Union Helvetia Club Objekttyp: Group Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK Band (Jahr): - (1923) Heft 99 PDF erstellt am: 04.10.2021 Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besitzt keine Urheberrechte an den Inhalten der Zeitschriften. Die Rechte liegen in der Regel bei den Herausgebern. Die auf der Plattform e-periodica veröffentlichten Dokumente stehen für nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke in Lehre und Forschung sowie für die private Nutzung frei zur Verfügung. Einzelne Dateien oder Ausdrucke aus diesem Angebot können zusammen mit diesen Nutzungsbedingungen und den korrekten Herkunftsbezeichnungen weitergegeben werden. Das Veröffentlichen von Bildern in Print- und Online-Publikationen ist nur mit vorheriger Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber erlaubt. 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SWISS MERCANTILE SOCIETY. gates to induce him to remain; happily, he gave in and was unanimously re-elected; similar sentences The Monthly Meeting, held on April 11th at befell his colleagues, Messrs. Nanzer, Kipfcr, Eos- Swiss Postal Authorities Union. Helvetia, Gerrard Place. sier and Affolter. have arranged for the issue in After this happy event the meeting adjourned The declared at 9 meeting was open p.m. promptly for lunch, which did not fall short of expectations, Great Britain of Postal Travellers' by the President, 31 members being present. our manager, Mr. Wyss, being fully aware of the There were 16 ne«" members for election, and Cheques, which be cashed importance of this part of the proceedings. can all were unanimously accepted. Three resignations After 1] hour's interval, business was proceeded were to hand, all having left England, and, their without formalities at any Post with. The Rules were brought into line, and new liabilities been the having met, were accepted by suggestions were received and considered, the prin- Office in Switzerland. These meeting. cipal ones relating to attendance at meetings of The President read out various correspondence, cheques be obtained in ' the London branch and the finding of means to may received in connection with the and Ball, Banquet re-establish the " Branche Culinaire," which during London from the which took place on the Saturday previous. The the years 1916-20 proved such a strong link between Chairman also thanked the numerous members who the members of that branch. to the of the and in helped success gathering, At 6 o'clock the agenda was exhausted, and with a vote of thanks was to him and also return given hearty wishes for a pleasant and successful period SWISS BANK CORPORATION, to the President the of Entertainment Committee, of office to the Administration and thanks to the Mr. E. J. Veil. 43, Lothbury, E.G.2 & Regent St., S.W.I. delegates for their thoroughness in the deliberations He, discussion held in connection" with the A was the meeting was closed. F. FI. R. scheme of a Jubilee Collection, as published in the Society's in Switzerland, and after journal Ostermäntig uf em Colley Hill. numerous questions, which were found of first-class before a could be taken, it was importance ruling Es het am Ostermäntig uf der Charing Cross decided to that the President, who ex- propose Station so urn die elfen urn ne bsundere Lärm gäh SWISS WINES pected to to Switzerland within the next few in go Nid nume wägem Bankholidav — es het da gwält- Bottled Switzerland. vintage should obtain further details of the matter 1920 1921 days, sohlet, bärncret, ziircheret und g'ostschwytzeret und on the spot, so that further discussion could be Neuchâtel, White per doz. 45 - 48/- es ufgregts Völkli isch von eim Perron zum andere held at the next Red „ — 57/- meeting. AUrnählech het: me (lä Schwärm gseb CortaiUod, White 45/- 48/- The Chairman then referred to the still exces- gsprunge. verschwinde imene Zug uf der Platform No. 1. Red „ — 60/- sive of old contributions — proportion outstanding Der Lärme isch aber nid verschwunde, im Gägetei] Mont d'Or, Johannisberg „ 51/- and the heavy task of the Asst. Treasurers to get Fendant — 45/- es het wie imene Byihuus. Uebermüetigi „ these funds in. He to the meeting whether gsummet DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR. put it Glachter hei sech mit übersüünige Melodie gmischt or not it would be to advantage to offer a com- — churzum, en ächt-eidgenössische Betrieb i guet- Note /op Mtf Umted Ä'/ wt/om : for their labours, by fixing a remuneration pensation änglischer Umgäbung. D'Schwyzerchilche het näm- STANDARD FOODS PRODUCE Co., on results obtained. Numerous views of members & lecli ihren Usflug ghah und ihri Schälli uf d'Weid E.C. 3. obtained, and was finally agreed 32, Great Tower Street, LONDON, present were it im Surrey. Mir alli Luun und that would be to make gführt sy gueter gsy upon it preferable arrange- dä Luun het amene-n-Ort usfemüesse. E Pfiff, no meats to devide. the duties of the Asst. Treasurers chly meh Lärme — und der Zug isch zu däm amongst four members instead of two only, thus SWISS CHORAL SOCIETY, Rauchloch us, hällere Gägetc zue. — — Ja, häl] the work. The Chairman took this Conductor - - - Mr. WALTER MEYROW1TZ. reducing op- isch es da usse. Chuum es Wülkli am Himmel to inform the meeting that he would not gsy portunity und grüenet het's a allne Egge. War hätt da no be at the next meeting, owing to his ab- present welle lose, wones z'Kingswood gheisse, het mer Grand Afternoon Concert the and therefore wished to AT Continent, 1 sence on solle de zsämeblybe und laufe und nid blybe stah inform the members that the- Committee would STEINWAI HALL, Lower Seymour St., W.l Ja, scho chly, we nie ds Läbe,i allne Glidero tender their definite resignation, so that the need- gspiirt. Ds Laufe über e Common und dur di on Sunc/ay, TPR/L, 29/Ä, /923, at 3 p.m. could be taken and new arrangements 2-.30) ful steps Wäldli isch e Gnuss Mir uf däm Colley (Door« made for the General Meeting, which would take gsy. sy Hill gsi, mer hei nid gwüsst wie. U£ Bs Mal (incl.Tax.) place probably on the 2nd Wednesday in June. Admission: Reserved, 3/6 (incl. Tax), Unreserved, 2/6 isch men us de Böume use cho und het i nes tiefs he expressed his view that, although By doing so, Tal abe und über ne prächtigi, sunnigi Hügelland- Tickets obtainable in advance at the Union Helvetia, an hand" in the Society's matters, he felt 1. Gerrard Place. W.l. the Swiss Club (SchweizerbundL ''old schaft us gseh. E Schwyzerherr isch so fründlech 74. Charlotte Street. W., the «SWv.v.s- Ofr.vcrm-, 21. Garlick Hill. E.C.4 that a member ought to have greater facili- and from the mein bers of the Society. younger gsi und het is sys Guet zur Verfüegig gstellt für ties than himself of in close relation with keeping üse Lunch im Freie. " Wo isch jitz da der Neue- the members of the Society, which, in the majority, burgersee " het mi eis gfragt und en andere: is of men than himself. composed younger " Gseht men ächtvo da o ds Meer?" Ja, .wyt het SWISS CLUB. discussion was decided to hold CITY After some it me gseh, wenn o nid grad bis i üses " Seeland " ' the usual in accordance Messieurs les membres sont informés que Monthly Meeting in May, Aber üsi Gedanke sicher so zu iiser the votes obtained this issue. sy wyt gange, with majority of on liebe Heimat. Das het me möge useghörc us dene ' l'Assemblée Mensuelle The closed at El o'clock. meeting was wo mer iisem Gastgäber zum Dank aura lieu le MARDI 1er MAI, au Restaurant paar Lieder, à hei. Druf abe het's no ne fasch zwoi- GATTI, et sera précédée d'un souper familier gsunge 6.45 h. (sh. 5/6 par couvert). UNION HELVETIA CLUB. stündige Marsch gäh de Prymeli, den Anemone und Cet avis tient lieu de convocation. Tous ceux de Mandelblüet nah nach Headley. D'Wermi isch désirant y participer sont invités à s'annoncer en The Union Helvetia Swiss Hotel Employees' du schier sümmerlech und d'Bei derby schwär temps utile au Trésorier, M. G. Dimier, 46, Cannon Society held its Delegate Meeting of the English worcle. Es het is aber glych alli greut, wo mer Street, E.C.4. (Téléphone: Central 1321). branches on Sunday last, 14th April, chiefly to gäg di Sächse wieder i Zug hei müsse z'Tadworth. Ordre du Jour. bring the Society's Rules into line with various Fröhlech sy mer heigfahre und fröhlech und gueter made the General Dele- Procès-verbal. Démissions. decisions and changes, at Luune hei mer is trennt. Admissions. Séances d'été. gate Meeting of October last at the Society's head- Chömmet Der o mit, ds nächst Mal Divers.
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