
US007803992B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,803,992 B2 McCutchen et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Sep. 28, 2010 (54) METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR 5,491,288 A 2f1996 Chaubet et al. EXPRESSING AN HERBCDE-TOLERANT 5,510,471 A 4/1996 Lebrun et al. POLYNUCLEOTDE 5,599,769 A 2f1997 Hacker et al. 5,605,011 A 2f1997 Bedbrook et al. (75) Inventors: Billy Fred McCutchen, College Station, 5,627,061 A 5/1997 Barry et al. TX (US); Christine B. Hazel, Port 5,633,435 A 5/1997 Barry et al. Deposit, MD (US); Donglong Liu, 5,633,448 A 5/1997 Lebrun et al. Johnston, IA (US); Albert L. Lu, 5,767,361 A 6/1998 Dietrich Newark, DE (US); Wayne J. Mehre, 5,776,760 A 7/1998 Barry et al. Urbandale, IA (US); Paul D. Olson, 5,804,425 A 9/1998 Barry et al. Kalaheo, HI (US); James F. H. Wong, 5,821, 195 A 10, 1998 Sandbrink et al. Johnston, IA (US) 5,866,775 A 2f1999 Eichholtz et al. (73) Assignees: Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., 5,914.451 A 6/1999 Martinell et al. Johnston, IA (US); E.I. duPont de 5,955,646 A * 9/1999 Gelvin et al. ............... 800,278 Nemours and Company, Wilmington, 5,985,793 A 11/1999 Sandbrink et al. DE (US) 6,022,552 A 2/2000 Brown et al. 6,072,050 A * 6/2000 Bowen et al. .............. 536, 24.1 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 6,083,878 A 7/2000 BrantSet al. patent is extended or adjusted under 35 6,130,366 A 10/2000 Herrera-Estrella et al. U.S.C. 154(b) by 709 days. 6,133,199 A 10/2000 Soula et al. 6,225,114 B1 5, 2001 Eichholtz et al. This patent is Subject to a terminal dis 6,239,072 B1 5, 2001 Flint et al. claimer. 6,248,876 B1 6/2001 Barry et al. (21) Appl. No.: 11/507.997 6,333,449 B1* 12/2001 Michiels et al. ............. 800/300 6,369,001 B1 4/2002 Jimoh (22) Filed: Aug. 22, 2006 (65) Prior Publication Data (Continued) US 2007/O 130641 A1 Jun. 7, 2007 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Related U.S. Application Data CN 1772908 5, 2006 (60) Provisional application No. 60/710,854, filed on Aug. 24, 2005, provisional application No. 60/817,011, filed on Jun. 28, 2006. (Continued) (51) Int. Cl. AOIH 5/00 (2006.01) OTHER PUBLICATIONS CI2N 5/82 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. .................... 800/300; 435/320.1; 800/278: Omirulleh et al 1993, Plant Molecular Biology 21: 415-428.* 800/300.1 (Continued) (58) Field of Classification Search ....................... None See application file for complete search history. 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