Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82259-6 - The Federal Theatre Project: A Case Study Barry B. Witham Index More information Index Abel, Don 11–13, 34, 56, 93, 97, 110 “blue blouses” 169 Lysistrata closing 72, 73, 163 Boettiger, Anna Roosevelt 17–18, 57, 93, 106, 153 showboat campaign 18 Boettiger, John 17 Acropolis 54; photograph of model 54 Bonneville Power Authority 80 agent-cashier 111 Booker, Doris 101 Ah, Wilderness! 137, 147 Bosworth, Francis 122 Altars of Steel 105 Bradbury, Florence 43 American Legion 45 Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby 94; photograph Anderson, Clinton 139 of 95 Androcles and the Lion 58, 61, 92, 96 Bridges, Harry 17, 71, 127 Annals of the New York Stage 51 Brief Candle 74 Anthony, Bill 43 Brooks, James F. 130 Ardella, the singing parrot 48 Brown, Gilbert 120, 157 Arena 35, 109, 147, 150 Brown, Gilmore 21, 22, 27, 61 Arent, Arthur 80, 107 Brown, Lorraine 135 ASTR (American Society for Theatre Brown, Theodore 62, 68, 72, 75, 156 Research) 60 Bryn Mawr 92 audience surveys 4 Bucket Boy 99 auditions 33 Bulletin (King County Medical Society) 115, 120 Bailey-Gatzaert School 45 Baker, George Pierce 2, 22, 24 Can You Hear Their Voices? 2, 78 Baker, Jacob 27, 31 Canwell Committee 62, 155 Bankhead, Tallulah 18 Carnegie Foundation 22 Baron Knights 46; photograph of 47 Carnegie Tech 22 Bay, Howard 107 Carroll, David 157 Beck, Dave 17, 71, 81, 127 Catholic Centenary Committee 142 Berner, Richard 107, 113 Censorship 105 Bettinger, Barbara 157 Chambers, Whittaker 78 Big White Fog 1, 153, 174 Chandler, Ben 68 Biggs, Howard 61, 62, 99, 101, 119, 148, 156 Chapman, Horace 12 Black Empire 61, 94, 96 Children’s Theatre 92–96, 156 “black out” comedians 33 Christopher Columbus 114, 119 “Blackrobes” 139, 144 Cicognani, Amleto Giovanni 144 Blackstone Theatre 113 CIO 126 Blanchet, Father 140 City Light of Seattle 80–84 185 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82259-6 - The Federal Theatre Project: A Case Study Barry B. Witham Index More information 186 INDEX City of Bremerton 9, 11; photograph of 9 Elliott, Eugene 52 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) 5, 35–36, Emperor Jones 106 37–43 Ethiopia 3, 105 CCC Camps: Elma 39 Evening With Dunbar, An 19, 61, 96, 97–103; Ginko 41 photograph of 102 Gold Creek 41 Icicle 41 Farley, Jim 17 Lower Cispus 39 Farnsworth, William P. 48, 72, 139 Millersylvania 40 Federal One 2, 13–17, 19, 29 Narada 38 Federal Theatre Magazine 166 Ohanapecosh 38 Fink, Georgia 124, 131 Rainier 39 Fishbein, Frieda 125, 134 Sand Point 45 Fisher Body Plant 126 Tahoma 38 “Fists Upon a Star” 84 Taneum 41 Flanagan, Hallie 2, 11, 23, 24, 29, 34, 35, 78, 87 Clark, Barrett 22, 63 on touring 9–11 Cleveland Play House 21, 78 field visits 31, 57 Clifford, Margaret 2, 78 on George Hood 89 The Clown Prince 93 letter from Savage 133 Coburn, Charles 27 Negro Company 61 Collier, Nina 138 new plays 122 Communism 130, 154 plan for a national theatre 150 Communist Party 16, 154 reaction to Hughes’s plan 26 Conkle, E.P. 10 on regional work 138 Conway, John 55 on Seattle project 91 Cornish College 31, 70 on See How They Run 129 Cornish, Nellie 62 on Spirochete 120 Costigan, Howard 16–18, 19, 154 tension with Hughes 53, 58 Coulee Dam 81 on theatre models 53, 58 The Cradle Will Rock 1, 84, 127, 129 Flathead Indians 144 Craig, Gordon 21, 23, 164 Flight 96; photograph of 112 Crothers, Rachel 8 Flotilla of Faith 140, 142–147, 155; photograph The Curtain Goes Up 46 of 146 For the Good of the Team 46 De Casta, Leon 8 Forgotten Men 165 Deeter, Jasper 21, 27 Forbus, Lady Willie 93–97 Demers, Father 140 Fort, Syvilla 46, 166; photograph of 47 Department of Agriculture 37 Fortune Theatre 54 Dewson, Mary 17 Fraden, Rena 170 Dies Committee 129, 130 Dies, Martin 5, 131 Gannon, George 34 Dionysus (Theatre of ) 54; photograph of Garbage Hustler 172 model 54 General Motors 126 Dirkson, Everett 5, 17 George Mason University 135 Dore, John 81 Georgetown Hospital 45 The Dragon’s Wishbone 62, 138, 147 Gill, Thomas 147 Drama League 22 Gillmore, Frank 151 Dramatists Guild 122 Glyer, Richard 116, 119, 148 Du Bois, W.E.B. 98 Graham, Jimmy 44 Dunbar, Paul Laurence 97–103 Grant, Howard 51, 56 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82259-6 - The Federal Theatre Project: A Case Study Barry B. Witham Index More information INDEX 187 Green Pastures 138–139 Jackson, Joseph 66 Green, Paul 21 Jackson, Sara; see Oliver Group Theatre 21 James, Burton 30, 62–65, 154 Grove, Sirless 101 James, Florence 30, 62–65, 76, 82, 84, 87 directing Power 80–86 Harper, Sandy 46 on relevant theatre 153 Hartman, Johnny 99 John Henry 76 Hearst, William Randolph 17 Johnny Johnson 106 Heavens to Betsy 46 Johnson, Evamarii 67, 94, 99, 103 “Heavy ol’ Hammer” 99, 103 Hedgerow Theatre 21, 78 Keith-Orpheum vaudeville 33 Help Yourself 4, 91, 106 Kelso, Wallace 11, 12, 111 Heussy, Charlotte 93 King County Medical Society 114, 115, 116 Hewitt, Barnard 138 Klamath Falls Herald 140 Hicken, James 55, 58 Knights of Columbus 114 Hill Billies 43; photograph of 42 Koch, Frederick 21, 27 History of Seattle Stock Companies from their Kondolf, George 10 Beginning to 1934 52 Kruger, Loren 6, 174 History of Variety-Vaudeville in Seattle 52 Lancaster, Burt 48 Holt, Rush 5 Lane, Esther Porter; see Esther Porter Hood, George 58, 66, 88, 91, 96, 97, 110 Langner, Lawrence 136, 172 “Hoovervilles” 107 Lang, Lester 55 Hopkins, Harry 2, 13–15, 27, 61, 72, 73 Lee, Robert 131 House Appropriations Committee 18 Legion of Decency 140 Houseman, John 84 Leitch, Toby 44, 48 Housing Authority (Seattle) 107, 108, 113 Lewis, John L. 126 Howard, Edward D. 144 Lewis, Lloyd 122–124 HUAC (House Committee on Un-American Lewis, Richard 99 Activities) 15 Lewis, Sinclair 3 Hudson Bay Company 140, 143 Lilienthal, David 79 Hudson Shore Labor School 92 Linderman, Frank 138 Huffman, Hazel 130 Living Newspapers 50, 78–79, 105 Hughes, Glenn 11, 12, 21, 23, 27, 29, 31, 51, 58, Lockridge, Richard 122–124, 128, 136 62, 74 Losey, Joseph 105 audience identification 154 Lysistrata 11, 61, 62, 72–74, 163 as businessman 49–50 establishing Seattle unit 27–29 Mabie, E.C. 21, 22, 24, 27, 30 interest in research project 52 Macgowan, Kenneth 22 plan for a federal theatre 24–26 Makah Nation 141 on Seattle Repertory Playhouse 63 Mathews, Jane 10 tension with Flanagan 53, 58 McClure, Bruce 31 Hyde Park 150 McConnell, Frederic 21, 22 McGee, John 10, 27 ILA (International Longshoreman’s McGinnis, Marion 167 Association) 17, 71 McKeen, William 83 In Abraham’s Bosom 61, 64, 65, 66 McKinnell, Eloise 93 In Dahomey 98 McLoughlin, John 142 Isaacs, Edith 22 Metcalf, George 43 It Can’t Happen Here 3, 61, 62, 75 Metropolitan Theatre 119, 137 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82259-6 - The Federal Theatre Project: A Case Study Barry B. Witham Index More information 188 INDEX Miller, J. Howard 11, 40, 56, 59, 72, 73 Oliver, W.E. (Bill) 122–124 Minstrel shows 36–37 Olympia, Washington 51 Model Theatres 59; photographs of 54 O’Neil, Edward 44 Monroe Reformatory 47 One-Third of a Nation 8, 19, 106, 107–113, Morgan, Arthur 79 130 Morgan, Blanche 103 Orange Theatre 55; photograph of model Morris, Lawrence 48 54 Mother Goose 92, 96 Ottenheimer, Albert 67, 70 Mother Goose is on the Loose 46 Motherwell, Hiram 92 Pacific Northwest Quarterly (The) 52 (MPTONW) Motion Picture Theatre pageants 138 Operators of the Northwest 34–35 Pantages Circuit 33 Murphy, Frank 127 Parker, Dorothy 23 Parker, H.J. (Mrs.) 93 Nathan, George Jean 4 Parron, Thomas 113, 115 NAACP (National Association for the The Party 100 Advancement of Colored People) 98 Pasadena Playhouse 21 National Forest Service 37 Peer Gynt 64 National Guard Armory 45 Penthouse Theatre 25, 49, 55 National Housing Act 107 Pfeil, Harry 43, 93 National Recreation Association 36 Plan for a Government Supported Theatre National Service Bureau 50, 150 150–152 National Theatre Conference 22–23, 24, 59, Play Policy Bureau 122 164 Playwriting Contest 122–124 National Youth Administration 101, 171 Pope Pius XII 140 Natural Man 19, 61, 62, 75–77 Porgy 66, 67 Negro Company 61–77, 92–104, 130, 155, 156 Porgy and Bess 67 Ness, Ole 58, 59, 96, 109, 110, 133, 147 Port Townsend, Washington 51 Nez Perce 144 Porter, Esther 15, 89, 92–97, 108, 109, 111, Noah 61, 67, 68–70 116 Northwest Progress 147 Post-Intelligencer, Seattle 17, 19 Northwestern University 22 Powell, Robert Hare 74 Power 1, 8, 79–87, 126, 154 Oakland Federal Theatre 129 Power, Fran 47, 72, 96, 111, 170 Obey, Andre 67 Price, Nellie 68 O’Connell, J. 141 Prologue to Glory 10 O’Connell, William 147 Puget Power Company 80, 87 O’Connor, Edwin 15, 58, 59, 92, 97, 100, 106 employee drinking 137 Quinalt Nation 141 hears charges of usury 111 One-Third of a Nation 109 Rainier Valley 91, 100 pageants 141 research project 50–53, 58 relationship with Hood 110 Reuther, Walter 126 See How They Run 129 Revue 37, 43–48 Spirochete 116, 120 Rice, Elmer 3, 22 “Old Ignace” 144 Robbins, William 147 Oliver, Sara 61, 64, 68, 75, 76, 101; photograph Robin Hood Theatre 92 of 95 Rohrer, Mary 52 Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby 95 Roosevelt, Eleanor 130, 153 on acting 70 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 140, 150 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82259-6 - The Federal Theatre Project: A Case Study Barry B.
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