-:ati"*!...... - SLR- Project Reference: 710. 14061.00001 File Ref. North Mara Auditor Credentials 2020.docx Date: july 2020 INTERNATIONAL CYANIDE MANAGEMENT CODE Auditor Credentials Form Facility Audited: North Mara Gold Mine, Tanzania Date: 9 December 2019 and 12 December 2019 Lead Auditor Credentials: Lead Auditor: Ed Perry Auditor Certification Number: 0004973 Certifyi ng Orga nization: lnstitute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) Telephone Number: +aa (0) 1s22s4009 Address: St Nicholas House, 70 Newport, Lincoln, LN1 3Dp, UK Website Address: www.iema.net Minimum Experience: 3 Audits in past 7 years as Lead Auditor Year Type of Facility, Type of Audit Led Country Lead Auditor 202A for cyanide production operations gap audit for Orica Ghana Ltd. Ghana Lead Auditor for gold mining operations cyanide re- 20L9 certification audit for Barrick Gold Corp., North Mara Gold Tanzania Mine Lead Auditor for gold mining operations cyanide re_ 2018 plc., certification audit for Acacia Mining Bulyanhulu Gold Tanzania Mine Lead Auditor for gold mining operations cyanide re_ 2018 certification audit for Gold Fields Ghana Ltd, Tarkwa Gold Ghana Mine. SfACdEuftftlEtAtikr! p:aF$etary fieiled Sirte 1 - e,*dilE D, Monte Crde, 17E ryl€red rydr65: lrtontE*lm Couts/a.d, lohanneburg O!fie: t ttysi€l F@My' Joltarcbw& cautelg, 2t!rf Addre$: Suite 1- &rlldirt D, Monte Circle, 178 fltonteesirc Bcde$ d, [email protected], [email protected]: FOAox rohaffiebs€ Gadeng; 2t9r. 1E96.acmewie*! e06O,SofldlAfrka postel pO Addrsls: Bax 1996, CBfieRlew, 1060 Tel: +27 1r.46a {},4i Reg,$o: tggS/go5179I,, CatefMofffe: Fhysiel Add+s: 5th FIos, Leffiedt H@s€. t{ewtan.rsffi Mair, vdror/*r0c16ffi7 Cor Main and Cahpgrourd Roads, ilslandg Cape fown, weitem caps, 77d, #CfSg Pos&l Address: F0 8or 101CS, Catedon Squm, TS'S feL +27 11 461ll18 OirstotE R HosstrE, ,{ perlhall p ill3cHc$ar, F vat Heerde& , Dman ww,slrcotr$dtiryffi page 2 Project Beference: 7xx.xxxxx.xxxu14061.00001 Fi,e Ref. No!-ih Mara Audiior Creeientiais Z9}it.dacx 5LRffi Lead Auditor gold mining ?018 operations cyanide code gap audit for Asanko Gold tnc. Asanko Gold Mine Ghana Lead Auditor for 2018 cyanide transport operations recertification audit for Golden Coach Limited Tanzania Lead Auditor 2418 for cyanide transport operations recertification Kenya audit for Freight Forwarders Kenya Lead Auditor for cyanide 201"8 transport operations recertification audit for Freight Forwarders Tanzania Tanzania Lead Auditor for gold mining operations cyanide re_ 2017 certification audit for Gold Fields Ghana Ltd, Damang Gold Ghana Mine. Lead Auditor for gold mining operations cyanide re- 2017 certification audit for Harmony Gold Mining, Central Gold South Africa Mine Lead Auditor for gold mining operations cyanide re_ 1n1 1 certification audit for Harmony Gold Mining, Doornkop Gold South Africa Plant Lead Auditor for gold mining operations cyanide re_ 2077 certification audit for Harmony Gold Mining, Kusasalethu South Africa Gold Mine Lead gold 2017 Auditsr fsr mining operations eyanide re- South certification audit for Harmony Gold Mining, No.1 plant Africa Lead Auditor for gold mining operations cyanide re_ 2Afi certification audit for Harmony Gold Mining Target Gold Souih Africa Mine Lead Auditor tul_o for cyanide code gap analysis for Newmont, Ahafo Gold Mine Ghana Lead Auditor gold 2At6 for mining operations cyanide re_ certification audit for Evander Gctd Mine South Africa Lead Auditor gold 2015 for mining operations cyanide re_ Mali certification audit for AngloGold Ashanti sadiola Gold Mine Lead Auditor for gold 2015 mining operations cyanide re_ Mali certification audit for AngloGold Ashanti yatela Gold Mine Lead Auditor for gold mining operations ryanide re_ ,o: Ghana certification audit for Goldfields Tarkwa Gold Mine Lead Auditor gold 2A14 for mining operations cyanide re- certification audit for Goldfieids Damang Goid Mine Ghena Lead Auditor for gold mining operations cyanide re_ 2414 certification audit for Goldfields South Deep Gold Mine, South Africa South Africa Lead Auditor 2414 for gap analysis of Freda Rebecca Gold Mine, Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe Lead Auditor for cyanide code 201.4 transportation re-certification Ghana audit of Vehrad Transport, Ghana. StR ConruEtug tArirEI propriet?r! Linlled ffiCrffishirg.cm Page 3 Project Reference: 7xx.xxxxx.xxxxx1406 1.00001 Fiie Rei. Norih Mara Aqditor Credentials 2020.doex SLRffi Lead Auditor for gold mininB operations cyanide code re- 2013 certification audit for AngloGold Ashanti Mponeng Gold South Africa Plant, South Africa Lead Auditor for gold mining operations cyanide code re- 2AL3 certification audit for AngloGold Ashanti Savuka Gold Plant, South Africa South Africa Lead Auditor for gold mining operations cyanide code re- rorl-ifirrtinn l rrlit fnr AnoinGnlri Achrnti \/r/oci Gnlrl Dlent ZULS ,vl rrrbivvv South Africa South Africa Lead Auditor for gold mining operations cyanide code re- 2013 certification audit for AngloGold Ashanti Noligwa Gold Plant, South Africa South Africa Lead Auditor for gold mining operations cyanide code re- 201,3 certification audit for AngloGold Ashanti Kopanang Gold South Africa Plant, South Africa Lead Auditor for cyanide production re-certification audit 2012 South Africa Sasol Polymers Cyanide Plant 1 and 2, South Africa Cyanide - related Operations Experience Each auditor must have at least 3 years; at least one auditor must have at least 7 years' experience. Relevant Position Auditor Yrs. Types of Operations Titles Since 1996 Ed Perry has been an environmental consultant auditing manufacturing, waste and mining Ed Perry 20+ Environmental Auditor facilities. He has been involved with environmental and health and safety auditing and permitting. Relevant Position Auditor Yrs. Types of Operations Titles lCMlCyanide Code Marie 2419 Recertification Audits: c-Ll^^Ll^, Barrick, North Mara Gold Mine, Tanzania JL!!!eLlttE! Technical Auditor Cyanide Code Gap l{armony Gold Mining Company, One Gold Mine, South 2419 Audit, Technical Africa Auditor Acacia Mining P!c., Bulyanhulu Gold Mine, Tanzanla lCMlCyanide Code Gold Fields, South Deep Gold Mine, South Africa 2018 Recertification Audits: Newmont, Ahafo Gold Mine, Ghana Technical Auditor Gold Fieicis, Tarkwa Goid Mine, Ghana Cyanide Cude Gap Harmony Gold Mining Company, JoelGold Mine, South 2018 Audit, Technical Afriea Auditor sri ctrEslrirE {AfiE} moFEt ry rimlted Page 4 Project Ref.3rence: 7xx.xxxxx.xxxxxL4051.0B001 i***t fii!. Fef Norih iliari ALr.Jirof Credeniiais 2020.docx SLR* Relevant Position Auditor Yrs. Types of Operations Titles Gold Fields, Tarkwa Gold Mine and Ahafo Gold Mine, Ghana Harmony Golci Mining Company, Target Gold Mine; Harmony Gold Mining Company, No.1. Gold Plant; tCMlCyanide Code Harmony Gold Mining Company, Kusasalethu Gold 2017 Recertification Audits: Mine; Technical Auditor Harmony Gold Mining Company, Doornkop Gold Mine; and Harmony Gold Mining Company, CentralGold Mine. Cyanide Code Gap 2016 Audit, Technicai Newmont, Ahafo Gold Mine, Ghana Auditor lCMl Cyanide Code 201,6 Recertification Audits: Evander Gold Mine, South Africa Technical Auditor il-tvilIrAnrt r-ydlr^.,^-:l^ ilue uuuet^s^ AngloGold AshantiSadiola Gold Mine, Mali 2015 Recertification Audits; AngloGold AshantiYatela Gold Mine, Mali Technical Auditor ICMI Cyanide Code 201.4 Recertification Audits: Goldfields South Deep Gold Mine, South Africa Technical Auditor AngloGold Ashanti Kopanang Gald Plant, South Africa lCMl Cyanide Code AngloGold Ashanti Noligwa Gold Plant, South Africa 2013 Reeertifieation Audits: AngloGold AshantiWest Ge[d Plant, South Afriea Technical Auditor AngloGold AshantiSavuka Gold Plant, South Africa AngloGold Ashanti Mponeng Gold Plant, South Africa Snr Environmental 2OLL. Marie has worked in the gold mining industry since Scientist present - 2000 and gained extensive experience in the Golder Associates management of the industry specific risks associated Snr Environmental with the processes and associate infrastructure on gold 2006 - Coordinator mines and specifically the cyanidation facilities and 2011 - AngloGolci Ashanti assoeiated asBeets. Siatement of No Confliet I certifythat I have not audited any component of this facility for which lwas responsible for design or development; nor have I within the past year been an employee of the facility, its parent company, or associated affiliates. Excluding audlts, I have not derived more than 3A% of my incorne within the past 5 years f;'om the facility, its parent, or associated affiliates. I have not participated in more than two consecutive Cyanide Code audits of this facility. I have participated in at least 3 health, safety, and/or environmental audits in the past 7 years and am familiar with standard audit procedures as well as +.,ith the protocols developed by the lnternational Cyanide Management lnstitute for implementation of the Code. sLR CoffiItlfig t^tiiE, PreF leta.t ttmited ffi.dronsulting.ccm Page 5 Project Rel:rence: Txx.xxxxx-xxxxxi4051.00001 i*\i Fiie E-.i. Ncrrh Mara Arrdirnr ereiieniiais 2a20.riocx 5LR* Signed Name lionltury Date Lead Auditor Ed Perry d 25 iulv 2020 SOUT'I.I AFit;CAi{ P*LICE SER' AUXITLABY .'t - , ':. 2020 -gl- Z"l ,t;. Ma&wr:c&; vr:rI F.d6sJ}ffitrs*1c{ ci a.&1*s BEREA KWAZIJ!-I.I.NATAL Slfl Constdtlcg (Af.i€l Profrietary Umited.
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