![1862-10-23, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
c.tol'nn tetu-x t k t/AlON ITCivEP. Popular Medicines, &c. jMiscellaneous Advertisements. Miscellaneous Advertisements. Philadelphia Advertisements. Philadelphia Advertisements. Senator»,—John F. Williamson, W. C.Creek Hd., - John P. Belville, Red Lion. The Bugle Calle! The War has Bogun ! A Peninsular Railroad Line. FINK LE &. LYON Representatives—John Haye», Brandywine ; John War ot Extermination against Bad Teeth, The Heroes of Peace, __ ^ Evleth Brothers, A. Duncan, Wilmington; Solomon M. Curtis, Mill CHANGE OF HOCKS. achine Creek; David W. Ger/imill, New Castle; Merit H. Bad Breath, Diseased Gums, Toothache, On and alter Monday,Nov. 19th '61 AND SEWING - M Co.*; Furniture Manufacturer Earache and Neuralgia. s ami Pazon, Pencader; John Whitby, St. Georges ; Levi Trains lor the accommodation of THE HEROES OF WAR. 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORE. DEALERS, w. i isttomas, Appoquinimink. OUR ARTILLERY IS passengers will run a* follows until E. ANTHONY, No, 501, BROADWAY, further notice: No person who contemplates purchasing a Sowing ' S()UTIX SECOND Si.. PHILADELPHIA, Fir Sheriff—Lewis W. Stidham. NEW YORK, it now publishing, in addition to other Machine for family or manufacturing purposes, should .*•*•(> r,>",‘,anl ^ on exhibition ihe large»» eheass^t { DR. WM. e. HURD’S portrait*, the celebrated collection known in Europe Fot Coroner—Owen Zebley. fGOlNG NORTH. GOING SOUTH. fail to send fur one of our Circulars, which contain* 1 a"° ,ft a",orkmîn,t,in •tle Cottage Furniture m Levy Court—Samuel P. Dixon, Mill Creek ; Wm and America m LI A VU A. M, P. M. I LEAVE A. M. F.M. cute, and full descriptions of the several styles, prices \ e P1*0®’ or "b11*, m all varieties of siyl» a,„j D. CUrk, Red Lion; Scnck F. Shallcro*», St ; Dental Treasury : Salisbury, 2 35 I Philadelphia, 8 15 4 15 Bjaady’s National, Photooeafhio Portrait Gal- and sample* of work, all of which we send by mail Georges; Abraham Ingraham and Wut. S. Deakyn, A COMPLETE SET OP REMEDIES FOB Delmar, 3 00 Baltimore, r. m.7 00 1 05 UCBY. free. We claim to have lb* Common Woodea Chairs, Appoquinimink. Laurel, 3 35 Wilmington, 9 35 5 45 In which ia included Portrait* of nearly all the prom­ C'aae and Sofa-seated Chairs, PRESERVING THE TEETH, Broad Creek, 3 30 New Castle, 10 00 6 10 inent men of America, not excepting Jeff. Davi*, Gen. Best Sewing Machines Dining and Extension Tnhle», Beauregard, Floyd, and a ho*l of other (,'unlederotes, Cottage, Walnnt A Mahogany Jenny Lind Bedstead’», SUSSEX COUNTY NOMINATIONS. Seaford, 3 55 Bear, 10 15 6 25 IN THE WORLD FOR EITHER FAMILY OR MANUFACTUK- Purifying the Breath, Cannon’s, 4 05 St. Georges, 10 30 6 40 Price ol Portrait* $3 per dozen. Can be sent by mail IMG PURPOSES. Sira w, Husk and Hair Mairesses, The following gentlemen have been nominated . AND MOUTH AND Bridgeville, 4 25 Ml. Pleasant, 10 40 6 50 And all we ask is a fair trn.1. Read the following: Cheap Dressing Bursa«»,. Greenwood, 4 45 Middletown, 11 00 7 10 Scenes of the W ar for the Union Marble-Top Bureaus. Wash.tnmls amf by the Union Convention ol Sussex : I , ’ ‘ _ _ , . Tables, Lounges, Sofas. Teles, Rocking and Het senators,—Cipt. e. d. ii .iiand.Thomas m. Fooks, Curing 1 oothaclie Sl iNeuralgia Farmington, 6 06 Townsend, 11 10 7 20 are published, card size, and in stereoscopic form. IMPORTANT FACTS •C FACT No. 1,—This Company being duly licensed, lion Chairs. $c. Representatives.—John A. Hazzurd, John M. Bur­ Millurd, 4 55 SMYRNA. 11 30 7 40 ALSO, llnrrrington, 5 n Moore ton , their Machines are protected against infringement* The nbove goods cannot be surpassed tor st-en»iff, ton, William M. Rickards, Edwin C. Burton, Joseph 11 40 7 55 StereoBcopic View* of Scene* in Pens. Condon, and durability, style, fini*b and cheapness, in tferity contents: Felton, 5 35 Dover, 12 00 8 07 in oilier parts of England and France; in Scot­ or litigation. E, Hall, Curtis A. Conaway, John Flutcher, Canterbury, 5 40 Camben, ’ p.m.12 05 FACT No. 2.—These Machine* make the lock-stieh EVLETH BROTHERS, Sheriff.—Asbury C. Pepper. Dr. Hurd’s celebrated MOUTH WASH one land Ireland. Wale*. Holland, Swit­ Camden, 5 65 Canterbury, •• 12 20 zerland, Spam, on the Kinne, —alike on both sides—and use a Utile less than half ap84-3m No. 212 South Second St„ Philadelphia Coroner—Bayard Sharp. bottle. Dover. 6 30 6 10 Felton •• 12 25 as much thread or silk as the chain or luupstiich ma­ in Athen*. Egypt, Real K*lale Agency, A notion, Levy Court Commissioners.—Isaac F. Warren, Dr. Hurd's unequalled TOOTH POWDER, Mooreton. 6 40 6 25 Harrington, « 12 40 Turkey .the chines, John M. Short, Josaph O’Brier, Robert Lacy, Win. j one box. SMYRNA, FACT No 3.—These machines are better adapted 6 55 6 35 ARRIVE AT Holy Land,China, India, Cuba, Ac., Ac.,ad infinitum. coring, Ac. T. Barton. Townsend. 7 15 7 00 Milford,* 1 10 Our INSTANTANEOUS STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS than any othersewing machines in market to the fre­ Dr. Hurd’s magic TOOTHACHE DROPS, quent changes and almost endless variety of sewing Middletown, ‘7 35 7 15 LEAVE ARE THE GREATEST WONDER OF THE AOE. Having, for many years, been engaged, in the lower required in a family. They will sew Iroin one to Sussex County Democratc Tickit,—Senators— one bottle. Mt. Pleasant, 7 45 7 85 Farmington, 1 00 These are taken in the fortieth part of a second, poll mn ol New Caslle comity, as Auctioneer amirs- Dr. Hurd’s UNRIVALLED NEURALGIA St. Georges, H 00 7 35 Greenwood, IS and the rushing of water, the moving of leaves, or the twenty thicknesses of Marseilles without stopping, cenlly as Real Estate Agent tn Dover Kent county. I William Hitch, Henry Hickman. and make every stitch perfect They will even sew Reprise «lot ices--Major W. Allen, Wm. Scribner, I PLAS T ER. Bear, 8 10 7 50 Bridgeville. 1 4« marching of an army, does not in the slightest degree oiler my services to the people of Wilniinglon. in the- New Caste, 8 30 810 Cannon’s, from the finest gauze to the heaviest cloth, and even John Sarden, Luther W. Fisher, Wm. D. Waples, . Dr. thud's MANUAL on the. Best Means of Preserv- 1 50 effect the taking of the views. They are sold at 83 same capacity. have just taken an othce in the ARRIVE AT Seaford, stout herd leather, without changing the feed, needle Isaac II. Bliley, Georg« W. Horsey. '"S lading Directiousfor the Proper treat- 2 15 per dozen. WF.BB BUILDING. 2S4 Market street, below Third, Wilmington, 8 50 8 30 Broad Cr’k, « 2 25 or tension, or making any adjustment ol machine what­ 3d story. Testimonials can be produced, Iri.mj,. OL -,r , J I> NI .. 1 \ ment of Children t teeth. We have also on hand and manufacture the largest I Sheriff— Aaron U. Marvel. FLOSS SILK for Cleaning between the Teeth. T. H Laurel. 2 40 assortment of Stereoscopes, Photographic Albums, ever. Is not such a machine best adapted to family lernen ol high res pec l ability and business hi.lnts, 1(, est Coroner Ja lies Gordon. TOOTH PICKS, etc., etc. Philadelphia, 10 30 10 10 Delmar, “ 3 00 and Photographic material* hi the United Slates,and use? and if » adapted fur family use, why not for regard to my qualifications. ’Those who require my Levy Court—Simucl B. Jefferson, Cedar Creek Prepared at Dr. Hurd's Dental Office, 77 Fourth it.. A. M, Williams'Sid'g 3 10 perhaps in the world. every variety of light sew isg manufacture ! For services and promptness as an Anctumeer and kr» j work loo heavy for our Family Machine, we recom­ Hand. A. Tindal, Nanticoke Hundred. Brooklyn. (E. D ) Baltimore, 12 55 3 30 arrive AT Catalogues, containing lists of all our Portraits, Estate Agent are respectfully requested to give me n Salisbury, •• 3 20 mend our larger sizes. call. My terms in all eases will be moderne; anr» Nchemiali Slayton, North West Fork Hundred. Price, OWE DOLLAR; or SIX for $5. Views, Stereoscopes, die., sent free by mail on re­ Kr Passengers from Baltimore to Milford, Seaford ceipt of a stamp. E. ANTHONY, FACT No.4.—These machines make the most elas­ my undivided attention and indelstigublr exertion Fletcher Lacy, Indian River Hundred. 1 tic seam of any sew ing machine in use—a fact of very will be my motlo in the transaction «f business John M. Houston, Dig-borough Hundred. fc5"The Dental Treasury makes a package eight and Salisbury will take evening train from Baltimore 501 Broadway, near St. Nicholas hotel, en inches by five, and is sent by express, and spend night in Wilmington. octI7-ly New York. great importance in sewing elastic goods, or goods ol trusted to me. The persple ol Wilmington, and pair any kind,on a bias. liculnrly New Castle county, who have Heal Kstaie NEWCASTLE CO DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Kr Full directions for use is #n each article. Passengers for Dover may leave Baltimore at 1.05 r. M. and proceed same evening FACT No. 6.—No Machine is more dural le or sim­ and goods of every description, to dis|s>sr of. will lino The following articles can be sent separately, by ik WATCHES, ple in Us construction, or more easily understood.— The following ticket, adopted al the Locofueo | mail, E. Q. SEWALL. Jr., rl to their interest to give me a rail.
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