THE GLENGARRY NEWS ALEXANDRIA, ONT., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1931 yOL. XXXIX—ÎTo. 43. $2.00 A TEAR illiamstowii High School Name Special Days Dr. M. M. CoaDy, Anligonish, Glengarry Plowing Malch Fhe Dishop of Alexandria Doth Annual Conventiun Women’s Inslitule Aonoal Field Day For lolercessory Prayer Fa Lectara an Study Cluiis Atiracis Over P,000 Blesses New Dell S.S.A. Glengarry G Slormont Marlinlown, Enleiiains ^ ■ whliamstown High School held its At the Parochial Ma-ss Sunday, 18th October 27th, Parish Hall, Green- A more ideal spot .could not have (Cornwall Standard) Delegates from all portions of Glen- The monthly meeting of the Martin* annual field day on Friday last. The inst.^ the Faithful were admonished to field^ 7.30 p.m. been chosen for the agricultural fea- Solemn an/d impressive ceremonies garry and Stormont Counties were pre town Branch of the Women’s Insti- eoaditions were rather unsatisfactory piay earnestly for the temporal ne- October 29th, Parish Hall, St. An- ture of the 1931 season ' in Glengarry marked the blessing of a new bell at sent at the fiftieth annual convention tute w^s held at Mrs. Rattee’s home for this event as the weather was very cessities of. the diocese and the whole drew’s, 7.30 p.m. than the up--to-date, progressive and Church of the Precious Blood, Glen of the Sunday School Association of on Thursday afternoon, -with an at- * threatening, and although the showers country. Sunday next, 25th inst. and October 30th, Alexander Hall, Alex highly cultivated farm of Mr. Peter Walter^ about five miles east of hero. Glengarry and Stormont, held at Chal- tendance of thirty ,the president,, Mrs. held off, the grounds were quite wet Sunday, November 1st, are appointed andria, 7.30 p.m. McNeil, situated on the south bank of Inclement weather, while it necessi- mers United Church, Finch, recently. Barclay, being in the chair. The in- ud slippery. as special days of intercessory prayer. October 31st, Parish Hall, Apple the River aux Raisins, near Williams- tated the cancellation of a3 outdoor The attendance was above average at stitute ode was sung followed by the However,’(the competition was keen All the faithful were earnestly admon- Hill, 7.30 p.m. town, with modern buildings and ceremony, did not affect the atten- the three sessions, morning, afternoon roll call: What I first remember and in nea]?ly every event and three new ished to approach the Sacraments on November 1st, Lancaster, 3.00 p.m. equipment and with a large herd of dance, the church being filled to eapa and evening. Splendid addresses were when. Minutes of the previous meet- Teeords were made a^d another equall- those days. •November 1st, Parish Hall, St. Ra- registered^ and high grade Hols- city. heard and important questions were in- ing were read and approved. These ed. The feast of Christ-King on Oct. phael’s 7.30 p.m. teins this farm could hardly be. surpass- Church o| the Preciousi Blo,od, lo- troduced for discussion. were followed by thé treasurer’s re- The winner of the hoys ^ senior 25th and All Saint’ Day, Nov. 1st, November ’2nd, 'V^illiamstown^ 7.30 ed as a suitable site for the County cated at Flanagan’s Point, one of the Ree. W. H. Cramm, B.A., B.D., Ap-; port. Several communieatioùs ^ere plowing match. The field chosen by the championship was Alex, Gordon, with will be celebrated with the utmost p.m. most noted beauty spO'ts along the St. pie Hill, presided at all three ses- read and business transacted) A com- committee was absolutely level, free Harry Barrett second, Grahapi Thomp- solemnity in all parishes. November -3rd, Parish Hall, Glen Ne- Lawrence river, had not previously sions and conducted thè morning wor- mittee was appointed to investigate from stones and eminently suited for jon won ithe junior championship with A solemn procession of the Blessed vis, 7.30 p.m. been equipped with a bell. Some ship service. Rev. G. N. Maxwell, B eases of children not being able to at- such tests of skillr- A., B.* D., pastor of Chalmers United John McBain with one point less se- Sacrament will be held on those two On these dates and at the above time ago a fund was establUhed and a tend School through lack of clothing, Church ,extended a welcome to the cond, while Eileen McDonald proved Sundays at the evening service. Dur- mentioned places Doctor M. M. Coady Too much praise could not he given sufficient sum was raised to enable the and report so that clothing may be to Peter McNeil, himself, or to his delegates and visitors. The president "best in the girl’s events. ing the procession, on Oct 25th, the of St. Francis Xavier University, An- purchased of a splendid 00 pound bell, provided; also that handkerchiefs he gave a -short resume of the year’s SENIOE BOYS liitany of the Holy Name will be re- tigonish, N. S. will give lectures on justly popular family for the manner east at Troy, N.Y. ^epa are now given the pupils in the village school. in which all preliminary arrangements work from the standpoint of the exe- High Jump—Alex Gordon, Harry cited and during the procession on the University Extension Study Club being taken toward the erection of à Eleven grandmothers who had ac- Nov. Ist^ the Litany of the Saints. had been mad-e . and all even- steeple.' In the meantime, the bell has cutive. Barrett, George Croll (tied) Height Movement which has done so much for cepted invitations to attend this meet- ■ . —■■ " tualities provided for. Everything ing were then welcomed by Mrs. 8. W. 5 ft. 0 farming ^ in Antigonish County N.S. been mounted temporarily on a plat ,Fro-m the secretary’s report, given by was in readiness, even a sumptions Christie and Mrs. Wm. Munro respond- Dis.cua—H. Barrett; A* Gordon; An- While conditions here are not the same form near the church. The bell has Miss D.^Carlyle, Apple Hill, acting se- lunch supplied by Mrs.-McNeil and her ed. The program, which had been ar- drew Harkness. Dist. 90 ft. 9 in. as/in Nova Scotia, we feel sure that all an exceptionally clear tone, due to its cretary, the following data was ob- Prominent Hawkesbury staff of able assistants, served under 56 lb. Weight—Alex. Gordon, O. those interested in Agriculture would perfect east and the quality of metal tained^^j^umber of schools in the As-' ranged by^, Mrs. James Graham, was canvas, to the committee, the contest- then proceeded with, as follows: Croll, H. Barrett. Dist, 25 ft. 1 in. enjoy hearing a man who has a na- w'hich it contains. sociation, 35; teaciiers, 285; enrolment, ants and upwards of 150 visitors. Over Solo by Mrs. Barclay, Believe Me if 100 Yard Race—G. Croll, Leonard Cilizen Passes tional reputation by virtue of the -or- His Excellency, Rt. Rev. Felix Cou- 2,488; total giving for local and mis- 2000 persons were in attendance and sionary work, $4.072. ^rs. W. Munro, All these Endearing Young Charms, KeLachlan, A,' Gordon. At the home of his niece Miss Kil ganization of the Maritime Fisherman turier ,Bishop of Alexandria, officiat- a lineup of over 506 automobiles had Maxville, gave the .treasurer’s ‘ report and for an encore^ When You and I 220 Yard Race—A Gordon, G. CroK, born, Kingston, on Saturday 17th inst., accomplished by him. He is at present ed at theceremonies; Rev. A. L. Cam- carried enthusiastic agric^ulturalists and the departmental leaders gave were Young Maggie; piano recital, H Barrett. 26 seconds. the death took place of Mr. A. engaged in organizing farmers to study eron, M'Oose Creek, as deacon; Rev. D. from every part of the county. their reports. Auld Lang Syne, with variations, Miss Hop, Step Jump—A Gordon, H. Bar- McCrea for. many years a- resident of thèir problems themselves ^and has A. MaePhee^ St. Columban’s, Corn- Taking for his subject, “The Small Cresswell; reading, Mrs. Graham, The rett, G* Croll. 39 ft. 8 in. (Ree). Hawkesbury, but at one time of Alex- been invited to spend a week here in The McNeil horses, which have wall, sub deacon, and Rev. Charles A. Sunday School,” Dr. Langford, Tor-i Cow and the Bishop; solo, Mrs. Batteo, 880 Yard Race—Homer Pace, Doug- andria. Mr. McCrea was born at East- this County. As there is possible earned such a reputation, at home and Bishop Church of the Precious Blood, abroad, proved .quite^h item of inter- onto, used a chart to illustrate his Land O’ the Leal; Mrs. Munro then las Leitch. Time 2 min. 5 see. (Ree). on’s Corners, 64 years ago. He com- chance of political, religious, or racial assisting. The bell was formally nam address. His sub topics were “Corri- read a number of Funhigrams which Bhot Put—A. Gordon, H. Barrett, G. pleted his education at Toronto gra-- controversy, being raised in this mat- est, Mr. Mcî^il having specialized, to êd, “Pius Felix Charles.” The first culum, ” ‘ Leadership, ” “ Organization were enjoyed. Croll. Dist. 36 ft. ^ in. duating in the school of pharmacy. ter, those interested in agriculture as a marked degree, in the breeding oi name honors the present Pope Pius, and Administration,” and “Housing Mrsi P. H. McDermid was the old- Broad Jump—H. Barrett, G. Croll, A, For the past twenty years he conduct- such, are invited. For the lecture an general purpose horses, which have “Felix” is the First name of the pre- won distinction at the Faijrs when they Equipment.” This was followed by an est grandmother present and Mrs.
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