2015, 2016, 2017 MDDC News Organization of the Year! Celebrating more than 160 years of service! Vol. 164, No. 44 • 50¢ SINCE 1855 Thursday, April 11, 2019 INSIDE Justice For White Police stop attempted Opioid Epidemic Continues terrorist attack in Community members met to learn about the opioid epidemic in Maryland from experts in drug ad- National Harbor diction and law enforcement. people in a crowded location. By José Umaña Page 3 The Montgomery County De- @Jose_M_Umana partment of Police (MCP) reported NATIONAL HARBOR – A him as missing in a press release Germantown resident stole a truck on March 27 and asked for the and planned to run over people in public’s assistance in locating him. the developed areas of the Nation- He had been last seen by co-work- al Harbor in a terrorist-inspired at- ers the day before at noon before tack before being arrested on he left his place of employment in March 28, federal prosecutors say. Germantown. In a motion for a detention According to MCP officials, document filed on April 8, Rondell family members had not been able Henry, 28, is in federal custody af- to contact him since and were ter Prince George’s County Police “concerned for Henry’s physical arrested him a week earlier, being and emotional welfare.” However, charged with interstate transporta- according to Captain Tom Jordan, Awesome-A-Thon tion of a stolen vehicle. He was there had been no suspicions of found in possession of a stolen U- Henry’s intentions at the time. Awesome-A-Thon will take Haul van and allegedly had plans “Our contact with him on the place from 10 p.m. on Saturday, to carry out an attack similarly car- 27th was strictly because he was a April 13 to 10 p.m. on Sunday, ried out by the international terror- missing person and his family had April 14, at Bethesda-Chevy reported him as missing, and they ist group ISIS. Chase Regional Services Center, were concerned,” Jordan said. “So The motion states that Henry, 4805 Edgemoor Lane, second our interaction with him was pretty a computer engineer, walked out floor, in Bethesda. much primarily dealt with in this of his job in the middle of the day, missing person phase, which does, Page 11 heading “down the extremist in fact, turn into more when you PHOTO BY GEORGE SMITH path.” He was known to have har- Montgomery County At-Large Councilmember William Jawando spoke deal with the Prince George’s bored hatred for those who did not during the Press Conference, Prayer Vigil and Public Rally about the County event and the federal an- County Police determination in the officer involved death of Robert White practice the Muslim faith but did held at the Christ Congregational Church in Silver Spring on Sunday, April not have any experience using 7, 2019. Story continues on Page 8. weapons. He drove to Virginia and stole the U-Haul van to plow over See Attack, page 8 Silver Spring community not satisfied with MCP conclusion on White’s death that Officer Anand Badgujar’s ac- Badgujar. As part of an agreement White. The investigation into the in- By José Umaña tions were lawful and shooting him concerning officer-related shoot- cident showed that White was carry- @Jose_M_Umana was justified. ings, Howard County officials took ing a knife but did not use it in his in- SILVER SPRING – Members “(MCP) memo’s to the county control of the investigation. teraction with the officer. Blair Wins! of the Silver Spring community executive essentially let themselves Body-camera footage of the “When Mr. White continued as- joined local leaders and county and off the hook for the killing of Robert June 11 incident shows Badgujar ap- saulting the officer, Officer Badgu- Blair High School’s boys state politicians to denounce the White last June,” Rev. Matt Brad- proaching White as he walked. As jar believed his life was in danger,” lacrosse team scored a 20-12 win conclusions made by the Mont- dock of Christ Congregational the officer told White “Hey, big the report said. “Based on the ac- over Springbrook High School on gomery County Police, following Church said. “We find the report man, you need to stop,” the resident tions of Mr. White in the video, there April 5. an internal investigation into the ac- disturbing, and it raises more ques- ran toward Badgujar before running is ample evidence that Officer Page 20 tions of one of their officers in a po- tions than it answers.” away. He continued to follow White Badgujar was in danger of serious lice shooting of an African Ameri- The administrative review, re- into the 9200 block of Three Oaks bodily harm, which would lawfully can man during the summer of leased on April 3 at the request of Drive in Silver Spring. justify his use of deadly force.” 2018. County Executive Marc Elrich, into White charged Badgujar again, However, community leaders The Silver Spring Justice White’s death came months after but this time, the county police offi- were not satisfied with the report Coalition held a press conference Howard County State’s Attorney cer shot him. White attempted to get and called the nature of the internal and vigil, calling for justice for 41- Dario J. Broccolino ruled that the back up, stood over the officer and year-old Robert Lawrence White, shooting was justified and no tried to assault him before Badgujar after an internal review concluded charges would be filed against shot him several times, killing See White, page 8 2 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL APRIL 11, 2019 EFLECTIONS R The Montgomery County Sentinel, published weekly by Berlyn Inc. Publish- ing, is a community newspaper covering July 2, 1953: Pre-School Medical Aid Sets Record Montgomery County, Maryland. Our of- fices are located at 22 W. Jefferson Street, Suite 309, Rockville, MD 20850. Each week the Sentinel visits medical examination. This is im- their booster immunization. child care. Only 5 years ago in Founded in 1855 by Matthew Fields. All mail to: P.O. Box 1272, Rockville, MD a memorable story from its pressive achievement in home Another very important ser- this County most of the examina- 20849-1272. Subscription Rates for The archives. and school cooperation. It has vice of the Pre-School Confer- tions of children entering school Montgomery County Sentinel – Weekly by mail: $40.00 per year & $26.50 for Se- been possible because of the ence was the help rendered to the for the first time were still being nior Citizens. (USPS) 361-100. Montgomery County parents united efforts and faithful work newcomer's to the County who given by physicians of the Health have set a new record for preven- of the Health Committee of the had not yet Medical Society op- Department. Bernard Kapiloff tive medical service for their parent Teacher Association, prin- erates : Medical Bureau which Gone are the days of long PUBLISHER E MERITUS children, according to Dr. Harold cipals and teachers, health de- assists families in obtaining a lines of children and tired wait- Lynn G. Kapiloff H. Mitchell, School Health Con- partment nurses, the medical pro- physician. ing mothers, the “needles,” cry- CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER/ sultant for the Montgomery fession, the Tuberculosis Associ- One of the most remarkable ing and anxious first visits to the PUBLISHER [email protected] County Health Department. ation and the 28 years of public medical advances in recent years schools. Instead, parents have More children than ever before education for the Summer has been the well child health su- found that the privacy of the of- Mark Kapiloff registered at the Preschool Con- Round-Up of the National Con- pervision given by the family fice of the personal physician ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER [email protected] ferences this Spring with medical gress of Parents and Teachers. physicians and pediatricians and provides a better opportunity for examination and immunizations Children came for registra- the recognition of the value of an appraisal not only of the phys- EDITORIAL ready cared for by their private tion remarkably well cared for by this service by parents. In 1946 a ical health of the child but his Daniel Kucin Jr. physicians. vaccination and immunization. survey of the American Academy emotional and social well being EXECUTIVE EDITOR Of 4,285 pupils who have al- Nearly 94 had completed their of Pediatrics showed that 30% of as well. There is not just concern [email protected] ready enrolled to enter school in initial immunizations and over the time of the general practition- for disease or handicap, but an José Umaña The fall, 3,150 (more than 73%) 90 had been vaccinated. More er and 60% of the time of the pe- allround preparation of the child [email protected] came with a completed report or than 4 out of 5 had completed diatrician is devoted to this well for school. CITY EDITOR Barbara Trainin Blank COPY EDITOR NEWS Neal Earley Write us [email protected] Takoma Park seeks budget balance ASSIGNMENTS The Montgomery County Sentinel George Smith the approximately $320,000 in rev- the other homes, I can see it being By Carlos Alfaro PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR @carlosalfarorod enue will be gone for FY 2020. tight. If you look at our income tax welcomes letters. Other issues for the budget in- revenue not coming in very high, I TAKOMA PARK – With multi- clude a freeze of tax duplication, costs think there’s a lot of people who have Tazeen Ahmad All letters must be original, CALENDAR EDITOR ple projects on the horizon, Takoma associated with the city’s change to uncertain incomes,” Ludlow replied.
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