College of William & Mary Law School William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...) Archives and Law School History 1991 Amicus Curiae (Vol. 2, Issue 6) Repository Citation "Amicus Curiae (Vol. 2, Issue 6)" (1991). Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...). 347. https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/newspapers/347 Copyright c 1991 by the authors. This article is brought to you by the William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository. https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/newspapers SERCR Panel on AIDS Sparks Controversy, page 3 AMERICA'S FIRST LAW SCHOOL VOLUME II, ISS E SIX MO DAY, NOV5\1BER 11,1991 nVEl"lTY PAGES Crime Wave on Main Campus Five Students Assaulted Five students were victims in three three unidentified men. The victims de­ separate incidents of assault on the main scribed their assailants as three Black campus during the early morning hours of men, with heights ranging from 5' 10" to _ ovember3rd. According to an announce­ 6'2". Two of the attackers were said to ment from Vice President for Student have a stocky build, while the third was Affairs Sam Sadler, the three incidents somewhat thinner. OCCWTed between 2:00 a.ill. and 3:30 a.m. Approximately fifteen minutes after According to Lt. Lacasse of Campus the fust assault occWTed, a student riding Police, investigation into the attacks is his bicycle near the stadium reported that still pending. Sadler's notice "empha­ two members of a group of six people sized that none of the assailants in these standing in the area, broke off from the three incidents is believed to be a student group and attacked him. The victim's at the College." Greg Brummett In the first occurrence, three male stu­ Party-goers survey the open bar at Fall From Grace. See story on page 16. dents travelling on College Terrace be­ See JUMPED, page 20 hind St. Bede's Church were attacked by Changes in Parking Appeals Procedure are Revealed By MATT HOLLORAN and merous problems caused by persons who bring appeals the burden on members of the Ap­ formed 10 dispense wilh ./ENNYCLJCK construction of the nett' groduatc Coru.rnitt.;;.:; ckcms fJil'u/uu:s . pt:als Cumminee. MercR nOle<! "Straigfil-rorwar<J appears. Recent changes in \he func­ student housing. Merck said \hat he did not know that \he Committee is a "broad­ According to Merck, mem­ tioning of the TraffIc Appeals Although it is unclear how if a denial by his board would be based group" comprised of stu­ bers of the Appeals Committee Committee have resulted in a many appeals have been decided used as evidence of a frivolous dent and faculty members from are appointed each year. This new, two-tiered appeals process. by Merck's board, a number of appeal for those seeking to have many departments in the Col­ year the appointment process was Appeals of campus traffIc cita­ appellees have received notices their appeals reviewed by the lege. Because of the difficulty in not completed until mid-Octo­ tions and parking tickets are now of determination of their appeals. Appeals Committee. coordinating meeting times for ber. The October 16 edition of reviewed by an intermediate The notices do not say that the According to Merck, the in­ the members of the Committee, board chaired by ice President appeal has been reviewed-by the termediate board was suggested the faculty chair suggested last See NEW RULES, page 20 for Administration and Finance new board, rather than the Ap­ last year as a way to lessen the spring that a smaller group be William Merck, and may be peals Committee, and are signed denied without ever reaching the "William Merck, Chairperson, Appeals Committee. Parking Appeals Committee. ' Health Center Limits Appointments The existence of the new booed According to both Merck and ByPAMARLUK routine e:o;ams for Tuesdays visit). has not been communicated to Thea Norman, Director of Park­ & PAULA HANNAFORD through Fridays, from 8AS a.m. According to Dr. Herman of the College community at large. ing ervices, decisions made by Female students at William to 12 noon. This new scheduling SHS, the new policy is designed According to the information Merck's board can be reviewed and Mary who need a routine practice allows for only five to allow staff physicians to better provided on both traffic citations by the ppeals Committee. gynecological exam will have to appointments per day. respond to students' acute medi­ and the traffic citation appeal However, no mention of this wait at least until next semester, In addition, female students cal needs in the afternoon when forms, all requests for review are appeal right is included in the thanks to a new scheduling pol­ do not have a viable alternative demand is greater. considered by the Appeals decision letters sent to appellees. icy adopted by the Student Health for gynecological care at a com­ According to Blue Cross/Blue Committee. Persons who failed to pay their Service (SHS). parable cost. Shield, there are approximately Natalie Gutterman (3L), a tickets promptly after their ap­ The new procedure allows for Gynecological exams at SHS 1,000 students insured under the member of this year's Appeals peal was denied by Merck's board only 20 such exams per week cost $20. The closest Planned William and Mary Student Health Committee, said that she has not received letters informing them (720 per academic year) to serve Parenthood clinic, which costs Insurance Plan. These female been informed about the new, that their cars could be wheel­ more than 4,100 female under­ $25 per visit with a student I.D., students are required to seek two-tiered process. Gutterman locked or towed, or their regis­ graduate and graduate students is located in Hampton about 30 medical attention from SHS said the Committee will hold its tration from school dropped, if at the College. As of this writing, miles from Williamsburg. There before going to outside sources. fIrst meeting tomorrow. they did not pay the ticket the fIrst available appointment is are also private OB/GYN clinics Before Gutterman's appoint­ promptly. Norman said the letter January 23, 1992. in Williamsburg, but their costs ment, the law school had not these people received is a form "It seems to me a policy like are significantly higher ($80 per See GYNOFAILURE, page 20 been represented on the Appeals letter her office sends out., and no that disregards women's health Committee. At the time of her change in the letter has been made issues," said Judi Conti (lL), co­ appointment, SBA president to inform people of either their president of Mary & William. --Inside this issue ----- Richard Brooks said that he had right to appeal the decision to the "In general, a lot of WOOlen aren't given up the law school' posi­ Appeals Committee, or the fact careful about their health needs, • Smoking Referendum • Surry Plant poses risk. tion on the Commencement that their appeal has been re­ and these policies perpetuate the slated. Page 3. PageS. Commi ttee in order to obtain rep­ viewed by Merck's board, rather problem." resentation for Marshall-Wythe than the Committee. Gynecological exams used to • Crossfrre: Mandatory • Ziemer forfeits on the Appeals Committee. Under existing College pol­ be scheduled throughout the day. Grade Curves? Page 8. Fellowship. Page 10. Brooks sought the seat for the icy, the Appeals Committee may But about three weeks ago, SHS law school because of the nu- impose an additional fine on decided to only schedule new ~2:":======================~================== Monday, ~O\ ' ember 11,1991 THE AMICUS CURIAE Out of our Heads From the Editors ... In case any of you missed the sign on the administrative bul­ "'The time has come,' the selves subject to appeal, they just was in a state which has what is letin board, plans are in the ...... orks to expand the law school. Dean Walrus said, ' to talk of many forgot to tell you that) is proba­ undisputedly the frnest system of Sullivan has announced a fact finding committee to look into things ... '" This week, it's time to bly of more concern to law stu­ affordable public education in space-needs here at Marshall-Wythe. Even though budget con­ talk about the purpose of institu­ dents than it is to students on the the nation. I live in Virginia cerns run high, the Dean is apparently confident that funds can tions of higher learning. While main campus But the newest now. be raised for law school expansion. most people would undoubtedly "policy" at the Student Health In term of being able to get This plan is a shameful misallocation of resources. It makes say that educating students is the Center is one which affects at through daily life, let alone law us wonder whether anyone in the administration has heard the goal of tmiversities and colleges, least half of the population at this school, this year has been the opinions of students on the matter of what is needed to improve one tends to wonder about that school. worst I'ye experienced since the law school. here at the College of William If the Student Health Center coming to William and ~1ary. Just last month, the Dean told an Amicus reporter that a loan and Mary. refuses to see students who have I've talked to se\'eral other third forgiveness program would be difficult to establish because it First and foremost, it should legitimate health concerns, what year students who are similarly conflicts ....' ith the school's fund-raising priorities - endowed be noted that without students, is their purpose for being here? bitter about the daily indignities chairs and scholarships.
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