2001annual report nsw department of sport and recreation ISSN 1329–783X This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the NSW Department of Sport and Recreation. Published by NSW Department of Sport and Recreation 6 Figtree Drive Homebush Bay NSW 2127 Locked Bag 1422 Concord West DC NSW 2138 tel. (02) 9006 3700 fax. (02) 9006 3800 tty (02) 9006 3701 Project Manager John Egan Writer Kay Fay Concept and Design Jacqui Maddren Photography NSW Department of Sport and Recreation National Sport Information Centre, Australian Sports Commission Serena Ovens C. Moore Hardy, Starfish Studio Printing Bloxham & Chambers This report is also available on our website at www.dsr.nsw.gov.au contents page Executive summary 3 Introduction 2 About the NSW Department of Sport and Recreation 6 Achievements 8 Performance summary 18 Financial summary 22 Performance reports 23 Organisational chart and executive 25 Sport and recreation development 26 Quality management 54 Communicating with customers 62 Financial reports 67 NSW Department of Sport and Recreation 69 Eastern Creek Raceway 98 Appendices 111 Index 152 1 introduction The NSW Department of Sport and Recreation brings a wide range The report is divided into four areas: of sport and recreation programs to communities around the state. • the executive summary gives a Our sport and recreation facilities are located throughout NSW history of the department, includes in mountains, on lakes, rivers, the coast and western plains. highlights of the year, compares outcomes, outputs and inputs over The 2000/01 annual report highlights the range of sport and the last five years, and provides recreation opportunities the department provides and the strong a financial summary community ties it has forged. • the performance reports show how we carried out the strategies to meet To encourage community interest in healthy physical activity, our three aims that are set out in the department is constantly developing new programs and the corporate plan 1999–2003 improving sport infrastructure. There is also a strong emphasis • the financial report details financial on working with industry partners and government agencies as statements for the NSW Department well as communities, especially those that are disadvantaged. of Sport and Recreation and Eastern Creek Raceway • the appendices contain information that complies with the legislative reporting requirements for annual reports of NSW government departments. 2 executive summary executive summary 5 about the nsw department of sport and As a peak provider of sport and recreation facilities and programs, the department occupies a unique and influential position, promoting the health and well being of the people in our community. The department is committed to adding significant value to recreation services throughout NSW through its diverse range of programs. Our eight regions assist local communities to develop and make best use of their resources so that quality sport and recreation services are available to help the community get active. Regional offices provide services such as sport and recreation programs for children during school holidays, learn to swim programs, introductory sport and recreation programs for older adults, training programs for volunteers, help develop sporting clubs, and give assistance in preparing grant applications. Our 11 sport and recreation centres including the renowned Sydney Academy of Sport and Recreation at Narrabeen and the Winter Academy of Sport and Recreation at Jindabyne offer outdoor education programs for primary and secondary students which link to their curriculum, activity programs during school holidays, access to facilities to enable community based sporting groups to conduct their own programs, and self contained holiday units available for use by individuals, family or community groups. Our three regional academies of sport nurture talented athletes to achieve their potential in their chosen sport, and develop coaches, officials and sports administrators. Because sport and recreation are important factors in linking communities, the department is working with industry and the community to achieve common and lasting outcomes, building cooperation between government agencies, seeking maximum leverage for its resources, influencing outcomes through grants and partnerships, and improving networks through the introduction of improved technology. A major challenge is to increase awareness that there is more to sport than just the playing. As well as improving quality of life, physical activity develops self esteem in young people, helps youth at risk, maintains the fitness and well being of senior citizens, and provides the opportunity to develop athletic talent. 6 recreation Purpose History SPORTS ADVISORY COUNCIL The Sports Advisory Council, Assist the people of NSW to participate The NSW Department of Sport and established in 1978, provides advice in sport and recreation Recreation was established in 1971 to the Minister for Sport and as a NSW Government department to: Recreation on issues concerning • assist with the development of the development of sport in NSW. Vision sport and recreation facilities The Council makes recommendations and organisations to the Minister on inductees into the NSW Hall of Champions and makes A community that uses sport and • help aspiring athletes recommendations on a range of recreation to improve its well being • provide programs and services grants for: that encourage the participation • athletes under the Country Athlete of the NSW community in sport Scheme, International/National and recreation. Guiding principles Travel Program and International Travel Scholarships for Athletes In the leadup to the Sydney 2000 with a Disability Provide services that: Olympics, the department was • meet the identified needs of our responsible for the initial planning • the staging of international customers and development of the international sporting events in NSW • increase opportunities for facilities. The department is • state sporting organisations and communities or individuals capitalising on the enormous interest peak industry bodies under the to participate in sport, recreation in sport that this event generated. department’s Sports Development Program. or physical activity At other periods during its 30 year • increase opportunities for The Council also provides advice on the history, the NSW Department of Sport operations of Sports House in Ultimo. participation of under represented and Recreation has been responsible groups for legislation and implementing Three subcommittees enable Council • provide services and facilities government policy on culture and the to effectively progress priority issues to communities disadvantaged arts, tourism, racing, and the gaming and achieve its work program. by location industries. The current legislation These subcommittees are Sports • support the NSW Government’s administered by the department is Grants, Sports Development and approach of combining resources detailed in appendix 1. Sports House. and expertise to deliver better Council members in 2000/01: results • Mr K Berry OAM • adapt current services or initiate new ones to meet government • Ms H Brownlee OAM priorities • Mr A Davidson AM, MBE • increase the efficiency and • Mr J Devitt AM effectiveness of the department’s • Mr D Donohue AM operations • Mr B Elphinston • limit the department’s exposure • Ms D Fraser AO, MBE to risks • Ms P Gillies • increase the value of the • Ms L Landon department’s assets. • Ms K Thompson • Mr A Whelpton AM (Chair) •Ms M White 7 achievements Sport and recreation UNDER REPRESENTED GROUPS Cultural diversity development • A cultural exchange program in Indigenous people the Central Coast Region brought • In the North Coast Region, a pilot together Korean and Australian neighbourhood sports program students to build cultural awareness involved 70 Aboriginal young people, in a relaxed recreation environment providing participants with a healthy at a weekend camp alternative on a Friday night • In the North Coast region, a range • In the Riverina Region, the benefits of activities and health information of not smoking were promoted sessions were held for older adults among Aboriginal young people, from the large Sikh community with sporting apparel promoting in Woolgoolga a non smoking message supplied • In the Sydney Region, a pram walking to Aboriginal sporting organisations project for mothers from culturally in Wagga Wagga diverse backgrounds started in • Two young Aboriginals who were western Sydney, introducing the identified as youth at risk decided women to a healthy activity with to go back to school after attending a social component a North Coast Region personal • Projects were developed to increase development camp that provided physical activity by older adults information on Indigenous culture, from three selected culturally nutrition and health and held sessions diverse groups on self esteem and goal setting • The NSW Multicultural Health • The Western Region conducted Communication Service was its first Indigenous Athletics Carnival contracted to develop campaign in conjunction with the Dubbo Little strategies targeting Arabic, Chinese, Athletics Club; 120 athletes from Spanish and Turkish communities across the region participated for the Active Australia — Fired Up • The department continued to campaign improve the participation rate in
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