Lecture 7, Review Data Reduction 1. Sufficient Statistics

Lecture 7, Review Data Reduction 1. Sufficient Statistics

Lecture 7, Review Data Reduction We should think about the following questions carefully before the "simplification" process: • Is there any loss of information due to summarization? • How to compare the amount of information about θ in the original data X and in 푇(푿)? • Is it sufficient to consider only the "reduced data" T? 1. Sufficient Statistics A statistic T is called sufficient if the conditional distribution of X given T is free of θ (that is, the conditional is a completely known distribution). Example. Toss a coin n times, and the probability of head is an unknown parameter θ. Let T = the total number of heads. Is T sufficient for θ? Sufficiency Principle If T is sufficient, the "extra information" carried by X is worthless as long as θ is concerned. It is then only natural to consider inference procedures which do not use this extra irrelevant information. This leads to the Sufficiency Principle : Any inference procedure should depend on the data only through sufficient statistics. 1 Definition: Sufficient Statistic (in terms of Conditional Probability) (discrete case): For any x and t, if the conditional pdf of X given T: 푃(퐗 = 퐱, 푇(퐗) = 푡) 푃(퐗 = 퐱) 푃(퐗 = 퐱|푇(퐗) = 푡) = = 푃(푇(퐗) = 푡) 푃(푇(퐗) = 푡) does not depend on θ then we say 푇(퐗) is a sufficient statistic for θ. Sufficient Statistic, the general definition (for both discrete and continuous variables): Let the pdf of data X is 푓(퐱; 휃) and the pdf of T be 푞(푡; 휃). If 푓(퐱; 휃)/푞(푇 (퐱); 휃) is free of θ, (may depend on x) (∗) for all x and θ, then T is a sufficient statistic for θ. Example: Toss a coin n times, and the probability of head is an unknown parameter θ. Let T = the total number of heads. Is T sufficient for θ? 푋 푖. 푖. 푑. Bernoulli: 푓(푥) = 휃 (1− 휃) , 푥 = 0,1 ∑ ∑ 푓(풙; 휃) = 푓(푥,…, 푥) = 휃 (1− 휃) 푇 = ∑ 푋 ~ B(n,θ): 푛 ∑ ∑ 푞(푡; 휃) = 푞(∑ 푥) = 휃 (1− 휃) ∑ 푥 Thus 푓(퐱; 휃) 푛 = 1/ 푞(푇 (퐱); 휃) 푡 is free of θ, So by the definition, ∑ 푋 is a sufficient statistic for 휃. 2 Example. 푋,…, 푋 iid 푁 (휃,1). 푇 = 푋. Remarks: The definition (*) is not always easy to apply. • Need to guess the form of a sufficient statistic. • Need to figure out the distribution of T. How to find a sufficient statistic? 2. (Neyman-Fisher) Factorization theorem. T is sufficient if and only if 푓(퐱; 휃) can be written as the product 푔(푇(퐱); 휃)ℎ(퐱), where the first factor depends on x only though 푇(퐱) and the second factor is free of θ. Example. Binomial. iid bin(1, θ) Solution 1: Bernoulli: 푓(푥) = 휃(1− 휃), 푥 = 0,1 ∑ ∑ 푓(퐱; 휃) = 푓(푥,…, 푥) = 휃 (1− 휃) = 휃∑ (1− 휃)∑ ⋅ [1] = 푔 푥 , 휃 ⋅ℎ(푥,…, 푥) So according to the factorization theorem, 푇 = ∑ 푋 is a sufficient statistic for 휃. Solution 2: 푓(퐱; 휃) = 푓(푥, 푥,…, 푥|휃) 휃 (1− 휃) , 푖푓 푥 = 0,1, 푖 = 1,2,…, 푛 = 0, 표푡ℎ푒푟푤푖푠푒 ∑ ( )∑ = 휃 1− 휃 , 푖푓 푥 = 0,1, 푖 = 1,2,…, 푛 0, 표푡ℎ푒푟푤푖푠푒 3 = 휃 (1− 휃) ℎ(푥, 푥,…, 푥) = 푔(푡, 휃)ℎ(푥,…, 푥), where 푔(푡, 휃) = 휃(1− 휃) and 1, 푖푓 푥 = 0,1, 푖 = 1,2,…, 푛 ℎ(푥 ,…, 푥 ) = 0, 표푡ℎ푒푟푤푖푠푒. Hence T is a sufficient statistic for θ. Example. Exp(λ). Let 푋,…, 푋 be a random sample from an exponential distribution with rate 휆. And Let 푇 = 푋 + 푋 +⋯+ 푋 and 푓 be the joint density of 푋, 푋,…, 푋. 푓(퐱; 휆) = 푓(푥, 푥,…, 푥|휆) 휆푒 , 푖푓 푥 > 0, 푖 = 1,2,…, 푛 = 0, 표푡ℎ푒푟푤푖푠푒 ∑ = 휆 푒 , 푖푓 푥 > 0, 푖 = 1,2,…, 푛 0, 표푡ℎ푒푟푤푖푠푒 = 휆 푒 ℎ(푥,…, 푥) = 푔(푡, 휆)ℎ(푥,…, 푥) where 푔(푡, 휆) = 휆푒, and 1, 푖푓 푥 > 0, 푖 = 1,2,…, 푛 ℎ(푥 ,…, 푥 ) = 0, 표푡ℎ푒푟푤푖푠푒. Hence T is a sufficient statistic for 휆. Example. Normal. iid N(θ,1). Please derive the sufficient statistic for θ by yourself. 4 When the range of X depends on θ, should be more careful about factorization. Must use indicator functions explicitly. Example. Uniform. iid 푼(ퟎ, 휽). Solution 1: Let 푋,…, 푋 be a random sample from an uniform distribution on (0, 휃). And Let 푇 = 푋() and 푓 be the joint density of 푋, 푋,…, 푋. Then 푓(퐱; 휃) = 푓(푥, 푥,…, 푥|휃) 1 , 푖푓 휃 > 푥 > 0, 푖 = 1,2,…, 푛 = 휃 0, 표푡ℎ푒푟푤푖푠푒 1 , 푖푓 휃 > 푥 > 0, 푖 = 1,2,…, 푛 = 휃 0, 표푡ℎ푒푟푤푖푠푒 1 , 푖푓 휃 > 푥 ≥⋯≥ 푥 >0 = 휃 () () 0, 표푡ℎ푒푟푤푖푠푒 = 푔(푡, 휃)ℎ(푥,…, 푥) where , 푖푓 휃 > 푡 >0 푔(푡, 휃) = , 0, 표푡ℎ푒푟푤푖푠푒 and 1, 푖푓 푥 >0 ℎ(푥 ,…, 푥 ) = () 0, 표푡ℎ푒푟푤푖푠푒. Hence T is a sufficient statistic for 휃. *** I personally prefer this approach because it is most straightforward. Alternatively, one can use the indicator function and simplify the solution as illustrated next. 5 Definition: Indicator function 1, 푖푓 푥 ∈ 퐴 퐼 (푥)= 0, 푖푓 푥 ∉ 퐴 Solution 2 (in terms of the indicator function): Uniform: 푓(푥) = , 푥 ∈ (0, 휃) 1 푓(퐱; 휃) = 푓(푥 ,…, 푥 ) = , 푥 ∈ (0, 휃),∀푖 휃 1 = 퐼 (푥 ) 휃 (,) 1 = 퐼 푥 ⋅ 퐼 푥 휃 (,) () (,) () 1 =[ 퐼 푥 ]⋅[퐼 푥 ] 휃 (,) () (,) () = 푔푥(), 휃 ⋅ℎ(푥,…, 푥) So by factorization theorem, 푥() is a sufficient statistic for 휃. Example: Please derive the sufficient statistics for θ, when given a random sample of size n from 푈 (휃, 휃 + 1). Solution: 1. Indicator function approach: Uniform: 푓(푥) = 1, 푥 ∈(휃, 휃 + 1) 푓(푥,…, 푥|휃) = (1) , 푥 ∈ (휃, 휃 +1),∀푖 = (1) 퐼(,)(푥) = 퐼(,)푥() ⋅ 퐼(,)푥() =[퐼(,)푥() ⋅ 퐼(,)푥()] ⋅ [1] = 푔푥(), 푥(), 휃 ⋅ ℎ(푥,…, 푥) So, 푇 = 푋(), 푋() is a SS for 휃. 2. Do not use the indicator function: 6 푓(푥, 푥,…, 푥|휃) 1, 푖푓 휃 +1> 푥 > 휃, 푖 = 1,2,…, 푛 = 0, 표푡ℎ푒푟푤푖푠푒 1, 푖푓 휃 +1> 푥 > 휃, 푖 = 1,2,…, 푛 = 0, 표푡ℎ푒푟푤푖푠푒 1, 푖푓 휃 +1> 푥 ≥⋯≥ 푥 > 휃 = () () 0, 표푡ℎ푒푟푤푖푠푒 = 푔(푥(), 푥(), 휃)ℎ(푥,…, 푥) where 1, 푖푓 휃 +1> 푥 푎푛푑 푥 > 휃 푔푥 , 푥 , 휃 = () () , () () 0, 표푡ℎ푒푟푤푖푠푒 and ℎ(푥,…, 푥) =1 So 푇 = 푋(), 푋() is a SS for 휃. Two-dimensional Examples. Example. Normal. iid 푵(흁, 흈ퟐ). 휽 = (흁, 흈ퟐ) (both unknown). Let 푋,…, 푋 be a random sample from a normal distribution 푁(휇, 휎). And Let 1 푋 = 푋 , 푛 1 S = (푋 − 푋), 푛 −1 and let 푓 be the joint density of 푋, 푋,…, 푋. 1 () 푓(퐱; 휽) = 푓(푥, 푥,…, 푥|휇, 휎 )= 푒 √2휋휎 7 1 ∑ ( ) = 푒 2휋휎 Now (푥 − 휇) = (푥 − 푥̅ + 푥̅ − 휇) = (푥 − 푥̅) +2 (푥 − 푥̅)(푥̅ − 휇) + (푥̅ − 휇) = (n−1)s +2(푥̅ − 휇) (푥 − 푥̅) + 푛(푥̅ − 휇) = (n−1)s + 푛(푥̅ − 휇). Thus, 푓(퐱; 휽) = 푓(푥, 푥,…, 푥 | 휇, 휎 ) 1 1 = exp (− ((푛 −1)푠 + 푛(푥̅ − 휇))) 2휋휎 2휎 = 푔(푥̅, 푠 , 휇, 휎 )ℎ(푥,…, 푥), where 푔(푥̅, 푠, 휇, 휎) 1 1 = 푒푥푝 − (푛 −1)푠 + 푛(푥̅ − 휇), 2휋휎 2휎 and ℎ(푥,…, 푥) = 1. In this case we say (푋, 푆) is sufficient for (휇, 휎). 8 3. (Regular) Exponential Family The density function of a regular exponential family is: 푓 (푥; 휽) = 푐(휽)ℎ(푥) exp 푤(휽)푡(푥) , 휽 = (휃,…, 휃) Example. Poisson(θ) 1 푓 (푥; 휃) = exp (−휃) exp[ln(휃) ∗ 푥] 푥! Example. Normal. 푵(흁, 흈ퟐ). 휽 = (휇, 휎) (both unknown). 1 () 푓푥; 휇, 휎)= 푒 √2휋휎 1 1 = exp − (푥 − 휇) √2휋휎 2휎 1 1 = exp − (푥 −2푥휇 + 휇) √2휋휎 2휎 1 휇 1 = exp − exp − (푥 −2푥휇) √2휋휎 2휎 2휎 4. Theorem (Exponential family & sufficient Statistic). Let 푋,…, 푋 be a random sample from the regular exponential family. Then 푻(푿) = 푡(푋) ,…, 푡(푋) is sufficient for 휽 = (휃,…, 휃). 9 Example. Poisson(θ) Let 푋,…, 푋 be a random sample from Poisson(θ) Then 푇(푿) = 푋 is sufficient for 휃 . Example. Normal. 푵(흁, 흈ퟐ). 휽 = (휇, 휎) (both unknown). Let 푋,…, 푋 be a random sample from 푵(휇, 휎 ) Then 푻(푿) =( 푋 , 푋 ) is sufficient for 휽 = (휇, 휎). Exercise. Apply the general exponential family result to all the standard families discussed above such as binomial, Poisson, normal, exponential, gamma. A Non-Exponential Family Example. Discrete uniform. 푃 (푋 = 푥) = 1/휃, 푥 = 1,..., 휃, 휃 is a positive integer. Another Non-exponential Example. 푋,..., 푋iid 푈 (0, 휃), 푇 = 푋(). 10 Universal Cases. 푋,…, 푋are iid with density 푓 . • The original data 푋,…, 푋 are always sufficient for 휃. (They are trivial statistics, since they do not lead any data reduction) • Order statistics 푇 = 푋(),…, 푋() are always sufficient for 휃. ( The dimension of order statistics is 푛, the same as the dimension of the data. Still this is a nontrivial reduction as 푛! different values of data corresponds to one value of 푇 . ) 5. Theorem (Rao-Blackwell) Let 푋,…, 푋 be a random sample from the population with pdf 푓 (풙; 휽). Let 푻(푿) be a sufficient statistic for θ, and 푼(푿) be any unbiased estimator of θ. Let 푼∗(푿) = 퐸[푼(푿)|푻], then (1) 푼∗(푿) is an unbiased estimator of 휽, (2) 푼∗(푿) is a function of T, (3) 푽풂풓(푼∗)≤ 푽풂풓(푼) for every 휽, and 푽풂풓(푼∗) < 푉푎푟(푈) for some 휽 unless 푼∗ = 푼 with probability 1 .

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