aqua International Journal of Ichthyology Vol. 18 (1), 15 January 2012 Aquapress ISSN 0945-9871 aqua - International Journal of Ichthyology Managing Editor: Scope aqua is an international journal which publishes original Heiko Bleher scientific articles in the fields of systematics, taxonomy, Via G. Falcone 11, bio geography, ethology, ecology, and general biology of 27010 Miradolo Terme (PV), Italy fishes. Papers on freshwater, brackish, and marine fishes Tel.: +39-0382-754707 – Fax: +39-0382-754129 will be considered. aqua is fully refereed and aims at pub- E-mail: [email protected] lishing manuscripts within 2-4 months of acceptance. In www.aqua-aquapress.com view of the importance of color patterns in species identi - fication and animal ethology, authors are encouraged to submit color illustrations in addition to descriptions of Scientific Editor: coloration. 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All Spe- Lehrstuhl für Zoologie und Evolutions biologie, cial Publications have about 100 or more pages and are Universität Konstanz, Germany available separately from regular issues of aqua. Enquiries about subscriptions and prices should be sent to the pub- Paolo Parenti lisher at the address given here above or by e-mail to: Department of Enviromental Sciences, [email protected] - [email protected] University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy Mário de Pinna Museu de Zoologia da USP, São Paulo, Brazil John E. Randall Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. Richard Winterbottom ISSN 0945-9871 Centre of Biodiversity & Conservation Biology, Publisher: Aquapress, Redazione aqua, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada I-27010 Miradolo Terme (Pavia), Italy www.aqua-aquapress.com Helen K. Larson Printer: Pronto Stampa Srl – Bergamo – Italy Curator Emeritus, Fishes - Museum and Art Gallery of Copyediting and layout: Rossella Bulla the Northern Territory. Darwin, Australia © 2012 aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology Cirrhilabrus nahackyi, a new wrasse (Perciformes; Labridae) from the South Pacific Fenton Walsh1 and Hiroyuki Tanaka2 1) PO Box 389 Kuranda, Queensland 4881, Australia. Email: [email protected] 2) Jinguh Clinic, 2-2-79 Jinguh, Miyazaki, Miyazaki 880, Japan. E-mail: [email protected] Received: 20 May 2011 – Accepted: 6 July 2011 Abstract erstreckt. Die Rückenflosse der neuen Art ist auch ein wenig Cirrhilabrus nahackyi, a new species of labrid fish found länger als bei C. bathyphilus. at Viti Levu, Fiji, and at Tongatapu in Tonga is described from five specimens, 30.9-65.0 mm SL, captured in 35-50 m depths on outer reef slopes. The new species closely Résumé resembles C. bathyphilus from the Coral Sea. However, ter- Cirrhilabrus nahackyi, une nouvelle espèce de labre minal males differ in having an elevated pennant at the découverte à Viti Levu, Fidji et à Tongatapu, Tonga, est first and second dorsal spine. The male coloration of C. décrite sur base de cinq spécimens, de 30,9-65,0 mm SL, nahackyi also differs with regards to the dorsal and caudal capturée à une profondeur de 35-50 m sur des tombants fins. The spinous part of the dorsal fin is dusky yellow and récifaux du large. La nouvelle espèce ressemble de près à C. lacks a violet band, while the soft portion of this fin has a bathyphilus de la Mer de Corail. Néanmoins, les mâles distinctive yellow base, and larger red mid-dorsal band, adultes se distinguent par une haute excroissance sur la which is not present in C. bathyphilus. Additionally, the première et la deuxième épine dorsale. La coloration du caudal fin of the new species is red with only a thin sub- mâle de C. nahackyi diffère aussi pour ce qui concerne les marginal black line in the upper half of the fin in terminal nageoires dorsale et caudale. La partie dure de la dorsale est males compared to a yellow caudal fin in C. bathyphilus, d’un jaune sale et n’a pas de bande violette alors que la par- which has blue blotches on the membrane in the upper tie molle de cette nageoire a une base jaune nette et une part and has a broader black submarginal band extending plus large bande à mi-nageoire, ce qui n’existe pas chez C. the entire depth of the fin. The dorsal fin of the new bathyphilus. En outre, la caudale de la nouvelle espèce est species is also slightly longer than that of C. bathyphilus. rouge avec seulement une fine ligne noire submarginale dans la moitié supérieure de la nageoire chez les mâles Zusammenfassung adultes alors que la caudale de C. bathyphilus est jaune, Die neue Lippfisch-Art Cirrhilabrus nahackyi wird auf der avec des taches bleues sur la membrane dans la partie Grundlage von fünf Exemplaren mit 30,9-65,0 mm SL supérieure, et a une bande submarginale noire plus large beschrieben, die in 35-50 m Tiefe über äußeren Riffhängen qui s’étend sur toute la nageoire. La dorsale de la nouvelle bei Viti Levu, Fidschi-Inseln, und bei Tongatapu in Tonga espèce est aussi un peu plus longue que celle de C. bathy- gefangen wurden. Diese neue Art ähnelt stark C. bathyphilus philus. von den Korallenmeer-Inseln. Doch unterscheiden sich die ausgewachsenen Männchen durch einen aufragenden Wim- Sommario pel am ersten und zweiten Rückenflossenstrahl. Auch unter- Cirrhilabrus nahackyi, una nuova specie di labride rin- scheidet sich die Farbgebung der Männchen von C. nahackyi venuta a Viti Levu, Fiji e a Tongatapu a Tonga, è descritta an Rücken- und Schwanzflosse. Der dornartige Teil der sulla base di cinque esemplari di 30.9-65.0 mm SL, cat- Rückenflosse zeigt ein trübes Gelb, aber kein violettes Band; turati a 35-50 m di profondità sul versante esterno della der weiche Teil dieser Flosse hingegen weist eine deutlich barriera. La nuova specie è molto somigliante a C. bathy- gelbe Basis auf sowie ein größeres rotes Band im mittel-dor- philus del Mar dei Coralli. Tuttavia, i maschi terminali dif- salen Bereich, das bei C. bathyphilus fehlt. Außerdem ist die feriscono per avere un’estensione a guisa di bandierina sulla Schwanzflosse der neuen Art rot mit einer nur dünnen sub- prima e sulla seconda spina dorsale. Il maschio di C. marginalen schwarzen Linie in der oberen Hälfte bei aus- nahackyi differisce inoltre per la colorazione delle pinne gewachsenen Männchen; C. bathyphilus hingegen hat eine dorsale e caudale. La parte spinosa della dorsale è di color gelbe Schwanzflosse mit blauen Flecken auf der Membran giallo opaco e manca della banda violetta, mentre la parte im oberen Teil und einem breiteren schwarzen submar- molle ha una base gialla ben evidente e una banda rossa ginalen Band, das sich über die ganze Tiefe der Flosse mediana più larga che non è presente in C. bathyphilus. In 1 aqua vol. 18 no. 1 - 15 January 2012 Cirrhilabrus nahackyi, a new wrasse (Perciformes; Labridae) from the South Pacific aggiunta, la pinna caudale della nuova specie è rossa con John Randall from the Bishop Museum in Hawaii una sottile linea nera submarginale nella metà superiore informed the first author that Bruce Carlson from della pinna rispetto ad una pinna caudale gialla in C. the Georgia Aquarium (Atlanta, USA) had received bathyphilus, che possiede macchie blu sulla membrana several fish from aquarium fish collector Tony della parte superiore e ha una banda submarginale nera più ampia che si estende per tutta l’altezza della pinna. La dor- Nahacky in Fiji and photographs confirmed it was sale della nuova specie è inoltre leggermente più lunga di probably conspecific with the undescribed Cirrhi- quella di C. bathyphilus. labrus from Tonga. Unfortunately the difficulty in removing this fish from a large public display meant that we were unable to examine it. The first author INTRODUCTION contacted the collector directly and our efforts to The labrid genus Cirrhilabrus Temminck & secure specimens were rewarded when Tony Schlegel, 1845 contains small, colorful and sexually Nahacky collected four fish and forwarded them to dimorphic coral-reef fishes that range across the the first author in December 2005.
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