Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02873-9 - The Republican Army in the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939 Michael Alpert Index More information Index Please also refer to the biographies in Appendix 4. Acero, 191 Antón, Francisco, 180, 181 Aguado, Santiago, 45, 128 Aragón, 88 Aguirre, José Antonio de defeats in 1938, 263 asks for general to replace Llano de la destruction of anarchist collectives in, 213 Encomienda, 80 Aranguren, José, 21, 87, 295–6 report to Central Government on war Arce, Abelardo, 77 in North, 80 Archena, 243 and Russian advisers, 227 Ardid, Tomás, 289 Air Force (Republican) and aircraft armaments, 238 lack of support for ground operations, 309 machine-guns, 43–4 officers, 89 quality of, 243–4 Russian machines and crews, quantities (Insurgent and Republican see Russian advisers, agents and armies compared), 239–40, 252 armaments rifles and cartridges, heterogeneity of, shortage of pilots, 235 77, 237 strategic use of, 248, 250 view of Rojo, 240 tactical use of, 237, 249 see also Air Force; tanks training, 236, 250 armies Albacete, 32, 33, 62, 287 advances, 60 commissars’ conference at, 190 Africanistas in, 5, 6 International Brigade base, 222 Azaña’s reform of Spanish Army, 8–10, Alcalá de Henares, 50, 100–1, 267 89 Alcázar de Toledo, see Toledo arms supply, 253 Alicante, 287–8 characteristics, 30, 307 Almería, 74 commanders of, 91–3 Alvarez, Santiago, 45, 185, 191 conspirators, 14 Alvarez del Vayo, Julio, 63, 65 discipline, 68, 198 appointed commissar-general, 177 and generals, 88 resigns, 184 Insurgent army anarchism Legionaries, Traditionalists and militarisation, 142–59 (Carlists) and Moroccan troops 2, and the military, 30 27, 32, 52, 59, 75, 198 and militias, 38 militias, 33 anarchists politics, 212 collectivisations, 189 pre-war, numbers and locations, and Commissariat, 180 17–19 join Government, 59 and prostitution, 164–5 propose guerrilla warfare, 268 promotions, 128 see also García Vivancos; González structures, 93 Inestal; Jover; Mera; Sanz war aims, 59 Antifascist Militias Committee, 37, 78 see also Franco 367 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02873-9 - The Republican Army in the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939 Michael Alpert Index More information 368 Index Army see also armies; Army Corps; Army of Andalusia, 258, 287 Groups; brigades; Divisions; of the Centre, 78, 165, 258, 287 officers; pay; press; uniforms of the East, 78, 94, 185, 258 Asalto y Seguridad, see Guardia de Asalto of the Ebro, 23, 78, 136, 164, 171, Ascaso, Domingo, 25, 39, 131, 142 184–5, 215 Asensio Torrado, José of Extremadura, 78, 95, 160, 215, 258, arrest, 233 262, 287 commands Central Region, 60–1 of Levante, 78, 95, 188, 287 and communists, 5 of Operations (de Maniobras), 78, 258, and Málaga, 84 263 and militias, 34, 54 of the North, 183, 227, 258, 263 post-war, 298–9 of the South, 78, 258 Russian opinion of, 232 Army Corps Under-Secretary for War, 62 IV, 50, 141, 286 and uniforms, 156 V, 133, 135, 136, 185, 195, 239, 258, Asturias, 81, 121, 168 263 Azaña, Manuel VI–XIII, 258 Army reform, 8–10, 89 XIV, 259, 263, 265 and officers, 95, 102, 103, 114, 121, XV, 258, 259 124 XVI, 138, 258, 259 and promotions, 123 XVII, 144, 258, 259 resigns, 275 XVIII, 134, 188, 258, 259, 279 Azcárate, Patricio de, 270 XIX, 188, 259, 261 XX, 259, 261, 263 Balearics, 86, 277 XXI, 165, 261, 263, 280 Barceló, Luis, 34, 94, 110, 286, 289 XXII, 259, 261 Barcelona, 87, 88, 95, 295 XXIII, 261, 263 May 1937 conflict in, 142, 213, 217 Army Groups Barcia, Angel, 45 Central (GERC), 184, 239, 269, 275, Barrio, José del, 39, 130, 214 287 Bárzana, Luis, 266 Eastern (GERO), 95, 105, 184, 269 Basque Army (Euskogudarostea), 43, Army, Republican or Popular 79–81, 168 Africanistas in, 6 Batet, Domingo, 86 battalion prototype, 69 Bayo, Alberto, 42, 70, 175 characteristics, 164, 306 Belchite, battle of, 135, 162, 222 columns and militias, 24–7, 29 Beltrán, Antonio, 130 commanders, 92–3, 132 Benito, Gonzalo de, 110 comparison with Insurgents, 82, 83, Bernal, Carlos, 87, 122, 270, 289, 297 154 Besteiro, Julián, 284 creation, 32, 67 Bilbao, 83, 88, 108 definition, 117 Blum, Léon, 241, 270 desertion, evasion, morale, 168–70, brigades, see mixed brigades 264–5 British opinions, 139, 198, 247 Díaz Tendero report, 111 Broggi, Moisés, 167 forces available, 18–27, 258, 269 Brunete, battle of fortifications and trenches, 160 desertion at, 168 militarisation, 59–83 internationals at, 222 ‘People’s Army’, 159 junior officers at, 124, 162 politicisation, 212, 257 and Miaja, 104 professional officers, 2–10, 35, 85–117, and Rojo, 98 128 Russian fighter aircraft at, 237 reorganisations, 258–63, 270–3 Bueno, Emilio, 286, 289 structure, 260 Bueno, Mariano, 39 surrender, 289, 293–4 Buiza, Miguel, 278 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02873-9 - The Republican Army in the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939 Michael Alpert Index More information Index 369 Burgos, 89 and May 1937 clash, 142 Burillo, Ricardo, 92, 261, 262 militias, 31, 33, 49–51, 54, 59, 68–9 Buzón Llanes, Francisco, report, 80–1 and Perea, 94 and Rojo, 97 Caballero, see Largo Caballero Coello de Portugal, José, 72 Cabanellas, Miguel, 86, 87 columns Cabanellas, Virgilio, 86 Aguiluchos, 142 Camacho, Antonio, 6, 211 De Hierro, 40–2, 168 Campeche, 242 Giménez Orge, 27 ‘Campesino, El’, see González, Valentín Hilario, 40 Campins, Miguel, 87 López Tienda, 27 Campo, José del, 45 Macià-Companys, 40, 79 Canary Islands, 86, 87 Ortiz, 40, 191 Carabineros, 20, 21, 211 Rojo y Negro, 142 Cardenal, Manuel, 87, 289 Villalba, 39 Caridad, Rogelio, 87 Comandancia de Milicias, 34–6, 55, 76 ‘Carlos Contreras’, see Vidali, Vittorio Comintern, 202, 219, 242 Cartagena, 62, 87, 277, 288, 296 and Army of Ebro, 194 Casado, Segismundo, 14, 29, 57, 64, and Basque Army, 44, 80 65, 96 and communists, 174, 179–86 1939 coup, 109, 120, 280–6 conclusions, 200–1 books, 278n.8 duties, 175, 187, 189, 199 and British Agent, 283–4 and Fifth Regiment, 175 see also Cowan and Largo Caballero, 177 career, 279 and military justice, 173 character, 279–80, 283 official institution of, 176–9 and CNT, 285–6 origins in Republican Army, 174 commands Army of Centre, 280 pay and ranks, 186 and commissars, 199 political correctness, 159 and communists, 287 uniforms, 187 and Insurgent agents, 282–3 see also Alvarez; Alvarez del Vayo; returns to Spain, 300 Antón; Castro Delgado; Delage; and Russian advisers, 224 Gil Roldán; González Inestal; surrender, 294 Mije; Ortega; Ossorio y Tafall; Casado Veiga, Fernando, 122 Pretel Castán, Victoriano, 130 command, unified, calls for, 65–6 Castelló, Luis, 87, 88, 101 commissars, 174–201 Castro Delgado, Enrique, 163, 182, 185 and Army of the Ebro, 194–200 Catalan Army (Exèrcit de Catalunya), communists, 202–12, 218 78–9, 148, 258 Araquistáin and, 205 Catalonia, campaign, 171, 191 Casado crushes, 55 Cavanna del Val, Eduardo, 87, 119 and commissars, 179–86 Centaño, José, 96, 240, 281, 282 and conscripts, 158 Cerón, José, 64, 95 Cordón and, 210 Ciutat, Francisco, 82, 227 on General Staff, 204 Civil Guard, see Guardia Civil High Command appointments, CNT/FAI (Confederación Nacional del rumours of, 282 Trabajo/Federación Anarquista influence exaggerated, 218 Ibérica) and Largo Caballero and Prieto, 205–7 anarchists, 27, 30 and May 1937 clash, 142 and Casado coup, 285–6 Miaja and, 102, 203 and commands, 143, 215 membership, 206 and commissars, 180, 182 and militarisation, 30–3 complaints, 114, 213–17 Negrín–Prieto correspondence on, and Málaga, 84 210–12 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02873-9 - The Republican Army in the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939 Michael Alpert Index More information 370 Index communists (cont.) 45th, 186, 197, 263 political proselytisation, 206, 208 nos. 1–72, 77 Prieto and, 209 nos. 48–62, 63–70, 261 and professional officers, 55, 56, 203, numbering in North, 81 205 Durán, Gustavo, 46, 130, 254 and Republican Army, 44–9, 207–8 Durruti, Buenaventura, 38, 46, 130, 163 resistance policy of, 286 and SIM, 255 Ebro, battle of, 40, 135, 136, 162, 168, and Unión Militar Antifascista, 13, 15 239, 267 war, views on, 46, 203 education, 192–4, see also Milicianos de la Companys, Luis, 37, 38 Cultura conscription, 157–8 Enciso, José María, 14 CNT and, 217 Escobar, Antonio, 14, 21, 57, 95, 120, cohorts, 157, 260, 270 288, 295 Insurgents, comparison with, 158 Escofet, Federico, 11 procedures, 157–8, 259 Estrada, Manuel, 64, 71, 214, 308 ‘Quinta del biberón’, 158 Etchebéheré, Mika, 166 Consejo Nacional de Defensa, 106, 158, Euskogudarostea, see Basque Army 207, see also Casado Exèrcit de Catalunya, see Catalan Army Control and Information Bureau, Extremadura, proposed thrust towards, 110–14, see also Díaz Tendero 103–4 Cordón, Antonio, 9, 64, 65, 113, 210 and Belchite, 135 Falange, 1, 33, 52, 203, 212, 282 and CNT, 214 Fanjul, Joaquín, 87 exile, 300 Fernández Bolaños, Antonio, 132 and Prieto, 209 Fernández Burriel, Alvaro, 88, 296 promotion, 122, 269 Fernández Gaizarín, Antonio, 112 reorganises army, 270, 274 Fernández Heredia, Enrique, 115, 122, Undersecretary for War, 114 188 Cowan, Denys, 283–4, 285 Fernández Urbano, Arnaldo, 289 Cristóbal Errandonea, Manuel, 130, 266 Fifth Regiment, 44–9, 163 Cruz Boullosa, Manuel, 87 Fontán, Antonio, 64, 122, 300 currency (Republican), 72 food and clothing, 160–2 Curto, Inocencio, 287 France and arms supply, 241 Franco, Francisco, 6, 7, 11, 59, 86, 87, Delage, Luis, 164, 185, 195, 197, 88, 212,
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