a \ / V ■ ■ / PAOBi TWENTY — MANCHESTEgt EVENING H E ^ L D . Manchester. Conn., Thura March 1, 1973 A n n u a l April 1 Deadline S et, W fi Panelists Favor Purchase Mo6ise;^ar Consvdtant FunM, O b i t u a r y Duels^^tart DOUG Ke v i n s ^ March 6 — when the tote’s The Weather^ Board of Directors cwisiddrs a .i, ' . ,' (Continued from Page One) ANCHORAGE,, Alaska' (AP) (Herald R dp^er) Paul J. Anderson $10,000 town contrlbutioo ^ a — ’The moose are starting to April 1 has been'set as the Cloudy tonight with a chance of sbow m , Paul J. Anderson, 76, of Commenting on the coalition wander into the streets, and . deadline far obtaining a planneris ®/4i**** low 30-35. Cloudy and mild Saturday with Farmington, formerly of of the three sponsoring gardens of Anchorage as they question.” ' showers, high around 50. ' Manchester, died Tuesday night financial Commitment from orgnnizations, she said, “ Pollu­ usiiai^ do evety '^y^ter, and Mancllester’s downtown In- at JHartfoid Hospital after tion makes strange this city of 130,000 again is Weinberg Mid a'‘ voluntary tcresto for the hiring of a plan­ contribuUon method is onb of suffering a heart attack while bedfellows.’’ taking on the appearance' of a Manvhexler—A City of Village Charm EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS ning consultant. attending the Trinity-Tufts State Comptroller Nathan several p l ^ being consideM- MANCHEfeT^aifoONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 2,1973- VOL., XCII, No. 128 zoo. « • The deadline was set this basketball game in H a^ord. Agostiiielli, who was moderator The big beasts, weighing up • — U - — ^— -------------------- ^--------- Afr. Anderson was bom Feb. morning by William Slelth, . Sleith, pressing fb t ’'^n for the forum and who was to nearly a ton, are simply chairman of the Mayor’s Down-, assessmentinethod, said d o ^ ^ , 9, 1897 in Manchester, son of Manchester’s mayor in 1967 hungry. tomi Action. Committee. Sleith town peoplCThould be ask^ for Oscar and Karen Pierson when the proposal for -The I'open spaces in and to ^ y re-emphasized that the definite amounts of moi^^ to Anderson, and had lived here purchasing iJiurel Lake was around Anchorage have an key to revitalization of the fund half of the planning < until 1957, when he moved, to boro, agreedl,with Mrs. Cohen. abundant supply, of the foods downtown area is participation consultant’s fee. Farmington. He was a graduate “ This is a historic evening,” he moose like best — such as of South Manchester High of downtown people, and he r Hold said, “ when we consider the willow and birch scrubs. suggested that downtown Characterizing himself, as School and a 1920 graduate of sponsoring coalition.” Residents of Anchorage are merchants and property owners “ dictatorial,” Sleith mentioned Tufts College.v/y»^e>'-. Agostinelll issued a call to the used to the annual visit of some . be assessed for their share of that “ people whd are iisMent Before he retired in 1962, he.^j^3„(.(,ester electorate. “ Be 800 to 1,300 moose, but they’ve about solving their own was employed as an insurance the consultant’s one-year 1 ■ to vpte'dn March 13. What learned to ^avold being blase problems will take action ]^ en underwriter at the Aetna Life is needed^s a cleafcut mandate ^ ,0 0 0 fee. about it'. ^ .. Methods of obtaining pledges they’re told what to Ho-’*'| apdCasualty Co., Hartford. from the voters of Manchester. “ My daughter demolished a of fuitds from downtown-^weie He was a member of That’s what democracy is all four-door sedian,!’ one city “ Until we engender a mats discussed at this morning’s Emanuel Lutheran Church and about. That’s why referendums official explaihed. “ She hit a „ “ unifying spirit, ’ Sleith'iaid, weekly, meeting of the had served for 12 years on the are good-they reflect the will moose who kicked the car to have to provide |the mittee. wanted to come to the United U.S. Ambassador Cleo A. Noel California for assassinating church council. He was of the people.” pieces trying to get off the leadership.” J . BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - The dispatch wns filed about financial secretary of the Robert Weinberg, who heads The Middle East News Agency an hour after the deadline set States. Jr., Jordanian charge Adly el Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. Most of the questions from hood.” , church for many years and was the committee’s ways and said today the Sudanese govern­ by the guerrillas, members of Nasser, Belgian charge Guy —Palestinian leader Abu the qudience were directed at - To help cut down the moose- In other business this taor- A band of Black September a member of the church’s Old means subcommittee, said he ment has agreed to provide a the Palestinian Black Eid and the Saudi ambassador, Daoud and 16 colleagues held in Kurker, The majority of those I automobile duel, the state ning, the Downtown Action terrorists stormed the Saudi has met with downtown plane to fly Arab guerrillas and September organization, for the his wife and children in the em­ Jordan. A)>u Daoud is a code G u ^ Qub. ^ questions concerned possible schedules special off-season Committee discussed-pressed embassy during a reception He also belonged to . bankers, who* have indicated their hostages to the United execution of their hostages if bassy. Later they released toe name for a member of toe high state plans for using hunts in urban and hi^w ay purchase of thie Purnell Parking Thursday night for the depar­ Manchester Lodge of Masons, th^ will contribute $5,000 for States from Khartoum. their demands were.|iot met. woman and children. command of A1 Fatah, the Manchester’s sqnitary landfill areas, and a special bow and Lot and a possible review of the ting U.S. charge d’affaires, G, Knights of Pythias, the ,the consultant. Weinberg isaid The Egyptian agency said in There was no anlmediate American sources said Am­ largest Palestinian organiza­ area as a regional cqllection arrow hunt at. Anchorage tax burden on the downtown ■ Chirtis Moore. / Connecticut Tufts Club and the a letter, formally fequesting .its dispatch from I^artoum explanation why the guerrillas bassador Noel was shot in the tion. point for recycling and/or for International Airport was area. ■ The guerrillas held Moore, Farmington Historical Society. contributions, wiU be sent to that the gueirillas, holding the ankle during the takeover and —Col.. Rafei Hindawi, ac­ sanitary landfill operations. started three years ago to head Survivors are his wife, Mrs. them. U.S. ambassador and four other wounded superficially, and the cused of masterminding a plot Kurker , in explaining that the off airplane-moose collisions. Sleith indicated Spme Johanna Simons AndersOn; and Weinberg favored a voluntary diplomats, also demanded fiiat Belgiannhad a bullet wound in against King Hussein of Jordan statewide study being' Herald photo by Pinto Game Biologist. Carl reservations about the ,.^m - a nephew, C. Alan Anderson of method of “ publicized two members of Sudan’s the leg. They said doctors were last year, and a Palestinian conducted by General Electric Charles Kujrker and Dr. David R. Miller. Schneider said the main fear is mittee’s former emphastt on Quincy, Mass. contributions,’’ opposing Cabinet go with them on the CoL North/Among allowed to attend them and a named Mahmoud al IGialili. and due to be released June 1 that a moose may cross a taxi purchase of the Purnell lot’, and Funeral services will’ be Sleith’s suggestion to assess flight to the United States. This wounded night watchman. —All military and. women will stress resource recovery, „much as he should have and strip while a plane, is landing or ' suggested that imprbvements Friday at 1:30 p.m. at Emanuel the purchase and at $3 per solid waste ton and at downtown merchants ahd was refused, ,the agency Two Sudanese government prisoners in Joidan. lowest possible cost and wanted to, said he is concerned, taking off. could be made to the lot without Lutheran Church. The Rev. C. improvements. He said we’ll a saving of $300,000 a year when owners on a front-footage or reported. Released POWs representatives were allowed —All Palestinian women held regionalization as the main in­ basically, over inconclusive “ There have been accidents town purchase of the property- Henry Anderson will officiate. know more after June 1, when compared to other towns and square-footage basis. into the embassy this morning in Israeli prisons. gredients of an efficient plans for leachate control. He of this type in the past,” he Burial will be in East the GE report is released. He other methods, makes sense. A newly created Central Air Force Lt. Col. Kenneth military officials had tried to negotiate with the guerrillas —Members of toe Baader- statewide effort, said also there Manchester picks up and said solving the leachate said. North, son of Mrs. Florence during the morning to reach Meinhof Gang of anarchists in Cemetery. said he will know then whether Town D e^opm ent Coun'cil of The tax burden on doWhtow® and reported all five hostages always will be a need for some problem is the key to solving In about a month, the snow Indian! North of 73 C h a ^ r Oak St., her. Friends may call at the the order will go out for ‘ ’dumps t^use and garbage at the Greater Manchester was mentioned by Sl^th, “ in good health.” They said, West Germany. landfill, however minimal. landfill control problems. will melt some and.the moose Manchester, is among toe 106 Mrs. North and the four Waticins Funeral Home, 142 E.
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