea Applegate Say. Wise and Edmund vomSteeg, Jr. A Waller W. Reid Say* 25-year button was presented to Mr. Questions Main Topict To Remain In Proposal. Naming Croup k vomSteeg by Mr. Wise. Public Should Preis Political Hove Other officers installed were: At Village Meeting Examiner Fuller Rules Senior warden—-C. Herbert Farkell. For New Appropriation A seven-man planning board was Junior warden—Kalph Acquaro. The Middletown Village Neigh- Hearings on applications by the Treasurer—Robert L. Ticehurst, F. M. Walter W. Reid, Jr., president of Jersey Central and New York and appointed by Mayor Peter O. Wei- Secretary—Henry M. Bice, P. M. Monmouth Memorial hospital, Long borhood association got a clear pic- Cand and confirmed at the council Senior deacon—Howard Fufary. Branch, has asked the public to ture of the wants and interests of Long Branch railroads for almost meeting Monday night at Keyport Junior deacon—Arthur Jiannine. support recommendations for In- he village residents Friday ni^ht Sl,OO0,0OO annually in increased Senior M. C.—Gabriel Molnar. at a "country store" meeting at commuter fares were interrupted In apite of charges of "dirty poli- Junior M. C.—Cheater H. Ottlnger. creased Monmouth county govern- tics" made by Councilman and Senior steward—Philip E. Bailly. ment aid to ease the financial bur- the township hall. last Friday and will be resumed Mayor-elect Charles E. Apphtfate. Junior steward—John Mackie. den carried by hospitals In the Based on the answers received Jan. 6. Marshal—Elwood Bennie from a survey taken the past few The hearings, conducted jointly Named to the board were Frank Chaplain—Rabbi Arthur H. Hershon. county. C. Walling, Councilman Robert E. Assistant chaplain—George B. Moaley, In his report to Bertram H. Bor- weeks bv association members, in- by the Interstate Commerce Com- Hartman. MIJU J. Mabel Brown, P. M. den, chairman of Monmouth Me- creased educational facilities and mission and the New Jersey Board Harry Robert!, Milton Gale and Organist—Theodore B. Getsler. more police effectiveness are the of Public Utility Commissioners, Tyler—William Curchln, Jr., P.D.D. morial's board of' directors, Mr. Carl Bitter. The mayor wai desig- Proxy to grand lodge—Harry T. Van- Reid made note of the fact that the problems which need the quickest have been highlighted by protests nated u an ex-ofllcio member of note, Sr. New Jersey legislature this year solutions. entered by M communities, two the board. passed a law permitting the Board Milton V. Vreeland, who was in commuter groups and the state A* Mayor Wcigand announced of Freeholders to increase hospital charge of the educational portion C.I.O. council. hia attention of creating the board, appropriations by $100,000. This of the survey, reported that 100% In calling for another adjourn- Councilman Applegate interrupted Eatontown Fire money is urgently needed, Mr. Reid of the people were interested In ment, the second one asked, I.C.C. by saying, "In my opinion as indicated. education, but a much smaller pcr- Examiner Burton Fuller denied a mayor-elect, I think you are out of However, Mr. Reid took into con- cntagc knew of the problems fan- motion to dismiss application for order to make thu appointment. It Co. Holds Annual sideration the position of the free- ing the school board. Mr. Vreeland fare increases asked by the New ii a political move and dirty Pol- holders, that if this additional sum pointed out, however, that in spite York and Long Branch railroad. itic." Dinner-Dance is to bo made available it should be of the professed Interest, only This road owns no rolling stock As Councilman Applegate con- done through the will of taxpayers uhout 300 persons in the entire and ia jointly owned by the Jersey tinued his criticism, the mayor Presentation Of 3 whose money is to be spent. township voted pro or con last Central and Pennsylvania systems. Uitened and at the conclusion an- At Monmouth Memorial alone, summer at a school-election to au- The motion was made by Col. nounced that he still intended to Life Memberships Is said Mr. Reid in his report, there thorize the board to appropriate William A. Roberts, counsel for the mak* the appointment!. were 18,217 hospital days of service $160,000 for repair work at the high opposition, on the grounds that the The council also confirmed the Feature Of Affair provided to people unable to pay school. N.Y. & L.B. could not be consid- appointment of Mn. Clyde Eggin- their bills during 1917. Current sta- Mr. Vreeland supplemented his ered a carrier. After Examiner son as a member of the board of Engine, Truck and Hose com- tistics indicate there will be an in- report by saying that most of the Fuller's denial, Col. Roberts said the Keyport public library to fill pany No. 1 of Eatontown held its crease in such service of more than village residents felt school actlvl he would make formal petition for the vacancy caused by the death annual dinner and dance Saturday ten per cent for 1948. Also, It is in- ties did not play a part in com- this decision to be reviewed by the of Mn. A. M. Brown, and Fred- night at Joseph's, West Long dicated that an increase of about 19 munity life. Moat people believe, I.C.C. board. erick L. Kruser aa chairman of the Branch, attended by about 90 mem- per cent in the number of persons The Christmas decoration In the the Christmas Seal In their respec- silver. The whole effect, combined he said, that the Parent-Teache'r Prior to the adjournment, Wil- local civil defense. The appoint- bers and guests. treated at the hospital clinic took window of Dean's, florists, of Little tive communities for recognition with the draped garlands of Christ- associations spend too much time liam Wyer, whose consulting firm ment of Mr. Kruaer ii to comply Councilman Fred 3. Morris, act- place this year, he said. Silver, is so attractive that a pho'.o- and Inclusion in next year's kit of mas tree lights outside along the following national P.T.A. proced prepared the Jersey Central's cost with a request from Leonard Drey- ing as master of ceremonies, intro- Carrying part of the burden of graph of it is being sent to the Na- "how it Is done" suggestions. curve of the driveway, has caused ure and do not devote enough time study for this case, criticized testi- fuss, state director, who explained duced Mayor Harry S. Rowland, cost for 1948, the president said, tional Tuberculosis association for Mrs. Dean had a blow-up of this much favorable comment. to local problems. mony that had been entered by two that a skeleton set-up of the war- who praised the firemen for their have been voluntary contributions national recognition, Miss Margaret year's Christmas Seal, large enough Miss Francis also stated that the More effective police protection of the opposition's witnesses, Greg- time civilian detente will bo main- past accomplishments in fire pro- of more than $100,000 this year, Francis, supervisor of tuberculosis to fill the window space to the Christmas Seal drive is proceeding was unanimously advocated by ory Hankin and William B. Saun- tained throughout the state. tection and worth-while commun- plus uncounted hours of voluntary right of the florist shop. At either very well, with two-thirds of the those polled. It was suggested that dura. work by citizens. oontrol for the M.C.O.S.S. an- side of the window, Mrs. Dean quota already contributed; but she The council requested the bor- ity activities, and wished the new nounced today. Miss Francis said a police officer be available to con- According to Associated Press re- officers a successful administration. "The" unfortunate thing is that massed small Christmas trees and added the last |>art of any drive for trol traffic at the village station In ports from Newark, Mr. Hankin ough clerk, Mrs. Adelaide B. Cram- the national association had asked jars of bittersweet. The left win- mer, to send a letter to the Key- Mayor-elect F. Bliss Price, who such contributions are limited to a fundB is always the hardest and she the evenings and have an officer had said the Jersey Central finan- wae next presented, commended the very small percentage of the peo- local agencies to select the out- dow of the florist shop is a scene hopes everyone will remember to cial picture should include revenues port Businessmen's association standing window display featuring of a snowy landscape in white and at the station to see that women complimenting them on the install- outgoing chief and other officers for ple of the county," said Mr. Reid. buy seals before Christmas, getting off late hour trains are not from the Central Railroad of Penn- ation of Christinas light*'in the their volunteer service of the past "The two largest hospitals of the molested.
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