ROL A ND EÖT VÖS Memorial Album 2 under the auspices of EÖTVÖS LORÁND UNIVERSITY and the HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES edited by TAMÁS DOBSZAY JÁNOS ESTÓK GÁBOR GYÁNI ANDRÁS PATKÓS Baronial coat of arms of the Eötvös family KOSSUTH PUBLISHING ROL A ND EÖT VÖS Memorial Album under the auspices of EÖTVÖS LORÁND UNIVERSITY and the HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES edited by TAMÁS DOBSZAY JÁNOS ESTÓK GÁBOR GYÁNI ANDRÁS PATKÓS KOSSUTH PUBLISHING With the support of within the centenary commemorations ISBN 978-963-09-9929-8 All rights reserved © 2019 Authors © 2019 Eötvös Loránd University © 2019 Hungarian Academy of Sciences © 2019 Kossuth Publishing 5 Lectori salutem! LÁSZLÓ LOVÁSZ, PRESIDENT OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES here are those whose true worth and greatness lence principle. The Eötvös rule describes the tem- are acknowledged and appreciated by their perature dependence of the surface tension of a liquid, contemporaries. Their achievements and while the Eötvös effect explains the weight differ- T resilience in the face of hardship continue ence in eastbound or westbound bodies as a result to set an example for decades, even centuries, to of the Earth’s rotation. With the foundation and come. culmination of the above, as an experimental phys- There are also those – although fewer in num- icist, he created a torsion balance, the Eötvös bal- ber – whose names are inextricably linked to the ance, which demonstrated the equivalence of grav- tangible results of their genius and their powers of itational and inertial mass. innovation and perseverance. Regardless of the In his role as chair of a ceremonial meeting of particular political or pedagogical system in place, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on 12 May the study of their lives continues to be part of the 1901, he presented the essence of his invention as school curriculum. Prestigious institutions are follows: “This instrument is merely a simple, straight named after them in recognition, and those who bar, specially charged at each end, and insulated in work and study there are conscious of their reputa- a metal case to protect it from changes in the air tion and the attendant expectations. and changes in temperature. Each individual mass, Baron Roland Eötvös de Vásárosnamény is one whether near or far, exerts an orienting force on such figure in Hungarian history and science. He this bar; however, the wire from which it is sus- was a world-renowned natural scientist whose aca- pended resists, and while it resists it twists, and the demic achievements continue to inspire, as well as degree of the twist indicates the exact magnitude a statesmanlike figure in the field of Hungarian of the forces that are acting upon the bar. It is a education and research. Coulomb’s balance, and that’s all there is to it. It is The 100th anniversary of his death provides a simple, like Hamlet’s pipe – you merely have to unique opportunity for the research community to know how to play it; just like a musician who can pay tribute to one of Hungary’s greatest scientists, delight with wonderful variations, so with this bal- with, among other things, the publication of a col- ance the physicist, with no less wonder, can deter- lection of essays in honour of Eötvös’s work. mine the subtlest variations in gravity. Thus we are The scale of the editorial task was well-nigh able to gaze into the Earth’s crust to a depth that overwhelming. Even compiling a list of keywords neither our eyes nor our longest drills could ever to summarise his extremely rich life’s work is a reach.” Through his achievements, as well as through lengthy undertaking. Without aiming to be exhaus- the clarity of his thinking and the eloquence of his tive, we can highlight the following from among expression, he proved himself to be the worthy in- Eötvös’s achievements: his measurements con- tellectual heir of his father, the third president of firmed the validity of the first hypothesis of Albert the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, writer, poet Einstein’s general theory of relativity, the equiva- and lawyer Baron József Eötvös, a prominent Reform 6 LÁSZLÓ LOVÁSZ Era politician who was minister of religion and most important is the frequently cited institute public education. originally known as the Baron Eötvös József Col- He was also the respected intellectual successor legium, established by Roland Eötvös, an intellec- to and a follower of Count István Széchenyi, the tual workshop of international reputation that has founder of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In been cultivating Hungarian talent for more than the words of Eötvös, “Academies are not just scien- 120 years, and where “the intellect is free to serve”. tific, but also national institutions. They are na- Launched in 2016, the Academy’s Content Peda- tional institutions indeed, insofar as the subjects of gogy Research Programme draws on Eötvös’s con- their research are the language and literature, his- cept of the “scholar teacher”. As president of the tory, economics, social and natural conditions of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Roland Eötvös our nation, and likewise they are considered as na- successfully encouraged wealthy individuals to set tional institutions in that they express through up scholarships to support the research activities their endeavours the scientific aspirations of a na- of teachers. His successors at the Academy today tion and enter the world’s scientific arena under its are likewise encouraging cooperation between banner.” More than a century ago, well before the teachers and researchers in order to promote new scientific and technological revolution, he made it scientific achievements and even the introduction abundantly clear that science is an international of new disciplines in the public education system. pursuit, but that, within the cross-border field of The writer honours Roland Eötvös not only as science, Hungarian researchers were obliged to ac- a scientist and university professor who achieved commodate themselves to the Hungarian Academy international acclaim, but also as the president of of Sciences: “The Hungarian Academy of Sciences the Academy, who, seizing the opportunity offered represents the Hungarian port in the world ocean by the improvement in the Academy’s operating of sciences; the lighthouse keeper must ensure that conditions following the Compromise of 1867, the light remains in one place, but is always shining strove to make Hungarian scientific life part of the brightly so that it can be seen in good and bad international scientific world, which was bringing weather alike by all, but above all by the Hungarian to light historically significant findings at the turn sailor.” of the 19th and 20th centuries. “Let us strive to make He was a national liberal in the noblest sense of our nation Hungarian, and not only Hungarian but the word. His sensitivity to social issues predes- also educated, and, as such, to stand tall among the tined him to assume a political role, although he larger, more powerful European nations”, he ap- was not a born politician. While serving as a min- pealed; with the strengthening of the sciences in ister, he expanded the network of public schools Hungary, under his leadership the Academy suc- and introduced the law on the emancipation of the cessfully established multilateral ties with the in- community of the Jewish faith to the Upper House, ternational scientific community, becoming a found- concluding the reforms initiated by his father, ing member of the International Association of József Eötvös. Academies in 1900. Eötvös’s reputation, as well as As researchers, we often mention how excel- the international recognition of Hungarian science, lence should be the only standard in the field of are also clearly demonstrated by the fact that the science. The current Excellence Programmes run torsion balance was presented at the World Expo- by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences are sup- sition in Paris that same year, where it won an porting dedicated young scientists to follow in the award. footsteps of today’s leading researchers. In the I wrote above of the overwhelming task facing early 21st century, if we are looking for historical the editors responsible for compiling the present examples of the nurturing of talent, one of the volume. Besides the editors, more than a dozen 7 LECTORI SALUTEM! foreign and Hungarian authors, including academ- “… our work will never be complete in the field ics, have committed themselves to providing the of science”, Eötvös said in his inaugural address to public with a comprehensive and entertaining por- the Academy. Even as I hold this memorial volume trait of Roland Eötvös, scientist and scientific or- in my hand, we should not deceive ourselves into ganiser, the father of instrumental geophysical re- thinking there is no longer any point writing new search, public figure, intellectual aristocrat and articles or books about this physicist who died one citizen of the modernising Hungary of the fin de hundred years ago. Nevertheless, we can be cer- siècle. At its session in November 2017, the Gen- tain that this is the most complete and attractive eral Assembly of UNESCO adopted a resolution to publication to date, by means of which the present- commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death day admirers of Roland Eötvös are commemorat- of Roland Eötvös together with the people of Hun- ing this exceptional scientist. gary. This memorial volume has therefore been published in English as well as Hungarian. 8 Lectori salutem! LÁSZLÓ BORHY, RECTOR OF EÖTVÖS LORÁND UNIVERSITY ne of the defining characteristics of the Baron József Eötvös was a lawyer, writer and permanent passage of time is that, what- politician, as well as the minister of religion and ever challenge is posed by the eternal ne- public education in the Batthyány Government Ocessity of embracing change, each pre- and later in the Andrássy Government.
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