Curriculum Vitae David L. Cundall Department of Biological Sciences Office Phone: (610) 758-3679 Lehigh University Home Phone: (610) 861-6883 1 W. Packer Ave. Bethlehem, PA 18015-3001 e-mail: [email protected] Degrees: B.Sc. 1967. McGill University, Montréal, Québec. M.S. 1970. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. Ph.D. 1974. “ “ Work Experience: Instructor of Zoology, University of Arkansas, Sept. 1972 - June 1974. Assistant Professor of Biology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Sept. 1974 - Aug. 1975. Assistant Professor of Biology, Lehigh University, Sept. 1975 - Aug. 1980. Associate Professor of Biology, Lehigh University, Sept. 1980 - Aug. 1992. Professor of Psychology, Lehigh University, Sept. 1992 - Aug. 1995 Professor of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University, Sept. 1995-present Courses Taught at Lehigh: 1. Introductory biology for both majors and non-majors. 2. Introductory vertebrate zoology (taught with one lab a week: designed the labs and wrote a lab manual). 3. Comparative vertebrate anatomy (with two labs a week). 4. Vertebrate field biology, vertebrate natural history (introductory field ecology course with six weekend field trips). 5. Invertebrate zoology (with two labs a week). 6. Genetics (taught twice). 7. Vertebrate Development (with two labs a week). 8. Vertebrate Histology (with two labs a week). 9. Evolution (taught 1/3 of course once) 10. Functional and Evolutionary Morphology (graduate level, with labs and demonstrations). 11. Experimental neuroscience (lab course developed and taught for two years for a neuroscience major that previously had no lab courses). 12. Herpetology/ Advances in Herpetology (undergraduate and graduate level, with labs and field trips). 13. Systematics and Evolution (graduate level). 14. Shapes in Nature (college seminar course—taught once). D. Cundall—Curriculum Vitae—2 Courses Taught at Lehigh: 15. Integrative and Comparative Biology (sophomore introductory core course: designed and developed half the course and labs/ co-taught with C. Saldanha for five years: 2004-2008 and Murray Itzkowitz, 2015-present) Thesis and Dissertation: Chromosomal analysis of three North American species of water snakes (genus Natrix). M.S. thesis, Univ. Arkansas, 1970. Advisor: William L. Evans The cranial osteology and myology of the green snakes, genus Opheodrys. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. Arkansas, 1974. Advisor: J. Martin Walker. Publications: Refereed articles and book chapters 1. Cundall, D. 1973. Variations in trigeminal foramen morphology in the snake genus Opheodrys. HISS News-Journ. 1, 17. 2. Cundall, D., C. Gans 1979. Feeding in water snakes: An electromyographic study. J. Exp. Zool. 209, 189-208. 3. Cundall, D. 1981. Cranial osteology of the colubrid snake genus Opheodrys. Copeia 1981, 352-371. 4. Reinert, H. K., D. Cundall 1982. An improved surgical implantation method for radio- tracking snakes. Copeia 1982, 702-705. 5. Cundall, D. 1983. Activity of head muscles during feeding by snakes: A comparative study. Amer. Zool. 23, 383-396. 6. Erdman, S., D. Cundall 1984. The feeding apparatus of the salamander, Amphiuma tridactylum: Morphology and behavior. J. Morphol. 181, 175-204. 7. Reinert, H. K., D. Cundall, L. M. Bushar 1984. Foraging behavior of the timber rattlesnake, Crotalus horridus. Copeia 1984, 976-981. 8. Guilday, J. E., J. Cotter, D. Cundall, E. Evenson, J. Gatewood, A. V. Morgan, A. Morgan, A. McCrady, D. Peteet, R. Stuckenrath, K. Vanderwal. 1984. Paleoecology of an early Pleistocene (Irvingtonian) cenote: Preliminary report on the Hanover Quarry No. 1 fissure, Adams County, Pennsylvania. p. 119-132. In: Correlation of Quaternary Chronologies, W. C. Mahaney (Ed.). Geo Books, Norwich, England. D. Cundall—Curriculum Vitae—3 9. Cundall, D., D. A. Rossman 1984. Quantitative comparisons of skull form in the colubrid snake genera Farancia and Pseudoeryx. Herpetologica 40, 388-405. 10. Cundall, D. 1986. Variations of the cephalic muscles in the colubrid snake genera Entechinus, Opheodrys, and Symphimus. J. Morphol. 187, 1-21. 11. Cundall, D., F. J. Irish 1986. Aspects of locomotor and feeding behavior in the Round Island boa, Casarea dussumieri. Dodo, J. Jersey Wildl. Preserv. Trust 23, 108-111. 12. Cundall, D. 1987. Functional morphology, p. 106-140. In: Snakes: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, R. A. Seigel, J. T. Collins, and S. S. Novak (Eds.). Macmillan, New York. 13. Cundall, D., J. Lorenz-Elwood, J. D. Groves.1987. Asymmetric suction feeding in primitive salamanders. Experientia 43, 1229-1231. 14. Cundall, D., F. J. Irish. 1989. The function of the intramaxillary joint in the Round Island boa, Casarea dussumieri. J. Zool., Lond. 217, 569-598. 15. Cundall, D., D. A. Rossman. 1993. Cephalic anatomy of the rare Indonesian snake Anomochilus weberi. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 109, 235-273. 16. Cundall, D., V. Wallach, D. A. Rossman. 1993. The systematic relationships of the snake genus Anomochilus. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 109, 275-299. 17. Elwood, J. R. L., D. Cundall 1994. Behavior and morphology of the feeding apparatus in Cryptobranchus alleganiensis (Amphibia: Caudata). J. Morphol. 220, 47-70. 18. Cundall, D., J. Shardo. 1995. Rhinokinetic snout of thamnophiine snakes. J. Morphol. 225, 31-50. 19. Cundall, D. 1995. Feeding behaviour in Cylindrophis and its bearing on the evolution of alethinophidian snakes. J. Zool., Lond. 237, 353-376. 20. Cundall, D., A. Deufel. 1999. Striking patterns in booid snakes. Copeia 1999, 868-883. 21. Deufel, A., D. Cundall. 1999. Do booids stab prey? Copeia 1999, 1102-1107. 22. Cundall, D., H. W. Greene. 2000. Feeding in snakes, pp. 293-333. In: Feeding: Form, Function, and Evolution in Tetrapod Vertebrates. K. Schwenk (Ed.). Academic Press, San Diego. D. Cundall—Curriculum Vitae—4 23. Cundall, D. 2000. Drinking in snakes: kinematic cycling and water transport. J. Exp. Biol. 203, 2171-2185. 24. Cundall, D., S. J. Beaupre. 2001. Field records of predatory strike kinematics in timber rattlesnakes, Crotalus horridus. Amphibia-Reptilia 22, 492-498. 25. Cundall, D. 2002 Envenomation strategies, head form, and feeding ecology in vipers, pp. 149-161. In: Biology of the Vipers, G. Schuett, M. Höggren, M. E. Douglas, and H. W. Greene (eds.). Eagle Mountain Publishing, Utah. 26. Deufel, A., D. Cundall. 2003. Feeding in Atractaspis (Serpentes: Atractaspididae): A study in conflicting functional constraints. Zoology 106, 43-61. 27. Deufel, A., D. Cundall. 2003. Prey transport in “palatine-erecting” elapid snakes. J. Morphol. 258, 358-375. 28. Cundall, D., A. Deufel. 2006. Influence of the venom delivery system on intraoral prey transport in snakes. Zool. Anz. 245, 193-210. 29. Deufel, A., D. Cundall. 2006. Functional plasticity of the venom delivery system in snakes with a focus on the poststrike prey release behavior. Zool. Anz. 245, 249-267. 30. Cundall, D., A. Deufel, F. Irish. 2007. Feeding in boas and pythons: motor recruitment patterns during striking, pp. 169-197. In: Biology of the Boas and Pythons, R. W. Henderson and R. Powell (eds.), Eagle Mountain Publishing, Utah. 31. Buckley, C. A., J. E. Schneider, D. Cundall. 2007. Kinematic analysis of an appetitive food- handling behavior: The functional morphology of Syrian hamster cheek pouches. J. Exp. Biol. 210, 3096-3106. 32. Pattishall, A., D. Cundall. 2008. Dynamic changes in body form during swimming in water snakes, Nerodia sipedon. Zoology 111, 48-61. 33. Pattishall, A., D. Cundall. 2008. Spatial biology of Northern Watersnakes (Nerodia sipedon) living along an urban stream. Copeia 2008, 752-762. 34. Cundall, D., F. J. Irish. 2008. The snake skull, pp. 349-692. In: Biology of the Reptilia, Vol. 20, Morphology H, C. Gans, A. S. Gaunt, and K. Adler (eds.). SSAR, Ithaca, New York. 35. Cundall, D. 2009. Viper fangs: functional limitations of extreme teeth. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 82, 63-79. D. Cundall—Curriculum Vitae—5 36. Pattishall, A., D. Cundall. 2009. Habitat use by synurbic watersnakes (Nerodia sipedon). Herpetologica 65, 183-198. 37. Deufel, A., D. Cundall. 2010. Functional morphology of the palato-maxillary apparatus in “palatine dragging” snakes (Serpentes: Elapidae: Acanthophis, Oxyuranus). J. Morphol. 271, 73-85. 38. Cundall, D., A. Pattishall. 2011. Foraging time investment in an urban population of watersnakes (Nerodia sipedon). J. Herpetol. 45, 174-177. 39. Cundall, D., E. L. Brainerd, J. A. Constantino, A. Deufel, D. Grapski, N. Kley. 2012. Drinking in snakes: resolving a biomechanical puzzle. J. Exp. Zool. 317, 152-172. 40. Close, M., D. Cundall. 2012. Mammals as prey: Estimating ingestible size. J. Morphol. 273, 1042-1049. 41. Close, M., D. Cundall. 2014. Snake lower jaw skin: Extension and recovery of a hyperextensible keratinized integument. J. Exp. Zool. 321A, 78-97. 42. Cundall, D., C. Tuttman, M. Close. 2014. A model of the anterior esophagus in snakes, with functional and developmental implications. Anat. Rec. 297, 586-598. 43. Close, M., S. Perni, C. Franzini-Armstrong, D. Cundall. 2014. Highly extensible skeletal muscle in snakes. J. Exp. Biol. 217, 2445-2448. 44. Cundall, D., A. Deufel, G. MacGregor, A. Pattishall, M. Richter. 2016. Effects of size, condition, measurer and time on measurements of snakes. Herpetologica 72, 227-234. 45. Fernandez, E., F. Irish, D. Cundall. 2017. How a frog, Pipa pipa, succeeds or fails in catching fish. Copeia 105, 108-119. 46. Cundall, D., E. Fernandez, F. Irish. 2017. The suction mechanism of the pipid frog, Pipa pipa (Linnaeus, 1758). J. Morphol. 278, 1229-1240. Published reviews and comments: 1. Cundall, D. 1993. Review of “Australian Snakes: A Natural History,” by Richard Shine. Copeia1993: 908-911. 2. Cundall, D. 1999. Review of “Biology of the Reptilia, Vol. 19. Morphology G. Visceral organs,” edited by Carl Gans and Abbot S. Gaunt. Copeia 1999: 847-850. Cundall—Curriculum Vitae—6 3. Cundall, D. 1999. Review of “A Kansas Snake Community: Composition and Changes Over 50 Years,” by Henry S. Fitch. Quart. Rev. Biol. 74: 487-488. 4. Greene, H. W. and D. Cundall. 2000. Perspectives: Evolutionary Biology: Limbless tetrapods and snakes with legs. Science 287:1939-1941. 5. Cundall, D. 2014. Review of “How Snakes Work: Structure, Function, and Behavior of the World’s Snakes” by Harvey B.
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