FILKSONGS AS MODERN FOLK SONGS to ten pages, contributed by different fan composers. These present not only newly-cornposed songs but com- by ments on previous issues, questions, suggestions, ar- Ediili Fowke guments and reports on the f11ksinging at various cons. Another small magazine called Kantele3 reproduces songs that are already popular, aIon~ news, reports, [This article originally appeared in CANADIAN and articles about f11ksinging. The little magazines have FOlKLORECANADIEN, vol. 7 (1985); earlier versions small mailing lists - APA-FiIk normally ran off only 50 were given at the AFS meetingin Pittsburgh,1980, and copies - and the price was little more than the cost of the FSAC meeting in Winnipeg, 1986. Reprinted by paper and postage. No one is paid for the work that goes permission.- Ed.] into them: they are clearly labours of love. Filksongs are songsS\D1g by science-fictionfans at Someof dIe consproduce dteir own f11ksongbooks, the numerousscience-fiction conventions - or "cons", and dIe New England Science Fiction Association as they are termed. Usually their texts are inspired by (NESFA) published a more ambitious NESFA SF or fan-related activities and are set to borrowed ~.4 The largest compilation is The HOjjS1a tunes. The origin of the term "[Ilk" is obscure: one !!!!!!!!!!.S which containsov~ 300 songs. explanationattributes it to a typographicalerror adopted as a form of esoteric humour; another postulatesan Gradually dIe filksong publications are becoming \mknownpunster who said "A filksong is a fannishsong more professional. Wh~e APA-Filk and Kantelewere in the ilk of a folksong."l However the term originated, mimeographed,the two hymnalswere repr~ from it is now a familiar part of SF fandom'svocabulary. typescript.More recently a California group has begun publishingbetter-quality songbooks, dIe latestof which Sung by an enonnousbody of fans, fiIksongs are arein regulartype.6 much closer to folk songs than the compositionsof professionalsingers like Gordon Lightfoot and Jom While most songs originally had a single author, Mitchell which are commonly referredto as "folk". SF somehave multiple authorsand innumerableverses, a fans are a definite folk group with their own special situation that would have gladdenedthe hearts of the language,and filksinging is a folk activity that has proponentsof communalcomposition. The most volu- developeddefinite patterns. minousof the widely-sungnumbers is "Real Old Time Religion"7 with over 250 versesby more than 50 au- Most fans learn the filksongs orally from hearing thors. More interesting is the one known as "Young them at cons,and many copy the songsin notebooksas Man Mulligan",8 which combines the pattern of two some traditional singers did. Others record them on familiar songs:"I Was Born About Ten ThousandYears cassettesand learn them that way. The texts acquire Ago", and Woody Guthrie's "The Biggest Thing That variations,lose. stanzas, and havenew ones added.The Man Has Ever Done". One compiledversion runs to 68 singerswho pick up the songsfrom hearingthem sung versesby 29 authors,and it's still growing. The verses often do not know who wrote them. alternatebetween the two patterns,as Odettaand Larry sangthe originals on an old record,9 only this time the Filksinginghad its startback in the 1950sbut did not referencesare to sciencefiction rather than to Biblical become prominent until the 1970s. Then various and historical tales.The song incorporatesso many SF filksong authorsand groupsof fansbegan to publish the and fantasy referencesthat a condensedkey of 150 songs.The authors started to circulate them through items is needed to explain them. Another lengthy privatemimeographed magazines (always referred to as communally-com~sed prod\K:tion is "The Orcs' "zines"). This may be comparedto the spreadingof Marching Song", 0 basedon the Tolkien books; it has balladsby broadsides,except that the broadsideswere some40 versesby at least15 authors. published for commercial reasons and most of the filksong publications are not. The Amateur PressAs- Many fans use the tenD"filksong" very loosely,ap- sociation- the APA - includes various non-profit co- parently meaning any modern set of words with a operative periodicals, one of which is APA-Filk.2 It familiar tune. For example.Juanita Coulson, a well- consistsof someeight to ten sectionsranging from two 4 known singer-comIX>ser,referred to The Bosses' and the concentrationwill be on those dealing with Songbook,a small typescript pamphlet produced by some aspectof science-fictionrather than with fantasy RichardEllington in the 1950s,as the earliest filksong or medievalthemes. collection.I I It contained satirical verses parodying familiar labour songsbut had nothing to do with science As with traditional folksongs, some tunes are used fiction. for various sets of words, the most poJX1larbeing "Greensleeves"and "The Battle Hymn of the Republic", Of courseat f1lksingsone hearsmany other types of each used for more than 20 songs.There are over a songbesides those composedon SF themes.Most fan dozen parodiesof 'The Twelve Days of Christmas", collectionsinclude some traditional folksongs,with the and severallaments in 'The UnfortunateRake" pattern. emphasison the bawdy ones. 'The Bastard King of Also, as with folksongs,particular texts are sometimes England",'The Ball of Kerriemuir", "Roll Me Over", sungto different nines. "Eskimo Nell", and "Gang Bang Lulu" are all popular. So are some pop songs that turn up in folk circles, Typical of the parodiesis "The Asteroid Light" by usually somewhatunusual items like "Woad", "Rum, John Boardman: 13 By Gum", "Completely Round", and the Tom Lehrer My filltez wu lite keeperof lite utcroid lighL compositions.Kipling's songs also rank high, along He slept willt I MIllion me fine nighL with some contemporarysongs like "Barrett's Priva- 0In of lItia matchcame childrat thnoc: teers" and "The Band Played Waltzing Matilda". This Two weremullnll andthe oIhezwu me. broadrepertoire should be kept in miIKl, but such stan- Also close to the original pattern in John Brunner's dardsare not termedfilksongs even by thosewho term "Lullaby for Mad Scientist's Daughter":14 all parodiesfiJksongs. There is, however,a tendencyto Hush little baby, OOIlon your lip. narrow the catefory. As MargaretMiddleton, editor of Pope'l gOlDtI build you I rcx:ket lhip. Kantele, put it: I If IItlt rocket _hip lbort, Pope'- gonnl build you an aquanluL "Defining fiIk is nearly as hard as deEmingSF. I've always assumedthat a ~g wu a ICXIgwnUat roughly in the pleaCltt Eaually obvious is "The Spacewreckof the Old and ref=ing 10 anything rI(X1-mW1dane,be it historical .. 97":I~ futuristic, .. just llrange. Things wnUat in the distant put are folk .. straightballada, thinp wnUat in the pleaClttbut referring They give him hi- orcle:. It the satd1itc stalim 10mundani.. while they may be Ihoralghly entertaming.are not Saying "Steve, here'llIte cwrsc IItlt yoo mull UIc. lea1IyfiJksoog - parodies,pe.bapc, but n.. fi1k. Used u a verb, The Iitcroids Ire tricky and lite solar ItOnnI Ire sticky. however,'10 fllk' meana10 mangle an exiatingusually mW1dane But we've oIhez volunt=- if you 1d'uIC." song inlo a fllksoog. u in 'Pool Andersoo fllked "Waltzing Matilda" and got 'Bouncing PotatoCl.'Aasuch it usually involv~ And there's also "Spacey Jones": 16 frivolous lOOp. Seriousaongs are rarely filked; they are usually written from scratch.pem&pl 10 an extanttune. " COIMIII ye IplCaIla1 if yoo want to hear The -tory of I greatplanet-. Whenwe start to classify the more specific filksongs SpeceyJones wu lite pil"'- name; we fmd that they illustrate nicely the folk pattern of On I fud-ooming rcx:kct,boys, he won hiI fame. threes.Most of them are inspiredby one of threegroups I particularly like "Centauri Fair", patterned on of imaginative literature: straight sciencefiction, fan- "Scarborough Fair": 17 tasy, or the medieval themescelebrated in the Society Oh, Ire you going to Centauri Flir? for Creative Anachronism. There are three types of Stanhip flight and tIIvel in time. filksong: parodiesof familiar songs,songs with original Remember me to ooe who IivCllltere. textsset to familiar tunes,and songswith original tunes F.. once she WI- I tNC love of mine. as well as texts. In subject matter they include songs Tell her to take fran I ..-net ill tail . expressinggeneral concepts about science-fiction,fan- And sail lite stan 00 I great Iilvez sail . tasy,or the Middle Ages, and fannishsongs about cons, Tell her to find me I planet of gold. writers, or lines. (It's remarkable how the threefold A world where mm need never grow old. pattempersists!) Tell her to follow lite second'- swift way . And chlnge lite pattern of ycstcrdlY . The filksongs will be interpreted more narrowly here Other typical parodiesinclude "What Shall We Do with And when it is grown then my own little clone the Drunken Spaceman?","This Planet's My Land", Will be of the opposite sex. "The SpaceOpera Goes Rolling Along", 'The Man The secondclassification related to subject matter Who Never Returned", 'The Lament of the Dorsai coversthose inspired by particularnovels, short stories, Warrior" to "The Streetsof Laredo", "Where Can the or films. This is Jrobably the largest group: there are Matter Be?" to "Johnny's So Long at the Fair", "Star literally dozensof songs about Gordon R. Dickson's Dance" to "Lord of the Dance", and 'The Talking Dorsai series, some of which he wrote himself and ScienceFiction Blues". many written by fans.The best known are 'The Ballad of JacquesChretien",
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