Order in Council 810/1924

Order in Council 810/1924

A 3 3 f"." Approved and ordered this 2. / - day of , A.D. 1924. antGovernor. i At the Executive Council Chamber, Victoria, PRESENT: The Honourable Mr. 11; •r in the Chair. Mr. rt Mr. ! (,. n Mr. Cf)fl 11 Mr. Mr. r Mr. Mr. To His Honour The Lieutenant-Governor in Council: The undersigned has the honour to .1;.a under t.'r . ,v i et; r, 2 'f ectlon ii of the Prnvinci_•,1 ,.1-(•' on; hqsr nitre on tAlf, , :„ )1 it, . 1 . 11,!lin the -lector .1 Li..-Itriet. In ....111.ph they recide reepeetively:- D this ( of J :'1•• . APP0OV::l. this d4y of ' 4 t'nti i:recuttvp Counell. ?s, 4 E NvINCI14 EILECTIOs CO:VISs. ina ALBERNI ELECTORAL DISTRICT, Browne, Harry Hughes Alberni Cox, Charles A. " Motion, James R. " Lynn, Albert A. " Paterson, John 1. w Johnson, Edward C. Pninbridge Markes, George W. of McKay, Mrs. Annie S. Brimfield Gilmore, Jrmer E. Cachelot Christensen, Chas. B. Crpe Scott Dawley, Clarence Clayoquot Bellamy, Augustus H. Kildonan Dane, Bernard T. San Joseph Bay P.O. l-ake Stafford, Henry I. Nootka Johnstone, James C. Port Alberni Roseborough, Sariuel G. " Wood, Alex. B. a Nordstrom, George Quatsino Shuttleworth, Henry Strnndby Cooper, John P. Tofino Kvarno, John H. Ucluelet Johnson, Richard T. " Blakemore, 'im. L. River Rd. Alberni Glassford, ,Thos.S. Alberni lotion, Jas. Gordon " Lade, John B. Port Alberni LcEackeen, Norman A. " Proctor, Melford L. " Hart, Bert Ira " Vaughan, Burton L. w Vaughan, Robert C. 1, Buttery, George rrington Braddock, Arthur D. " Crawford, David II Feary, Edward J. " McBey, Thos. P. Cameron Lkke Hodgson, Richard H. hilliere Byeregaard, Christian Holherg Ireland, Henry W. Red Gap Hardy, Chas. R. Nanooee Bey Lord, A. R. Nootka Rushton, Harry Parksville Rushton, Percy et Davis, Lewis T. Parksville Johnson, Wm. w Cochrane, Everett R.V.G. ucluelet Metral, Leopold i‘ellington Gordon, Wm. D. taakkimaxfoluk Viellingtoe Hacklorth, Vm. C. cualicum Beach Hil'., Andrew C. w ackenvie, Colin R. " Fry, S. W. v Grant, Duncan Alexander Aigitrir' B. C. PRoviticIA,JLMINLOPIMIUMEK LIBERAL AURANI_Ek.ECTOB6id_W STRICT Michek, John Wellington P.D., Grant, h .0 Burke, Margaret ,aberni, B. C. Prescott, W. R. H. It II McNiff, J. A. II II MacKenzie, Duncan Eildonan, B. C. Jennings, E. F. Bamfield, B. C. Campbell, Murdo Port Alberni, B. C. Paul, James tl II II It Kneen, Alfred n n It It Bishop, Y. Harold II II It It It tt It Gustafson, Chas. " 3 4 Millar, James Lees Ihousat Forrest, Geo. Alberni Whyte, Ed. Milne Alberni Rumney, Alfred Bainbridge Brady, Mary Maude Bamfield Janet, John Bamfield Riddell, David H Cachalot Spencer, David Alfred Cape Scott Mitchela, John H Clayoquot Moser, Chas. L. Clayoquot Ford, Walter Coombs West, John Andrew Coombs Greig, Irwin Henry Errington Taylor, Andrew H Errington Binns, Chas. C. Pt. Alberni Gueulette, Alex Nanoose Bay Park, Arthur Nootka Maben, James Pachena Bay Ford, Allan Walter Parksville Hirst, Thos. Harris Parksville Fawcitt, Chas 5th Ave Alberni(Pt.) Fowlie, Helen 8th Ave. Pt. Alberni Hanna, Roy Francis Pt. Alberni Macfie, Archibald Campbell Pt. Alberni Martin, Colin Russell 6th Ave. Pt. Alberni Weaver, Fred Geo. 6th Ave. Pt. Alberni Fraser, Alex Norman Qualicum Beach. Everson, Eddijus Quatsino. Cooper, John Pirie Long Beach, Tofino Frr.ser, Wm. Bremner Ucluelet Baggers, Walter Ed. Ucluelet. Taylor, Eobt. Nanoose, Errington. Kinkade, Thos Little Qualicum. Cook, Thos Wellington Bernard G. M. Parksville ■ G.- CONSERVATIVES rhLainCik., EuECII04S CO:AMiSSIA/NEE si.cla10.1 LuEGTOR,iw OIS1RIJA Ponsford, Herbert F .t urilicum beach, Y.I. hnckworth, Wm. Cuthbert burgoin, Tnou. Wm. Coombc, V.l. Sidney, H. Jennings Hillier:, V.i. Hodgson, hicnxrd narrison Gordon, MI. Visilington, V.I. Roberts, James 10:noosc Thick, Chas. "red LuntzvilLe, H.C. Grant, uunc.An Alexander Torino, b.C. Page, Herbert V.S. 4uulicum Beach Braine, Frank Bamfield, B. C. Griffiths, Ernest WM. Port Alberni, B. Co Hamilton, Walter Charles Port Alberni, B. C. Strain, H.P.. 11 It Matterson, Joseph Sutherland. 11 11 .James Kingsley Parksville. Leopold Metral !'Wellington. William Drummond Gordon Wellington John Cyril Bailey Parksville. PROVINCIAL EI,EcTios cgidyissIppm. AT40_44c704_KmicT Bruggy, George Washington Alice Arm, B.(. Miles Percy Donald Stephen Dumas Allan Falconer Neil Forbes John Five Charles E. Hutchinson Mrs. Achsah F. Kergin Henderson McLellan Mann William McFarlane John E. Stark Mrs. Gertie E. Trinder Joseph Wells Alexander H. Beaton Anyox, B. C. Frederick F. Brown Horace B. Chapman Alexander Crone Septimus A. Down " James Foxley Charles A. Gray Oswald J. Hutchings Walter Jones Albert J. La Fortune Frank Thos. Larson Oscar Gerald Macintyre Robert H. panzer Frederick Charles Morrow " Andrew Selden McDonald Daniel Luke McIntominey Charles McLachlan " Mrs. Minnie D. McTaggart Arthur Smith Nickerson Alexander Wilson Seaton John Smith Edwin J. Waterman Richard J. A. Manning Anyox Mine Thomas N. Murptly Martin McHale Jack Ritchie Edmond J. Wall, Jr. Wm. Bray Conroy Atlin James Butterworth Kershaw Robert Alexander McMath Roxborough William Noel Dease Lake Robert Quinn Lyman T. Hodges Discovery Reginald Brook Engineer Mine Charles S. Gordon Grease Harbour Watson Dores Noble Mill Bay Graham Chambers Naas Harbour Harry Cecil Bennett Stewart Walter Gordon Broad John Campbell William J. Crawford Jacob Philip Hawkinson George B. Laurence John Mellor Duncan McLean Angus McLeod Archibald N. Paterson Henry E. Scovil John A. Stephen Henry Alexander Wbillans Charles Wm. Vance Telegraph Creek. Bert Shelton Anyox PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS COMMISSIONER ATLIN - 2 - Macintyre, Oscar Gerald .. Anyox. Murdock, James Anyox. Campanella Nicola Anyox. Hennessy, Michael Anyox. Singleton, Thos. F, Anyox. Farrelly, Richard Anyox. McCartney, Henry Anyox. Kruzich, Chas. Anyox. McIntyre, Chas. Anyox. Strand, Robt. Anyox. CON4EIIVTIV4 kili).444 4.A1 E.4TlyPLck4wilsIiAERs- John Francis CaiiLreath Telegr4,i1 Creek Fraser, GoorEe Stewart, Gigot, i,E. Anyox, b.L. tnrierEon, John Alice Arm Shelton, kertie Anyox Dunham Atlin Scott, John. Stewart. Clegg, J. V. • Gigot, F. B. • Love, Ernest • Marvin, H. G. • MacDonald, Simon Premier Mine. Orr, William S. B. C. Silver Mine. :.:urnaby, I,. C. Dudley Lt.yos 13.1.J - 4th Av.!, i'ut, C.. 1,16). n1 11 er . 7. 1:17 • 7. 2e ter 7. Joc,(Th dm. LI. 11 :, • :d 1 ; . —•4• :)avid L. • er 7. ..- A101.1 :0,14 • • Walter • • Logie, Thoe. D. 2215 York St. Burnaby Johnson, Eleanor ;;;. 1220 11th Ave. New Westmineter Manuel, Simeon v.. 2760 Cassie Ave. Burnaby Baine, Archibald C. 6961 Elson eve. ft Kelly, David 4700 Pandora St. Vancouver Auld, John W. 4035 Pandora St. " Reynolds, Kate 4525 Boundary Pd. Burnaby Anthony, tm. J. 6964 Pandora St. Vancouver cIvor, John A. 220 North Boundary Rd. Burnaby Watson, John A. 1E99 35tr t. South Vancouver Beaton, Daniel m. 5694 Hastings St. E. Burnaby Smith, Capt.Clifford New V.estminster. Giddings, Mrs. Annie 1825 Hedley St. McDonald, John W. 1608 17th Ave. New rvestmr. Turner, W.S. Cor.Dou, las Re;. Burris St. Nunn, (has. D. 958 14th Ave. Burnaby. Cook, Edward V.I. Clydesdale Ft. Broadview, Ardley P.O. Mitchell, John Manor Street, Burnaby. Backhus, Cyril C. 1867 - 39th Ave. East Backhus, Mrs.Mary 1867 - 39th Ave. Last Auir, Andrew 5056 Robinson St. MacDonald, Welter A. 1928 Wolfe St. West, Frederick 1777 - 42nd Ave. Fast Jarvis, James S. 1856 - 28th Ave. East krincle Locke Hilkirson - winLsway, burn4ty Lharle3 Hugh Smith M597 herr St., burwity Mrs. Latherine kinlayFcn - 4dbo-4:.rd Ave. Ent, burnlbj Ford, Aden Casselman dud Park St. Moss, Margaret. 255e - 48th Ave. East. Hyde, Giera Edith AcCmrtnej, JF,Tiel. mu, tLj 7 .tltht Nev. Ze.Ttr. Brown, hotert lice 127-re.th Ave. fuup;, Ernest :64-lith v. Grcon, trulk ;:t-nley Dc.,t4 .• , AnoL, rJ Lrt UI L Philfpr, '031. i-n.rker Err . " 569k Eastingo Z. Burnaby. Beaton, Daniel Ave. Burnaby. Watson.; William Roldom to° -r 444 J. 4, • WO . l'ri,•!? . r_^ 48ti- Av,. " " u . .. 27 •7: 49th .tiv. " if . ::-.: :inert "...3. " If . ...... ..............0 Joyco 7'.1. " 9 .. .... !fl/.9 inner L:t. " u 77 7rd1orlch ....t. Bee'..'est "r_19 :.elz.on Avc. if u • .. of .08 • • 8 • '347 12th Avo, " u if : •••• • • • •••••••• . -910 ..:J.11A,-; St. •,1" ,•, -•• •• if IT 40 .. 724 rolcon Ave. nE19 Booth Ave. if 1, 11 • 1:729 17th Ave. " 1 • ft u • •••• • ••• • 207 Antrim Ave. 44i ' .44 .... •• -745 7nion A-. Vancouver -•i.t -- .._• _.11 jo11.-•••••••••••••• '!-99 FastinE3e 2t. Vuncr. Hire, " 1 -,... .........47199 Ha:Aingc St a:: 111 iitb3, C. BrEndret, ....a..: P.O., Burnaby 6:lith, J• -- .rdle:, F.O., lirr.aby 2olaom, 17:_Jt7:.c- J ....... .... .. 7201 'Iactin,:s St. L., " -1 7-a:- .7.. _:o-. Wootr. u '..r.:•11_.' A. ._ .'seee•Geoessoos.. ...:::71.; Siflez, .:t. " Cot-, Iller, 4007 Imperial "..t.-1:nw Wootr. 3ec.r7,?, ■■-altr..,r ::.... ...... ... ........... .....:-759 ::!-7.: _t. " :1:11, 'Cm. M . ... ............. ...299L, •.....:A;.- ..1:-!. If ff 7ov(7-, 1,)raon rice..... ..1:00 aoyul 00- Avw." ff norr, -4.,:- laitab..........,. 2919 Silver AT. • " if ::••nucl, ,,Imeon ..;!:-!- ....2.7i0 Casnie Ave. " I/ 11 9 2eynold2, 2obt, J. .00. ... .15Z9 3urk St. 7utton, '.;has. Elwar .... 80. ..1747 44th Ave. E. Taylor, Preioricir John.. ..... ..... 5052 Robinson St., Watson, .7olin 'Llexander.. 5260 Robinson St., Ice-, .70 -:7'az .. 5210 Keefer St. Capitol Hill; N. Burnaby, B. C. Lehman; Herbert 4604 Keefer St. Amid; John Millie 4035 Pandora St.', Kaighan, Herbert 3822 Hastings St. B. Cassidy; Mrs. Bessie 3820 Pander St. B. Carson, Mrs. Margaret 3754 Union St.; tillson, Wm. Tait 2714 akcKay Ave.New Westr. Murray, Lucy Kate 2788 Willingdon Ave. " Scott, Walter Hilton 4207 Kingsway ix.. " Lait, Wm. H. 3207 Kathleen Ave. McFadyen, John 3438 Portland St. Charpentier, Joseph 3727 Union St, Dougherty, Mrs. Drama M. 3745 Edinburgh St. Grieve, Wm. E. 3925 Triumph St, Hines, Charles W. 3710 Venable° St. Kelly, David Lot 5, Block 1, D.L. 187 Stubbert, P. Henry 4017 Hastings St.

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