SPRING 1998 A QUARTERLY PUBLICATION OF THE SOCIETY FOR HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY NORMAN F. BARKA, Newsletter Editor, Department of Anthropology, The College of William and Mary, PO Box 8795, Williamsburg, Virginia 23187-8795 USA Index President's Corner Index .................................................................... 1 President's Corner ............................................ 1 1 came home from Atlanta with a sense late the organizers and membership for SHANews .......................................................... 2 of awe. No, 1 didn't have a cold and need presenting an incredibly diverse program Call for Nominations ................................. 2 a doctor to look at my throat. (I hope no spanning oceans and centuries and incor­ SHA Newsletter Editor's one "got the bug" as in years past.) 1 truly porating the archaeology of a wide spec­ Report for 1997 ...................................... 3 was amazed by the commitment and en­ trum of people. We were also fortunate Guidelines for Current Research, SHA ergy shown by the organizers of the meet­ to have exciting discoveries presented to ing as well as the participants. Some Newsletter .............................................. 3 us in a timely fashion from sites which people used to say, "Why bother about ar­ often appear in glossy media or television, SHA '98 Awards .......................................... 4 chaeology of the 19th century?" or "How but which sometimes have escaped our Joint 30th Anniversary can you justify excavating a site which has conferences. The History Channel seems SHNSPMA Conference ............................. 6 documentary information?" The more boring in comparison! 1 look forward to SHA '98 Conference Summary ...................... 7 than 400 papers on the Atlanta program Salt Lake City and Quebec. The organiz­ SHA '98 Registration Figures .................... 8 provided ample evidence that a wide va­ ers of these future meetings in 1999 and SHA '99 Conference -Salt Lake City ........... 9 riety of historical sites convey faScinating 2000 are already planning intellectual and SHA Public Education And Information knowledge about the past. The slide talks, experiential good times for us. We are Committee .................................................... 9 the underwater symposia, the story tell­ looking for meeting locations after 2000. Treasuring Bordellos .................................. 9 ing session, the public session all commu­ If you are interested in showcasing your Announcements .............................................. 10 nicated another important aspect of his­ region and its archaeology, please contact torical archaeology-touching, seeing, Request For Information ............................... 10 Tim Riordan, Conference Committee and yes even smelling the past is exciting. Chair (see People You Should Know - 1998). Field Schools/Programs 1998 ........................ 10 When the excavated material culture is 1 also left Atlanta with a sense of grati­ Employment Opportunities ......................... 11 linked in our discipline with archival, tude for the number of people who vol­ Future ConferencesIWorkshops .................. 11 photographic, or oral information, the untarily provide countless hours to con­ Past ConferenceslWorkshops ....................... 12 past leaps into view. Conferences provide ducting the business and setting the Current Publications ...................................... 13 an opportunity to learn, but they also are direction of SHA. As you know, SHA with Teaching Historical Archaeology ................. 15 ways of shaping the character of our pro­ more than 2400 members is basically a Military Sites Forum ....................................... 15 fession and work. They are teaching tools volunteer organization with only one Current Research ............................................ 16 for those entering the field as well as employee. The journal, newsletter, fi­ Mid-Atlantic ............................................... 16 those active for decades. Although we nances, awards, public education and ad­ Southeast .................................................... 16 may be tired, when we leave a conference vocacy are all produced through the vol­ we can take heart that we have colleagues unteer efforts of a few very fine Gulf States .................................................. 18 around the world and a mission far larger individuals. As Ron Michael stated so Midwest ...................................................... 19 than our own backyard. humbly when he received the Carol Central Plains ............................................ 19 My great thanks go to Atlanta confer­ Ruppe Award at the banquet, 'Tve en­ Alaska .......................................................... 21 ence organizers Pat and Barbara Garrow, joyed editing the journal for 20 years." Pacific West ................................................ 23 Jo Joseph, Bob Fryman and Betsy Reitz. And that is the key for everyone who Canada - Ontario ...................................... 24 More than 1000 people attended the serves our society: it is enjoyable to learn Underwater News .................................... 26 meetings, one of the largest gathering of and grow outside your day-to-day activi­ People You Should Know - 1998 .................. 32 the Society for Historical Archaeology in ties and to serve something greater than its 31 year history. We can also congratu- ourselves. Ron has edited 10,000 pages in p our journal over the last 20 years! We are Board members have three year, rotating liaison with ROPA. We also are develop­ all richer for his work. terms. That means our SHA Board is al­ ing plans for a SHA oral history program If you want to get involved by work­ ways in flux. This fluidity has mixed re­ of our esteemed senior archaeologists and ing with any committee, please contact sults. While we may not be perfect at their material culture as well as for rev­ the committee chair listed in People You tracking all projects, there is always the enue enhancement. Should Know - 1998. Or, contact me to try opportunity to shift. My thanks to Imme­ The mid-year meeting of the SHA on an idea. If you wish to nominate a per­ diate Past President, Henry Miller, as well Board will take place in Alexandria, Vir­ son or group for an Award of Merit, as outgoing president, Glenn Farris and ginia on April 25th. Let me know before please contact Bob Schuyler. Anyone with board directors, Bonnie McEwan and that date if you have subjects which suggestions for the Nominating Commit­ Virgil Noble. They all are keeping their should be discussed, or contact the com­ tee for the next slate of officers, contact hands busy, serving on various commit­ mittee chair of the relevant topic. And, Henry Miller. While the SHA is fortunate tees. Two new committees will start func­ think about preparing a paper for the Salt to have such consistency from Ron tioning this year to explore the develop­ Lake meetings based upon your work and Michael, Norm Barka, Tef and Mike ment of written standards & ethics for encouraging students and advocational Rodeffer, remember that all the rest of the historical archaeology as well as provide archaeologists to come. Pam Cressey SHANews Call for Nominations The annual SHA nominations and elec­ tions process is now underway. This year, the position of President and two Board of Directors are to be elected. The SHA nominations process is conducted by the Nominations and Elections Committee, which currently consists of the Immedi­ ate Past President (H. Miller) and the two retiring Directors (B. McEwan and V. Noble). While serving on the Nomina­ tions and Elections Committee, its mem­ bers are not eligible for election. This com­ mittee develops a slate with suggestions from the SHA Board and Society mem­ bers. A proposed slate is then discussed, approved by the Board of Directors and published in the Summer Newsletter. SHA members also have the opportu­ nity of making nominations to this slate. According to the Society By-Laws, such nominations must be supported by five (5) SHA members in good standing. To facilitate this process, a nominations form is now being employed. Nominations may be submitted to the Committee be­ fore 1 July each year. Members of the so­ ciety are encouraged to participate in this process through either suggestions or a formal nomination. Society officers must be current members of the SHA and ac­ cept the Society code of ethics. They should have experience in and a solid understanding of the field of historical archaeology. Furthermore, these indi­ viduals must be willing to devote time and effort on behalf of the SHA. It is es- sential that the SHA have a slate of highly qualified persons who would actively and Society for Historical Archaeology effectively serve in leadership positions. In 1998, the Nominations and Election Nomination for 1998 Elections Committee is also assigned the task of re­ viewing the process by which SHA offic­ Name of nominee: ers are nominated. We welcome your ------------------------------------ comments and suggestions about this Position being nominated for: 0 PRESIDENT or 0 DIRECTOR important subject. Please send all nomi­ nations (on the accompanying form) and Address: ____________________________________________________ comments regarding the nomination and election process to: Henry M. Miller, SHA Phone: ___________ Fax: ____________ EMail: __________ Nominations and Elections Committee, Historic St. Mary's
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