Christ’s Messenger CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH The American Association of Lutheran Churches November 2019 The Five Solas of the Reformation In the Hands of the Refiner This month marks another year to celebrate emphasized by Martin Luther. Open your the Reformation of the One, Holy, Catholic, Bibles, and read the collaborating Scripture for and Apostolic Church. When we speak of the each Sola. Reformation, we think about Martin Luther, 1. Sola Scriptura (in Scripture alone) and the other magisterial reformers that helped change the Church and ultimately The Holy Scriptures (the Bible) alone teaches change the world. all that is necessary for our salvation from sin and is the standard by which all Christian be- Roused to action by the corruption and abuses havior must be measured. 2 Timothy 3:16 they saw in the Roman Catholic Church of the time, visionary pastors and leaders like Martin 2. Sola Gratia (by Grace alone) Luther spearheaded the Protestant Refor- In salvation we are rescued from God’s wrath mation of the 16th century. It was a movement by His grace alone. God’s spontaneous and un- that transformed Christianity. merited favor is granted through the calling The Reformers were guided by the conviction and regenerating work of the Holy Spirit who that the church of their day had drifted away releases us from our willful bondage to sin and from the essential, original teachings of Chris- enables us to repent and believe in Christ. tianity, especially what it was teaching about Ephesians 2:8-10 salvation—how people can be forgiven of sin 3. Sola Fide (through Faith alone) through the death and resurrection of Jesus Justification is by grace alone through faith Christ and receive eternal life with God. The alone. Justification can never be the reward or Reformation sought to re-orient Christianity on result of human works or merit, nor does it the original message of Jesus Christ and the grow out of an infusion of Christ’s righteous- early church. ness, it is imputed to us. Galatians 2:16 The five Solae of the Protestant Reformation 4. Solus Christus (because of Christ alone) come from Latin word, sola , which means Our salvation is accomplished by the mediato- "alone ". They are a foundational set of princi- rial work of Jesus Christ alone. His sinless life ples held by theologians and clergy to be cen- and substitutionary death alone are sufficient tral to the doctrine of salvation as taught by for our justification and reconciliation to the the Lutheran and Reformed branches of Prot- estantism. Each sola represents a key belief in Father. John 14:6 the Lutheran and Reformed traditions in con- 5. Soli Deo Gloria (for the Glory of God tradistinction to the teaching of the Roman alone) Catholic Church. God glorifies Himself in all that He does. Introduction: Five Latin Phrases Every Therefore, we should acknowledge His highest Lutheran Should Know purpose and live for His glory alone. Isaiah 42:8 The following five Latin phrases summarize the Reformers’ theological convictions about the (continued on page 5) essentials of Christianity. The first three were 1 Every Month: November 2019 Serving Schedule Join us for prayer Ushers & Greeters Every Tuesday at Noon November 3 Every Wed. at 6:30 PM Ushers: Bill & Jan Arezzo; Mike & Pam Wendling Adult Bible Study Greeter: Chuck & Lowaine Morris November 10 Mary Circle First Thursday of each Ushers: Mike & Wendy Pickar; Gary & Carolyn Lofald month at 9:30 AM Greeter: Volunteers Esther Circle November 17 First Thursday of each Ushers: Jim Carlson; David Wood; Mark Wiita; Gabe Wiita month at 6:30 PM Greeter: Norma Johnson Dorcas Circle November 24 Second Monday of each month at1:00 PM Ushers: Jim & Gayle Maruska; Keith Youngren; Mark Youngren Greeter: Marge Youngren Lutherans for Life Second Sunday of each November 27 (Thanksgiving Service) month at 6:30 PM Ushers: Jim & Sandy Carlson Council Meeting Second Thursday of Trustees: Coffee Servers: each month at 6:30 PM November 3: Jim & Wendy November 3: Volunteers November 10: Grace & Bill November 10: CLC Lighthouse November 17: Sandy & Laura November 17: Dorcas Circle November 24: Jim & Wendy November 24: Council Group 1 November 27: Grace & Bill PACT Televised Services Duluth: Charter Ch.180 - CLC Services are now on our own Sat. @ 9AM & 9PM; Sun. @ 7AM YouTube channel/ Christ Lutheran Go to YouTube and look for Superior: SCMC 180 - Church Christ Lutheran Church Duluth. Sun. @ 10:00am; Wed. @ 6:00pm 2415 Ensign St. Duluth, MN 55811 Services are added each week. Hermantown: MediaCom Ch. 7 - Sun. @ 8AM Thur. @ 2 PM Sat. @ 8 AM Pastor Gary DeSha 320-237-7448 [email protected] Church Office: Do you need a ride to or from church? 218-722-7537 Please call the office if you are in need of [email protected] transporta-on. it would be a blessing for President: Ouitdee Carson someone to be able to help/ V.P.: Carolyn Lofald 0,ce1 218472247537 2 UPCOMING EVENTS • November Mission of the Month is The American Associa-on of Lutheran Churches. • Sunday School begins at 11 AM every Sunday. • Adult Bible Study meets Sunday at 11115 AM. • Join us for prayer every Tuesday at 12100 in the Fireside Room. • Bible study meets every Wed. at 6130 PM in the Fellowship Hall. • CLC LIGHTHOUSE for Grades 7412 meets Wednesdays at 6130 PM in The Lo?. • Confirma0on class meets Thursdays at 6130 PM • Tuesday1 November 12 at 2 PM 4 CLC Band of Brothers will meet at Sammy’s Pizza in Hermantown A4310 Menard Dr.. HermantownC. • Shoebo3es for Samaritan’s Purse need to be returned to church by November 18. • 4ednesday1 November 27 at 2:30 PM 4 Thanksgiving Service • Esther Circle7s tree trimming & decora-ng ac-vity will be on Thursday. December 5 at 5 PM. Everyone is welcome to Eoin them. a light supper will follow the decora-ng. • 8cers elected at the Annual Congrega-onal Mee-ng1 ice President 4 Carolyn Lofald Treasurer 4 Sandy Carlson Trustee 4 Laurie Wiita BOUN THORNE GOT A GLIMPSE OF GOD’S LOVE WHEN SHE RE- CEIVED AN OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOX GIFT AS A CHILD. Boun Thorne grew up in a boat village in the Southeast Asian na4 -on of Cambodia. At age 10 she received Bible teaching and an 0pera-on Christmas Child shoeboFGher Hrst gi? ever/ When Boun inIuired why someone would send her a gi?. a teach4 er at the home told her that it came from people who love her. JGrowing up. I never heard the words LI love you’ from my dad or my mom.M Boun said. Jbut then some4 one who lives far awayGthat I don’t even knowGsaid they love me/M Inside her shoeboF gi?. Boun found a yo4yo. her Hrst stuNed animal. and a pair of Oip4Oops with plas-c Eewels on it. She o?en went without shoes as she worked on the Hshing boats in her village. so having an eFtra pair of sandals was a special treat. These simple items accomplished something great in Boun’s life1 they showed her a glimpse of her Heavenly Father’s care for her. JGod’s love is big and He’s so real/ He can make the impossible happen.M she said. JHe can make some4 one love me when they don’t even know me.M The Dorcas Circle is collec"ng Shoeboxes for Opera"on hristmas hild through November 18. If you are interested in this ministry please contact Arlene .iemer or the o/ce. 3 P-EASE PRA: F R<. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anoin0ng hi 1ith oil in the na e of the Lord. 2a es 3414 0ur Pastor & the Leadership of the Church 0ur Country. Military & Police CLC Lighthouse & CLC Clubhouse4 kids & leaders The teachers and students at all schools All of our students from pre4school to college Persecuted Chris-ans throughout the world 0pen Arms Daycare Piedmont Elementary Mission of the Month1 TAALC The steadfastness of our faith T. SE 4IT. .EA-T. NEEDS: Judy Stocke Jean Sundstrom Shirley Randa Kathleen Randa Ka-e Lund Russell & Carol Schramm Bryan Goeppinger Susan Johnson Ruth Dahl Brian MacDonald Gerald & Aletha Bartels Florence Kubiak i Boder Carol Johnson Diane Malander Shirley Kern Kaylea Guddeck Mary Jenny Dennis Peterson Carol Blair Marlene Stauber Bill & Jane McLean Darlene Saaf Mark Malander Melanie Saeland Evelyn Johnson Barb Hanson If there are any .eo.le 1ho have been accidently overlooked, .lease contact the church o8ce. We a.ologi9e for any oversights. Thank you for your 1onderfully generous gi= of $A6A.00 to the Wo en’s Care Center. Your gi= 1ill be used to sustain and con0nue the issionary 1ork of Duluth’s .regnancy center in the heart of our city. This outreach is young 1o en facing .roble .regnancies to choose life for their babies. These 1o en receive uncondi0onal love and non-Dudg ental su..ort through their 0 e of crisis and hel. the take their Erst ste.s to1ards self- su8ciency. .. Your su..ort akes this outreach .ossible. Thank you for us to touch the lives of thousands of .regnant young 1o en fro our co unity and their .recious babies. 2ennifer Woodall EFecu0ve Director Wo en’s Care Center To Everyone, A hear:elt "Thank You" for the a..recia0on Thank you so uch for the love and and gi=s of love fro the dearest congrega- .rayers eFtended to e this year 0on of Christ Lutheran Church, Duluth, MN.
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