I DUSC announces budget hikes By VANESSA LOTITO Food Service proposed an increase of $67 on Budget increases in housing, food service a seven day full meal plan for the year. and the health fee are expected in 1981-82, an­ The health fee is projected to rise from $29 nounced Ken Beach,. president of the to $31 for the academic year but the $10 Delaware Undergraduate Student Congress Winter-session health fee will remain the (DUSC) at its meeting Monday. same. An 18.8 percent increase was proposed by At Monday's DUSC meeting, Beach said Housing and Residence Life, he said. Food that the increases were inevitable due to infla­ Service estimated a 14.4 percent budget rise tion and the rising cost of utilities. and a $2 per semester increase in the health His concern with the proposed budget, fee was projected. however, did not allow for an increase in Resi­ According to the proposed budget, dent Assistant's (RA's) wages. He said the Delaware residents will pay $118 more a year RA's should receive a pay raise because of the for a traditional multiple occupancy dorm ''additional stress'' of dealing with the alcohol room. A Pencader multiple room will increase policy. $174 and one quarter of a Christiana two­ Stuart Lederman, a member of the bedroom apartment will increase $180. An ad­ Residence Life Student Advisory Board, said ditional $100 will be charged to out-of-state RA's receive free housing plus $450 per students. (Continued to page 7) Former Nixon advisor describes colleagues, boss and Watergate By BARBARA ROWLAND cess to is only one percent of the total informa­ "I did time for an offense which was, in faci, tiull iii tht; uatiunal iiTChi'!es, originated by Richard Nixon.'' Nixon's character was interpreted different­ John Ehrlichman, special assistant for ly by each person he knew, Ehrlichman said, domestic affairs and counsel to former Presi­ comparing Nixon to a "great prism with a dent Richard Nixon, described his role and the thousand facets." hi torical implications of the Watergate affair After listening to some of the White House Wednesday before several hundred people at tapes, Ehrlichman said he discovered that the Delaware Law School. wnat Nixon had told him was not what he had Although the lecture was titled "Criminal told H.R. Haldeman, the chief of staff. Sentencing, Parole and Prisons," Ehrlichman Ehrlichman said that since he was " fired" spent much of the time answering the au­ from the White House in 1973, he has heard dience's questions about Watergate. from Nixon only once - on Christmas day, Neal Williamson People ii) the future will view Watergate as 1973. AS INEVITABLE AS MID-TERMS. another late-winter sunset a "pyramid resting on a point," Ehflichman He emphasized the ties current Secretary of casts its last light on a blustery March day. said. He explained that the 27 hours of taped State, and former Nixon chief of staff presidential conversations the public has ac- (Continued to page 6) Chrysler workers get short end of contract on By MATT RADEMAKER $400 million loan will save the "Never before have I seen Management also suffers pay cuts corporation. so many people fighting to Speaking in behalf of most medical insurance One member of the union, vote for less and less UAW members, Todd's ma­ • Retirement pensions who requested to remain the (money)," said William jor complaint about the new •Eye care anonymous, said, "I feel like Todd, recording secretary for contract was that the union • Dental care I'm living on borrowed time. United Auto Workers (UAW) members had no input on the • Paid vacations I'm married with two inside local 1183 last week in conditions the contract called • Life insurance . children and I don't know if I Newark. for. If Chrysler can not regain will have a pay check six The Chrysler workers at financial stability with a re­ months from now.'' the Newark plant were faced "We were told to vote on a cent $400 million l_pan, Popular politics with a no-win decision when contract dictated to us by the employees will face losing all Chrysler officials, however, they voted to approve the of­ government, and it was either of the benefits. are optimistic of their future, Professor James 01 iver vote yes or lose our jobs," he The UAW Chrysler according to Heath. fered contract Jan. 20. The I profiled .................. 3 contract eliminated most of said. workers, however, were not the only ones affected by the "The plan Chrysler submit- the benefits that they "Never before in my 26 ted to the Loan Guarantee previously enjoyed, including conditions dictated by the years of a UAW member has Loan Guarantee Board. Board will not fail," he said. any Cost of Living the government told us what "I have been working close to Allowances (COLA) for the According to Robert Heath, we have to do in order to keep a public relations official of the (Chrysler) officials who duration of the 20 month con­ our jobs," Todd said. "This is devised the plan, and we don't tract, scheduled to go into ef­ Chrysler International, Loud and proud not the kind of collective management officials at forsee any possibility of fect at the end of this month. failure.'' The A's take over the Stone bargaining we exist for.'' Chrysler have made equal Because of the financial Officials on the Chrysler concessions concerning Regarding the worries of Balloon ................. 11 problems facing the Chrysler Loan Guarantee Board, the COLA increases, and top cor­ local UA W members, Heath Corporation, there was talk of committee responsible for ap­ porate executives have gone said that their comfort is in the plant being forced to shut proving any federal funding a step further by accepting a the fact that cars are still be­ down if the contract was not for the corporation, said that 10 percent pay decrease. ing made at the Newark passed. the UA W did have input in the Heath pointed out that plant. He pointed out that Aweak finish Todd described most local contract when they voted to Chrysler Board Chairman three plants have been closeQ members of the UAW as approve it. Lee Iacocca had .been work­ in other parts of the country, Men's basketball ends the "scared ill-informed, UA W Chrysler employees ing for $1.00 a year for the and those UAW members are season with a loss ........ 20 desperate, and faithful," in currently receive the follow­ past eight months. outofajob. -..1eir vote on the new con­ ing benefits: - Many members of UA W (Continued Ia page 7) tract. •Blue Cross/Blue Shield local1183 are not sure that the l I I \ Page 2 • THE REVIEW • March 6, 1981 / YoU told her you have · your own place. Now u have to tell or roommates. You\·t· hL·cntn·in~ \11 ~l't to know hl'r bl'ttl'r since tht· bq... ~nnin~ of tlil' t'l'nll: .- \nd when she till·ntioned ho\\" hard it is to s(Jich· 111 thl' donn. \"!Ill ,;;tid. "l\ly pl;n· i,; nir~· ;mel quil'l. L'nilll· on on·r and stud\· \\·ith nll~:· Your roonimatl',; \H'rl'n't H·n · happy about it. But aftl'r a !itt ll' . perstmlin.~ they decidl'd tlw doul>ll' ft:aturl' at thl' Bijoumigllt bl' worth SL'l'lll.~. ' Thl'y 'rl' prl'l t y ,;pecial fril'nds. / :\nd they dl'sl'rn· ;'I spt·l·ial "Thank<' So. tonight. ll'l it Ill' .Liim·nbriiu . March 6, 1981 • THE REVIEW • Page 3 Technique cited as vital for-success ., D~ ...~O~~RD B. STROMWASSER l - OPTOMETRIST Oliver describes teaching theory TANNOUNCES THE O~ENING OF HIS NEW OFFICE FOR . By DEBBIE FRANKEL tour of Europe in January, think that opportunity has EXAMINATION OF THE EYES Being a successful universi­ visiting Hungary, West Ger­ passed." CONTACT LENSES ty instructor comes from many, Turkey, Yugoslavia­ Oliver has served as a con­ communicating a professor's and France. He spoke on sultant to the State Depart­ At Office Also Located excitement about a course to various facets of American ment, but plans to remain a 92 East Main Street 3 East Main Street students, Dr. James Oliver, foreign and security policy. professor at the university. foreign policy specialist in the "It was the first opportuni­ According to Oliver, pro­ Newark, Delaware 19711 Rising Sun, Maryland 21911 political science department, ty I had to do anything like fessors ·who mix academia 302-368-4424 301-658-4920 said. that," Oliver said. "It's very with government duty often "Just knowing the subject easy to sit here in the United lost their sense of perspective matter won't make it exciting States, which we think is the and proportion. for students," Oliver said. center of the world, but going ''Some lose sense of "That's where technique over there gives you a greater themselves and shape their comes in.'' sense of proportion." arguments to what others TEN OPENINGS FOR 1981·82. Attributing all of a ~oun­ want to hear," Oliver said. Full-time Undergraduate Domestic & profile try's problems to Soviet in­ "I have no desire to work terference is too simple a with the government," Oliver Foreign Students are invited to apply for Oliver said· that he became view of reality, according to added. "I try to be careful in Housing at the International House 188 Or­ interested in foreign policy Oliver. maintaining a sense of who I largely due to the influence of Oliver said that he sees the am and what my job is." chard Rd.
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